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@ -0,0 +1,6848 @@
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<title>Timeline of Web Browsers</title>
This timeline displays the releases of major versions of web browsers.
It includes version numbers for milestones reached by each browser, and displays the points at which a browser started from another. Source data comes from browser websites, wikipedia articles, archive.org and some other websites.
First version created on June 12, 2007 by ADeveria for Wikipedia.
Recent changelog available in source. For older versions, see:
- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/7/74/20150104154324%21Timeline_of_web_browsers.svg
- https://github.com/Ugoku/browser-timeline/blob/master/CHANGELOG
- Add browsers:
more browsers of the beginning of the web (mostly mosaic based? -> Erwise, AirMosaic.)
Opera Coast
more Lunascape versions: https://lunascapeblog.wordpress.com/category/lunascape/page/8/
- Update:
IE for Unix, exact release dates unknown
More MidasWWW versions
Rename RockMelt betas to version numbers?
V 12.5 (4th June 2015 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added Lunascape, MyIE fork from Internet Explorer, GreenBrowser and Maxthon, second WebKit/Blink tree for web browsers with double and triple layout engines
- Moved lines to reorganize space
V 12.6 (6th June 2015 - by Spinal83)
- Add Microsoft Edge (formerly known as Project Spartan), SeaMonkey 2.33, Firefox 37-38, Web 3.16, iCab Mobile 8.8, Chrome 42-43, Opera 28-29 (+Mobile), Opera Mini 10, NetSurf 3.3
- Moved Vivaldi to be next to Opera
V 12.7 (13th June 2015 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added Ghostzilla, IBM Lotus Symphony, Kazehakase, Midori, QupZilla, Sleipnir, xxxterm / xombrero, Gzilla / Armadillo 0.3.10, Amaya 11.4, Links 2.9
- Soft end Amaya, Armadillo, rekonq (no releases for over an year)
- Moved lines to reorganize space
V 12.8 (13th July 2015 - by Spinal83)
- Added K-Meleon 75, Firefox 39, Web 3.17, iCab Mobile 8.9, Opera 30 (+Mobile), Dillo 3.0.5
- Small fixes
V 12.9 (30th July 2015 - by Spinal83)
- Added Microsoft Edge, Chrome 44, Links 2.10
V 13.0 (27th August 2015 - by Spinal83)
- Fixed Edge version
- Added several Lunascape versions, several Midori versions, Firefox 40
V 13.1 (20th September 2015 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added Chrome 45, Contiki 3, Links 2.11, Midori 0.5.11, Opera 31/32, SeaMonkey 2.35
- Fixed Edge as conversion from IE Mobile in multi-platform (during this period, IE and Edge are distinct)
V 13.2 (14th October 2015 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added Chrome 46, Firefox 41, K-Meleon 75.1, Links 2.12, Lunascape 6.11, Opera Mobile 32, SeaMonkey 2.38, Web 3.18
- Fixed Camino link
V 13.3 (26th October 2015 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added Cyberdog, Dooble
V 13.4 (24th November 2015 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added Dooble 1.55, Edge 23/25, Firefox 42, iCab 5.6, iCab Mobile 8.10/8.11/9, Opera 33, Opera Mobile 33, SeaMonkey 2.39, xombrero 1.6.4
- Soft end Classilla, Konqueror (no releases for over a year)
V 13.5 (13th January 2016 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added 2016 column
- Added Avant Browser 16, Chrome 47, Firefox 43, Lunascape 6.12, Opera 34, Opera Mini 11/12/13, Opera Mobile 34, Vivaldi Beta1
V 13.7 (2nd June 2016 - by Spinal83)
- Added GreenBrowser 6.9, Maxthon 4.9, Lunascape 6.13, SeaMonkey 2.40, Firefox 44-46, Web 3.19-3.21, QupZilla 2, Safari 9.1, iCab Mobile 9.1-9.4, Chrome 48-51, dooble 1.56, Vivaldi, Opera 35-37, NetSurf 3.4-3.5
V 13.8 (7th September 2016 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added Arora/Zeromus/BlueLightCat
- Added Chrome 52-53, Edge 27-28-31-34-37-38, Firefox 47-48, iCab 5.7, Links 2.13, Lunascape 6.14, Opera 38, Opera Mini 14-15-16-17-18, Sleipnir 6.2, SlimBrowser 8, Vivaldi 1.2-1.3
- Soft end Contiki, Dillo, Midori, xombrero (no releases for over a year)
V 13.9 (16th October 2016 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added Deepnet Explorer, Iris Browser, MenuBox, Otter Browser, Steel, surf, Uzbl
- Added Chrome 54, Firefox 49, Opera 39-40, Opera Mini 19, Opera Mobile 37.1-37.2, Safari 10, Vivaldi 1.4, Web 3.22
- Soft end K-Meleon (no releases for over a year)
V 14.0 (6th January 2017 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added 2017 column
- Added blink-based Opera line
- Added Chrome 55-56, Firefox 50-50.1, Links 2.14, Lunascape 6.15, Maxthon 5, NetSurf 3.6, Opera (blink-based) 41-42, Opera (Presto-based) 12.16-12.17-12.18, Opera Mini 20-21, Opera Mobile 41.1-41.2, Otter Browser Beta 12, SeaMonkey 2.46, Vivaldi 1.5-1.6
- Soft end surf (no releases for over a year)
- Moved lines to reorganize space
V 14.1 (19th April 2017 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added Avant Browser 17, Chrome 57, Edge 40, Firefox 51-52, iCab 5.8, iCab Mobile 9.5-9.6-9.7-9.8, Opera 43-44, Opera Mini 22-23-24, Opera Mobile 42-42.4-42.7, QupZilla 2.1, Safari 10.1, surf 2, Vivaldi 1.7-1.8, Web 3.24
- Soft end Opera (Presto-based) (no releases for over a year)
V 14.2 (19th April 2017 - by CortoFrancese)
- Added 2018 column
- Added Falkon line
- Added Avant Browser 18, Chrome 57-58-59-60-61-62-63-64-65-66, Dooble 2, Edge 41, Firefox 53-54-55-56-57-58-59, Konqueror 5, Links 2.15, Maxthon 5.1-5-2, NetSurf 3.7, Opera 45-46-47-48-49-50-51-52, Opera Mini 25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33, Opera Mobile 42.8-42.9-43-44-45, Otter Browser RC1-2-3-4-5-6-7, Safari 11-11.1 SeaMonkey 2.49, Vivaldi 1.9-1.10-1.11-1.12-1.13-1.14-1.15, Web 3.26-3.28
- Soft end Greenbrowser, iCab, iCab Mobile, Konqueror, MenuBox, surf, Uzbl (no releases for over a year)
Tips for adding version markers:
The "x" value of a new version marker can be gotten as followed:
(year label "x" value) + ((month number) x 10 ) - 5
For example, March 2015:
2640 + (3 * 10) - 5
= 2665
Tips for adding branches:
- It's easiest to copy a branch (starting with <g id="name of the browser"> and ending with </g>) and pasting it
- Add the branch that needs to be added to the document, almost at the bottom of this file (mosaictree, webkittree, content) and update it's Y-position
- Edit the dates and releases like normal.
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text {
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text-align: center;
color: black;
line {
circle {
fill: white;
#yearlabels text {
font-size: 20px;
text-anchor: middle;
.browser, .engine {
font-size: 12px;
font-family: sans-serif;
.engine {
text-anchor: end;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
.version {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
text-anchor: middle;
.subversion {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 8px;
color: black;
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<rect id="longver" width="30" height="20" rx="10" transform="translate(-15, -10)" stroke-width="2" fill="white"/>
<g id="yearlabels">
<text x="-360">1990</text>
<text x="-240">1991</text>
<text x="-120">1992</text>
<text x="0">1993</text>
<text x="120">1994</text>
<text x="240">1995</text>
<text x="360">1996</text>
<text x="480">1997</text>
<text x="600">1998</text>
<text x="720">1999</text>
<text x="840">2000</text>
<text x="960">2001</text>
<text x="1080">2002</text>
<text x="1200">2003</text>
<text x="1320">2004</text>
<text x="1440">2005</text>
<text x="1560">2006</text>
<text x="1680">2007</text>
<text x="1800">2008</text>
<text x="1920">2009</text>
<text x="2040">2010</text>
<text x="2160">2011</text>
<text x="2280">2012</text>
<text x="2400">2013</text>
<text x="2520">2014</text>
<text x="2640">2015</text>
<text x="2760">2016</text>
<text x="2880">2017</text>
<text x="3000">2018</text>
<g id="www">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WorldWideWeb">
<text x="-290" y="-15" class="browser">WorldWideWeb / Nexus</text>
<!--Development started mid 1990 says the article.-->
<!--Sources for dates if not other commented: http://www.w3.org/History/1991-WWW-NeXT/Implementation/Features.html -->
<line stroke="#888" x1="-285" x2="125"/>
<!--mid 1990 (July or June) Version 0.1 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-285" r="10"/>
<text x="-285" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!--30 Jan 91 Version 0.4 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-235" r="10"/>
<text x="-235" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<!--1 Feb 91 Version 0.5
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-225" r="10"/>
<text x="-225" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>-->
<!--19 March 91 Version 0.7-->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-215" r="10"/>
<text x="-215" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!--26 March 91 version 0.8
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-215" r="10"/>
<text x="-215" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text> -->
<!--3 April 91 version 0.9
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-205" r="10"/>
<text x="-205" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>-->
<!--4 April 91 version 0.10
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-205" r="10"/>
<text x="-205" y="3" class="subversion">0.10</text>-->
<!--15 May 91 version 0.11; changelog has listed the wrong month -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-195" r="10"/>
<text x="-195" y="3" class="subversion">0.11</text>
<!--19 Aug 91 version 0.12-->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-165" r="10"/>
<text x="-165" y="3" class="subversion">0.12</text>
<!--22 Nov 1992 version 0.14; Source: http://www.w3.org/History/19921103-hypertext/hypertext/WWW/NeXT/Status.html-->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="-15" r="10"/>
<text x="-15" y="3" class="subversion">0.14</text>
<!--0.18 14 Jan 1994-->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="125" r="10"/>
<text x="125" y="3" class="subversion">0.18</text>
<g id="LMB">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_Mode_Browser">
<text x="-245" y="-15" class="browser">Line Mode Browser (libwww)</text>
<!--Line Mode Browser and WorldWideWeb based on each other (later)-->
<path stroke="#89B" stroke-width="3px" d="M-255,-10 -255,-793" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<path stroke="#89B" stroke-width="3px" d="M-255,-10 -255,-7" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<!--Development started in November 1990 http://www.w3.org/History.html-->
<line stroke="#89B" x1="-255" x2="1675"/>
<!--If not other commented: sources: http://www.w3.org/LineMode/User/Features.html-->
<!--21 May 91: version 0.7-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="-195" r="10"/>
<text x="-195" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!--24 May 1991: version 0.8
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="-195" r="10"/>
<text x="-195" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>-->
<!--15 Nov 1991: version 0.11-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="-135" r="10"/>
<text x="-135" y="3" class="subversion">0.11</text>
<!--Jan 1992: version 1.1-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="-115" r="10"/>
<text x="-115" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!--12 Feb 1992: version 1.2-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="-105" r="10"/>
<text x="-105" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!--16 Oct 1992: version 1.3a-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="-25" r="10"/>
<text x="-25" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!--11 Dec 1992: version 1.4-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="-5" r="10"/>
<text x="-5" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- libwww takes HTNews.c code from Lynx -->
<path stroke="#89B" stroke-width="3px" d="M145,250 145,15" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<!--Nov 1993: version 2.14-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="105" r="10"/>
<text x="105" y="3" class="subversion">2.14</text>
<!--Mar 1994: version 2.15-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="145" r="10"/>
<text x="145" y="3" class="subversion">2.15</text>
<!--21 Mar 1995: version 3.0-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="265" r="10"/>
<text x="265" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!--14 Nov 1995: version 3.1; moved 5 px left!-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="340" r="10"/>
<text x="340" y="3" class="subversion">3.1</text>
<!--libwww release dates: http://www.w3.org/Library/User/History.html -->
<!--1 Dec 1995: libwww 4.0 -->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="355" r="10"/>
<text x="355" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!--10 Sep 1996: libwww 5.0-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="445" r="10"/>
<text x="445" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!--18 Feb 1997: libwww 5.1-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="495" r="10"/>
<text x="495" y="3" class="subversion">5.1</text>
<!--1 Nov 1998: libwww 5.2-->
<circle stroke="#89B" cx="705" r="10"/>
<text x="705" y="3" class="subversion">5.2</text>
<!--14 Apr 1999: libwww 5.2.8-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="755" stroke="#89B"/>
<text x="755" y="3" class="subversion">5.2.8</text>
<!--4 Aug 2000: libwww 5.3.1-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="875" stroke="#89B"/>
<text x="875" y="3" class="subversion">5.3.1</text>
<!--20 Dec 2000: libwww 5.3.2-->
<!--Source: http://www.w3.org/Library/ -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="955" stroke="#89B"/>
<text x="955" y="3" class="subversion">5.3.2</text>
<!--June 7, 2002: libwww 5.4.0-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="1185" stroke="#89B"/>
<text x="1185" y="3" class="subversion">5.4.0</text>
<!--4 Dec 2006: libwww 5.4.1-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="1675" stroke="#89B"/>
<text x="1675" y="3" class="subversion">5.4.1</text>
<g id="MacWWW">
<!--Line Mode Browser and MacWWW based on/influenced each other-->
<path stroke="#8FF" stroke-width="3px" d="M-10,-25 -10,-40" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<path stroke="#8FF" stroke-width="3px" d="M-10,-25 -10,-7" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacWWW">
<text x="5" y="-15" class="browser">MacWWW</text>
<line stroke="#8FF" x1="-10" x2="35"/>
<!--12 May 1993 version 1: source http://hoary.org/browse/-->
<circle stroke="#8FF" cx="45" r="10"/>
<text x="45" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!--DATE? 91 version 1.03
<circle stroke="#8FF" cx="-30" r="10"/>
<text x="-35" y="3" class="subversion">1.03</text>-->
<g id="violawww">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ViolaWWW">
<text x="-135" y="-15" class="browser">ViolaWWW</text>
<!-- Development started: December 1991 -->
<!-- Source: Wikipedia page -->
<line stroke="black" x1="-135" x2="135"/>
<!-- V. 1(?): May, 1992 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.livinginternet.com/w/wi_browse.htm -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="-75" r="10"/>
<text x="-75" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V3.0 (beta) Feb 1994 -->
<!-- Source: http://1997.webhistory.org/www.lists/www-talk.1994q1/0722.html -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="135" r="10"/>
<text x="135" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<g id="cello">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cello_(web_browser)">
<text x="70" y="-10" class="browser">Cello</text>
<!-- Source: Cello article on Wikipedia -->
<line stroke="maroon" x1="55" x2="205"/>
<line stroke="maroon" x1="205" x2="205" y1="-10" y2="10"/>
<!-- V. 0.1: June 9, 1993 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="55" r="10"/>
<text x="55" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.01a: March 17, 1994 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="145" r="10"/>
<text x="145" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<g id="midaswww">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MidasWWW">
<text x="0" y="-10" class="browser">MidasWWW</text>
<line stroke="orange" x1="-15" x2="120"/>
<!-- First release, 1.0: November 16, 1992 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.w3.org/History/19921103-hypertext/hypertext/WWW/MidasWWW/Announce1.html -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="-15" r="10"/>
<text x="-15" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- Source for 2.1 is dated Sep 23, 1994 -->
<!-- Source: http://computer-refuge.org/classiccmp/aixpdslib/pub/midaswww/RISC/3.2/src/ -->
<!-- Other releases unknown, 2.2 is last version, released before March 22, 1995 -->
<g id="UdiWWW">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UdiWWW">
<text x="280" y="-15" class="browser">UdiWWW</text>
<!-- Source: UdiWWW article on Wikipedia -->
<line stroke="darkgoldenrod" x1="270" x2="395"/>
<!-- V. 1.0.005: August 7, 1995 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="315" r="10"/>
<text x="315" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2.000: April 9, 1996-->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="395" r="10"/>
<text x="395" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<g id="Arena">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arena_(web_browser)">
<text x="120" y="-10" class="browser">Arena</text>
<!-- Source: Arena article on Wikipedia -->
<!-- Since Arena has no real gamma release, all are subversions; important versions with notes -->
<line stroke="red" x1="120" x2="705"/>
<!-- V. 0.92: November 9, 1994 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="315" r="10"/>
<text x="315" y="3" class="subversion">0.92</text>
<!-- V. beta-1: November 27, 1995-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="345" stroke="red"/>
<text x="345" y="3" class="subversion">beta-1</text>
<!-- V. beta-2: February 28, 1996-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="375" stroke="red"/>
<text x="375" y="3" class="subversion">beta-2</text>
<!-- V. beta-3: August 14, 1996-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="435" stroke="red"/>
<text x="435" y="3" class="subversion">beta-3</text>
<!-- V. 0.3.18: April 7, 1997 new feature: bookmarks-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="515" stroke="red"/>
<text x="515" y="3" class="subversion">0.3.18</text>
<!-- V. 0.3.39: September 9, 1997 new feature: java applets-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="565" stroke="red"/>
<text x="565" y="3" class="subversion">0.3.39</text>
<!-- V. 0.3.62: November 25, 1998-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="705" stroke="red"/>
<text x="705" y="3" class="subversion">0.3.62</text>
<g id="lynx">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynx_(web_browser)">
<text x="-45" y="-12" class="browser">Lynx</text>
<!-- Beta available in July 1992 -->
<line stroke="gold" x1="-55" y1="-250" x2="-55"/>
<!-- Still in development as of April 2016 -->
<line stroke="gold" x1="-55" x2="2795"/>
<!-- V. 2.0 Final: March, 1993 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.livinginternet.com/w/wi_browse.htm -->
<circle stroke="gold" cx="25" r="10"/>
<text x="25" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- Source: http://1997.webhistory.org/www.lists/www-talk.1994q2/0580.html -->
<!-- Lynx 2.3 released: 17 May 1994 -->
<circle stroke="gold" cx="165" r="10"/>
<text x="165" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- Source: http://www.subir.com/lynx/old-release.html -->
<!-- Lynx 2.6 released: September 2, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="gold" cx="445" r="10"/>
<text x="445" y="3" class="subversion">2.6</text>
<!-- Source: http://www.subir.com/lynx/old-release.html -->
<!-- Lynx 2.7 released: February 15, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="gold" cx="495" r="10"/>
<text x="495" y="3" class="subversion">2.7</text>
<!-- Source: http://leb.net/pub/blinux/lynx/index.html -->
<!-- Lynx 2.8.0 was released on March 10, 1998 -->
<circle stroke="gold" cx="625" r="10"/>
<text x="625" y="3" class="subversion">2.8</text>
<!-- Source: http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/lynx.isc.org/lynx-2.8.2/ -->
<!-- V2.8.2: June 1, 1999 -->
<use x="775" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="775" y="3" class="subversion">2.8.2</text>
<!-- Sources: http://lynx.isc.org/lynx-2.8.3/index.html -->
<!-- V2.8.3: April 23, 2000 -->
<use x="875" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="875" y="3" class="subversion">2.8.3</text>
<!-- Sources: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://lynx.isc.org/ -->
<!-- V2.8.4: July 17, 2001 -->
<use x="1025" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1025" y="3" class="subversion">2.8.4</text>
<!-- V2.8.5: February 4, 2004 -->
<use x="1335" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1335" y="3" class="subversion">2.8.5</text>
<!-- V2.8.6 October 11, 2006 -->
<use x="1655" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1655" y="3" class="subversion">2.8.6</text>
<!-- V2.8.7 July 5, 2009 -->
<use x="1985" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1985" y="3" class="subversion">2.8.7</text>
<!-- V2.8.8 February 14, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://lynx.isc.org/lynx2.8.8/CHANGES -->
<use x="2535" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2535" y="3" class="subversion">2.8.8</text>
<g id="hotjava">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HotJava">
<text x="205" y="-15" class="browser">WebRunner / HotJava</text>
<!-- Started September 16, 1994 -->
<!-- Source: http://tqnyc.com/NYC030283/history/outline%20of%20java%20history.doc -->
<line stroke="purple" x1="205" x2="775"/>
<!-- V 1.0 April, 1997 -->
<!-- Source: http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20060928221701/http://home.blarg.net/~jozart/main/article/index.html -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="515" r="10"/>
<text x="515" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V 2.0 does not exist -->
<!-- V 3.0 May, 1999 -->
<!-- Source: http://home.blarg.net/~jozart/main/article/index.html -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="765" r="10"/>
<text x="765" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<g id="contiki">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contiki">
<text x="1175" y="-10" class="browser">Contiki</text>
<!-- Started fall 2002 -->
<!-- Sources:
<line stroke="purple" x1="1175" x2="2835"/>
<!-- V 1.0 March 10, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1225" r="10"/>
<text x="1225" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V 1.1 September, 2003 -->
<!-- Source: http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=51828 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1285" r="10"/>
<text x="1285" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V 1.2 September, 2004? -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1505" r="10"/>
<text x="1505" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V 1.3 July, 2006 -->
<!-- Source: http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Comp/comp.sys.apple2/2006-07/msg00270.html -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1625" r="10"/>
<text x="1625" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V 2.0 April 2, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1715" r="10"/>
<text x="1715" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V 2.2 July 12, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1865" r="10"/>
<text x="1865" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V 2.3 June 27, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1975" r="10"/>
<text x="1975" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- V 2.4 February 16, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2055" r="10"/>
<text x="2055" y="3" class="subversion">2.4</text>
<!-- V 2.5: September 8, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.contiki-os.org/2011/09/contiki-25-released.html -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2245" r="10"/>
<text x="2245" y="3" class="subversion">2.5</text>
<!-- V 2.6: July 17, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.contiki-os.org/download.html#26 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2345" r="10"/>
<text x="2345" y="3" class="subversion">2.6</text>
<!-- V 2.7: November 15, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.contiki-os.org/download.html -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2505" r="10"/>
<text x="2505" y="3" class="subversion">2.7</text>
<!-- V 3.0: August 25, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.contiki-os.org/download.html -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2715" r="10"/>
<text x="2715" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- Releases: https://github.com/contiki-os/contiki -->
<g id="links">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Links_(web_browser)">
<text x="835" y="-15" class="browser">Links</text>
<line stroke="black" x1="825" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 0.8 Nov 24, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="825" r="10"/>
<text x="825" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>
<!-- V. 0.9 June 27, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="895" r="10"/>
<text x="895" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- Version 1.0 was alpha/beta only -->
<!-- V. 2.0 June 10, 2002 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="1135" r="10"/>
<text x="1135" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1 July, 2008 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="1865" r="10"/>
<text x="1865" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V. 2.2 August 01, 2008 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="1875" r="10"/>
<text x="1875" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V. 2.3 August 14, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2235" r="10"/>
<text x="2235" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- V. 2.4 November 24, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="3" class="subversion">2.4</text>
<!-- V. 2.5 December 24, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">2.5</text>
<!-- V. 2.6 April 7, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2315" r="10"/>
<text x="2315" y="3" class="subversion">2.6</text>
<!-- V. 2.7: June 23, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="3" class="subversion">2.7</text>
<!-- V. 2.8: September 22, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2485" r="10"/>
<text x="2485" y="3" class="subversion">2.8</text>
<!-- V. 2.9: December 24, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2635" r="10"/>
<text x="2635" y="3" class="subversion">2.9</text>
<!-- V. 2.10-2.11: July 3, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2705" stroke="black"/>
<text x="2705" y="3" class="subversion">2.11</text>
<!-- V. 2.12: September 20, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2725" stroke="black"/>
<text x="2725" y="3" class="subversion">2.12</text>
<!-- V. 2.13: July 1, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2825" stroke="black"/>
<text x="2825" y="3" class="subversion">2.13</text>
<!-- V. 2.14: November 26, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2865" stroke="black"/>
<text x="2865" y="3" class="subversion">2.14</text>
<!-- V. 2.15: January 18, 2018 -->
<!-- Source: http://links.twibright.com/download/ChangeLog -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="3005" stroke="black"/>
<text x="3005" y="3" class="subversion">2.15</text>
<g id="elinks">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELinks">
<text x="1065" y="-15" class="browser">ELinks</text>
<!-- First release: Oct 06, 2001 -->
<!-- V 0.12pre6: October 30, 2010. End it there -->
<line stroke="#444" x1="1055" x2="2135"/>
<!-- Fork from Links -->
<line stroke="#444" x1="1055" y1="-50" x2="1055"/>
<!-- V. 0.3 March 02, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="#444" cx="1105" r="10"/>
<text x="1105" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text>
<!-- V. 0.4 December 24, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="#444" cx="1195" r="10"/>
<text x="1195" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<!-- V. 0.9 December 24, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#444" cx="1315" r="10"/>
<text x="1315" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- V. 0.10 December 24, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#444" cx="1435" r="10"/>
<text x="1435" y="3" class="subversion">0.10</text>
<!-- V. 0.11 January 1, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#444" cx="1560" r="10"/>
<text x="1560" y="3" class="subversion">0.11</text>
<g id="w3m">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/w3m">
<text x="250" y="-12" class="browser">w3m</text>
<!-- First release: Early 1995 -->
<!-- Source: http://w3m.sourceforge.net/STORY -->
<!-- No releases since January 15, 2011 -->
<line stroke="black" x1="250" x2="2165"/>
<!-- V. 0.2 March 22, 2001 -->
<!-- Source: http://www4.ocn.ne.jp/~okabek/eng/w3m.html -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="985" r="10"/>
<text x="985" y="3" class="subversion">0.2</text>
<!-- V. 0.3 March 5, 2002 -->
<!-- Source: http://sourceforge.net/news/?group_id=39518 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="1105" r="10"/>
<text x="1105" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text>
<!-- V. 0.4 Feb 23, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="1215" r="10"/>
<text x="1215" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<!-- V. 0.5 March 22, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="1315" r="10"/>
<text x="1315" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.2 May 31, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="1725" r="10"/>
<text x="1725" y="3" class="subversion">.5.2</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.3 January 15, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/w3m/files/w3m/w3m-0.5.3/ -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2165" r="10"/>
<text x="2165" y="3" class="subversion">.5.3</text>
<g id="slipknot">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SlipKnot_(web_browser)">
<text x="230" y="-15" class="browser">SlipKnot</text>
<!-- Source: Wikipedia article on "SlipKnot (web browser)" -->
<line stroke="#444" x1="225" x2="525"/>
<!-- First release: November 1994 -->
<circle stroke="#444" cx="225" r="10"/>
<text x="225" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.4: December 19, 1995 -->
<!-- Source: http://scout.wisc.edu/Projects/PastProjects/NH/95-12/95-12-19/0057.html -->
<circle stroke="#444" cx="355" r="10"/>
<text x="355" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- V. 1.5: May 5, 1997? -->
<!-- Source: http://replay.waybackmachine.org/19981202011837/http://www.users.interport.net/~pbrooks/slipknot.html -->
<circle stroke="#444" cx="525" r="10"/>
<text x="525" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<g id="amaya">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaya_(web_editor)">
<text x="365" y="-12" class="browser">Tamaya / Amaya</text>
<!-- Started: Early 1996 -->
<!-- Source: http://opera.inrialpes.fr/Thot/AboutThot.html -->
<!-- Other source: http://www.w3.org/Amaya/User/New.html -->
<!-- No releases since December 9, 2009 -->
<line stroke="darkgoldenrod" x1="375" x2="2405"/>
<!-- V0.9 November 14, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="465" r="10"/>
<text x="465" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- V1.0 April 3, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="515" r="10"/>
<text x="515" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V1.1 July 10, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="545" r="10"/>
<text x="545" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V1.2 February 4, 1998 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="615" r="10"/>
<text x="615" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V1.3 July 10, 1998 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="665" r="10"/>
<text x="665" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V1.4 January 12, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="725" r="10"/>
<text x="725" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- V2.0 May 3, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="765" r="10"/>
<text x="765" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V2.1 June 24, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="775" r="10"/>
<text x="775" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V2.2 October 26, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="815" r="10"/>
<text x="815" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V2.3 December 16, 1999 -->
<!-- V2.4 December 17, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="835" r="10"/>
<text x="835" y="3" class="subversion">2.4</text>
<!-- V3.0 March 31, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="865" r="10"/>
<text x="865" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V3.1 April 19, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="875" r="10"/>
<text x="875" y="3" class="subversion">3.1</text>
<!-- V3.2 July 4, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="905" r="10"/>
<text x="905" y="3" class="subversion">3.2</text>
<!-- V4.0 November 10, 2000 -->
<!-- V4.1 November 23, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="945" r="10"/>
<text x="945" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V4.2 December 21, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="955" r="10"/>
<text x="955" y="3" class="subversion">4.2</text>
<!-- V4.3 February 28, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="975" r="10"/>
<text x="975" y="3" class="subversion">4.3</text>
<!-- V5.0 July 4, 2001 -->
<!-- V5.1 July 11, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1025" r="10"/>
<text x="1025" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V5.2 October 29, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1055" r="10"/>
<text x="1055" y="3" class="subversion">5.2</text>
<!-- V5.3 December 18, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1075" r="10"/>
<text x="1075" y="3" class="subversion">5.3</text>
<!-- V6.0 April 23, 2002 -->
<!-- V6.1 April 29, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1115" r="10"/>
<text x="1115" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V6.2 July 8, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1145" r="10"/>
<text x="1145" y="3" class="subversion">6.2</text>
<!-- V6.3 September 9, 2002 -->
<!-- V6.4 September 16, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1165" r="10"/>
<text x="1165" y="3" class="subversion">6.4</text>
<!-- V7.0 December 3, 2002 -->
<!-- V7.1 December 12, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1195" r="10"/>
<text x="1195" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V7.2 February 3, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1215" r="10"/>
<text x="1215" y="3" class="subversion">7.2</text>
<!-- V8.0 April 23, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1235" r="10"/>
<text x="1235" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V8.1 July 8, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1265" r="10"/>
<text x="1265" y="3" class="subversion">8.1</text>
<!-- V8.2 November 13, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1305" r="10"/>
<text x="1305" y="3" class="subversion">8.2</text>
<!-- V8.3 March 5, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1345" r="10"/>
<text x="1345" y="3" class="subversion">8.3</text>
<!-- V8.4 April 14, 2004 -->
<!-- V8.5 April 27, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1355" r="10"/>
<text x="1355" y="3" class="subversion">8.5</text>
<!-- V8.6 July 9, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1385" r="10"/>
<text x="1385" y="3" class="subversion">8.6</text>
<!-- V8.7 October 21, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1415" r="10"/>
<text x="1415" y="3" class="subversion">8.7</text>
<!-- V9.0 January 6, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1445" r="10"/>
<text x="1445" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V9.1 February 25, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1455" r="10"/>
<text x="1455" y="3" class="subversion">9.1</text>
<!-- V9.2.1 July 12, 2005 -->
<!-- V8.8.1 July 12, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1505" r="10"/>
<text x="1505" y="3" class="subversion">9.2</text>
<!-- V9.3 December 9, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1555" r="10"/>
<text x="1555" y="3" class="subversion">9.3</text>
<!-- V9.4 February 10, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1575" r="10"/>
<text x="1575" y="3" class="subversion">9.4</text>
<!-- V9.5 April 12, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1595" r="10"/>
<text x="1595" y="3" class="subversion">9.5</text>
<!-- V10 February 26, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1815" r="10"/>
<text x="1815" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V11 December 16, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1915" r="10"/>
<text x="1915" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<!-- V 11.1 January 30, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1925" r="10"/>
<text x="1925" y="3" class="subversion">11.1</text>
<!-- V 11.2 July 3, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="1985" r="10"/>
<text x="1985" y="3" class="subversion">11.2</text>
<!-- V 11.3 December 2, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="2035" r="10"/>
<text x="2035" y="3" class="subversion">11.3</text>
<!-- V. 11.4.4: January 18, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="darkgoldenrod" cx="2285" r="10"/>
<text x="2285" y="3" class="subversion">11.4</text>
<g id="netcaptor">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetCaptor">
<text x="610" y="-15" class="browser">SimulBrowse</text>
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetCaptor">
<text x="760" y="-15" class="browser">NetCaptor</text>
<line stroke="black" x1="605" x2="1455"/>
<!-- Released January 1998 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.livinginternet.com/w/wa_browser_mult.htm -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="605" r="10"/>
<text x="605" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- Released April 1999 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.prweb.com/releases/1999/5/prweb7988.htm -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="755" r="10"/>
<text x="755" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- Released April 6, 2000 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20000622040622/www.netcaptor.com/article.php?id=63 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="875" r="10"/>
<text x="875" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- Released May 21, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="1125" r="10"/>
<text x="1125" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- Released December, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="1315" r="10"/>
<text x="1315" y="3" class="subversion">7.5</text>
<!-- Last version: 7.5.4, released February 18, 2005 -->
<line stroke="black" x1="1455" x2="1455" y1="-10" y2="10"/>
<g id="aweb">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AWeb">
<text x="395" y="-12" class="browser">AWeb</text>
<line stroke="red" x1="385" x2="1745"/>
<!-- 1.0 Released March 26, 1996 -->
<!-- Source: http://db0sif.darc.de/cgi-bin/dpcmd?R%20AMIGA%20573 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="385" r="10"/>
<text x="385" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- 2.1 released November 1996 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/19970327154624/www.amitrix.com/aweb-update.html -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="465" r="10"/>
<text x="465" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V3.0 July 22, 1997 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/19971211073836/www.amitrix.com/pr970722.html -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="545" r="10"/>
<text x="545" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V3.4 22 January 2001 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.amitrix.com/aweb.html-->
<circle stroke="red" cx="965" r="10"/>
<text x="965" y="3" class="subversion">3.4</text>
<!-- V3.5b June 21 2004 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20050212093946/http://aweb.sunsite.dk/-->
<use x="1375" stroke="red" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1375" y="3" class="subversion">3.5b</text>
<g id="cyberdog">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberdog">
<text x="375" y="-15" class="browser">Cyberdog</text>
<line stroke="orange" x1="375" x2="515"/>
<!-- V 1.0: May 13, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="405" r="10"/>
<text x="405" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V 1.2: May 13, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="475" r="10"/>
<text x="475" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V 2.0: April 28, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="515" r="10"/>
<text x="515" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<g id="amosaic">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMosaic">
<text x="105" y="-15" class="browser">AMosaic</text>
<!-- Started: October, 1993 -->
<line stroke="#D0BF64" x1="95" x2="1680"/>
<!-- No updates since December 2006 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.obh.snafu.de/~solon/docs/StatusOld.html -->
<!-- Source: http://www.mfischer.com/legacy/amosaic/Status.html -->
<!-- Source: http://www.mfischer.com/legacy/amosaic/StatusOld.html -->
<!-- Based on NCSA Mosaic -->
<line stroke="#D0BF64" x1="95" y1="-300" x2="95"/>
<!-- V 1.0: 25 December 1993 -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="115" r="10"/>
<text x="115" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V 1.1: 13th January 1994 (moved release to feb) -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="135" r="10"/>
<text x="135" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V 1.2: 18th June 1994 -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="175" r="10"/>
<text x="175" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- Changed to IBrowse: July 1996 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.sasg.com/mui/news.html -->
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBrowse">
<text x="435" y="-12" class="browser">IBrowse</text>
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="425" r="10"/>
<text x="425" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: 1st March 1997-->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/19970615134409/http://www.omnipresence.com/ibrowse/ -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="505" r="10"/>
<text x="505" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.11: 24th April 1997 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/19970615134409/http://www.omnipresence.com/ibrowse/ -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="515" r="10"/>
<text x="515" y="3" class="subversion">1.11</text>
<!-- V. 1.12: 16th June 1997 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/19971012153720/http://www.omnipresence.com/ibrowse/ -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="535" r="10"/>
<text x="535" y="3" class="subversion">1.12</text>
<!-- V. 1.2: 9th March 1998 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/19981205103602/http://www.omnipresence.com/ibrowse/ -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="625" r="10"/>
<text x="625" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.22: 28th July 1998 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/19981205103602/http://www.omnipresence.com/ibrowse/ -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="665" r="10"/>
<text x="665" y="3" class="subversion">1.22</text>
<!-- IBrowse 2: April 1999 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.ibrowse-dev.net/documentation/ -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="755" r="10"/>
<text x="755" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V2.3: January 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="1205" r="10"/>
<text x="1205" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- V2.4: 22 December 2006 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.ibrowse-dev.net/news.php -->
<circle stroke="#D0BF64" cx="1675" r="10"/>
<text x="1675" y="3" class="subversion">2.4</text>
<g id="ncsamosaic">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosaic_(web_browser)">
<text x="15" y="-15" class="browser">NCSA Mosaic</text>
<line stroke="navy" x1="25" x2="490"/>
<!-- Source: http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/history/mosaic.htm -->
<!-- V. 0.1: March, 1993 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="25" r="10"/>
<text x="25" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.0 Final: November, 1993 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="105" r="10"/>
<text x="105" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 2.0 Final: Oct, 1995 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="335" r="10"/>
<text x="335" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1.1: March 25, 1996 -->
<!-- Source: ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Mosaic/Windows/v2.1.1/relnotes.htm -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="385" r="10"/>
<text x="385" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V. 3.0 December, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="475" r="10"/>
<text x="475" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- Support ended January, 1997 -->
<line stroke="navy" x1="490" y1="10" x2="490" y2="-10"/>
<g id="spyglass">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spyglass,_Inc.">
<text x="155" y="-15" class="browser">Spyglass Enhanced Mosaic</text>
<!-- Started: April, 1994 -->
<!-- Lasted till "the end of 1997" -->
<!-- last version: 2.11, March 20, 1996 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.ericsink.com/Browser_Wars.html -->
<line stroke="#4080FF" x1="155" x2="385"/>
<line stroke="#4080FF" x1="385" x2="515" style="stroke-dasharray: 4,6"/>
<!-- beta? : May, 1994 -->
<!-- Source: http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/40608/36143348.pdf?sequence=1 -->
<circle stroke="#4080FF" cx="165" r="10"/>
<text x="165" y="5" class="version">β</text>
<!-- V. 1.0 : August 24, 1994 -->
<!-- Source: http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/40608/36143348.pdf?sequence=1 -->
<circle stroke="#4080FF" cx="195" r="10"/>
<text x="195" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 2.0 : March 9, 1995 -->
<!-- http://www.thefreelibrary.com/SPYGLASS+SHIPS+ENHANCED+MOSAIC+2.0+FOR+WINDOWS%3B+FEATURES+OPEN...-a016636553 -->
<circle stroke="#4080FF" cx="265" r="10"/>
<text x="265" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1 : late September, 1995 -->
<!-- http://ondernemingsdatabank.indicator.be/article.php?nlid=VLTAITAR_EU011012 -->
<circle stroke="#4080FF" cx="325" r="10"/>
<text x="325" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<g id="arachne">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arachne_(web_browser)">
<text x="485" y="-12" class="browser">Arachne</text>
<!-- Initial release: December 22, 1996 -->
<line stroke="gray" x1="475" x2="2415"/>
<!-- V. 1.0b2 December 22, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="gray" cx="475" r="10"/>
<text x="475" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.7 released January 22, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="gray" cx="965" r="10"/>
<text x="965" y="3" class="subversion">1.7</text>
<!-- 1.9 released April 17, 2006 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20060426145931/www.cisnet.com/glennmcc/arachne/changes.txt -->
<circle stroke="gray" cx="1595" r="10"/>
<text x="1595" y="3" class="subversion">1.9</text>
<!-- V1.93b: May 24, 2008 -->
<use x="2075" stroke="gray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2075" y="3" class="subversion">1.93</text>
<!-- V1.95: March 9, 2010 -->
<use x="2295" stroke="gray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2295" y="3" class="subversion">1.95</text>
<!-- V. 1.97 released March 4, 2013 -->
<!-- Sources: http://www.glennmcc.org/ -->
<use x="2415" stroke="gray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2415" y="3" class="subversion">1.97</text>
<g id="oldnetscape">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netscape_Navigator">
<text x="205" y="-15" class="browser">Mosaic Netscape / Netscape Navigator</text>
<line stroke="teal" x1="195" y1="450" x2="195"/>
<line stroke="teal" x1="195" x2="1155"/>
<!-- V. 0.9 Oct. 13, 1994 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="195" r="10"/>
<text x="195" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- V. 1.0 December, 1994 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="215" r="10"/>
<text x="215" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1 March 1995 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="245" r="10"/>
<text x="245" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.22 August 1995 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="295" r="10"/>
<text x="295" y="3" class="subversion">1.22</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: March, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="385" r="10"/>
<text x="385" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: August, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="435" r="10"/>
<text x="435" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: June, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="535" r="10"/>
<text x="535" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 4.5: October, 1998 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="695" r="10"/>
<text x="695" y="3" class="subversion">4.5</text>
<!-- V. 4.6: May, 1999 -->
<!-- Source: http://sillydog.org/netscape/verinfo.php -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="765" r="10"/>
<text x="765" y="3" class="subversion">4.6</text>
<!-- V. 4.7: September, 1999 -->
<!-- Source: http://sillydog.org/netscape/verinfo.php -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="805" r="10"/>
<text x="805" y="3" class="subversion">4.7</text>
<!-- V. 4.8: August, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="1155" r="10"/>
<text x="1155" y="3" class="subversion">4.8</text>
<g id="geckonetscape">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netscape_6">
<text x="875" y="-7" class="browser">Netscape</text>
<!-- Mozilla-based Netscape -->
<line stroke="teal" x1="875" y1="225" x2="875" y2="0"/>
<!-- April, 2000 -->
<line stroke="teal" x1="875" y1="0" x2="1820" y2="0"/>
<!-- V. 6.0: November, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="945" cy="0" r="10"/>
<text x="945" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 6.1: August 8, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="1035" cy="0" r="10"/>
<text x="1035" y="3" class="subversion">6.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.2: October 30, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="1055" cy="0" r="10"/>
<text x="1055" y="3" class="subversion">6.2</text>
<!-- V. 7.0: August 29, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="1155" cy="0" r="10"/>
<text x="1155" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V. 7.1: June 30, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="1255" cy="0" r="10"/>
<text x="1255" y="3" class="subversion">7.1</text>
<!-- V. 7.2: August 17, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="1375" cy="0" r="10"/>
<text x="1375" y="3" class="subversion">7.2</text>
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netscape_Browser">
<text x="1495" y="20" class="browser">Netscape Browser</text>
<!-- Firefox-based Netscape -->
<path stroke="teal" stroke-width="3px" d="M1485,275 1485,15" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<!-- V. 8.0: May, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="1485" cy="0" r="10"/>
<text x="1485" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V. 8.1: January 25, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="teal" cx="1565" cy="0" r="10"/>
<text x="1565" y="3" class="subversion">8.1</text>
<!-- V. 9.0: October 16, 2007 -->
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netscape_Navigator_9">
<text x="1780" y="20" class="browser">Netscape Navigator</text>
<circle stroke="teal" cx="1775" cy="0" r="10"/>
<text x="1775" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- Support ended March 1, 2008 -->
<!-- Source: http://blog.netscape.com/2007/12/28/end-of-support-for-netscape-web-browsers/ -->
<line stroke="teal" x1="1820" y1="10" x2="1820" y2="-10"/>
<g id="classilla">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classilla">
<text x="1995" y="15" class="browser">Classilla</text>
<line stroke="red" x1="1975" x2="2735"/>
<!-- Versions 1-8 do not exist. -->
<!-- V. 9.0: July 1, 2009 -->
<!-- Source: http://groups.google.com/group/macos9/msg/3930d9c29037df2a?pli=1 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="1985" r="10"/>
<text x="1985" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V. 9.1: February 27, 2010 -->
<!-- Source: http://groups.google.com/group/macos9/browse_thread/thread/ed3749955a64818d -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="2055" r="10"/>
<text x="2055" y="3" class="subversion">9.1</text>
<!-- V. 9.2: June 4, 2010 -->
<!-- Source: http://groups.google.com/group/macos9/browse_thread/thread/80d96e8454aeba45 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="2095" r="10"/>
<text x="2095" y="3" class="subversion">9.2</text>
<!-- V. 9.3: January 20, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://code.google.com/p/classilla/downloads/list -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="2285" r="10"/>
<text x="2285" y="3" class="subversion">9.3</text>
<!-- V. 9.3.1: October 19, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/classilla/files/ -->
<use stroke="red" x="2375" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2375" y="3" class="subversion">9.3.1</text>
<!-- V. 9.3.2: January 6, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/classilla/files/ -->
<use stroke="red" x="2405" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2405" y="3" class="subversion">9.3.2</text>
<!-- V. 9.3.3: October 28, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/classilla/files/ -->
<use stroke="red" x="2625" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2625" y="3" class="subversion">9.3.3</text>
<g id="ghostzilla">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostzilla">
<text x="1125" y="-15" class="browser">Ghostzilla</text>
<line stroke="deepskyblue" x1="1125" y1="80" x2="1125"/>
<line stroke="deepskyblue" x1="1125" x2="1375"/>
<line stroke="deepskyblue" x1="1375" x2="1455" style="stroke-dasharray: 4,6"/>
<line stroke="deepskyblue" x1="1455" x2="1695"/>
<!-- V. 1.0.1: November 2002 -->
<use stroke="deepskyblue" x="1185" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1185" y="3" class="subversion">1.0.1</text>
<!-- Based on Mozilla's open source February 2005 -->
<path stroke="deepskyblue" stroke-width="3px" d="M1455,90 1455,5" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<!-- Ended February 2007 -->
<line stroke="deepskyblue" x1="1695" y1="10" x2="1695" y2="-10"/>
<g id="mozilla">
<!-- Mozilla start: March, 1998 -->
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Application_Suite">
<text x="635" y="-10" class="browser">Mozilla</text>
<line stroke="maroon" x1="625" y1="-250" x2="625" style="stroke-dasharray: 4,6"/>
<line stroke="maroon" x1="625" x2="1595"/>
<!-- V. 0.6 December 2000 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="955" r="10"/>
<text x="955" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>
<!-- V. 0.7 January 2001 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="965" r="10"/>
<text x="965" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!-- V. 0.8 February 2001 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="975" r="10"/>
<text x="975" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>
<!-- V. 0.9 May 2001 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1005" r="10"/>
<text x="1005" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- V. 1.0 May 2002 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1125" r="10"/>
<text x="1125" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1 August 2002 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1155" r="10"/>
<text x="1155" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2 November 2002 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1185" r="10"/>
<text x="1185" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.3 March 2003 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1225" r="10"/>
<text x="1225" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V. 1.4 June 2003 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1255" r="10"/>
<text x="1255" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- V. 1.5 October 2003 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1295" r="10"/>
<text x="1295" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V. 1.6 January 2004 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1325" r="10"/>
<text x="1325" y="3" class="subversion">1.6</text>
<!-- V. 1.7 June 2004 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1375" r="10"/>
<text x="1375" y="3" class="subversion">1.7</text>
<!-- Ended April 2006 -->
<line stroke="maroon" x1="1595" y1="10" x2="1595" y2="-10"/>
<g id="flock">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flock_(web_browser)">
<text x="1485" y="-10" class="browser">Flock</text>
<!-- Merge to Chromium based, placed here to avoid overlap with 2.6 -->
<!-- <path stroke="blue" stroke-width="3px" d="M2110,150 2110,75 2110,0" marker-mid="url(#Triangle)"/> -->
<!-- Started October 20, 2005 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.techcrunch.com/2005/10/20/flock-is-launching-publicly-today/ -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="1475" y1="-50" x2="1475"/>
<line stroke="blue" x1="1475" x2="2195"/>
<!-- V. 0.5: October 2005 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1535" r="10"/>
<text x="1535" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.7: June 13, 2006 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.flock.com/node/4500 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1615" r="10"/>
<text x="1615" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!-- V. 1.0: November 3, 2007 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.flock.com/node/59720 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1785" r="10"/>
<text x="1785" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: March, 2008 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.oldapps.com/flock.php -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1825" r="10"/>
<text x="1825" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2: May, 2008 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.oldapps.com/flock.php -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1845" r="10"/>
<text x="1845" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: October 14, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1895" r="10"/>
<text x="1895" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.5: May 18, 2009 -->
<!-- http://flock.com/node/80593 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1965" r="10"/>
<text x="1965" y="3" class="subversion">2.5</text>
<!-- V. 2.6: June 24, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2095" r="10"/>
<text x="2095" y="3" class="subversion">2.6</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: beta on June 16, 2010. Final version appears to be unreleased -->
<!-- Wasn't released on November 22, seems unlikely to be released between then and December 2010 -->
<!-- http://web.archive.org/web/20101122162019/http://flock.com/versions/ -->
<!-- V. 3.5: December 2, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2155" r="10"/>
<text x="2155" y="3" class="subversion">3.5</text>
<!-- Support ended April 26, 2011 -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="2195" x2="2195" y1="-10" y2="10"/>
<g id="rockmelt">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockmelt">
<text x="2155" y="-12" class="browser">Rockmelt</text>
<!-- First version released November 8, 2010 "after two years" -->
<!-- Source: http://blog.rockmelt.com/ -->
<line stroke="#C00" x1="2145" x2="2475"/>
<!-- V. beta 1?: November 8, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#C00" cx="2145" r="10"/>
<text x="2145" y="3" class="subversion">b1</text>
<!-- V. beta 2: April 1, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#C00" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="3" class="subversion">b2</text>
<!-- V. beta 3: June 21, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#C00" cx="2215" r="10"/>
<text x="2215" y="3" class="subversion">b3</text>
<!-- V. beta 4: November 4, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#C00" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="3" class="subversion">b4</text>
<!-- V. beta 5: December, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#C00" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">b5</text>
<!-- Acquired by Yahoo and shut down -->
<!-- August 2, 2013 -->
<line stroke="#C00" x1="2475" y1="-10" x2="2475" y2="10"/>
<g id="galeon">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galeon">
<text x="905" y="-12" class="browser">Galeon</text>
<!-- From Mozilla -->
<line stroke="#33485F" x1="895" y1="-200" x2="895"/>
<line stroke="#33485F" x1="895" x2="1885"/><!-- Galeon 2.0.7 was released on 2008-09-27 -->
<!-- V. 0.6: June 2000 -->
<circle stroke="#33485F" cx="895" r="10"/>
<text x="895" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>
<!-- V. 1.0: November 2001 -->
<circle stroke="#33485F" cx="1065" r="10"/>
<text x="1065" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: November 27, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#33485F" cx="1545" r="10"/>
<text x="1545" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<g id="beonex">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beonex_Communicator">
<text x="955" y="-12" class="browser">Beonex Communicator</text>
<!-- From Mozilla -->
<!-- Started: November 2000 -->
<line stroke="#D08020" x1="945" y1="-100" x2="945"/>
<line stroke="#D08020" x1="945" x2="1225"/>
<!-- V. 0.6: November, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="#D08020" cx="945" r="10"/>
<text x="945" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>
<!-- V. 0.7: November, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="#D08020" cx="1065" r="10"/>
<text x="1065" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!-- V. 0.8: June 2002 -->
<circle stroke="#D08020" cx="1135" r="10"/>
<text x="1135" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>
<!-- Discontinued in March 2003 -->
<line stroke="#D08020" x1="1225" x2="1225" y1="-10" y2="10"/>
<g id="otter">
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otter_Browser">
<text x="2515" y="23" class="browser">Otter Browser</text>
<line stroke="#c30" x1="2515" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. Alpha 1: January 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2525" r="10"/>
<text x="2525" y="3" class="subversion">a1</text>
<!-- V. Alpha 2: February 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2535" r="10"/>
<text x="2535" y="3" class="subversion">a2</text>
<!-- V. Alpha 3: March 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2545" r="10"/>
<text x="2545" y="3" class="subversion">a3</text>
<!-- V. Alpha 4: April 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">a4</text>
<!-- V. Alpha 5: May 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2565" r="10"/>
<text x="2565" y="3" class="subversion">a5</text>
<!-- V. Beta 1: June 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2575" r="10"/>
<text x="2575" y="3" class="subversion">b1</text>
<!-- V. Beta 2: August 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2595" r="10"/>
<text x="2595" y="3" class="subversion">b2</text>
<!-- V. Beta 3: November 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2625" r="10"/>
<text x="2625" y="3" class="subversion">b3</text>
<!-- V. Beta 4: January 1, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2645" r="10"/>
<text x="2645" y="3" class="subversion">b4</text>
<!-- V. Beta 5: April 1, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2675" r="10"/>
<text x="2675" y="3" class="subversion">b5</text>
<!-- V. Beta 6: June 1, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2695" r="10"/>
<text x="2695" y="3" class="subversion">b6</text>
<!-- V. Beta 7: September 1, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="3" class="subversion">b7</text>
<!-- V. Beta 8: December 1, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2755" r="10"/>
<text x="2755" y="3" class="subversion">b8</text>
<!-- V. Beta 9: January 1, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2765" r="10"/>
<text x="2765" y="3" class="subversion">b9</text>
<!-- V. Beta 10: May 1, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2805" r="10"/>
<text x="2805" y="3" class="subversion">b10</text>
<!-- V. Beta 11: October 1, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2855" r="10"/>
<text x="2855" y="3" class="subversion">b11</text>
<!-- V. Beta 12: January 1, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2885" r="10"/>
<text x="2885" y="3" class="subversion">b12</text>
<!-- V. RC 1: October 1, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2975" r="10"/>
<text x="2975" y="3" class="subversion">RC1</text>
<!-- V. RC 2: November 1, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2985" r="10"/>
<text x="2985" y="3" class="subversion">RC2</text>
<!-- V. RC 3: December 1, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="2995" r="10"/>
<text x="2995" y="3" class="subversion">RC3</text>
<!-- V. RC 4: January 1, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="3005" r="10"/>
<text x="3005" y="3" class="subversion">RC4</text>
<!-- V. RC 5: February 1, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="3015" r="10"/>
<text x="3015" y="3" class="subversion">RC5</text>
<!-- V. RC 6: March 1, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="3025" r="10"/>
<text x="3025" y="3" class="subversion">RC6</text>
<!-- V. RC 7: April 1, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#c30" cx="3035" r="10"/>
<text x="3035" y="3" class="subversion">RC7</text>
<g id="gnomeweb">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_(web_browser)">
<text x="1185" y="-15" class="browser">Epiphany</text>
<!-- From Galeon -->
<!-- Started: November 2002 -->
<line stroke="#207C00" x1="1185" y1="50" x2="1185"/>
<line stroke="#207C00" x1="1185" x2="3115"/>
<!-- Source for releases: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/epiphany/ -->
<!-- V. 0.5: April 14, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1235" r="10"/>
<text x="1235" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.6: May 18, 2003 -->
<!--<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1245" r="10"/>
<text x="1245" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text> -->
<!-- V. 0.7: June 6, 2003 -->
<!--<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1255" r="10"/>
<text x="1255" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text> -->
<!-- V. 0.8: July 15, 2003 -->
<!--<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1265" r="10"/>
<text x="1265" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text> -->
<!-- V. 0.9: August 25, 2003 -->
<!--<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1275" r="10"/>
<text x="1275" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text> -->
<!-- V. 1.0: September 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1285" r="10"/>
<text x="1285" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: October 23, 2003 - moved 5px right -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1300" r="10"/>
<text x="1300" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2: March 15, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1345" r="10"/>
<text x="1345" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.3: May 31, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1365" r="10"/>
<text x="1365" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V. 1.4: September 13, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1405" r="10"/>
<text x="1405" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- V. 1.5.1: November 1, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1425" r="10"/>
<text x="1425" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V. 1.6: March 7, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1465" r="10"/>
<text x="1465" y="3" class="subversion">1.6</text>
<!-- V. 1.7.1: June 5, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1495" r="10"/>
<text x="1495" y="3" class="subversion">1.7</text>
<!-- V. 1.8: September 4, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1525" r="10"/>
<text x="1525" y="3" class="subversion">1.8</text>
<!-- V. 1.9.1: October 24, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1535" r="10"/>
<text x="1535" y="3" class="subversion">1.9</text>
<!-- V. 2.14: March 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1585" r="10"/>
<text x="1585" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.2: September 16, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="1765" r="10"/>
<text x="1765" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V. 2.27 (Last Gecko build): March 15, 2009 -->
<use x="1945" stroke="#207C00" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1945" y="3" class="subversion">2.27</text>
<!-- V. 2.28 (First Webkit build): September 21, 2009 -->
<use x="2005" stroke="#207C00" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2005" y="3" class="subversion">2.28</text>
<!-- V. 2.30: September 15, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2125" r="10"/>
<text x="2125" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- V. 2.9: October 20, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2135" r="10"/>
<text x="2135" y="3" class="subversion">2.9</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: April 4, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 3.1.2: June 13, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2215" r="10"/>
<text x="2215" y="3" class="subversion">3.1</text>
<!-- V. 3.2.0: September 27, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2245" r="10"/>
<text x="2245" y="3" class="subversion">3.2</text>
<!-- V. 3.3.1: October 26, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="3" class="subversion">3.3</text>
<!-- Renamed to Web //-->
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_(web_browser)">
<text x="2300" y="-15" class="browser">Web</text>
<!-- V. 3.4.0: March 26, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="3" class="subversion">3.4</text>
<!-- V. 3.5.1: May 1, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2325" r="10"/>
<text x="2325" y="3" class="subversion">3.5</text>
<!-- V. 3.6.0: September 25, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2365" r="10"/>
<text x="2365" y="3" class="subversion">3.6</text>
<!-- V. 3.7.1: October 24, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2375" r="10"/>
<text x="2375" y="3" class="subversion">3.7</text>
<!-- V. 3.8: March 25, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.gnome.org/xan/2013/03/25/web-3-8-the-peace-dividends-release/ -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2425" r="10"/>
<text x="2425" y="3" class="subversion">3.8</text>
<!-- V. 3.9.2: May 30, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#207C00" cx="2445" r="10"/>
<text x="2445" y="3" class="subversion">3.9</text>
<!-- V. 3.10.0: September 24, 2013 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2485" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2485" y="3" class="subversion">3.10</text>
<!-- V. 3.11.1: November 19, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2505" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2505" y="3" class="subversion">3.11</text>
<!-- V. 3.12.0: March 25, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2545" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2545" y="3" class="subversion">3.12</text>
<!-- V. 3.13.90: August 29, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2595" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2595" y="3" class="subversion">3.13</text>
<!-- V. 3.14.0: September 24, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2605" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2605" y="3" class="subversion">3.14</text>
<!-- V. 3.15.1: December 7, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2635" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2635" y="3" class="subversion">3.15</text>
<!-- V. 3.16.0: March 24, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2665" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2665" y="3" class="subversion">3.16</text>
<!-- V. 3.17.1: June 23, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2695" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2695" y="3" class="subversion">3.17</text>
<!-- V. 3.18.0: September 23, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2725" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2725" y="3" class="subversion">3.18</text>
<!-- V. 3.19.1: December 9, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2755" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2755" y="3" class="subversion">3.19</text>
<!-- V. 3.20.0: March 21, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2785" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2785" y="3" class="subversion">3.20</text>
<!-- V. 3.21.0: April 25, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2795" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2795" y="3" class="subversion">3.21</text>
<!-- V. 3.22.0: September 21, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2845" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2845" y="3" class="subversion">3.22</text>
<!-- V. 3.24.0: March 22, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2905" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2905" y="3" class="subversion">3.24</text>
<!-- V. 3.26.0: September 9, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2965" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="2965" y="3" class="subversion">3.26</text>
<!-- V. 3.28.0: March 10, 2018 -->
<!-- Source: https://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/refs/tags -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="3025" stroke="#207C00"/>
<text x="3025" y="3" class="subversion">3.28</text>
<g id="kmeleon">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-Meleon">
<text x="925" y="-10" class="browser">K-Meleon</text>
<!-- From Mozilla -->
<line stroke="#7EAE50" x1="915" y1="180" x2="915"/>
<line stroke="#7EAE50" x1="915" x2="2275"/>
<line stroke="#7EAE50" x1="2275" x2="2525" style="stroke-dasharray: 4,6"/>
<line stroke="#7EAE50" x1="2525" x2="2845"/>
<!-- V0.1: August 2000 -->
<circle stroke="#7EAE50" cx="915" r="10"/>
<text x="915" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V0.5: September 2001 -->
<circle stroke="#7EAE50" cx="1045" r="10"/>
<text x="1045" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V0.8: November 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#7EAE50" cx="1305" r="10"/>
<text x="1305" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>
<!-- V1.0: July 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#7EAE50" cx="1625" r="10"/>
<text x="1625" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V1.1: May 22 2007 -->
<circle stroke="#7EAE50" cx="1725" r="10"/>
<text x="1725" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V1.5: May 22 2007 -->
<circle stroke="#7EAE50" cx="1875" r="10"/>
<text x="1875" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V74: September 27, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#7EAE50" cx="2605" r="10"/>
<text x="2605" y="3" class="subversion">74</text>
<!-- V75: June 23, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#7EAE50" cx="2695" r="10"/>
<text x="2695" y="3" class="subversion">75</text>
<!-- V 75.1: September 19, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://kmeleonbrowser.org/ -->
<use x="2725" stroke="#7EAE50" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2725" y="3" class="subversion">75.1</text>
<g id="seamonkey">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SeaMonkey">
<text x="1565" y="-15" class="browser">SeaMonkey</text>
<line stroke="maroon" x1="1565" y1="45" x2="1565"/>
<line stroke="maroon" x1="1565" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: 30th January 2006 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1565" r="10"/>
<text x="1565" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: 18th January 2007 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="1685" r="10"/>
<text x="1685" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: October 27, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2015" r="10"/>
<text x="2015" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1: June 10, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2215" r="10"/>
<text x="2215" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V. 2.2: July 7, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2225" r="10"/>
<text x="2225" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V. 2.3: August 16, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2235" r="10"/>
<text x="2235" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- V. 2.4: September 27, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2245" r="10"/>
<text x="2245" y="3" class="subversion">2.4</text>
<!-- V. 2.5: November 22, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="3" class="subversion">2.5</text>
<!-- V. 2.6: December 20, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">2.6</text>
<!-- V. 2.7: January 31, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2285" r="10"/>
<text x="2285" y="3" class="subversion">2.7</text>
<!-- V. 2.8: March 13, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="3" class="subversion">2.8</text>
<!-- V. 2.9: April 24, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="maroon" cx="2315" r="10"/>
<text x="2315" y="3" class="subversion">2.9</text>
<!-- V. 2.10: June 6, 2012 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2335" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2335" y="3" class="subversion">2.10</text>
<!-- V. 2.11: July 17, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news#2012-07-17 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2345" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2345" y="3" class="subversion">2.11</text>
<!-- V. 2.12: August 28, 2012 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2355" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2355" y="3" class="subversion">2.12</text>
<!-- V. 2.13: October 9, 2012 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2375" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2375" y="3" class="subversion">2.13</text>
<!-- V. 2.14: November 20, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2385" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2385" y="3" class="subversion">2.14</text>
<!-- V. 2.15: January 8, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2405" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2405" y="3" class="subversion">2.15</text>
<!-- V. 2.16: February 21, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2415" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2415" y="3" class="subversion">2.16</text>
<!-- V. 2.17: April 2, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2435" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2435" y="3" class="subversion">2.17</text>
<!-- V. 2.18 was not released -->
<!-- V. 2.19: July 2, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2465" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2465" y="3" class="subversion">2.19</text>
<!-- V. 2.20: August 6, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2475" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2475" y="3" class="subversion">2.20</text>
<!-- V. 2.21: September 17, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2485" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2485" y="3" class="subversion">2.21</text>
<!-- V. 2.22: October 30, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2495" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2495" y="3" class="subversion">2.22</text>
<!-- V. 2.23: December 12, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2515" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2515" y="3" class="subversion">2.23</text>
<!-- V. 2.24: February 6, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2535" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2535" y="3" class="subversion">2.24</text>
<!-- V. 2.25: March 19, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2545" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2545" y="3" class="subversion">2.25</text>
<!-- V. 2.26: May 2, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2565" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2565" y="3" class="subversion">2.26</text>
<!-- 2.27 and 2.28 do not exist -->
<!-- V. 2.29: September 7, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2605" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2605" y="3" class="subversion">2.29</text>
<!-- V. 2.30: October 15, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2615" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2615" y="3" class="subversion">2.30</text>
<!-- V. 2.31: December 4, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2635" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2635" y="3" class="subversion">2.31</text>
<!-- V. 2.32: January 13, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2645" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2645" y="3" class="subversion">2.32</text>
<!-- V. 2.33: March 10, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.33 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2665" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2665" y="3" class="subversion">2.33</text>
<!-- V. 2.35: September 03, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.35 -->
<!-- V. 2.38: September 26, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.38 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2725" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2725" y="3" class="subversion">2.38</text>
<!-- V. 2.39: November 8, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.39 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2745" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2745" y="3" class="subversion">2.39</text>
<!-- V. 2.40: March 10, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.40 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2785" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2785" y="3" class="subversion">2.40</text>
<!-- V. 2.46: December 22, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.46 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2875" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2875" y="3" class="subversion">2.46</text>
<!-- V. 2.49.1: November 4, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.49.1 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2985" stroke="maroon"/>
<text x="2985" y="3" class="subversion">2.49</text>
<g id="camino">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camino_(web_browser)">
<text x="1100" y="-10" class="browser">Camino</text>
<!-- Started February 2002 -->
<line stroke="#2570CA" x1="1095" y1="135" x2="1095"/>
<line stroke="#2570CA" x1="1095" x2="2305"/>
<!-- Ended May 2013 -->
<line stroke="#2570CA" x1="2305" x2="2445" style="stroke-dasharray: 4,6"/>
<line stroke="#2570CA" x1="2445" x2="2445" y1="-10" y2="10"/>
<!-- V. 0.5: September 2002 -->
<circle stroke="#2570CA" cx="1165" r="10"/>
<text x="1165" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 1.0: February 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#2570CA" cx="1575" r="10"/>
<text x="1575" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.5: June 2007 -->
<circle stroke="#2570CA" cx="1735" r="10"/>
<text x="1735" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: November 18, 2009 -->
<!-- Source: http://caminobrowser.org/releases/2.0/ -->
<circle stroke="#2570CA" cx="2025" r="10"/>
<text x="2025" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1: November 29, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://caminobrowser.org/download/releases/2.1/ -->
<circle stroke="#2570CA" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- 2.1.2 was released on March 14, 2012 -->
<g id="ibmlotus">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Lotus_Symphony">
<text x="1765" y="-15" class="browser">IBM Lotus Symphony</text>
<line stroke="red" x1="1765" y1="50" x2="1765"/>
<line stroke="red" x1="1765" x2="2385"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: May 30, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="1845" r="10"/>
<text x="1845" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: August 29, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="1875" r="10"/>
<text x="1875" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2: November 4, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="1905" r="10"/>
<text x="1905" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.3: June 10, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="1975" r="10"/>
<text x="1975" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: October 21, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="2135" r="10"/>
<text x="2135" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 3.0.1: January 23, 2012 -->
<use stroke="red" x="2285" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2285" y="3" class="subversion">3.0.1</text>
<!-- Ended November 29, 2012 -->
<line stroke="red" x1="2385" x2="2385" y1="-10" y2="10"/>
<g id="firefox">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox">
<text x="1160" y="23" class="browser">Phoenix</text>
<!-- Started September 2002 -->
<line stroke="orange" x1="1165" y1="-50" x2="1165"/>
<line stroke="orange" x1="1165" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 0.1: September 23, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1165" r="10"/>
<text x="1165" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V. 0.2: October 1, 2002 -->
<!-- V. 0.3: October 14, 2002 -->
<!-- V. 0.4: October 29 2002 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1175" r="10"/>
<text x="1175" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<!-- V. 0.5: December 7, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1195" r="10"/>
<text x="1195" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox">
<text x="1240" y="23" class="browser">Firebird</text>
<!-- V. 0.6: May 17, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1245" r="10"/>
<text x="1245" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>
<!-- V. 0.7: October 15, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1295" r="10"/>
<text x="1295" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox">
<text x="1330" y="23" class="browser">Firefox</text>
<!-- V. 0.8: February 9, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1335" r="10"/>
<text x="1335" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>
<!-- V. 0.9: June 15, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1375" r="10"/>
<text x="1375" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- V. 0.10: September 14, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1405" r="10"/>
<text x="1405" y="3" class="subversion">0.10</text>
<!-- V. 1.0: November 2004 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1425" r="10"/>
<text x="1425" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.5: November 2005 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1545" r="10"/>
<text x="1545" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: October 2006 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1655" r="10"/>
<text x="1655" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: June 2008 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1855" r="10"/>
<text x="1855" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 3.5: June 13, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="1955" r="10"/>
<text x="1955" y="3" class="subversion">3.5</text>
<!-- V. 3.6: June 13, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2045" r="10"/>
<text x="2045" y="3" class="subversion">3.6</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: March 22, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2185" r="10"/>
<text x="2185" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 5.0: June 22, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2215" r="10"/>
<text x="2215" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 6.0: August 16, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2235" r="10"/>
<text x="2235" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 7.0: September 28, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2245" r="10"/>
<text x="2245" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V. 8.0: November 8, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V. 9.0: December 21, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V. 10.0: January 31, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2285" r="10"/>
<text x="2285" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V. 11: March 14, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<!-- V. 12: April 24, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2315" r="10"/>
<text x="2315" y="5" class="version">12</text>
<!-- V. 13: June 15, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="5" class="version">13</text>
<!-- V. 14.0.1: July 17, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2345" r="10"/>
<text x="2345" y="5" class="version">14</text>
<!-- V. 15.0: August 28, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2355" r="10"/>
<text x="2355" y="5" class="version">15</text>
<!-- V. 16.0: October 9, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2375" r="10"/>
<text x="2375" y="5" class="version">16</text>
<!-- V. 17.0: November 30, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2385" r="10"/>
<text x="2385" y="5" class="version">17</text>
<!-- V. 18.0: January 8, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2405" r="10"/>
<text x="2405" y="5" class="version">18</text>
<!-- V. 19.0: February 19, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2415" r="10"/>
<text x="2415" y="5" class="version">19</text>
<!-- V. 20.0: April 2, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2435" r="10"/>
<text x="2435" y="5" class="version">20</text>
<!-- V. 21.0: May 14, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2445" r="10"/>
<text x="2445" y="5" class="version">21</text>
<!-- V. 22.0: June 25, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2455" r="10"/>
<text x="2455" y="5" class="version">22</text>
<!-- V. 23.0: August 6, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2475" r="10"/>
<text x="2475" y="5" class="version">23</text>
<!-- V. 24.0: September 17, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2485" r="10"/>
<text x="2485" y="5" class="version">24</text>
<!-- V. 25.0: November 15, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2505" r="10"/>
<text x="2505" y="5" class="version">25</text>
<!-- V. 26.0: December 10, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2515" r="10"/>
<text x="2515" y="5" class="version">26</text>
<!-- V. 27.0: February 4, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2535" r="10"/>
<text x="2535" y="5" class="version">27</text>
<!-- V. 28.0: March 18, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2545" r="10"/>
<text x="2545" y="5" class="version">28</text>
<!-- V. 29.0: April 29, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="5" class="version">29</text>
<!-- V. 30.0: June 10, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2575" r="10"/>
<text x="2575" y="5" class="version">30</text>
<!-- V. 31.0: July 22, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2585" r="10"/>
<text x="2585" y="5" class="version">31</text>
<!-- V. 32.0: September 2, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2605" r="10"/>
<text x="2605" y="5" class="version">32</text>
<!-- V. 33.0: October 14, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2615" r="10"/>
<text x="2615" y="5" class="version">33</text>
<!-- V. 34.0: December 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2635" r="10"/>
<text x="2635" y="5" class="version">34</text>
<!-- V. 35.0: January 26, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2645" r="10"/>
<text x="2645" y="5" class="version">35</text>
<!-- V. 36.0: February 24, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2655" r="10"/>
<text x="2655" y="5" class="version">36</text>
<!-- V. 37.0: March 31, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2665" r="10"/>
<text x="2665" y="5" class="version">37</text>
<!-- V. 38.0: May 12, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2685" r="10"/>
<text x="2685" y="5" class="version">38</text>
<!-- V. 39.0: July 2, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2705" r="10"/>
<text x="2705" y="5" class="version">39</text>
<!-- V. 40.0: August 11, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2715" r="10"/>
<text x="2715" y="5" class="version">40</text>
<!-- V. 41.0: September 22, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="5" class="version">41</text>
<!-- V. 42.0: November 3, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2745" r="10"/>
<text x="2745" y="5" class="version">42</text>
<!-- V. 43.0: December 15, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2755" r="10"/>
<text x="2755" y="5" class="version">43</text>
<!-- V. 44.0: January 26, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2765" r="10"/>
<text x="2765" y="5" class="version">44</text>
<!-- V. 45.0: March 8, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2785" r="10"/>
<text x="2785" y="5" class="version">45</text>
<!-- V. 46.0: April 26, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2795" r="10"/>
<text x="2795" y="5" class="version">46</text>
<!-- V. 47.0: June 7, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2815" r="10"/>
<text x="2815" y="5" class="version">47</text>
<!-- V. 48.0: August 2, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2835" r="10"/>
<text x="2835" y="5" class="version">48</text>
<!-- V. 49.0: September 20, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2845" r="10"/>
<text x="2845" y="5" class="version">49</text>
<!-- V. 50.0: November 15, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2865" r="10"/>
<text x="2865" y="5" class="version">50</text>
<!-- V. 50.1: December 13, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2875" r="10"/>
<text x="2875" y="3" class="subversion">50.1</text>
<!-- V. 51.0: January 24, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2885" r="10"/>
<text x="2885" y="5" class="version">51</text>
<!-- V. 52.0: March 7, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2905" r="10"/>
<text x="2905" y="5" class="version">52</text>
<!-- V. 53.0: April 19, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2915" r="10"/>
<text x="2915" y="5" class="version">53</text>
<!-- V. 54.0: June 13, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2935" r="10"/>
<text x="2935" y="5" class="version">54</text>
<!-- V. 55.0: August 8, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2955" r="10"/>
<text x="2955" y="5" class="version">55</text>
<!-- V. 56.0: September 28, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2965" r="10"/>
<text x="2965" y="5" class="version">56</text>
<!-- V. 57.0: November 14, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="2985" r="10"/>
<text x="2985" y="5" class="version">57</text>
<!-- V. 58.0: January 23, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="3005" r="10"/>March 13
<text x="3005" y="5" class="version">58</text>
<!-- V. 59.0: March 13, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="orange" cx="3025" r="10"/>
<text x="3025" y="5" class="version">59</text>
<g id="ie">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer">
<text x="325" y="22" class="browser">Internet Explorer</text>
<line stroke="blue" x1="315" y1="150" x2="315"/>
<line stroke="blue" x1="315" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: August, 1995 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="315" r="10"/>
<text x="315" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: November, 1995 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="345" r="10"/>
<text x="345" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: August, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="435" r="10"/>
<text x="435" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: October, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="575" r="10"/>
<text x="575" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 5.0: March, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="745" r="10"/>
<text x="745" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 5.5: July, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="905" r="10"/>
<text x="905" y="3" class="subversion">5.5</text>
<!-- V. 6.0: October, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1055" r="10"/>
<text x="1055" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 7.0: October 18, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1655" r="10"/>
<text x="1655" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V. 8.0: 19th March 2009 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1945" r="10"/>
<text x="1945" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V. 9.0: 14th March 2011 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2185" r="10"/>
<text x="2185" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V. 10.0: 26th October 2012 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2375" r="10"/>
<text x="2375" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V. 11.0: 17th October 2013 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2495" r="10"/>
<text x="2495" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<g id="edge">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_Mobile">
<text x="475" y="-15" class="browser">Pocket Internet Explorer</text>
<!-- Source: Wikipedia article" -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="465" x2="465" y1="0" y2="50"/>
<line stroke="blue" x1="465" x2="735"/><!-- This is the end of Pocket IE -->
<!-- V. 1.0: November 1996 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="465" r="10"/>
<text x="465" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: June 13, 1997 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20030801154705/http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/resources/downloads/handheldpc/default.mspx //-->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="535" r="10"/>
<text x="535" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: September 1997 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="565" r="10"/>
<text x="565" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.10: ??? -->
<!-- V. 3.0: July 1998 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="665" r="10"/>
<text x="665" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: April 19, 2000? -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="735" r="10"/>
<text x="735" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 5.0 does not exist -->
<!-- V. 6.0: April 2008 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2008/apr08/04-01WM61PR.mspx -->
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_Mobile">
<text x="1525" y="-10" class="browser">Internet Explorer Mobile</text>
<line stroke="blue" x1="1525" y1="50" x2="1525"/><!-- This is the fork from IE -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="1525" x2="1835"/><!-- This is IE Mobile v6 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1835" r="10"/>
<text x="1835" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 7.0: February, 2010 -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="1925" y1="50" x2="1925"/><!-- This is the new fork from IE -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="1925" x2="2655"/><!-- This is IE Mobile from v7 and up -->
<path stroke="blue" stroke-width="3px" d="M2035,50 2035,7" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2055" r="10"/>
<text x="2055" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V. 8.0 does not exist -->
<!-- V. 9.0: September 27, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2245" r="10"/>
<text x="2245" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V. 10.0: October 29, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2375" r="10"/>
<text x="2375" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V. 11.0: April 2, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Edge">
<text x="2655" y="-12" class="browser">Edge</text>
<line stroke="deepskyblue" x1="2655" x2="3115"/><!-- March, 2015: IE Mobile becomes Edge -->
<path stroke="deepskyblue" stroke-width="3px" d="M2655,50 2655,7" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/><!-- converting to Multi-Platform -->
<!-- V. 20.0: 29th July 2015 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2705" r="10"/>
<text x="2705" y="5" class="version">20</text>
<!-- V. 23.10547: September 18, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="5" class="version">23</text>
<!-- V. 25.10572: October 20, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2735" r="10"/>
<text x="2735" y="5" class="version">25</text>
<!-- V. 27.11099: January 13, 2016 -->
<!-- V. 28.11102: January 21, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2765" r="10"/>
<text x="2765" y="5" class="version">28</text>
<!-- V. 31.14267: February 18, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2775" r="10"/>
<text x="2775" y="5" class="version">31</text>
<!-- V. 34.14291: March 17, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2785" r="10"/>
<text x="2785" y="5" class="version">34</text>
<!-- V. 37.14316: April 6, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2795" r="10"/>
<text x="2795" y="5" class="version">37</text>
<!-- V. 38.14342: May 10, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2805" r="10"/>
<text x="2805" y="5" class="version">38</text>
<!-- V. 40.15063: April 11, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2915" r="10"/>
<text x="2915" y="5" class="version">40</text>
<!-- V. 41.16299: September 26, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="deepskyblue" cx="2965" r="10"/>
<text x="2965" y="5" class="version">41</text>
<g id="iemac">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_for_Mac">
<text x="375" y="25" class="browser">Internet Explorer for Mac</text>
<!-- Started: January, 1996 -->
<!-- Source: Wikipedia article" -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="365" y1="250" x2="365"/>
<line stroke="blue" x1="365" x2="1555"/>
<!-- V. 2.0: April, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="395" r="10"/>
<text x="395" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: January, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="485" r="10"/>
<text x="485" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: January, 1998 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="605" r="10"/>
<text x="605" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 5.0: January, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="845" r="10"/>
<text x="845" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 5.2: June, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="1135" r="10"/>
<text x="1135" y="3" class="subversion">5.2</text>
<!-- Support ended: December, 2005 -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="1555" y1="-10" x2="1555" y2="10"/>
<g id="ieunix">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_for_UNIX">
<text x="595" y="-15" class="browser">Internet Explorer for UNIX</text>
<!-- Source: Wikipedia article and WaybackMachine of http://www.microsoft.com/unix/ie/default.asp -->
<!-- Started: +- November 1997 -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="585" y1="-250" x2="585"/>
<line stroke="blue" x1="585" x2="1135"/>
<!-- V. 4.0: March 4, 1998 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="625" r="10"/>
<text x="625" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 5.0: 1999, exact date unknown but before May 8 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="755" r="10"/>
<text x="755" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 5.0 SP1: 2001, exact date unknown but between August 1 and September 18-->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="1035" stroke="blue"/>
<text x="1035" y="3" class="subversion">5 SP1</text>
<!-- Ended: in 2002, exact date unknown -->
<line stroke="blue" x1="1135" y1="-10" x2="1135" y2="10"/>
<g id="mme">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Mobile_Explorer">
<text x="555" y="-15" class="browser">STNC HitchHiker</text>
<!-- Development start at 21 October 1996 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/19990220071258/www.stnc.com/news/relocate.htm -->
<line stroke="#06f" x1="455" x2="785"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: 29 September 1997 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/19990423064209/www.stnc.com/news.htm and http://web.archive.org/web/19990423064209/http://www.stnc.com/news/browser.htm -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="565" r="10"/>
<text x="565" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- Microsoft Acquires STNC on July 21, 1999 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/1999/Jul99/STNCpr.mspx -->
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Mobile_Explorer">
<text x="785" y="-15" class="browser">Microsoft Mobile Explorer</text>
<line stroke="blue" x1="785" x2="1140"/>
<!-- V. 2.0: 8 December 1999 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/1999/Dec99/MobileExplorerPR.mspx -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="835" r="10"/>
<text x="835" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: 19 February 2001 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2001/feb01/02-19mmepr.mspx -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="975" r="10"/>
<text x="975" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- End of MME was mid 2002 says press release at the May 16, 2001 (last press release with MME by MS) -->
<!-- Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2001/may01/05-16HTWPR.mspx -->
<line stroke="blue" x2="1140" x1="1140" y1="-10" y2="10"/>
<g id="myie">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxthon">
<text x="790" y="-12" class="browser">MyIE</text>
<line stroke="darkgray" x1="780" y1="-100" x2="780"/>
<line stroke="darkgray" x1="780" x2="2135"/>
<!-- V. 3.2: 2003 -->
<circle stroke="darkgray" cx="1235" r="10"/>
<text x="1235" y="3" class="subversion">3.2</text>
<!-- MyIE supported by More Quick (GreenBrowser) -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20050520021917/http://www.morequick.com/indexen.htm -->
<path stroke="darkgray" stroke-width="3px" d="M1485,-40 1485,-15" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<!-- V. 4.01: May 19, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="darkgray" cx="1485" r="10"/>
<text x="1485" y="3" class="subversion">4.01</text>
<!-- V. 4.02: May 27, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="darkgray" cx="1485" r="10"/>
<text x="1485" y="3" class="subversion">4.02</text>
<!-- V. 4.1: August, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="darkgray" cx="1525" r="10"/>
<text x="1525" y="3" class="subversion">4.1</text>
<!-- V. 4.2: March, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="darkgray" cx="1585" r="10"/>
<text x="1585" y="3" class="subversion">4.2</text>
<!-- MyIE supported by Mysoft International (Maxthon) -->
<!-- Source: http://www.myie2.com/ -->
<path stroke="darkgray" stroke-width="3px" d="M1615,50 1615,15" marker-end="url(#Triangle)"/>
<!-- V. 1.5.6: June 6, 2006 -->
<use x="1615" stroke="darkgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1615" y="3" class="subversion">1.5.6</text>
<!-- V. 1.5.7: September 28, 2006 -->
<use x="1645" stroke="darkgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1645" y="3" class="subversion">1.5.7</text>
<!-- V. 1.5.8: October 16, 2006 -->
<use x="1655" stroke="darkgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1655" y="3" class="subversion">1.5.8</text>
<!-- V. 1.5.9: November 28, 2006 -->
<use x="1665" stroke="darkgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1665" y="3" class="subversion">1.5.9</text>
<!-- V. 1.6.0: May 24, 2007 -->
<use x="1725" stroke="darkgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1725" y="3" class="subversion">1.6.0</text>
<!-- V. 1.6.1: May 31, 2007 -->
<use x="1735" stroke="darkgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1735" y="3" class="subversion">1.6.1</text>
<!-- V. November 19, 2008 -->
<use x="1905" stroke="darkgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1905" y="3" class="subversion">2.1.5</text>
<!-- V. January 14, 2009 -->
<use x="1935" stroke="darkgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1935" y="3" class="subversion">2.5.1</text>
<!-- V. September 24, 2009 -->
<use x="2015" stroke="darkgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2015" y="3" class="subversion">2.5.8</text>
<g id="maxthon">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxthon">
<text x="910" y="-12" class="browser">MyIE2</text>
<text x="1415" y="-12" class="browser">Maxthon</text>
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com -->
<line stroke="navy" x1="900" y1="-50" x2="900"/>
<line stroke="navy" x1="900" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V0.3 beta: June 29, 2002 -->
<!-- Source: http://groups.google.com/group/cn.comp.software.shareware/browse_thread/thread/9c1936adc9fb2c81/aaa8ec16da2ee8ab -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1135" r="10"/>
<text x="1135" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text>
<!-- V0.45.1200: July 31, 2002 -->
<!-- Source: http://groups.google.com/group/cn.comp.software.shareware/browse_thread/thread/c5f4f3f072224822/7b95bb408d7ebf4a -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1145" r="10"/>
<text x="1145" y="3" class="subversion">0.45</text>
<!-- V0.5.830: October 8, 2002 -->
<!-- Source: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.comp.freeware/browse_thread/thread/5ad790ab2280a819/3ca24a56e2447156 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1175" r="10"/>
<text x="1175" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V0.6.330: November 1, 2002 -->
<!-- Source: http://groups.google.com/group/cn.comp.software.shareware/browse_thread/thread/ba423527734d6e0c/3319981f7d60dd0d -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1185" r="10"/>
<text x="1185" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>
<!-- V0.7: June 20, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1255" r="10"/>
<text x="1255" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!-- V0.8: September 22, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1285" r="10"/>
<text x="1285" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>
<!-- V0.9: December, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1315" r="10"/>
<text x="1315" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- V1.0: September 2004 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1405" r="10"/>
<text x="1405" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V1.5: September 2005 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1525" r="10"/>
<text x="1525" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V1.6: May 24 2007 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1725" r="10"/>
<text x="1725" y="3" class="subversion">1.6</text>
<!-- V2.0: July 23 2007 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1745" r="10"/>
<text x="1745" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V2.5: January 14 2009 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="1925" r="10"/>
<text x="1925" y="3" class="subversion">2.5</text>
<!-- V3: January 5 2011 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2165" r="10"/>
<text x="2165" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V3.1: May 19, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2205" r="10"/>
<text x="2205" y="3" class="subversion">3.1</text>
<!-- V3.2: October 20, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="3" class="subversion">3.2</text>
<!-- V3.3: December 8, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">3.3</text>
<!-- V3.4: June 19, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com/mx3/changelog/ -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="3" class="subversion">3.4</text>
<!-- V3.5.2: November 29, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com/mx3/changelog/ -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2385" r="10"/>
<text x="2385" y="3" class="subversion">3.5</text>
<!-- V4.0: January 8, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com/blog/new-release-of-maxthon-cloud-browser-introduces-cloud-sharing-to-let-people-share-web-content-via-maxthon-browsers/ -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2405" r="10"/>
<text x="2405" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V4.1: June 20, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://forum.maxthon.com/thread-2962-1-3.html -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2455" r="10"/>
<text x="2455" y="3" class="subversion">4.1</text>
<!-- V4.2: November 28, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://tweakers.net/meuktracker/31797/maxthon-4203000.html -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2505" r="10"/>
<text x="2505" y="3" class="subversion">4.2</text>
<!-- V4.3: February 20, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://tweakers.net/meuktracker/32241/maxthon-4301000.html -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2535" r="10"/>
<text x="2535" y="3" class="subversion">4.3</text>
<!-- V4.4: April 17, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com/blog/ -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">4.4</text>
<!-- V4.5: April 30, 2015 (Mac version) -->
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com/blog/ -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2675" r="10"/>
<text x="2675" y="3" class="subversion">4.5</text>
<!-- V4.9: February 25, 2016 (Windows version) -->
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com/windows/changelog/ -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2775" r="10"/>
<text x="2775" y="3" class="subversion">4.9</text>
<!-- V5.0: October 27, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com/blog/ -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2855" r="10"/>
<text x="2855" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V5.1.0.3000: July 27, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com/blog/ -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="2945" r="10"/>
<text x="2945" y="3" class="subversion">5.1</text>
<!-- V5.2.0.2000: March 27, 2018 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.maxthon.com/blog/ -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="3025" r="10"/>
<text x="3025" y="3" class="subversion">5.2</text>
<g id="greenbrowser">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GreenBrowser">
<text x="1235" y="-15" class="browser">Greenbrowser</text>
<!-- Sources: http://www.soft82.com/version/download/windows/greenbrowser-5-0-0509/ -->
<!-- http://web.archive.org/20040701000000*/http://www.snapfiles.com/apphistory/greenbrowser_history.html -->
<!-- Forked from MyIE, source: http://web.archive.org/web/20060208030636/http://www.morequick.com/indexen.htm -->
<line stroke="green" x1="1235" x2="2995"/>
<line stroke="green" x1="1235" y1="40" x2="1235"/>
<!-- V1.0.5: April 25, 2003 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20031003215523/http://www.morequick.com/indexen.htm -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1235" r="10"/>
<text x="1235" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V1.1: May 22, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1245" r="10"/>
<text x="1245" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V1.2: June 10, 2003 -->
<!-- V1.3: June 20, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1255" r="10"/>
<text x="1255" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V1.4: July 11, 2003 -->
<!-- V1.5: July 25, 2003 -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20031003215523/http://www.morequick.com/indexen.htm -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1265" r="10"/>
<text x="1265" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V1.6: before October 2, 2003 -->
<!-- V1.7: before October 2, 2003 -->
<!-- V1.8: October, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1295" r="10"/>
<text x="1295" y="3" class="subversion">1.8</text>
<!-- V1.9: November 8, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1305" r="10"/>
<text x="1305" y="3" class="subversion">1.9</text>
<!-- V2.0: December 18, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1315" r="10"/>
<text x="1315" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V2.1: January 14, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1325" r="10"/>
<text x="1325" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V2.2: March 12, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1345" r="10"/>
<text x="1345" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V2.3: November 27, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1425" r="10"/>
<text x="1425" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- V2.4: March, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1465" r="10"/>
<text x="1465" y="3" class="subversion">2.4</text>
<!-- V3.0: May 19, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1485" r="10"/>
<text x="1485" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V3.1: July, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1505" r="10"/>
<text x="1505" y="3" class="subversion">3.1</text>
<!-- V3.2: December, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1555" r="10"/>
<text x="1555" y="3" class="subversion">3.2</text>
<!-- V3.3: January, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1565" r="10"/>
<text x="1565" y="3" class="subversion">3.3</text>
<!-- V3.4: May 23, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1605" r="10"/>
<text x="1605" y="3" class="subversion">3.4</text>
<!-- V3.5: August, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1635" r="10"/>
<text x="1635" y="3" class="subversion">3.5</text>
<!-- V3.6: October 18, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1655" r="10"/>
<text x="1655" y="3" class="subversion">3.6</text>
<!-- V3.7: between November 13 and December 5, 2006 -->
<!-- V3.8: January, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1685" r="10"/>
<text x="1685" y="3" class="subversion">3.8</text>
<!-- V3.9: March, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1705" r="10"/>
<text x="1705" y="3" class="subversion">3.9</text>
<!-- V4.0: April, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1715" r="10"/>
<text x="1715" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V4.1: May, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1725" r="10"/>
<text x="1725" y="3" class="subversion">4.1</text>
<!-- V4.2: between May 23 and June 25, 2007 -->
<!-- V4.3: October, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1775" r="10"/>
<text x="1775" y="3" class="subversion">4.3</text>
<!-- V4.4: January, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1805" r="10"/>
<text x="1805" y="3" class="subversion">4.4</text>
<!-- V4.5: April, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1835" r="10"/>
<text x="1835" y="3" class="subversion">4.5</text>
<!-- V4.7: between May 15 and September 3, 2008 -->
<!-- V4.8: between October 29 and November 19, 2008 -->
<!-- V4.9: January, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1925" r="10"/>
<text x="1925" y="3" class="subversion">4.9</text>
<!-- V5.0: before April 21, 2009 -->
<!-- V5.1: May, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1965" r="10"/>
<text x="1965" y="3" class="subversion">5.1</text>
<!-- V5.2: between May 25, 2009 and September 25, 2009 -->
<!-- V5.3: January, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2045" r="10"/>
<text x="2045" y="3" class="subversion">5.3</text>
<!-- V5.4: before June 9, 2010 -->
<!-- V5.5: before July 9, 2010 -->
<!-- V5.6: before September 21, 2010 -->
<!-- V5.7: October 28, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2135" r="10"/>
<text x="2135" y="3" class="subversion">5.7</text>
<!-- V5.8: January 21, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2165" r="10"/>
<text x="2165" y="3" class="subversion">5.8</text>
<!-- V5.9: April 12, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="3" class="subversion">5.9</text>
<!-- V6.0: early October, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V6.1: January 17, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2285" r="10"/>
<text x="2285" y="3" class="subversion">6.1</text>
<!-- V6.2: April 27, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2315" r="10"/>
<text x="2315" y="3" class="subversion">6.2</text>
<!-- V6.3: between August 17 and 22, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2355" r="10"/>
<text x="2355" y="3" class="subversion">6.3</text>
<!-- V6.4: May 15, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2445" r="10"/>
<text x="2445" y="3" class="subversion">6.4</text>
<!-- V6.5: September 27, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2485" r="10"/>
<text x="2485" y="3" class="subversion">6.5</text>
<!-- V6.6: January 9, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2525" r="10"/>
<text x="2525" y="3" class="subversion">6.6</text>
<!-- V6.7: April 17, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">6.7</text>
<!-- V6.8: January 5, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2645" r="10"/>
<text x="2645" y="3" class="subversion">6.8</text>
<!-- V6.9: May 17, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="2805" r="10"/>
<text x="2805" y="3" class="subversion">6.9</text>
<g id="menubox">
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MenuBox">
<text x="1125" y="23" class="browser">MenuBox</text>
<!-- Source: http://www.menubox.com/ -->
<line stroke="#E9A54F" x1="1125" x2="2935"/>
<!-- V. May 31, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1125" r="10"/>
<text x="1125" y="3" class="subversion">1.7</text>
<!-- V. September 22, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1165" r="10"/>
<text x="1165" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. May 7, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1245" r="10"/>
<text x="1245" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V. August 20, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1275" r="10"/>
<text x="1275" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V. November 11, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1305" r="10"/>
<text x="1305" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- V. October 29, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1415" r="10"/>
<text x="1415" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. August 1, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1515" r="10"/>
<text x="1515" y="3" class="subversion">3.1</text>
<!-- V. September 21, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1525" r="10"/>
<text x="1525" y="3" class="subversion">3.2</text>
<!-- V. May 17, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1725" r="10"/>
<text x="1725" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. August 8, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="1875" r="10"/>
<text x="1875" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. September 25, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="2005" r="10"/>
<text x="2005" y="3" class="subversion">5.1</text>
<!-- V. October 21, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="2135" r="10"/>
<text x="2135" y="3" class="subversion">5.2</text>
<!-- V. January 26, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#E9A54F" cx="2645" r="10"/>
<text x="2645" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<g id="deepnet">
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepnet_Explorer">
<text x="1335" y="23" class="browser">Deepnet Explorer</text>
<!-- Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20121119021701/http://www.deepnetexplorer.com/ -->
<line stroke="dodgerblue" x1="1335" x2="1775"/>
<!-- V. May 2004 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="1365" r="10"/>
<text x="1365" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: June 2004 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="1375" r="10"/>
<text x="1375" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2: August 9, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="1395" r="10"/>
<text x="1395" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.3: December 1, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="1435" r="10"/>
<text x="1435" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V. 1.4: March 1, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="1465" r="10"/>
<text x="1465" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- V. 1.5: July 15, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="1505" r="10"/>
<text x="1505" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<g id="slimbrowser">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SlimBrowser">
<text x="1125" y="20" class="browser">SlimBrowser</text>
<!-- Source: http://tweakers.net/meuktracker/?keyword=slimbrowser -->
<!-- Started: between February and May 2002 -->
<!-- Source: http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20020604181452/http://www.flashpeak.com/sbrowser/sbrowser.htm -->
<line stroke="purple" x1="1125" x2="3115"/>
<!-- Versions to add:
2.0, 2.1, 2.2
3.0, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 (delete 3.45), 3.5 (delete 3.53), 3.6, 3.8 (delete 3.86), 3.9 (delete 3.91)
<!-- V3.45: January 27, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1205" r="10"/>
<text x="1205" y="3" class="subversion">3.45</text>
<!-- V3.53: May 2003 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1245" r="10"/>
<text x="1245" y="3" class="subversion">3.53</text>
<!-- V3.71: July 2003 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1265" r="10"/>
<text x="1265" y="3" class="subversion">3.71</text>
<!-- V3.86: December 2003 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1295" r="10"/>
<text x="1295" y="3" class="subversion">3.86</text>
<!-- V3.91: February 5, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1335" r="10"/>
<text x="1335" y="3" class="subversion">3.91</text>
<!-- V4.00: August 2004 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1395" r="10"/>
<text x="1395" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V4.01: October 2004 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1415" r="10"/>
<text x="1415" y="3" class="subversion">4.01</text>
<!-- V4.03: December 2004 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1435" r="10"/>
<text x="1435" y="3" class="subversion">4.03</text>
<!-- V4.04: March 2005 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1465" r="10"/>
<text x="1465" y="3" class="subversion">4.04</text>
<!-- V4.06: October 2005 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1535" r="10"/>
<text x="1535" y="3" class="subversion">4.06</text>
<!-- V4.07: June 2006 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1615" r="10"/>
<text x="1615" y="3" class="subversion">4.07</text>
<!-- V4.08: September 2006 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1645" r="10"/>
<text x="1645" y="3" class="subversion">4.08</text>
<!-- V4.09: May 2007 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1725" r="10"/>
<text x="1725" y="3" class="subversion">4.09</text>
<!-- V4.10: September 2007 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1765" r="10"/>
<text x="1765" y="3" class="subversion">4.1</text>
<!-- V4.11: November 2008 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1905" r="10"/>
<text x="1905" y="3" class="subversion">4.11</text>
<!-- V4.12: December, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2025" r="10"/>
<text x="2025" y="3" class="subversion">4.12</text>
<!-- V5.00: July, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2105" r="10"/>
<text x="2105" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V5.01: March 1, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2185" r="10"/>
<text x="2185" y="3" class="subversion">5.01</text>
<!-- V6.00: August 24, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2235" r="10"/>
<text x="2235" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V7.00: April 4, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2435" r="10"/>
<text x="2435" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V8.00: June 6, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="2815" r="10"/>
<text x="2815" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<g id="aol">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AOL_Explorer">
<text x="1515" y="-12" class="browser">AOL Browser / AOL Explorer</text>
<!-- No updates since May 2006 -->
<line stroke="#38b6f5" x1="1505" x2="1610"/>
<!-- V1.0: July 2005 -->
<!-- Source: WP article -->
<circle stroke="#38b6f5" cx="1505" r="10"/>
<text x="1505" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V1.5: May 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#38b6f5" cx="1605" r="10"/>
<text x="1605" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<g id="avant">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avant_Browser">
<text x="1165" y="-15" class="browser">IEOpera / Avant Browser</text>
<!-- http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.avantbrowser.com -->
<!-- Source: http://www.50download.com/software/IE%20Opera.htm (earliest appearance found)-->
<line stroke="darkred" x1="1165" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V6.5: September 2002 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1165" r="10"/>
<text x="1165" y="3" class="subversion">6.5</text>
<!-- V7.0: November 2002 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1185" r="10"/>
<text x="1185" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V8.0: May 2003 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1245" r="10"/>
<text x="1245" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V9.0: February 2004 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1335" r="10"/>
<text x="1335" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V10: October 15, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1415" r="10"/>
<text x="1415" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V10.1: July, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1505" r="10"/>
<text x="1505" y="3" class="subversion">10.1</text>
<!-- V10.2: March, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1585" r="10"/>
<text x="1585" y="3" class="subversion">10.2</text>
<!-- V11: October 23, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1555" r="10"/>
<text x="1555" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<!-- V11.5: June 13, 2007 -->
<!-- Source: http://forum.avantbrowser.com/viewtopic.php?t=19901 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1735" r="10"/>
<text x="1735" y="3" class="subversion">11.5</text>
<!-- V11.6: May 2008 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1845" r="10"/>
<text x="1845" y="3" class="subversion">11.6</text>
<!-- V11.7: September 2008 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="1885" r="10"/>
<text x="1885" y="3" class="subversion">11.7</text>
<!-- V2010: June 2010 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="2095" r="10"/>
<text x="2095" y="3" class="subversion">11.8</text>
<!-- V11.9: May 27, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="2205" r="10"/>
<text x="2205" y="3" class="subversion">11.9</text>
<!-- V12: October 25, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="5" class="version">12</text>
<!-- V13: February 20, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="2415" r="10"/>
<text x="2415" y="5" class="version">13</text>
<!-- V14: January 6, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.avantbrowser.com/new.aspx -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="2525" r="10"/>
<text x="2525" y="5" class="version">14</text>
<!-- V15: September 29, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.avantbrowser.com/new.aspx -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="2605" r="10"/>
<text x="2605" y="5" class="version">15</text>
<!-- V16: December 21, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.avantbrowser.com/new.aspx -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="2755" r="10"/>
<text x="2755" y="5" class="version">16</text>
<!-- V17: February 2, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.avantbrowser.com/new.aspx -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="2895" r="10"/>
<text x="2895" y="5" class="version">17</text>
<!-- V18: February 15, 2018 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.avantbrowser.com/new.aspx -->
<circle stroke="darkred" cx="3015" r="10"/>
<text x="3015" y="5" class="version">18</text>
<g id="sleipnir">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleipnir_(web_browser)">
<text x="1425" y="-12" class="browser">Sleipnir</text>
<line stroke="royalblue" x1="1425" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 2.00: October 12, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="1535" r="10"/>
<text x="1535" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.10: November 16, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="1545" r="10"/>
<text x="1545" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V. 2.20: December 7, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="1555" r="10"/>
<text x="1555" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V. 2.30: January 25, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="1565" r="10"/>
<text x="1565" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- V. 2.40: June 13, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="1615" r="10"/>
<text x="1615" y="3" class="subversion">2.4</text>
<!-- V. 2.5: January 26, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="1685" r="10"/>
<text x="1685" y="3" class="subversion">2.5</text>
<!-- V. 2.6: November 13, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="1785" r="10"/>
<text x="1785" y="3" class="subversion">2.6</text>
<!-- V. 2.7: April 2, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="1835" r="10"/>
<text x="1835" y="3" class="subversion">2.7</text>
<!-- V. 2.8: July 31, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="1865" r="10"/>
<text x="1865" y="3" class="subversion">2.8</text>
<!-- V. 2.9: October 15, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2015" r="10"/>
<text x="2015" y="3" class="subversion">2.9</text>
<!-- V. 3.0.0: November 16, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 3.5.0: June 28, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="3" class="subversion">3.5</text>
<!-- V. 3.6.0: August 2, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2355" r="10"/>
<text x="2355" y="3" class="subversion">3.6</text>
<!-- V. 3.7.0: August 30, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2365" r="10"/>
<text x="2365" y="3" class="subversion">3.7</text>
<!-- V. 3.8: October 18, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2375" r="10"/>
<text x="2375" y="3" class="subversion">3.7</text>
<!-- V. 4: March 26, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2425" r="10"/>
<text x="2425" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 5.0.0: November 21, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2505" r="10"/>
<text x="2505" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 5.1.0: February 27, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2535" r="10"/>
<text x="2535" y="3" class="subversion">5.1</text>
<!-- V. 5.2.0: April 17, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">5.2</text>
<!-- V. 6.0.0: May 29, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2565" r="10"/>
<text x="2565" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 6.1.0: September 18, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2605" r="10"/>
<text x="2605" y="3" class="subversion">6.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.2.0: August 3, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="royalblue" cx="2835" r="10"/>
<text x="2835" y="3" class="subversion">6.2</text>
<g id="lunascape">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunascape">
<text x="1065" y="-12" class="browser">Lunascape</text>
<line stroke="dimgray" x1="1065" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 3.0: September 2005 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="1535" r="10"/>
<text x="1535" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 3 Lite: March 2006 -->
<use x="1585" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1585" y="3" class="subversion">3 Lite</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: November 2006 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="1665" r="10"/>
<text x="1665" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 5.0 alpha: September 2008 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="1885" r="10"/>
<text x="1885" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 5.1.5: September 2009 -->
<use x="2005" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2005" y="3" class="subversion">5.1.5</text>
<!-- V. 6.0: December 2009 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="2035" r="10"/>
<text x="2035" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 6.1.1: April 2010 -->
<use x="2075" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2075" y="3" class="subversion">6.1.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.2: July 2010 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="2105" r="10"/>
<text x="2105" y="3" class="subversion">6.2</text>
<!-- V. 6.3: August 24, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="2115" r="10"/>
<text x="2115" y="3" class="subversion">6.3</text>
<!-- V. 6.4.1: January 20, 2011 -->
<use x="2165" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2165" y="3" class="subversion">6.4.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.5.0: May 31, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="2215" r="10"/>
<text x="2215" y="3" class="subversion">6.5</text>
<!-- V. 6.6.0: January 26, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="2295" r="10"/>
<text x="2295" y="3" class="subversion">6.6</text>
<!-- V. 6.7.0: April 20, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="2315" r="10"/>
<text x="2315" y="3" class="subversion">6.7</text>
<!-- V. 6.7.1: May 23, 2012 -->
<use x="2325" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2325" y="3" class="subversion">6.7.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.8.0: September 5, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="2365" r="10"/>
<text x="2365" y="3" class="subversion">6.8</text>
<!-- V. 6.8.1: December 11, 2012 -->
<use x="2395" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2395" y="3" class="subversion">6.8.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.8.2: February 21, 2013 -->
<use x="2415" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2415" y="3" class="subversion">6.8.2</text>
<!-- V. 6.8.7: July 22, 2013 -->
<use x="2465" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2465" y="3" class="subversion">6.8.7</text>
<!-- V. 6.8.8: August 20, 2013 -->
<use x="2475" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2475" y="3" class="subversion">6.8.8</text>
<!-- V. 6.8.9: November 1, 2013 -->
<use x="2505" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2505" y="3" class="subversion">6.8.9</text>
<!-- V. 6.8.10: December 6, 2013 -->
<use x="2515" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2515" y="3" class="subversion">6.8.10</text>
<!-- V. 6.9.1: July 2014 -->
<use x="2585" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2585" y="3" class="subversion">6.9.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.9.4: February 15, 2015 -->
<use x="2655" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2655" y="3" class="subversion">6.9.4</text>
<!-- V. 6.9.5: April 7, 2015 -->
<!-- V. 6.9.6: April 23, 2015 -->
<use x="2675" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2675" y="3" class="subversion">6.9.6</text>
<!-- V. 6.10: August 5, 2015 -->
<use x="2715" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2715" y="3" class="subversion">6.10</text>
<!-- V. 6.11: September 8, 2015 -->
<use x="2725" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2725" y="3" class="subversion">6.11</text>
<!-- V. 6.12: December 21, 2015 -->
<use x="2755" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2755" y="3" class="subversion">6.12</text>
<!-- V. 6.13: April 5, 2016-->
<use x="2795" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2795" y="3" class="subversion">6.13</text>
<!-- V. 6.14: May 27, 2016-->
<use x="2805" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2805" y="3" class="subversion">6.14</text>
<!-- V. 6.15: November 28, 2016-->
<use x="2865" stroke="dimgray" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2865" y="3" class="subversion">6.15</text>
<g id="gzilla">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzilla">
<text x="525" y="-15" class="browser">Gzilla</text>
<line stroke="black" x1="525" x2="945"/>
<!-- Releases sources: http://www.levien.com/gzilla/ and http://www.gzilla.com/-->
<!-- V 0.0.1: May 15, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="525" r="10"/>
<text x="525" y="3" class="subversion">.0.1</text>
<!-- V 0.1.5: Jan 2, 1998 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="605" r="10"/>
<text x="605" y="3" class="subversion">.1.5</text>
<!-- V 0.1.7: December 20, 1998 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="715" r="10"/>
<text x="715" y="3" class="subversion">.1.7</text>
<!-- V 0.2.0: Jul 18, 1999 -->
<!-- V 0.2.1: Jul 23, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="785" r="10"/>
<text x="785" y="3" class="subversion">.2.1</text>
<!-- V 0.3.6: August 28, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="795" r="10"/>
<text x="795" y="3" class="subversion">.3.6</text>
<!-- V 0.3.8: September 27, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="805" r="10"/>
<text x="805" y="3" class="subversion">.3.8</text>
<!-- Renamed to Armadillo -->
<!-- Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20011219093527/www.gzilla.com/Download.html -->
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzilla">
<text x="815" y="-15" class="browser">Armadillo</text>
<!-- V 0.3.10: October 30, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="825" r="10"/>
<text x="825" y="3" class="subversion">.3.10</text>
<g id="dillo">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dillo">
<text x="845" y="-12" class="browser">Dillo</text>
<!-- Sources: http://www.dillo.org/ChangeLog.html, http://www.dillo.org/, http://hg.dillo.org/dillo/file/tip/ChangeLog -->
<line stroke="#A5BAFF" x1="805" y1="-40" x2="805"/>
<line stroke="#A5BAFF" x1="805" x2="2815"/>
<!-- V. 0.0.0: December, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="#A5BAFF" cx="835" r="10"/>
<text x="835" y="5" class="version">0</text>
<!-- V. 0.1: March 30, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="#A5BAFF" cx="865" r="10"/>
<text x="865" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V. 0.5: May 10, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="#A5BAFF" cx="1005" r="10"/>
<text x="1005" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.7: Feb 17, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#A5BAFF" cx="1215" r="10"/>
<text x="1215" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!-- V. 0.8: Feb 08, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#A5BAFF" cx="1335" r="10"/>
<text x="1335" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>
<!-- V. 0.8.6: May 02, 2006 -->
<use x="1605" stroke="#A5BAFF" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1605" y="3" class="subversion">0.8.6</text>
<!-- V 2.0: Oct 24, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#A5BAFF" cx="1895" r="10"/>
<text x="1895" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V 2.1: Jun 20, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#A5BAFF" cx="1975" r="10"/>
<text x="1975" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V 2.2: Feb 11, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#A5BAFF" cx="2055" r="10"/>
<text x="2055" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V 3.0: September 6, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://hg.dillo.org/dillo/file/tip/ChangeLog -->
<circle stroke="#A5BAFF" cx="2245" r="10"/>
<text x="2245" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V 3.0.1: September 23, 2011 -->
<!-- V 3.0.2: December 5, 2011 -->
<use stroke="#A5BAFF" x="2275" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">3.0.2</text>
<!-- V 3.0.3: April 17, 2013 -->
<use stroke="#A5BAFF" x="2435" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2435" y="3" class="subversion">3.0.3</text>
<!-- V 3.0.4: April 9, 2014 -->
<use stroke="#A5BAFF" x="2555" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">3.0.4</text>
<!-- V 3.0.5: June 30, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://hg.dillo.org/dillo/raw-file/3.0.5/ChangeLog -->
<use stroke="#A5BAFF" x="2695" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2695" y="3" class="subversion">3.0.5</text>
<!-- http://hg.dillo.org/dillo -->
<g id="ibmweb">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_WebExplorer">
<text x="225" y="-12" class="browser">IBM WebExplorer</text>
<!-- based on Mosaic -->
<line stroke="red" x1="180" x2="445"/>
<line stroke="red" x1="180" x2="180" y1="-50"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: October, 1994 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="215" r="10"/>
<text x="215" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: March/April, 1996? -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="395" r="10"/>
<text x="395" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2: September, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="red" cx="445" r="10"/>
<text x="445" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<g id="oldopera">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_(web_browser)">
<text x="155" y="-12" class="browser">Opera</text>
<!-- Source: WP article "History of the Opera Internet suite" -->
<line stroke="#B00" x1="155" x2="2895"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: April 10, 1995 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="275" r="10"/>
<text x="275" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: April 22, 1996 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="395" r="10"/>
<text x="395" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: December, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="595" r="10"/>
<text x="595" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 3.5: November, 1997 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="705" r="10"/>
<text x="705" y="3" class="subversion">3.5</text>
<!-- V. 3.6: June 1999 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="775" r="10"/>
<text x="775" y="3" class="subversion">3.6</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: June, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="895" r="10"/>
<text x="895" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 5.0: December, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="955" r="10"/>
<text x="955" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 6.0: November, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1065" r="10"/>
<text x="1065" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 7.0: January, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1205" r="10"/>
<text x="1205" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V. 7.1: April, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1235" r="10"/>
<text x="1235" y="3" class="subversion">7.1</text>
<!-- V. 7.5: May 12, 2004 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/pressreleases/en/2004/05/12/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1365" r="10"/>
<text x="1365" y="3" class="subversion">7.5</text>
<!-- V. 8.0: April, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1475" r="10"/>
<text x="1475" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V. 8.5: September, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1515" r="10"/>
<text x="1515" y="3" class="subversion">8.5</text>
<!-- V. 9.0: June, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1615" r="10"/>
<text x="1615" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V. 9.5: June, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1855" r="10"/>
<text x="1855" y="3" class="subversion">9.5</text>
<!-- V. 9.6: October 8, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1895" r="10"/>
<text x="1895" y="3" class="subversion">9.6</text>
<!-- V. 10.0: September 1, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2005" r="10"/>
<text x="2005" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V. 10.1: November 23, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2025" r="10"/>
<text x="2025" y="3" class="subversion">10.1</text>
<!-- V. 10.5: March 2, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2065" r="10"/>
<text x="2065" y="3" class="subversion">10.5</text>
<!-- V. 10.6: July 1, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2105" r="10"/>
<text x="2105" y="3" class="subversion">10.6</text>
<!-- V. 11.0: December 16, 2010 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2010/12/16/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2155" r="10"/>
<text x="2155" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<!-- V. 11.1: April 12, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="3" class="subversion">11.1</text>
<!-- V. 11.5: June 28, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2011/06/28/swordfish-jumps-out-of-the-water -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2215" r="10"/>
<text x="2215" y="3" class="subversion">11.5</text>
<!-- V. 11.6: December 6, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2011/12/06/11-60-goes-final -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">11.6</text>
<!-- V. 12.0: June 14, 2010 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2012/06/14/twelve-under-the-hood-improvements-in-opera-12 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="5" class="version">12</text>
<!-- V. 12.10: November 5, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2385" r="10"/>
<text x="2385" y="3" class="subversion">12.1</text>
<!-- V. 12.16: July 4, 2013 -->
<use x="2465" stroke="#B00" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2465" y="3" class="subversion">12.16</text>
<!-- V. 12.17: April 23, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2014/04/opera-12-17/ -->
<use x="2555" stroke="#B00" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">12.17</text>
<!-- V. 12.18: February 15, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/blogs/security/2016/02/opera-12-and-opera-mail-security-update/ -->
<use x="2775" stroke="#B00" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2775" y="3" class="subversion">12.18</text>
<g id="opera">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_(web_browser)">
<text x="2445" y="-15" class="browser">Opera (blink-based)</text>
<!-- Source: WP article "History of the Opera Internet suite" -->
<line stroke="#B00" x1="2445" x2="2995"/>
<!-- V. 15: July 2, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2013/07/02/opera-15 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2465" r="10"/>
<text x="2465" y="5" class="version">15</text>
<!-- V. 16: August 27, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2013/08/27/opera-16 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2475" r="10"/>
<text x="2475" y="5" class="version">16</text>
<!-- V. 17: October 8, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2495" r="10"/>
<text x="2495" y="5" class="version">17</text>
<!-- V. 18: November 19, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2013/11/opera-18-landed/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2505" r="10"/>
<text x="2505" y="5" class="version">18</text>
<!-- V. 19: January 28, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/01/opera-19-going-stable/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2525" r="10"/>
<text x="2525" y="5" class="version">19</text>
<!-- V. 20: March 4, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/03/opera20fordesktop/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2545" r="10"/>
<text x="2545" y="5" class="version">20</text>
<!-- V. 21: May 6, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/05/opera-21-desktop-released-aura-powered/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2565" r="10"/>
<text x="2565" y="5" class="version">21</text>
<!-- V. 22: June 3, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/06/opera-22-windows-mac-released-today-new-themes-silent-updates/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2575" r="10"/>
<text x="2575" y="5" class="version">22</text>
<!-- V. 23: July 22, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/07/heart-icon-opera-23-for-windows-and-mac/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2585" r="10"/>
<text x="2585" y="5" class="version">23</text>
<!-- V. 24: September 2, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/09/browse-faster-opera-24-desktop-with-tab-preview/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2605" r="10"/>
<text x="2605" y="5" class="version">24</text>
<!-- V. 25: October 15, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/10/visual-bookmarks-opera-for-computers/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2615" r="10"/>
<text x="2615" y="5" class="version">25</text>
<!-- V. 26: December 3, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/12/share-bookmarks-opera-computers/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2635" r="10"/>
<text x="2635" y="5" class="version">26</text>
<!-- V. 27: January 27, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2015/01/opera-27-computers-bookmarks-tabs-navigation-bar/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2645" r="10"/>
<text x="2645" y="5" class="version">27</text>
<!-- V. 28.0: March 10, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2015/03/bookmarks-syncing-opera-28/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2665" r="10"/>
<text x="2665" y="5" class="version">28</text>
<!-- V. 29.0: April 28, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2015/04/access-the-same-tabs-from-your-computer-and-your-android-phone/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2675" r="10"/>
<text x="2675" y="5" class="version">29</text>
<!-- V. 30.0: June 9, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2015/06/view-tabs-easier-get-sidebar-extensions-opera-30/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2695" r="10"/>
<text x="2695" y="5" class="version">30</text>
<!-- V. 31.0: August 04, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2015/08/opera-31-speeds-up/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2715" r="10"/>
<text x="2715" y="5" class="version">31</text>
<!-- V. 32.0: September 15, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2015/09/opera-32-privacy-is-a-universal-right-2/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="5" class="version">32</text>
<!-- V. 33.0: October 27, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2015/10/opera-33-our-contribution-to-chromium/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2735" r="10"/>
<text x="2735" y="5" class="version">33</text>
<!-- V. 34.0: December 8, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2015/12/opera-34-technology-help/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2755" r="10"/>
<text x="2755" y="5" class="version">34</text>
<!-- V. 35.0: February 2, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2016/02/better-downloads-and-quieter-tabs-in-opera-35-for-computers/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2775" r="10"/>
<text x="2775" y="5" class="version">35</text>
<!-- V. 36.0: March 15, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2016/03/best-browser-windows-10/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2785" r="10"/>
<text x="2785" y="5" class="version">36</text>
<!-- V. 37.0: May 4, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2016/05/ad-blocker-opera-for-windows-mac-free/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2805" r="10"/>
<text x="2805" y="5" class="version">37</text>
<!-- V. 38.0: June 2, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2016/06/opera-stable-38-0-2220-31-update/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2815" r="10"/>
<text x="2815" y="5" class="version">38</text>
<!-- V. 39.0: September 6, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2016/09/opera-stable-39-0-2256-71-update/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2845" r="10"/>
<text x="2845" y="5" class="version">39</text>
<!-- V. 40.0: October 4, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2016/10/opera-stable-40-0-2308-81-update/ -->
<!-- V. 41.0: October 25, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2016/10/86-percent-faster-opera-41-for-computers/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2855" r="10"/>
<text x="2855" y="5" class="version">41</text>
<!-- V. 42.0: December 13, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2016/12/20-year-edition-opera-42-ships-new-gifts/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2875" r="10"/>
<text x="2875" y="5" class="version">42</text>
<!-- V. 43.0: February 7, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2017/02/opera-43-squeezes-page-loading-time-limits/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2895" r="10"/>
<text x="2895" y="5" class="version">43</text>
<!-- V. 44.0: March 21, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2017/03/opera-44-goes-final-support-apples-new-touch-bar/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2905" r="10"/>
<text x="2905" y="5" class="version">44</text>
<!-- V. 45.0: May 10, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2017/05/opera-is-reborn/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2925" r="10"/>
<text x="2925" y="5" class="version">45</text>
<!-- V. 46.0: June 22, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2017/06/opera-46-goes-final-more-quality-and-operas-first-tv-ad/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2935" r="10"/>
<text x="2935" y="5" class="version">46</text>
<!-- V. 47.0: August 9, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2017/08/exportable-bookmarks-smoother-videos-design-improvements-opera-47/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2955" r="10"/>
<text x="2955" y="5" class="version">47</text>
<!-- V. 48.0: September 27, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2017/09/convert-measurements-currencies-time-zones-opera-48/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2965" r="10"/>
<text x="2965" y="5" class="version">48</text>
<!-- V. 49.0: November 8, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2017/11/opera-49-adds-snapshot-tool-editing-tools/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2985" r="10"/>
<text x="2985" y="5" class="version">49</text>
<!-- V. 50.0: January 4, 2018 -->
<!-- Source: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2018/01/opera-50-introduces-anti-bitcoin-mining-tool/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="3005" r="10"/>
<text x="3005" y="5" class="version">50</text>
<!-- V. 51.0: February 7, 2018 -->
<!-- Source: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2018/02/opera-51/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="3015" r="10"/>
<text x="3015" y="5" class="version">51</text>
<!-- V. 52.0: March 22, 2018 -->
<!-- Source: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2018/03/opera-52-offers-faster-ad-blocking-and-cool-new-animations/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="3025" r="10"/>
<text x="3025" y="5" class="version">52</text>
<g id="operamini">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_Mini">
<text x="1525" y="-12" class="browser">Opera Mini</text>
<!-- Started: January, 2003 -->
<line stroke="#B00" x1="1500" y1="-50" x2="1500"/>
<line stroke="#B00" x1="1500" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: August 10, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1515" r="10"/>
<text x="1515" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: May, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1605" r="10"/>
<text x="1605" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: November 28, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1665" r="10"/>
<text x="1665" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: November 7, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1795" r="10"/>
<text x="1795" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 4.1: May 13, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1845" r="10"/>
<text x="1845" y="3" class="subversion">4.1</text>
<!-- V. 4.2: November 25, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1905" r="10"/>
<text x="1905" y="3" class="subversion">4.2</text>
<!-- V. 5.0: March 16, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2065" r="10"/>
<text x="2065" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 6.0: March 22, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/operamini/blog/opera-mini-6-is-here -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2185" r="10"/>
<text x="2185" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 6.1: June 30, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2215" r="10"/>
<text x="2215" y="3" class="subversion">6.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.5: October 11, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/operamobile/blog/2011/10/11/opera-mobile-11-5-for-android-now-with-data-usage -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="3" class="subversion">6.5</text>
<!-- V. 7.0 (iOS): February 25, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2295" r="10"/>
<text x="2295" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V. 7.5 (Android): September 20, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/mobile/blog/show.dml/53144992 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2365" r="10"/>
<text x="2365" y="3" class="subversion">7.5</text>
<!-- V. 8.0 (BlackBerry): March 12, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/mobile/2014/03/opera-mini-for-java-and-blackberry/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2545" r="10"/>
<text x="2545" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V. 9.0 (iOS): November 6, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2625" r="10"/>
<text x="2625" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V. 9.1 (iOS): January 22, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2645" r="10"/>
<text x="2645" y="3" class="subversion">9.1</text>
<!-- V. 9.2 (iOS): February 3, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2655" r="10"/>
<text x="2655" y="3" class="subversion">9.2</text>
<!-- V. 10 (iOS): March 31, 2015 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2665" r="10"/>
<text x="2665" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V. 11.0 (Android): September 8, 2015 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<!-- V. 12.0 (Android): November 3, 2015 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2745" r="10"/>
<text x="2745" y="5" class="version">12</text>
<!-- V. 13.0 (Android): December 9, 2015 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2755" r="10"/>
<text x="2755" y="5" class="version">13</text>
<!-- V. 14.0 (Android): February 4, 2016 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2775" r="10"/>
<text x="2775" y="5" class="version">14</text>
<!-- V. 15.0 (Android): May 4, 2016 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<!-- V. 16.0 (Android): May 19, 2016 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2805" r="10"/>
<text x="2805" y="5" class="version">16</text>
<!-- V. 17.0 (Android): June 21, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2815" r="10"/>
<text x="2815" y="5" class="version">17</text>
<!-- V. 18.0 (Android): September 5, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2845" r="10"/>
<text x="2845" y="5" class="version">18</text>
<!-- V. 19.0 (Android): October 10, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2855" r="10"/>
<text x="2855" y="5" class="version">19</text>
<!-- V. 20.0 (Android): November 1, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2865" r="10"/>
<text x="2865" y="5" class="version">20</text>
<!-- V. 21.0 (Android): December 21, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2875" r="10"/>
<text x="2875" y="5" class="version">21</text>
<!-- V. 22.0 (Android): February 1, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2895" r="10"/>
<text x="2895" y="5" class="version">22</text>
<!-- V. 23.0 (Android): March 24, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2905" r="10"/>
<text x="2905" y="5" class="version">23</text>
<!-- V. 24.0 (Android): April 2, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2915" r="10"/>
<text x="2915" y="5" class="version">24</text>
<!-- V. 25.0 (Android): May 9, 2017 -->
<!-- V. 26.0 (Android): May 26, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2925" r="10"/>
<text x="2925" y="5" class="version">26</text>
<!-- V. 27.0 (Android): June 29, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2935" r="10"/>
<text x="2935" y="5" class="version">27</text>
<!-- V. 28.0 (Android): July 14, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2945" r="10"/>
<text x="2945" y="5" class="version">28</text>
<!-- V. 29.0 (Android): August 20, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2955" r="10"/>
<text x="2955" y="5" class="version">29</text>
<!-- V. 30.0 (Android): September 14, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2965" r="10"/>
<text x="2965" y="5" class="version">30</text>
<!-- V. 31.0 (Android): October 26, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2975" r="10"/>
<text x="2975" y="5" class="version">31</text>
<!-- V. 32.0 (Android): December 1, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2995" r="10"/>
<text x="2995" y="5" class="version">32</text>
<!-- V. 33.0 (Android): March 9, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="3025" r="10"/>
<text x="3025" y="5" class="version">33</text>
<g id="operamobile">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_Mobile">
<text x="865" y="-12" class="browser">Opera Mobile</text>
<!-- Started: before October 1999 -->
<line stroke="#B00" x1="810" y1="50" x2="810"/>
<line stroke="#B00" x1="810" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 3.6: February 28, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="855" r="10"/>
<text x="855" y="3" class="subversion">3.6</text>
<!-- V. 5.14: April 23, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1115" r="10"/>
<text x="1115" y="3" class="subversion">5.14</text>
<!-- V. 6.01: June 23, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1255" r="10"/>
<text x="1255" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 6.1: October 27, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1295" r="10"/>
<text x="1295" y="3" class="subversion">6.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.2: September 25, 2003 -->
<!--<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1285" r="10"/>
<text x="1285" y="3" class="subversion">6.2</text>-->
<!-- V. 8.0: July 13, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1505" r="10"/>
<text x="1505" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V. 8.5: November 14, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1545" r="10"/>
<text x="1545" y="3" class="subversion">8.5</text>
<!-- V. 8.6: April 5, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="1595" r="10"/>
<text x="1595" y="3" class="subversion">8.6</text>
<!-- V. 9.0/9.5 were cancelled, 9.7 was only beta -->
<!-- V. 10.0: March 16, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2065" r="10"/>
<text x="2065" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V. 11.0: March 22, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2185" r="10"/>
<text x="2185" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<!-- V. 11.1: June 30, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2215" r="10"/>
<text x="2215" y="3" class="subversion">11.1</text>
<!-- V. 11.5: October 11, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/operamobile/blog/2011/10/11/opera-mobile-11-5-for-android-now-with-data-usage -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="3" class="subversion">11.5</text>
<!-- V. 12.0: February 25, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2295" r="10"/>
<text x="2295" y="5" class="version">12</text>
<!-- V. 12.1: October 9, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/ODIN/blog/opera-mobile-12-1-with-spdy-web-sockets-flexbox-and-more -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2375" r="10"/>
<text x="2375" y="3" class="subversion">12.1</text>
<!-- Version 13 does not exist -->
<!-- V. 14.0: May 21, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/ODIN/blog/opera-14-for-android-is-out -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2445" r="10"/>
<text x="2445" y="5" class="version">14</text>
<!-- V. 15.0: July 9, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=1714522 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2465" r="10"/>
<text x="2465" y="5" class="version">15</text>
<!-- V. 16.0: September 18, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://my.opera.com/chooseopera/blog/2013/09/18/opera-16-for-android-is-released-2 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2485" r="10"/>
<text x="2485" y="5" class="version">16</text>
<!-- TODO: V17. Might not have been released? -->
<!-- V. 18.0: November 20, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/news/2013/11/opera-18-android-tablet/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2505" r="10"/>
<text x="2505" y="5" class="version">18</text>
<!-- V. 19.0: January 22, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2525" r="10"/>
<text x="2525" y="5" class="version">19</text>
<!-- V. 20.0: March 6, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2545" r="10"/>
<text x="2545" y="5" class="version">20</text>
<!-- V. 21.0: May 6, 2014 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2565" r="10"/>
<text x="2565" y="5" class="version">21</text>
<!-- V. 22.0: June 3, 2014 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2575" r="10"/>
<text x="2575" y="5" class="version">22</text>
<!-- V. 23.0: July 22, 2014 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2585" r="10"/>
<text x="2585" y="5" class="version">23</text>
<!-- V. 24.0: September 2, 2014 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2605" r="10"/>
<text x="2605" y="5" class="version">24</text>
<!-- V. 25.0: October 15, 2014 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2615" r="10"/>
<text x="2615" y="5" class="version">25</text>
<!-- V. 26.0: December 3, 2014 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2635" r="10"/>
<text x="2635" y="5" class="version">26</text>
<!-- V. 27.0: January 27, 2015 -->
<!-- Release date not 100% sure -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2645" r="10"/>
<text x="2645" y="5" class="version">27</text>
<!-- V. 28.0: March 10, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/mobile/2015/03/bookmarks-sync-opera-android-ios/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2665" r="10"/>
<text x="2665" y="5" class="version">28</text>
<!-- V. 29.0: April 28, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://betanews.com/2015/04/28/opera-29-gains-tab-sync-across-devices-customizable-keyboard-shortcuts/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2675" r="10"/>
<text x="2675" y="5" class="version">29</text>
<!-- V. 30.0: June 10, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/mobile/2015/06/opera-30-android-sync-speeddials/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2695" r="10"/>
<text x="2695" y="5" class="version">30</text>
<!-- V. 32.0: September 23, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://blogs.opera.com/mobile/2015/09/opera-32-add-to-home-screen/ -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="5" class="version">32</text>
<!-- V. 33.0: November 3, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2745" r="10"/>
<text x="2745" y="5" class="version">33</text>
<!-- V. 34.0: December 15, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2755" r="10"/>
<text x="2755" y="5" class="version">34</text>
<!-- V. 35.0: February 2, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2775" r="10"/>
<text x="2775" y="5" class="version">35</text>
<!-- V. 36.0: March 15, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2785" r="10"/>
<text x="2785" y="5" class="version">36</text>
<!-- V. 37.0: May 4, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2805" r="10"/>
<text x="2805" y="5" class="version">37</text>
<!-- V. 37.1: September 22, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2845" r="10"/>
<text x="2845" y="3" class="subversion">37.1</text>
<!-- V. 37.2: October 5, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2855" r="10"/>
<text x="2855" y="3" class="subversion">37.2</text>
<!-- V. 41.1: December 22, 2016 -->
<!-- V. 41.2: December 29, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2875" r="10"/>
<text x="2875" y="3" class="subversion">41.2</text>
<!-- V. 41.3: January 18, 2017 -->
<!-- V. 42.0: January 24, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2885" r="10"/>
<text x="2885" y="5" class="version">42</text>
<!-- V. 42.4: February 21, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2895" r="10"/>
<text x="2895" y="3" class="subversion">42.4</text>
<!-- V. 42.7: March 27, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2905" r="10"/>
<text x="2905" y="3" class="subversion">42.7</text>
<!-- V. 42.8: June 19, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2935" r="10"/>
<text x="2935" y="3" class="subversion">42.8</text>
<!-- V. 42.9: August 14, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2955" r="10"/>
<text x="2955" y="3" class="subversion">42.9</text>
<!-- V. 43.0: September 22, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2965" r="10"/>
<text x="2965" y="5" class="version">43</text>
<!-- V. 44.0: December 2, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="2995" r="10"/>
<text x="2995" y="5" class="version">44</text>
<!-- V. 44.1: December 11, 2017 -->
<!-- V. 45.0: February 12, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#B00" cx="3015" r="10"/>
<text x="3015" y="5" class="version">45</text>
<!-- V. 45.1: February 26, 2017 -->
<g id="kazehakase">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazehakase">
<text x="1205" y="-12" class="browser">Kazehakase</text>
<line stroke="dimgray" x1="1205" x2="2005"/>
<!-- V. 0.1.1: January 3, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="1325" r="10"/>
<text x="1325" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V. 0.2.0: September 29, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="1405" r="10"/>
<text x="1405" y="3" class="subversion">0.2</text>
<!-- V. 0.3.0: August 29, 2005-->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="1515" r="10"/>
<text x="1515" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text>
<!-- V. 0.4.0: August 30, 2006-->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="1635" r="10"/>
<text x="1635" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.0: October 2007 -->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="1775" r="10"/>
<text x="1775" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.3.0: August 29, 2005-->
<circle stroke="dimgray" cx="1515" r="10"/>
<text x="1515" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text>
<g id="konqueror">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konqueror">
<text x="945" y="-12" class="browser">Konqueror</text>
<line stroke="#3E71C6" x1="935" x2="2995"/>
<!-- V. 2.0 (tied to KDE releases): October, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="935" r="10"/>
<text x="935" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: April 3, 2002 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="1115" r="10"/>
<text x="1115" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 3.2: February 3, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="1335" r="10"/>
<text x="1335" y="3" class="subversion">3.2</text>
<!-- V. 3.3: August 19, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="1395" r="10"/>
<text x="1395" y="3" class="subversion">3.3</text>
<!-- V. 3.4: March 16, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="1465" r="10"/>
<text x="1465" y="3" class="subversion">3.4</text>
<!-- V. 3.5: November, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="1545" r="10"/>
<text x="1545" y="3" class="subversion">3.5</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: January 11, 2008 -->
<!-- http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="1805" r="10"/>
<text x="1805" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 4.1: July 29, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="1865" r="10"/>
<text x="1865" y="3" class="subversion">4.1</text>
<!-- V. 4.2: January 27, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="1925" r="10"/>
<text x="1925" y="3" class="subversion">4.2</text>
<!-- V. 4.3: August 4, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="1995" r="10"/>
<text x="1995" y="3" class="subversion">4.3</text>
<!-- V. 4.4: February 9, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="2055" r="10"/>
<text x="2055" y="3" class="subversion">4.4</text>
<!-- V. 4.5: August 10, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="2115" r="10"/>
<text x="2115" y="3" class="subversion">4.5</text>
<!-- V. 4.6: January 26, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="2165" r="10"/>
<text x="2165" y="3" class="subversion">4.6</text>
<!-- V. 4.7: July 26, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="2225" r="10"/>
<text x="2225" y="3" class="subversion">4.7</text>
<!-- V. 4.8: January 25, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="2285" r="10"/>
<text x="2285" y="3" class="subversion">4.8</text>
<!-- V. 4.9: August 1, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="2355" r="10"/>
<text x="2355" y="3" class="subversion">4.9</text>
<!-- V. 4.10: February 6, 2013 -->
<use x="2415" stroke="#3E71C6" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2415" y="3" class="subversion">4.10</text>
<!-- V. 4.11: August 14, 2013 -->
<use x="2475" stroke="#3E71C6" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2475" y="3" class="subversion">4.11</text>
<!-- V. 4.12: December 18, 2013? -->
<use x="2515" stroke="#3E71C6" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2515" y="3" class="subversion">4.12</text>
<!-- V. 4.13: April 16, 2014? -->
<use x="2555" stroke="#3E71C6" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">4.13</text>
<!-- V. 4.14: August 20, 2014 -->
<use x="2595" stroke="#3E71C6" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2595" y="3" class="subversion">4.14</text>
<!-- V. 5.0: December 15, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#3E71C6" cx="2875" r="10"/>
<text x="2875" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<g id="safari">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safari_(web browser)">
<text x="1215" y="-12" class="browser">Safari</text>
<!-- Source dates from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safari_(web_browser) -->
<!-- Started: January, 2003 -->
<line stroke="#888" x1="1205" y1="-50" x2="1205"/>
<line stroke="#888" x1="1205" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: June 23, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="1255" r="10"/>
<text x="1255" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: October 24, 2003 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="1295" r="10"/>
<text x="1295" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2: February 2, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="1335" r="10"/>
<text x="1335" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.3: April 15, 2005 -->
<!-- V. 2.0: April, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="1475" r="10"/>
<text x="1475" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: October 26, 2007 -->
<!-- Note: This is the date the Mac version went final -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="1775" r="10"/>
<text x="1775" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 3.1: March 18, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="1825" r="10"/>
<text x="1825" y="3" class="subversion">3.1</text>
<!-- V. 3.2: November 13, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="1905" r="10"/>
<text x="1905" y="3" class="subversion">3.2</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: June 8, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="1975" r="10"/>
<text x="1975" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 5.0: June 7, 2010 -->
<!-- 4.1 released on same day -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2095" r="10"/>
<text x="2095" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 5.1: July 20, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2225" r="10"/>
<text x="2225" y="3" class="subversion">5.1</text>
<!-- V. 6.0: July 25, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2345" r="10"/>
<text x="2345" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 7.0: October 24, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2495" r="10"/>
<text x="2495" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V. 8.0: October 16, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2615" r="10"/>
<text x="2615" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V. 9.0: September 30, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V. 9.1: late March, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://webkit.org/blog/6008/new-web-features-in-safari/ -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2785" r="10"/>
<text x="2785" y="3" class="subversion">9.1</text>
<!-- V. 10.0: September 30, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2845" r="10"/>
<text x="2845" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V. 10.1: March 27, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2905" r="10"/>
<text x="2905" y="3" class="subversion">10.1</text>
<!-- V. 11.0: September 19, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="2965" r="10"/>
<text x="2965" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<!-- V. 10.1: March 27, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#888" cx="3025" r="10"/>
<text x="3025" y="3" class="subversion">11.1</text>
<g id="tkWWW">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/tkWWW">
<text x="-65" y="-15" class="browser">tkWWW</text>
<!-- Source dates from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/tkWWW and the timeline
For better reading the Version numbering and every build was in alpha stage I took subversion. -->
<line stroke="navy" x1="-55" x2="275"/>
<circle stroke="navy" cx="-55" r="10"/>
<text x="-55" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!--<circle stroke="navy" cx="-45" r="10"/>
<text x="-45" y="3" class="subversion">0.2</text>
<circle stroke="navy" cx="-35" r="10"/>
<text x="-35" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text> -->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="-25" r="10"/>
<text x="-25" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<circle stroke="navy" cx="15" r="10"/>
<text x="15" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!--<circle stroke="navy" cx="25" r="10"/>
<text x="25" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>-->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="45" r="10"/>
<text x="45" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text><!-- and 0.8-->
<circle stroke="navy" cx="85" r="10"/>
<text x="85" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<circle stroke="navy" cx="135" r="10"/>
<text x="135" y="3" class="subversion">0.10</text>
<circle stroke="navy" cx="155" r="10"/>
<text x="155" y="3" class="subversion">0.11</text>
<circle stroke="navy" cx="185" r="10"/>
<text x="185" y="3" class="subversion">0.12</text>
<circle stroke="navy" cx="275" r="10"/>
<text x="275" y="3" class="subversion">0.13</text>
<g id="omniweb">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OmniWeb">
<text x="275" y="-12" class="browser">OmniWeb</text>
<line stroke="green" x1="265" x2="2345"/>
<!-- V1.0: March, 1995 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="265" r="10"/>
<text x="265" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V2.0: February(?) 1996 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="375" r="10"/>
<text x="375" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V3.0: February 1999 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="735" r="10"/>
<text x="735" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V4.0: May 2001 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1005" r="10"/>
<text x="1005" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V4.1: June 25, 2002 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.onemorething.nl/2002/06/omniweb-41-final-release/ -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1135" r="10"/>
<text x="1135" y="3" class="subversion">4.1</text>
<!-- V4.2: April 9, 2003 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.macworld.com/article/1022824/omniweb.html -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1235" r="10"/>
<text x="1235" y="3" class="subversion">4.2</text>
<!-- V4.5: August 8, 2003 -->
<!-- Source: http://apple.slashdot.org/story/03/08/08/153236/omni-releases-omniweb-45-using-safari-engine -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1275" r="10"/>
<text x="1275" y="3" class="subversion">4.5</text>
<!-- V5.0: August 2004 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1395" r="10"/>
<text x="1395" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V5.5: September 2006 -->
<circle stroke="green" cx="1645" r="10"/>
<text x="1645" y="3" class="subversion">5.5</text>
<!-- V5.10: August 28, 2009 -->
<use x="1995" stroke="green" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="1995" y="3" class="subversion">5.10</text>
<!-- V5.11: June 20, 2011 -->
<use x="2215" stroke="green" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2215" y="3" class="subversion">5.11</text>
<!-- Latest release: July 20, 2012 -->
<!-- Test builds available on http://omnistaging.omnigroup.com/omniweb/ as of January 2015 -->
<g id="vivaldi">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivaldi_(web_browser)">
<text x="2645" y="-12" class="browser">Vivaldi</text>
<line stroke="#ec4947" x1="2645" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. Beta 1: November 3, 2015 -->
<use x="2745" stroke="#ec4947" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2745" y="3" class="subversion">BETA</text>
<!-- V1.0: April 6, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2795" r="10"/>
<text x="2795" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V1.1: April 26, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: https://vivaldi.net/en-US/teamblog/110-vivaldi-1-1-is-here -->
<!-- Since 1.0 is the first stable version, that one is included instead of the later 1.1 -->
<!-- V1.2: June 2, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2815" r="10"/>
<text x="2815" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V1.3: August 11, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2835" r="10"/>
<text x="2835" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V1.4: September 8, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2845" r="10"/>
<text x="2845" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- V1.5: November 22, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2865" r="10"/>
<text x="2865" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V1.6: December 14, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2875" r="10"/>
<text x="2875" y="3" class="subversion">1.6</text>
<!-- V1.7: February 8, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2895" r="10"/>
<text x="2895" y="3" class="subversion">1.7</text>
<!-- V1.8: March 29, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2905" r="10"/>
<text x="2905" y="3" class="subversion">1.8</text>
<!-- V1.9: April 27, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2915" r="10"/>
<text x="2915" y="3" class="subversion">1.9</text>
<!-- V1.10: June 15, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2935" r="10"/>
<text x="2935" y="3" class="subversion">1.10</text>
<!-- V1.11: August 10, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2955" r="10"/>
<text x="2955" y="3" class="subversion">1.11</text>
<!-- V1.12: September 20, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2965" r="10"/>
<text x="2965" y="3" class="subversion">1.12</text>
<!-- V1.13: November 22, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="2985" r="10"/>
<text x="2985" y="3" class="subversion">1.13</text>
<!-- V1.14: January 31, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="3005" r="10"/>
<text x="3005" y="3" class="subversion">1.14</text>
<!-- V1.15: April 25, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#ec4947" cx="3035" r="10"/>
<text x="3035" y="3" class="subversion">1.15</text>
<g id="webpositive">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebPositive">
<text x="2055" y="-15" class="browser">WebPositive</text>
<line stroke="gold" x1="2055" x2="2505"/>
<!-- V. r488 (Haiku R1/A2): May 10, 2010 -->
<use x="2085" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2085" y="3" class="subversion">r488</text>
<!-- V. r515: May 22, 2010 -->
<use x="2115" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2115" y="3" class="subversion">r515</text>
<!-- V. r573: January 7, 2011 -->
<use x="2165" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2165" y="3" class="subversion">r573</text>
<!-- V. r577: March 13, 2011 -->
<use x="2195" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2195" y="3" class="subversion">r577</text>
<!-- V. r580: June 1, 2011 -->
<use x="2225" stroke="gold" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2225" y="3" class="subversion">r580</text>
<!-- V. 1.1-alpha: November 15, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="gold" cx="2505" r="10"/>
<text x="2505" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<g id="shiira">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiira">
<text x="1365" y="-12" class="browser">Shiira</text>
<line stroke="purple" x1="1355" x2="1995"/>
<!-- V0.9: April 11, 2004 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1355" r="10"/>
<text x="1355" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- V1.0: April, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1475" r="10"/>
<text x="1475" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V1.1: July 14, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1505" r="10"/>
<text x="1505" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V1.2: December 20, 2005 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1555" r="10"/>
<text x="1555" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V2.0: April, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1715" r="10"/>
<text x="1715" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V2.1: June 19, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1735" r="10"/>
<text x="1735" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V2.2: July 17, 2007 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1745" r="10"/>
<text x="1745" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V2.3: August 11, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="purple" cx="1995" r="10"/>
<text x="1995" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<g id="midori">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midori_(web_browser)">
<text x="1785" y="-12" class="browser">Midori</text>
<line stroke="darkslategray" x1="1785" x2="2835"/>
<!-- Sources: https://launchpad.net/midori/+download -->
<!-- V. 0.1: October 2008 -->
<circle stroke="darkslategray" cx="1905" r="10"/>
<text x="1905" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V. 0.2: October 2009 -->
<circle stroke="darkslategray" cx="2025" r="10"/>
<text x="2025" y="3" class="subversion">0.2</text>
<!-- V. 0.3: January 2011 -->
<circle stroke="darkslategray" cx="2165" r="10"/>
<text x="2165" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text>
<!-- V. 0.4: August 2011 -->
<circle stroke="darkslategray" cx="2235" r="10"/>
<text x="2235" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<!-- V. 0.5: April 2013 -->
<circle stroke="darkslategray" cx="2435" r="10"/>
<text x="2435" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.2: May 16, 2013 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2445" stroke="darkslategray"/>
<text x="2445" y="3" class="subversion">0.5.2</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.4: July 15, 2013 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2465" stroke="darkslategray"/>
<text x="2465" y="3" class="subversion">0.5.4</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.5: August 14, 2013 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2475" stroke="darkslategray"/>
<text x="2475" y="3" class="subversion">0.5.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.6: November 20, 2013 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2505" stroke="darkslategray"/>
<text x="2505" y="3" class="subversion">0.5.6</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.7: January 15, 2014 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2525" stroke="darkslategray"/>
<text x="2525" y="3" class="subversion">0.5.7</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.8: April 2, 2014 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2555" stroke="darkslategray"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">0.5.8</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.9: November 10, 2014 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2625" stroke="darkslategray"/>
<text x="2625" y="3" class="subversion">0.5.9</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.10: April 18, 2015 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2675" stroke="darkslategray"/>
<text x="2675" y="3" class="subversion">0.5.10</text>
<!-- V. 0.5.11: August 30, 2015 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2715" stroke="darkslategray"/>
<text x="2715" y="3" class="subversion">0.5.11</text>
<g id="chrome">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome">
<text x="1890" y="-15" class="browser">Chrome</text>
<line stroke="#7d753d" x1="1885" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V0.2: September 2, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="1885" r="10"/>
<text x="1885" y="3" class="subversion">0.2</text>
<!-- 0.3 and 0.4 not included because of space issues -->
<!-- V1.0: December 11, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="1915" r="10"/>
<text x="1915" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V2.0: May 21, 2009 -->
<!-- Source: http://chrome.blogspot.com/2009/05/speedier-google-chrome-for-all-users.html -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="1965" r="10"/>
<text x="1965" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V3.0: September 15, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2005" r="10"/>
<text x="2005" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V4.0: September 15, 2009 -->
<!-- Source: http://blog.chromium.org/2010/01/more-resources-for-developers.html -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2045" r="10"/>
<text x="2045" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V4.1: March 17, 2010 -->
<!-- Source: http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2010/03/google-chrome-41-now-available.html -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2065" r="10"/>
<text x="2065" y="3" class="subversion">4.1</text>
<!-- V5.0: May, 2010 -->
<!-- Source: http://blog.chromium.org/2010/05/google-chrome-for-linux-goes-stable.html -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2085" r="10"/>
<text x="2085" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V6.0: September 15, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2125" r="10"/>
<text x="2125" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V7.0: October 19, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2135" r="10"/>
<text x="2135" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V8.0: December 24, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2155" r="10"/>
<text x="2155" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V9.0: February 4, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2175" r="10"/>
<text x="2175" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V10.0: March 9, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2185" r="10"/>
<text x="2185" y="5" class="version">10</text>
<!-- V11.0: April 28, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="5" class="version">11</text>
<!-- V12.0: June 7, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2215" r="10"/>
<text x="2215" y="5" class="version">12</text>
<!-- V13.0: August 2, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2235" r="10"/>
<text x="2235" y="5" class="version">13</text>
<!-- V14.0: September, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2245" r="10"/>
<text x="2245" y="5" class="version">14</text>
<!-- V15.0: October 26, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="5" class="version">15</text>
<!-- V16.0: December 13, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="5" class="version">16</text>
<!-- V17.0: February 8, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2295" r="10"/>
<text x="2295" y="5" class="version">17</text>
<!-- V18.0: March 28, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="5" class="version">18</text>
<!-- V19.0: May 15, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2325" r="10"/>
<text x="2325" y="5" class="version">19</text>
<!-- V20.0: June 26, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="5" class="version">20</text>
<!-- V21.0: July 31, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2345" r="10"/>
<text x="2345" y="5" class="version">21</text>
<!-- V22.0: September 25, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2365" r="10"/>
<text x="2365" y="5" class="version">22</text>
<!-- V23.0: November 6, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2385" r="10"/>
<text x="2385" y="5" class="version">23</text>
<!-- V24.0: January 10, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2405" r="10"/>
<text x="2405" y="5" class="version">24</text>
<!-- V25.0: February 21, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2415" r="10"/>
<text x="2415" y="5" class="version">25</text>
<!-- V26.0: March 28, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2425" r="10"/>
<text x="2425" y="5" class="version">26</text>
<!-- V27.0: May 21, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2445" r="10"/>
<text x="2445" y="5" class="version">27</text>
<!-- V28.0: June 17, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2455" r="10"/>
<text x="2455" y="5" class="version">28</text>
<!-- V29.0: August 20, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2475" r="10"/>
<text x="2475" y="5" class="version">29</text>
<!-- V30.0: September 18, 2013 (iOS version) -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2485" r="10"/>
<text x="2485" y="5" class="version">30</text>
<!-- V31.0: November 12, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2505" r="10"/>
<text x="2505" y="5" class="version">31</text>
<!-- V32.0: January 14, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2525" r="10"/>
<text x="2525" y="5" class="version">32</text>
<!-- V33.0: February 18, 2014 (iOS) -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2535" r="10"/>
<text x="2535" y="5" class="version">33</text>
<!-- V34.0: April 2, 2014 (Android) -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="5" class="version">34</text>
<!-- V35.0: May 20, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2565" r="10"/>
<text x="2565" y="5" class="version">35</text>
<!-- V36.0: July 15, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2585" r="10"/>
<text x="2585" y="5" class="version">36</text>
<!-- V37.0: August 26, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2595" r="10"/>
<text x="2595" y="5" class="version">37</text>
<!-- V38.0: October 10, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2615" r="10"/>
<text x="2615" y="5" class="version">38</text>
<!-- V39.0: November 12, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2625" r="10"/>
<text x="2625" y="5" class="version">39</text>
<!-- V40.0: January 20, 2015 (iOS) -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2645" r="10"/>
<text x="2645" y="5" class="version">40</text>
<!-- V41.0: March 3, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2665" r="10"/>
<text x="2665" y="5" class="version">41</text>
<!-- V42.0: April 14, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2675" r="10"/>
<text x="2675" y="5" class="version">42</text>
<!-- V43.0: May 19, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2685" r="10"/>
<text x="2685" y="5" class="version">43</text>
<!-- V44.0: July 21, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2705" r="10"/>
<text x="2705" y="5" class="version">44</text>
<!-- V45.0: September 15, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="5" class="version">45</text>
<!-- V46.0: October 13, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2735" r="10"/>
<text x="2735" y="5" class="version">46</text>
<!-- V47.0: December 15, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2755" r="10"/>
<text x="2755" y="5" class="version">47</text>
<!-- V48.0: January 20, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2765" r="10"/>
<text x="2765" y="5" class="version">48</text>
<!-- V49.0: March 2, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2785" r="10"/>
<text x="2785" y="5" class="version">49</text>
<!-- V50.0: April 13, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2795" r="10"/>
<text x="2795" y="5" class="version">50</text>
<!-- V51.0: May 25, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2805" r="10"/>
<text x="2805" y="5" class="version">51</text>
<!-- V52.0: July 20, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2825" r="10"/>
<text x="2825" y="5" class="version">52</text>
<!-- V53.0: August 31, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2835" r="10"/>
<text x="2835" y="5" class="version">53</text>
<!-- V54.0: October 10, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2855" r="10"/>
<text x="2855" y="5" class="version">54</text>
<!-- V55.0: December 1, 2016 -->
<!-- V56.0: December 8, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2875" r="10"/>
<text x="2875" y="5" class="version">56</text>
<!-- V57.0: March 9, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2905" r="10"/>
<text x="2905" y="5" class="version">57</text>
<!-- V58.0: April 19, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2915" r="10"/>
<text x="2915" y="5" class="version">58</text>
<!-- V59.0: June 5, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2935" r="10"/>
<text x="2935" y="5" class="version">59</text>
<!-- V60.0: July 25, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2945" r="10"/>
<text x="2945" y="5" class="version">60</text>
<!-- V61.0: September 5, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2965" r="10"/>
<text x="2965" y="5" class="version">61</text>
<!-- V62.0: October 17, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2975" r="10"/>
<text x="2975" y="5" class="version">62</text>
<!-- V63.0: December 5, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2995" r="10"/>
<text x="2995" y="5" class="version">63</text>
<!-- V64.0: January 23, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="3005" r="10"/>
<text x="3005" y="5" class="version">64</text>
<!-- V65.0: March 6, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="3025" r="10"/>
<text x="3025" y="5" class="version">65</text>
<!-- V66.0: April 17, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="3035" r="10"/>
<text x="3035" y="5" class="version">66</text>
<g id="dooble">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dooble">
<text x="1915" y="-15" class="browser">Dooble</text>
<line stroke="dodgerblue" x1="1915" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 0.01: December 8, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="1915" r="10"/>
<text x="1915" y="3" class="subversion">0.01</text>
<!-- V. 0.05: February 9, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="1935" r="10"/>
<text x="1935" y="3" class="subversion">0.05</text>
<!-- V. 0.07: August 24, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="1995" r="10"/>
<text x="1995" y="3" class="subversion">0.07</text>
<!-- V. 0.08: December 30, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2035" r="10"/>
<text x="2035" y="3" class="subversion">0.08</text>
<!-- V. 0.09: January 21, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2045" r="10"/>
<text x="2045" y="3" class="subversion">0.09</text>
<!-- V. 1.00: August 28, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2115" r="10"/>
<text x="2115" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.10: September 5, 2010 -->
<!-- V. 1.11: September 27, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2125" r="10"/>
<text x="2125" y="3" class="subversion">1.11</text>
<!-- V. 1.12: October 1, 2010 -->
<!-- V. 1.13: October 22, 2010 -->
<!-- V. 1.14: October 25, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2135" r="10"/>
<text x="2135" y="3" class="subversion">1.14</text>
<!-- V. 1.15: December 18, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2155" r="10"/>
<text x="2155" y="3" class="subversion">1.15</text>
<!-- V. 1.16: January 12, 2011 -->
<!-- V. 1.17: January 22, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2165" r="10"/>
<text x="2165" y="3" class="subversion">1.17</text>
<!-- V. 1.18: February 27, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2175" r="10"/>
<text x="2175" y="3" class="subversion">1.18</text>
<!-- V. 1.19: March 5, 2011 -->
<!-- V. 1.20: March 25, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2185" r="10"/>
<text x="2185" y="3" class="subversion">1.20</text>
<!-- V. 1.21: April 25, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="3" class="subversion">1.21</text>
<!-- V. 1.22: July, 2011 -->
<!-- V. 1.23: July 4, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2225" r="10"/>
<text x="2225" y="3" class="subversion">1.23</text>
<!-- V. 1.24: August 22, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2235" r="10"/>
<text x="2235" y="3" class="subversion">1.24</text>
<!-- V. 1.25: November 5, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="3" class="subversion">1.25</text>
<!-- V. 1.26: December 18, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">1.26</text>
<!-- V. 1.27: March 3, 2012 -->
<!-- V. 1.28: March 10, 2012 -->
<!-- V. 1.29: March 22, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="3" class="subversion">1.29</text>
<!-- V. 1.30: April 1, 2012 -->
<!-- V. 1.31: April 15, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2315" r="10"/>
<text x="2315" y="3" class="subversion">1.31</text>
<!-- V. 1.35: August 15, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2355" r="10"/>
<text x="2355" y="3" class="subversion">1.35</text>
<!-- V. 1.36: October 2, 2012 -->
<!-- V. 1.37: October 30, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2375" r="10"/>
<text x="2375" y="3" class="subversion">1.37</text>
<!-- V. 1.38: January 6, 2013 -->
<!-- V. 1.39: January 8, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2405" r="10"/>
<text x="2405" y="3" class="subversion">1.39</text>
<!-- V. 1.40: March 6, 2013 -->
<!-- V. 1.41: March 7, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2425" r="10"/>
<text x="2425" y="3" class="subversion">1.41</text>
<!-- V. 1.42: May 5, 2013 -->
<!-- V. 1.43: May 11, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2445" r="10"/>
<text x="2445" y="3" class="subversion">1.43</text>
<!-- V. 1.44: August 8, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2475" r="10"/>
<text x="2475" y="3" class="subversion">1.44</text>
<!-- V. 1.45: September 23, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2485" r="10"/>
<text x="2485" y="3" class="subversion">1.45</text>
<!-- V. 1.46: January 23, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2525" r="10"/>
<text x="2525" y="3" class="subversion">1.46</text>
<!-- V. 1.47: April 19, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">1.47</text>
<!-- V. 1.48: June 20, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2575" r="10"/>
<text x="2575" y="3" class="subversion">1.48</text>
<!-- V. 1.49: September 13, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2605" r="10"/>
<text x="2605" y="3" class="subversion">1.49</text>
<!-- V. 1.50: December 10, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2635" r="10"/>
<text x="2635" y="3" class="subversion">1.50</text>
<!-- V. 1.51: March 1, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2665" r="10"/>
<text x="2665" y="3" class="subversion">1.51</text>
<!-- V. 1.52: April 1, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2675" r="10"/>
<text x="2675" y="3" class="subversion">1.52</text>
<!-- V. 1.53: July 4, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2705" r="10"/>
<text x="2705" y="3" class="subversion">1.53</text>
<!-- V. 1.54: September 18, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="3" class="subversion">1.54</text>
<!-- V. 1.55: November 5, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2745" r="10"/>
<text x="2745" y="3" class="subversion">1.55</text>
<!-- V. 1.56: May 1, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2805" r="10"/>
<text x="2805" y="3" class="subversion">1.56</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: November 5, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="dodgerblue" cx="2985" r="10"/>
<text x="2985" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1: November 11, 2017 -->
<g id="uzbl">
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uzbl">
<text x="1965" y="-15" class="browser">Uzbl</text>
<!-- Source: https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl -->
<line stroke="#575757" x1="1965" x2="2895"/>
<!-- V. 2009.05.17 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="1965" r="10"/>
<text x="1965" y="3" class="subversion">r1</text>
<!-- V. 2009.06.06 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="1975" r="10"/>
<text x="1975" y="3" class="subversion">r2</text>
<!-- V. 2009.07.03 -->
<!-- V. 2009.07.18 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="1985" r="10"/>
<text x="1985" y="3" class="subversion">r4</text>
<!-- V. 2009.08.08 -->
<!-- V. 2009.08.26 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="1995" r="10"/>
<text x="1995" y="3" class="subversion">r6</text>
<!-- V. 2009.09.12 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2005" r="10"/>
<text x="2005" y="3" class="subversion">r7</text>
<!-- V. 2009.11.07 -->
<!-- V. 2009.11.29 -->
<!-- V. 2009.11.30 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2025" r="10"/>
<text x="2025" y="3" class="subversion">r10</text>
<!-- V. 2009.12.22 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2035" r="10"/>
<text x="2035" y="3" class="subversion">r11</text>
<!-- V. 2010.01.05 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2045" r="10"/>
<text x="2045" y="3" class="subversion">r12</text>
<!-- V. 2010.02.02 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2055" r="10"/>
<text x="2055" y="3" class="subversion">r13</text>
<!-- V. 2010.03.14 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2065" r="10"/>
<text x="2065" y="3" class="subversion">r14</text>
<!-- V. 2010.04.03 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2075" r="10"/>
<text x="2075" y="3" class="subversion">r15</text>
<!-- V. 2010.08.05 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2115" r="10"/>
<text x="2115" y="3" class="subversion">r16</text>
<!-- V. 2010.11.25 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2145" r="10"/>
<text x="2145" y="3" class="subversion">r17</text>
<!-- V. 2011.02.15 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2175" r="10"/>
<text x="2175" y="3" class="subversion">r18</text>
<!-- V. 2011.03.14 -->
<!-- V. 2011.03.17 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2185" r="10"/>
<text x="2185" y="3" class="subversion">r20</text>
<!-- V. 2011.04.12 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="3" class="subversion">r21</text>
<!-- V. 2011.07.17 -->
<!-- V. 2011.07.25 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2225" r="10"/>
<text x="2225" y="3" class="subversion">r23</text>
<!-- V. 2011.10.01 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="3" class="subversion">r24</text>
<!-- V. 2011.11.28 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="3" class="subversion">r25</text>
<!-- V. 2012.05.14 -->
<circle stroke="#575757" cx="2325" r="10"/>
<text x="2325" y="3" class="subversion">r26</text>
<!-- V. 0.9.0: May 1, 2016 -->
<use x="2775" stroke="#575757" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="2775" y="3" class="subversion">0.9.0</text>
<g id="surf">
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surf_(web_browser)">
<text x="1985" y="-15" class="browser">surf</text>
<!-- Source: http://surf.suckless.org/ -->
<line stroke="#069" x1="1985" x2="3025"/>
<!-- V. 0.1: September 10, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#069" cx="2005" r="10"/>
<text x="2005" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V. 0.1.1: September 10, 2009 -->
<!-- V. 0.1.2: September 11, 2009 -->
<!-- V. 0.2: October 17, 2009 -->
<!-- V. 0.3: October 30, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#069" cx="2015" r="10"/>
<text x="2015" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text>
<!-- V. 0.4: May 28, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#069" cx="2085" r="10"/>
<text x="2085" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<!-- V. 0.4.1: June 8, 2010 -->
<!-- V. 0.5: June 11, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#069" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.6: February 10, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#069" cx="2415" r="10"/>
<text x="2415" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>
<!-- V. 0.7: December 19, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#069" cx="2755" r="10"/>
<text x="2755" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!-- V. 1.8: March 28, 2017 -->
<!-- V. 2.0: March 28, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#069" cx="2905" r="10"/>
<text x="2905" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<g id="icab">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/iCab">
<text x="745" y="-12" class="browser">iCab</text>
<line stroke="#afa302" x1="735" x2="3025"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: February, 1999 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="735" r="10"/>
<text x="735" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: May, 2000 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="885" r="10"/>
<text x="885" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.5: May, 2001 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1005" r="10"/>
<text x="1005" y="3" class="subversion">2.5</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: August, 2006 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1635" r="10"/>
<text x="1635" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: January 1, 2008 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.icab.de/news.html -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1805" r="10"/>
<text x="1805" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 4.1.1: May, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1845" r="10"/>
<text x="1845" y="3" class="subversion">4.1</text>
<!-- V. 4.2: September, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1885" r="10"/>
<text x="1885" y="3" class="subversion">4.2</text>
<!-- V. 4.5: March, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1945" r="10"/>
<text x="1945" y="3" class="subversion">4.5</text>
<!-- V. 4.6: June, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1975" r="10"/>
<text x="1975" y="3" class="subversion">4.6</text>
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2015" r="10"/>
<text x="2015" y="3" class="subversion">4.7</text>
<!-- V. 4.8: July 15, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2105" r="10"/>
<text x="2105" y="3" class="subversion">4.8</text>
<!-- V. 4.9: June 8, 2012 -->
<!-- V. 5.0: June 12, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 5.1.1: September 13, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2485" r="10"/>
<text x="2485" y="3" class="subversion">5.1</text>
<!-- V. 5.2: June 3, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2575" r="10"/>
<text x="2575" y="3" class="subversion">5.2</text>
<!-- V. 5.3 and 5.4 do not exist -->
<!-- V. 5.5: October 30, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2615" r="10"/>
<text x="2615" y="3" class="subversion">5.5</text>
<!-- V. 5.6: November 23, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2745" r="10"/>
<text x="2745" y="3" class="subversion">5.6</text>
<!-- V. 5.7: August 4, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2835" r="10"/>
<text x="2835" y="3" class="subversion">5.7</text>
<!-- V. 5.8: February 25, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2895" r="10"/>
<text x="2895" y="3" class="subversion">5.8</text>
<g id="icabmobile">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/iCab">
<text x="1965" y="-15" class="browser">iCab Mobile</text>
<!-- Sources: http://www.icab-mobile.de/history.html -->
<line stroke="#afa302" x1="1955" y1="-50" x2="1955"/>
<line stroke="#afa302" x1="1955" x2="3025"/>
<!-- V. 1.0: April 21, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1955" r="10"/>
<text x="1955" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.5: May 18, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1965" r="10"/>
<text x="1965" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V. 1.6: July 20, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1985" r="10"/>
<text x="1985" y="3" class="subversion">1.6</text>
<!-- V. 1.7: August 16, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="1995" r="10"/>
<text x="1995" y="3" class="subversion">1.7</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: November 5, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2025" r="10"/>
<text x="2025" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1: February 17, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2055" r="10"/>
<text x="2055" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V. 2.2: March 13, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2065" r="10"/>
<text x="2065" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V. 3.0: April 1, 2010 -->
<!-- V. 3.2: April 29, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2075" r="10"/>
<text x="2075" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V. 3.5: July 5, 2010 -->
<!-- V. 3.6: July 28, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2105" r="10"/>
<text x="2105" y="3" class="subversion">3.6</text>
<!-- V. 4.0: October 8, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2135" r="10"/>
<text x="2135" y="5" class="version">4</text>
<!-- V. 4.2: December 4, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2155" r="10"/>
<text x="2155" y="3" class="subversion">4.2</text>
<!-- V. 4.5: February 1, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2175" r="10"/>
<text x="2175" y="3" class="subversion">4.5</text>
<!-- V. 4.6: March 24, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2185" r="10"/>
<text x="2185" y="3" class="subversion">4.6</text>
<!-- V. 4.8: April 29, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="3" class="subversion">4.8</text>
<!-- V. 5.0: September 22, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2245" r="10"/>
<text x="2245" y="5" class="version">5</text>
<!-- V. 5.1: October 26, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="3" class="subversion">5.1</text>
<!-- V. 5.2 does not exist -->
<!-- V. 5.3: December 12, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">5.3</text>
<!-- V. 5.4 does not exist -->
<!-- V. 5.5: February 29, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2295" r="10"/>
<text x="2295" y="3" class="subversion">5.5</text>
<!-- V. 5.6 does not exist -->
<!-- V. 5.7: March 26, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="3" class="subversion">5.7</text>
<!-- V. 5.8: May 8, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2325" r="10"/>
<text x="2325" y="3" class="subversion">5.8</text>
<!-- V. 5.9: June 5, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="3" class="subversion">5.9</text>
<!-- V. 6.0: July 21, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2345" r="10"/>
<text x="2345" y="5" class="version">6</text>
<!-- V. 6.5: September 21, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2365" r="10"/>
<text x="2365" y="3" class="subversion">6.5</text>
<!-- V. 6.6: November 29, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2385" r="10"/>
<text x="2385" y="3" class="subversion">6.6</text>
<!-- V. 6.7 does not exist -->
<!-- V. 6.8: January 4, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2405" r="10"/>
<text x="2405" y="3" class="subversion">6.8</text>
<!-- V. 7: May 10, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2445" r="10"/>
<text x="2445" y="5" class="version">7</text>
<!-- V. 7.1: July 17, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2465" r="10"/>
<text x="2465" y="3" class="subversion">7.1</text>
<!-- V. 7.2: September 21, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2485" r="10"/>
<text x="2485" y="3" class="subversion">7.2</text>
<!-- V. 8.0: March 28, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2545" r="10"/>
<text x="2545" y="5" class="version">8</text>
<!-- V. 8.1.1: April 22, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">8.1</text>
<!-- V. 8.2: May 23, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2565" r="10"/>
<text x="2565" y="3" class="subversion">8.2</text>
<!-- V. 8.3: July 30, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2585" r="10"/>
<text x="2585" y="3" class="subversion">8.3</text>
<!-- V. 8.4 does not exist -->
<!-- V. 8.5: October 6, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2615" r="10"/>
<text x="2615" y="3" class="subversion">8.5</text>
<!-- V. 8.6: December 29, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2635" r="10"/>
<text x="2635" y="3" class="subversion">8.6</text>
<!-- V. 8.7: February 11, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2655" r="10"/>
<text x="2655" y="3" class="subversion">8.7</text>
<!-- V. 8.8.1: May 1, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2685" r="10"/>
<text x="2685" y="3" class="subversion">8.8</text>
<!-- V. 8.9: July 8, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2705" r="10"/>
<text x="2705" y="3" class="subversion">8.9</text>
<!-- V. 8.10: August 18, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2715" r="10"/>
<text x="2715" y="3" class="subversion">8.10</text>
<!-- V. 8.11: September 25, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2725" r="10"/>
<text x="2725" y="3" class="subversion">8.11</text>
<!-- V. 9.0: November 11, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2745" r="10"/>
<text x="2745" y="5" class="version">9</text>
<!-- V. 9.1: December 16, 2015 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2755" r="10"/>
<text x="2755" y="3" class="subversion">9.1</text>
<!-- V. 9.2: January 15, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2765" r="10"/>
<text x="2765" y="3" class="subversion">9.2</text>
<!-- V. 9.3: February 9, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2775" r="10"/>
<text x="2775" y="3" class="subversion">9.3</text>
<!-- V. 9.4: April 30, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2795" r="10"/>
<text x="2795" y="3" class="subversion">9.4</text>
<!-- V. 9.5: August 26, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2835" r="10"/>
<text x="2835" y="3" class="subversion">9.5</text>
<!-- V. 9.6: November 30, 2016 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2865" r="10"/>
<text x="2865" y="3" class="subversion">9.6</text>
<!-- V. 9.7: January 25, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2885" r="10"/>
<text x="2885" y="3" class="subversion">9.7</text>
<!-- V. 9.8: March 7, 2017 -->
<circle stroke="#afa302" cx="2905" r="10"/>
<text x="2905" y="3" class="subversion">9.8</text>
<g id="iris">
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_Browser">
<text x="1815" y="-15" class="browser">Iris Browser</text>
<line stroke="#b93833" x1="1815" x2="1995"/>
<!-- V. 1.0.9: May 5, 2008 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="1845" stroke="#b93833"/>
<text x="1845" y="3" class="subversion">1.0.9</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: February 17, 2009 -->
<!-- V. 1.1.4: March 14, 2009 -->
<!-- V. 1.1.5: March 22, 2009 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="1945" stroke="#b93833"/>
<text x="1945" y="3" class="subversion">1.1.5</text>
<!-- V. 1.1.6: April 1, 2009 -->
<!-- V. 1.1.7: April 23, 2009 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="1955" stroke="#b93833"/>
<text x="1955" y="3" class="subversion">1.1.7</text>
<!-- V. 1.1.8: June 7, 2009 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="1975" stroke="#b93833"/>
<text x="1975" y="3" class="subversion">1.1.8</text>
<!-- V. 1.1.9: July 6, 2009 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="1985" stroke="#b93833"/>
<text x="1985" y="3" class="subversion">1.1.9</text>
<g id="arora">
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arora_(web_browser)">
<text x="1835" y="-15" class="browser">Arora</text>
<!-- Source: https://github.com/arora/arora -->
<line stroke="#5f9ea0" x1="1835" x2="2225"/>
<!-- Arora discontinued July 2011 -->
<line stroke="#5f9ea0" x1="2225" x2="2305" style="stroke-dasharray: 4,6"/>
<!-- Arora forked as zBrowser March 2012 -->
<line stroke="#5f9ea0" x1="2305" x2="2425"/>
<line stroke="#5f9ea0" x1="2425" x2="2585"/>
<!-- V. 0.2: June 24, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="1855" r="10"/>
<text x="1855" y="3" class="subversion">0.2</text>
<!-- V. 0.3: August 4, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="1875" r="10"/>
<text x="1875" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text>
<!-- V. 0.4: October 1, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="1895" r="10"/>
<text x="1895" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<!-- V. 0.5: February 20, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="1935" r="10"/>
<text x="1935" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.6: March 30, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="1945" r="10"/>
<text x="1945" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>
<!-- V. 0.7: May 24, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="1965" r="10"/>
<text x="1965" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!-- V. 0.8: July 20, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="1985" r="10"/>
<text x="1985" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>
<!-- V. 0.9: August 30, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="1995" r="10"/>
<text x="1995" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- V. 0.10: October 2, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2015" r="10"/>
<text x="2015" y="3" class="subversion">0.10</text>
<!-- V. 0.11: September 27, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2125" r="10"/>
<text x="2125" y="3" class="subversion">0.11</text>
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arora_(web_browser)">
<text x="2305" y="-15" class="browser">zBrowser</text>
<!-- zBrowser initial release -->
<!-- V. 1.0: March 31, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: April 7, 2012 -->
<!-- V. 1.2: April 14, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2315" r="10"/>
<text x="2315" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.3: May 17, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2325" r="10"/>
<text x="2325" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V. 2.0: August 4, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2355" r="10"/>
<text x="2355" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1: October 20, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2375" r="10"/>
<text x="2375" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- zBrowser renamed as Zeromus Browser -->
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arora_(web_browser)">
<text x="2415" y="-15" class="browser">Zeromus Browser</text>
<!-- V. 4.2: February ?, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2415" r="10"/>
<text x="2415" y="3" class="subversion">4.3</text>
<!-- V. 4.3: March 30, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2425" r="10"/>
<text x="2425" y="3" class="subversion">4.3</text>
<!-- Zeromus Browser forked as BlueLightCat -->
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arora_(web_browser)">
<text x="2435" y="23" class="browser">BlueLightCat</text>
<!-- BlueLightCat initial release -->
<!-- V. 0.1: April 25, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2435" r="10"/>
<text x="2435" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V. 0.2: May 26, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2445" r="10"/>
<text x="2445" y="3" class="subversion">0.2</text>
<!-- V. 0.3: June 2, 2013 -->
<!-- V. 0.4: June 8, 2013 -->
<!-- V. 0.5: June 11, 2013 -->
<!-- V. 0.6: June 16, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#5f9ea0" cx="2455" r="10"/>
<text x="2455" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>
<g id="rekonq">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/rekonq">
<text x="1925" y="-15" class="browser">rekonq</text>
<!-- Source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rekonq/files/ -->
<line stroke="#ff8000" x1="1915" y1="-50" x2="1915"/>
<line stroke="#ff8000" x1="1915" x2="2525"/>
<!-- V. 0.1: May 21, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="1965" r="10"/>
<text x="1965" y="3" class="subversion">0.1</text>
<!-- V. 0.2: August 21, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="1995" r="10"/>
<text x="1995" y="3" class="subversion">0.2</text>
<!-- V. 0.3: November 18, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2025" r="10"/>
<text x="2025" y="3" class="subversion">0.3</text>
<!-- V. 0.4: March 12, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2065" r="10"/>
<text x="2065" y="3" class="subversion">0.4</text>
<!-- V. 0.5: July 5, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2105" r="10"/>
<text x="2105" y="3" class="subversion">0.5</text>
<!-- V. 0.6: September 13, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2125" r="10"/>
<text x="2125" y="3" class="subversion">0.6</text>
<!-- V. 0.7: April 03, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="3" class="subversion">0.7</text>
<!-- V. 0.8: October 14, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="3" class="subversion">0.8</text>
<!-- V. 0.9: March 1, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="3" class="subversion">0.9</text>
<!-- V. 1.0: July 20, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2345" r="10"/>
<text x="2345" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1: August 27, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2355" r="10"/>
<text x="2355" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2: October 6, 2012 -->
<!-- V. 1.3: October 28, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2375" r="10"/>
<text x="2375" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- sourceforge mentions 1.7 and 1.8 but they seem not to have been released -->
<!-- V. 2.0: December 29, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2395" r="10"/>
<text x="2395" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1: January 27, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2405" r="10"/>
<text x="2405" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V. 2.2: February 28, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2415" r="10"/>
<text x="2415" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V. 2.3: April 28, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2435" r="10"/>
<text x="2435" y="3" class="subversion">2.3</text>
<!-- V. 2.4: November 15, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="#ff8000" cx="2505" r="10"/>
<text x="2505" y="3" class="subversion">2.4</text>
<g id="steel">
<a xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel_(web_browser)">
<text x="1915" y="-15" class="browser">Steel</text>
<line stroke="#f90" x1="1915" x2="2055"/>
<!-- V. 0.0.8: December 17, 2008 -->
<!-- V. 0.0.9: December 31, 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#f90" cx="1915" r="10"/>
<text x="1915" y="3" class="subversion">.0.9</text>
<!-- V. 0.0.10: January 1, 2009 -->
<!-- V. 0.0.11: January 2, 2009 -->
<!-- V. 0.0.12: January 25, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#f90" cx="1925" r="10"/>
<text x="1925" y="3" class="subversion">.0.12</text>
<!-- V. 0.0.19: February 19, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#f90" cx="1935" r="10"/>
<text x="1935" y="3" class="subversion">.0.19</text>
<!-- V. 0.1.1: June 12, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#f90" cx="1975" r="10"/>
<text x="1975" y="3" class="subversion">.1.1</text>
<!-- V. 0.1.6: October 10, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#f90" cx="2015" r="10"/>
<text x="2015" y="3" class="subversion">.1.6</text>
<!-- V. 0.1.9: December 10, 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#f90" cx="2035" r="10"/>
<text x="2035" y="3" class="subversion">.1.9</text>
<!-- In February 2010 Skyfire purchased kolbysoft and the Steel browser -->
<line stroke="#f90" x1="2055" x2="2055" y1="-10" y2="10"/>
<g id="qupzilla">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QupZilla">
<text x="2155" y="-12" class="browser">QupZilla</text>
<line stroke="blue" x1="2155" x2="3025"/>
<!-- V. 1.0.0: November 9, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1.0: December 14, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2.0: April 5, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2315" r="10"/>
<text x="2315" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.3.0: July 11, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2345" r="10"/>
<text x="2345" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V. 1.4.0: March 11, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2425" r="10"/>
<text x="2425" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- V. 1.6.0: January 1, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2525" r="10"/>
<text x="2525" y="3" class="subversion">1.6</text>
<!-- V. 1.8.0: September 26, 2014 -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2605" r="10"/>
<text x="2605" y="3" class="subversion">1.8</text>
<!-- V. 2.0.0: March 30, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://blog.qupzilla.com/2016/03/qupzilla-200-released-with-qtwebengine.html -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2785" r="10"/>
<text x="2785" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V. 2.1.0: February 4, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: http://blog.qupzilla.com/2017/02/qupzilla-210-released.html -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2895" r="10"/>
<text x="2895" y="3" class="subversion">2.1</text>
<!-- V. 2.2.0: October 8, 2017 -->
<!-- Source: http://blog.qupzilla.com/2017/10/qupzilla-220-released.html -->
<circle stroke="blue" cx="2975" r="10"/>
<text x="2975" y="3" class="subversion">2.2</text>
<!-- V. 2.2.6: March 13, 2018 -->
<!-- Source: http://blog.qupzilla.com/2018/03/final-qupzilla-release-is-out.html -->
<use x="3025" stroke="blue" xlink:href="#longver"/>
<text x="3025" y="3" class="subversion">2.2.6</text>
<g id="falkon">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falkon">
<text x="3025" y="-15" class="browser">Falkon</text>
<!-- Source: https://download.kde.org/stable/falkon/ -->
<line stroke="#ceacdc" x1="3015" y1="-40" x2="3015"/>
<line stroke="#ceacdc" x1="3015" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V. 3.0.0: February 27, 2018 -->
<circle stroke="#ceacdc" cx="3015" r="10"/>
<text x="3015" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<g id="xombrero">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xombrero">
<text x="2055" y="-15" class="browser">xxxterm</text>
<!-- Source: https://github.com/conformal/xombrero -->
<!-- Still in development as of May 2016 -->
<line stroke="black" x1="2065" x2="2775"/>
<!-- V. 1.22: February 13, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2055" r="10"/>
<text x="2055" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.100: August 11, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2115" r="10"/>
<text x="2115" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.206: January 6, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2165" r="10"/>
<text x="2165" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.303: February 3, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2175" r="10"/>
<text x="2175" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V. 1.425: July 15, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2225" r="10"/>
<text x="2225" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- V. 1.500: August 24, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2235" r="10"/>
<text x="2235" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V. 1.6.1: October 6, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2255" r="10"/>
<text x="2255" y="3" class="subversion">1.6</text>
<!-- V. 1.7.0: October 25, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="3" class="subversion">1.7</text>
<!-- V. 1.8.0: October 31, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2265" r="10"/>
<text x="2265" y="3" class="subversion">1.8</text>
<!-- V. 1.9.0: December 8, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2275" r="10"/>
<text x="2275" y="3" class="subversion">1.9</text>
<!-- V. 1.10.0: January 4, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2285" r="10"/>
<text x="2285" y="3" class="subversion">1.10</text>
<!-- V. 1.11.2: March 1, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="3" class="subversion">1.11</text>
<!-- V. 1.11.2: March 1, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2305" r="10"/>
<text x="2305" y="3" class="subversion">1.11</text>
<!-- Renamed to xombrero -->
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xombrero">
<text x="2335" y="-15" class="browser">xombrero</text>
<!-- V. 1.0.0: June 1, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2335" r="10"/>
<text x="2335" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V. 1.1.0: July 5, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2345" r="10"/>
<text x="2345" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V. 1.2.0: July 13, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2345" r="10"/>
<text x="2345" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V. 1.3.0: August 28, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2355" r="10"/>
<text x="2355" y="3" class="subversion">1.3</text>
<!-- V. 1.4.0: November 28, 2012 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2385" r="10"/>
<text x="2385" y="3" class="subversion">1.4</text>
<!-- V. 1.5.0: May 16, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2445" r="10"/>
<text x="2445" y="3" class="subversion">1.5</text>
<!-- V. 1.6.0: June 12, 2013 -->
<circle stroke="black" cx="2455" r="10"/>
<text x="2455" y="3" class="subversion">1.6</text>
<!-- V. 1.6.4: February 17, 2015 -->
<use xlink:href="#longver" x="2655" stroke="black"/>
<text x="2655" y="3" class="subversion">1.6.4</text>
<g id="netsurf">
<a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetSurf">
<text x="1125" y="-12" class="browser">NetSurf</text>
<line stroke="#7d753d" x1="1125" x2="3115"/>
<!-- V1.0: May 17 2007 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="1725" r="10"/>
<text x="1725" y="5" class="version">1</text>
<!-- V1.1: Aug 13 2007 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="1755" r="10"/>
<text x="1755" y="3" class="subversion">1.1</text>
<!-- V1.2: Mar 22 2008 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="1825" r="10"/>
<text x="1825" y="3" class="subversion">1.2</text>
<!-- V2.0: Apr 25 2009 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="1955" r="10"/>
<text x="1955" y="5" class="version">2</text>
<!-- V2.5: Apr 18 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2075" r="10"/>
<text x="2075" y="3" class="subversion">2.5</text>
<!-- V2.6: September 21, 2010 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2125" r="10"/>
<text x="2125" y="3" class="subversion">2.6</text>
<!-- V2.7: April 16, 2011 -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2195" r="10"/>
<text x="2195" y="3" class="subversion">2.7</text>
<!-- V2.8: September 21, 2011 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2245" r="10"/>
<text x="2245" y="3" class="subversion">2.8</text>
<!-- V2.9: April 28, 2012 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2315" r="10"/>
<text x="2315" y="3" class="subversion">2.9</text>
<!-- V3: April 20, 2013 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2435" r="10"/>
<text x="2435" y="5" class="version">3</text>
<!-- V3.1: April 26, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/about/news -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2555" r="10"/>
<text x="2555" y="3" class="subversion">3.1</text>
<!-- V3.2: August 30, 2014 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/about/news -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2595" r="10"/>
<text x="2595" y="3" class="subversion">3.2</text>
<!-- V3.3: March 15, 2015 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/about/news -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2665" r="10"/>
<text x="2665" y="3" class="subversion">3.3</text>
<!-- V3.4: February 17, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/about/news -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2775" r="10"/>
<text x="2775" y="3" class="subversion">3.4</text>
<!-- V3.5: April 14, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/about/news -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2795" r="10"/>
<text x="2795" y="3" class="subversion">3.5</text>
<!-- V3.6: November 19, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/about/news -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2865" r="10"/>
<text x="2865" y="3" class="subversion">3.6</text>
<!-- V3.7: Octobet 16, 2016 -->
<!-- Source: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/about/news -->
<circle stroke="#7d753d" cx="2975" r="10"/>
<text x="2975" y="3" class="subversion">3.7</text>
<!-- Source: http://git.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf.git/log/ -->
<g id="mosaictree">
<g id="tridenttree">
<polygon points="550,215 960,215 1020,125 1140,125 1160,25 3120,25 3120,525 2485,525 2485,575 3120,575 3120,625 1600,625 1485,690 1375,625 750,625 550,535" fill="blue" opacity="0.12"/>
<text x="830" y="230" class="engine">
Based on <a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trident_(layout_engine)">Trident</a> / <a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EdgeHTML">EdgeHTML</a> layout engines
<use y="0" xlink:href="#iemac"/>
<use y="50" xlink:href="#mme"/>
<use y="50" xlink:href="#deepnet"/>
<use y="100" xlink:href="#menubox"/>
<use y="150" xlink:href="#slimbrowser"/>
<use y="200" xlink:href="#edge"/>
<use y="250" xlink:href="#ie"/>
<use y="300" xlink:href="#greenbrowser"/>
<use y="350" xlink:href="#myie"/>
<use y="450" xlink:href="#netcaptor"/>
<use y="450" xlink:href="#aol"/>
<use y="500" xlink:href="#ieunix"/>
<g id="geckotree">
<polygon points="605,660 1425,660 1445,575 1510,575 1520,525 2230,525 2240,475 3120,475 3120,525 2310,525 2310,575 3120,575 3120,972 2105,972 2105,1022 1970,1022 1970,1125 1970,1125 2020,1125 2020,1175 1190,1175 1180,1125 860,1125 605,925" fill="red" opacity="0.12"/>
<text x="830" y="800" class="engine">
Based on <a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gecko_(layout_engine)">Gecko layout engine</a>
<use y="675" xlink:href="#geckonetscape"/>
<use y="675" xlink:href="#classilla"/>
<use y="720" xlink:href="#kmeleon"/>
<use y="765" xlink:href="#camino"/>
<use y="810" xlink:href="#ghostzilla"/>
<use y="855" xlink:href="#seamonkey"/>
<use y="900" xlink:href="#mozilla"/>
<use y="900" xlink:href="#ibmlotus"/>
<use y="950" xlink:href="#firefox"/>
<use y="1000" xlink:href="#beonex"/>
<use y="1100" xlink:href="#galeon"/>
<g id="withwktree">
<polygon points="2140,375 3120,375 3120,625 1865,625 1865,575 2315,575 2315,470 2140,470" transform="translate(0,0)" fill="green" opacity="0.13"/>
<text x="2245" y="440" class="engine">
+ <a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebKit">WebKit</a> / <a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blink_(layout_engine)">Blink</a>
<use y="400" xlink:href="#maxthon"/>
<use y="500" xlink:href="#avant"/>
<use y="550" xlink:href="#sleipnir"/>
<use y="600" xlink:href="#lunascape"/>
<use y="1400" xlink:href="#amosaic"/>
<use y="400" xlink:href="#spyglass"/>
<use y="1100" xlink:href="#ncsamosaic"/>
<use y="650" xlink:href="#oldnetscape"/>
<use y="1150" xlink:href="#ibmweb"/>
<g id="webkittree">
<polygon points="910,470 1180,470 1190,425 1975,425 1975,327 2110,327 2110,277 3120,277 3120,1272 2420,1272 2420,1175 1910,1175 1780,825 1780,725 1750,675 1250,675 1250,625 910,625" transform="translate(0,-300)" fill="green" opacity="0.12"/>
<text x="1215" y="280" class="engine">
Based on <a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KHTML">KHTML</a> / <a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebKit">WebKit</a> / <a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blink_(layout_engine)">Blink</a> layout engines
<use y="0" xlink:href="#flock"/>
<use y="0" xlink:href="#otter"/>
<use y="50" xlink:href="#gnomeweb"/>
<use y="100" xlink:href="#surf"/>
<use y="150" xlink:href="#kazehakase"/>
<use y="150" xlink:href="#webpositive"/>
<use y="200" xlink:href="#konqueror"/>
<use y="250" xlink:href="#safari"/>
<use y="300" xlink:href="#shiira"/>
<use y="300" xlink:href="#rockmelt"/>
<use y="350" xlink:href="#omniweb"/>
<use y="400" xlink:href="#midori"/>
<use y="450" xlink:href="#icab"/>
<use y="500" xlink:href="#icabmobile"/>
<use y="550" xlink:href="#iris"/>
<use y="550" xlink:href="#xombrero"/>
<use y="600" xlink:href="#arora"/>
<use y="650" xlink:href="#rekonq"/>
<use y="650" xlink:href="#vivaldi"/>
<use y="700" xlink:href="#chrome"/>
<use y="750" xlink:href="#dooble"/>
<use y="800" xlink:href="#steel"/>
<use y="800" xlink:href="#qupzilla"/>
<use y="850" xlink:href="#uzbl"/>
<use y="850" xlink:href="#falkon"/>
<use y="900" xlink:href="#opera"/>
<use y="950" xlink:href="#operamobile"/>
<g id="prestotree">
<polygon points="1175,65 1650,65 1650,25 2415,25 2415,77 3000,77 3000,175 1500,175 1450,125 1175,125" transform="translate(0,0)" fill="purple" opacity="0.13"/>
<text x="1370" y="80" class="engine">
Based on <a xlink:href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presto_(layout_engine)">Presto</a> layout engine
<use y="100" xlink:href="#oldopera"/>
<use y="150" xlink:href="#operamini"/>
<g id="content">
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<use y="1900" xlink:href="#LMB"/>
<use y="1950" xlink:href="#MacWWW"/>
<use y="1950" xlink:href="#w3m"/>
<use y="2150" xlink:href="#lynx"/>
<use y="50" xlink:href="#mosaictree"/>
<use y="1950" xlink:href="#prestotree"/>
<use y="1050" xlink:href="#webkittree"/>
<use y="1100" xlink:href="#www"/>
<use y="1000" xlink:href="#violawww"/>
<use y="550" xlink:href="#tkWWW"/>
<use y="850" xlink:href="#midaswww"/>
<use y="350" xlink:href="#cello"/>
<use y="1600" xlink:href="#Arena"/>
<use y="1300" xlink:href="#slipknot"/>
<use y="1700" xlink:href="#hotjava"/>
<use y="850" xlink:href="#UdiWWW"/>
<use y="1800" xlink:href="#aweb"/>
<use y="1000" xlink:href="#cyberdog"/>
<use y="2200" xlink:href="#amaya"/>
<use y="2250" xlink:href="#arachne"/>
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<use y="2350" xlink:href="#elinks"/>
<use y="2350" xlink:href="#gzilla"/>
<use y="2400" xlink:href="#dillo"/>
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 229 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
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# Sécuriser (un peu) son navigateur web Mozilla Firefox.
<h4 align="center"> alt 87 — 5 Avril 2018</h4>
_Ce document est la version complétée et commentée

## Pourquoi Mozilla Firefox ?
Aujourd’hui : Communiquer ↔ navigateur au-delà d’un certain âge, F.F. est libre.
> Pourquoi ai-je choisi de vous présenter comment configurer firefox ? Depuis bon nombre d'années, nombre d'utilisateurs et d'utilisatrices utilisent volontiers leur navigateur au lieu d'utiliser des applications dédiées.
> Je me rappelle encore d'une amie avec laquelle j'ai travaillé plus d'une dizaines d'années et qui systématiquement, lorsque j'allais chez elle pour ala dépanner, lisait ses courriels en ligne sur le site.
> Le développement de plateformes dédiées telles que Yahoo mail, ou google mail (gmail) ou outlook/hotmail et d'autres (protonmail, et certains que je ne citerai pas) font que peu à peu les gens utilisent massivement le navigateur.
> Je peux aussi citer les indécrotables zéro-socios qui bien sûr se consultent initialement via navigateur avant l'avènement des "z'applis"...
> Effectuons un petit tour des navigateurs qui existent :
Google Chrome
> C'est quasiment devenu un (mauvais?) réflexe.
Microsoft I. E. / Edge non libres !
> Ils existent mais en plus de ne pas fonctionner sur Linux ils sont loin d'être libres (et puis sériseument quoi ...)
Apple Safari
> Il n'est pas libre, et se limite aux trois plateformes Mac OS / iOS et Windows
Cas particulier : Opera (gratuitciel avec morceaux d’Opensource dedans)
> Morceaux d'opensource et le reste ... pas libre.
Autres ?
> Oui plein d'autres ! Citons ...
[](browser-tier-4chan-8chan.png "Le Browser's Tier")
Merci microsoft pour I.E. !
> Dans les années 90 nous avions le navigateur Mosaic qui fût le premier navigateur graphique, s'en suivit netscape navigator puis l'arrivée d'Internet Explorer. En rendant son produit gratuit cela a peu à peu éliminé la concurrence, le projet Netscape ayant accumulé les difficultés financières et les retards il dût fermer boutique ... libérant le code ! Grâce à cela, Mozilla, Firefox puis tout un tas de navigateurs basés sur le code de feu Netscape !
ref ::
## Les différentes versions de firefox
> Après avoir fait le tour de quelques navigateurs, on peut s'occuper de notre renard enflammé. Tout d'abord voyons quelles versions du rouquin se trouvent sur le " marché ".
La version stable
> La version stable est celle qu'on trouve dans les paquets standard. Elle est fonctionnelle et fait le job. Je lui préfère cependant des versions suivantes pour des raisons qui tiennent au matériel utilisé : le netbook n'aime visiblement pas la version stable + mastodon. Avec la version developper ou la nightly ça va beaucoup mieux.
Paquet du système
> C'est la façon la plus simple de l'installer.
debian : firefox-esr / iceweasel
> Dans la distribution debian et ses clones (sauf exceptions), firefox c'est longtemp appelé " iceweasel " pour des raisons de copyright sur le logo de firefox.
Parabola : iceweasel
La version développeur (Aurora)
La version juste sortie … de la nuit (Nightly)
Des alternatives basées sur F.F. ou des versions modifiées
Tor browser (La version spéciale pour les vilains h4<k3rzzz) : https://www.torproject.org/
Palemoon : http://linux.palemoon.org/
Waterfox : https://waterfoxproject.org/en-US/
Seamonkey : https://www.seamonkey-project.org/
Icecat et GNUzilla : http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/

<< Comment je fais pour me protéger ? >>
## Que veut dire « se protéger » ?
Protection contre fuite / exploitation de données
Protection de la vie privée
Contournement de la surveillance des connexions par …. (ajouter la mention adéquate)
Multiples définitions, adaptation au cas par cas
## La sécurisation : C’est de l’hygiène
Bannir les comportements « dangereux »
rices, prenom=login, hostname, pseudos rares
Régulièrement ...
Surveiller les failles de sécurité
ex : Spectre/Meltdown
Adaptabilité et évolution (c.f. point précédent)
mdp différents, keepass, standalone ...

<< Le pire danger est de se croire en sécurité >>
## ..:·:· Identifier les « ennemis » ·:·:..
### Quelques acteurs :
Étatiques (iran, chine … ), GAFAMiques, BATXiques
Publicitaires, assurances, banques
Mafieux / Organisations criminelles
Fermes à trolls / astroturfing
Quelques outils :
java, flash, javascript, formulaires ou images invisibles, pop-ups
L’O.S. : O.S. non libre, microcodes non libres = danger
### ..:·:·Les petits malins·:·:..
Certains domaines utilisent vos données
Moins visibles et connus que les GAFAM / BAITX
Tout aussi dangereux → Assureurs / Banques !

## Des paramètres extérieurs
Ne pas maximiser la fenêtre
Des profils différents pour usages différents
Des navigateurs différents pour usages différents
Conteneurs ou VM
Supports live / externes (clé système)
TAILS / Heads / Whonix / Qubes OS / Kodachi …
VPN, proxy, the one who must no be named, …
User-agent / reglage régional
https ! DNSsec ? Résolveur local
Utilisation des bookmarks
Moteurs de recherche alternatifs
Changer d’I.P. de connexion (si possible)
Utiliser d’autres périphériques réseau
## ..:·:· Quelques faux amis ·:·:..
Le mode « privé » → FAI !
Les DNS menteurs
Utilisation de DNS alternatifs.
Les images cachées / 1 pixel
Les formulaires invisibles
## Dans les entrailles de F.F.

Action à 2 endroits :
Les réglages « par défaut »
Les traces résiduelles sur place
Lieu dangereux ...
Greffons supplémentaires
La surcouche qui va bien
Modulable et adaptable, désactivable dans l’interface
Attention aux versions.
### ..:·:· Préférences ·:·:..
Moteur par défaut
Polices de caractères
### ..:·:· Les extensions ·:·:..
Liées aux profils
Attention aux version
Attention aux réglages « de base »
#### ..:·:· NoScript ·:·:..
Bloque l’exécution de scripts site par site ou domaine par domaine

Attention aux paramètres !
#### Privacy Badger
Extension promue par l' E.F.F.. Permet de régler les scripts par domaines.

#### ..:·:· Decentraleyes ·:·:..
Fournit un « CDN » local. Évite les logs et fonctions externes Accélération de la navigation.

#### uMatrix
Réglages fins, différenciation des informations

Trop de réglages ?
#### ublock Origin
Bloque toutes les pubs (adblock : liste blanche)

Penser à configurer !
### ..:·:· Les options « hardcore » ·:·:·..

Tout ce qui est en lien avec geo
Options des caches
Attention : Dangereux !
## ..:·:·Téléphones portables, tablettes·:·:..
mobiles / tablettes = accès internet en hausse
Nouveaux « dangers » : « Appli » et « trackers inside »®
Exodus Privacy (c.f. plus loin)
Sondages en ligne avec « récompenses »

C’est « snap » / « insta», c’est pas internet !
Sur portable que faire ?
* Consulter les permissions
* Soumettre à « Exodus privacy » ou vérifier si déjà un rapport
*La règle de bonne conduite :*
Si consultable via navigateur, pourquoi une appli ?
Plugins sur les navigateurs (en évitant chrome / safari ?)
Installer un navigateur libre (c.f. F-Droid)
## ..:·:· Sources et lectures ·:·:..
Voici la liste des sites ayant servi de support pour les recherches afin de créer cette présentation.
Liste databrokers / e-marketting / trackers
* [https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/trackers/](https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/trackers/)
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/j1mit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/j1mit/)
* [https://www.ghostery.com/wp-content/themes/ghostery/images/campaigns/tracker-study/Ghostery_Study_-_Tracking_the_Trackers.pdf](https://www.ghostery.com/wp-content/themes/ghostery/images/campaigns/tracker-study/Ghostery_Study_-_Tracking_the_Trackers.pdf)
Paranoid guide (!) version II :
* [https://8ch.net/g/res/3537.html](https://8ch.net/g/res/3537.html)
Guide d’autodéfense numérique (En / Hors ligne)
* [https://guide.boum.org/](https://guide.boum.org/)
et plus précisément les guides 1 (hors ligne) et 2 (en ligne). Étant donné qu'il existe plusieurs versions je donne en premier les liens vers les pages respectives.
* [https://guide.boum.org/tomes/1_hors_connexions/](https://guide.boum.org/tomes/1_hors_connexions/)
* [https://guide.boum.org/tomes/2_en_ligne/](https://guide.boum.org/tomes/2_en_ligne/)
et si comme moi vous aimez les avoir hors du réseau pour une lecture déconnectée, cependant soyez prudent·e car si une nouvelle version est sortie, ces liens pointeront vers des pdf inexistants :
* [https://guide.boum.org/tomes/1_hors_connexions/pdf/guide-tome1-a4-20170910.pdf](https://guide.boum.org/tomes/1_hors_connexions/pdf/guide-tome1-a4-20170910.pdf)
* [https://guide.boum.org/tomes/2_en_ligne/pdf/guide-tome2-a4-20170713.pdf](https://guide.boum.org/tomes/2_en_ligne/pdf/guide-tome2-a4-20170713.pdf)
## ..:·:· Licences etc. ·:·:..
Tous les produits et logiciels cités sont propriété de leurs ayant-droits ou sous licence libre. Les images ont été récupérées sur différents sites, et ont été choisies car libres de droits.
Document placé sous licence Creatives Commons Zero
Document réalisé avec Libreoffice et Debian GNU/Linux 9.4 pour la présentation initiale, puis retravaillé pour mise en ligne par l'application _ReText_ exporté en pdf, exporté en html, repris ensuite dans _ebook-edit_ pour la création du fichier .epub.
Les images ont été modifiées via l'application kolourpaint version 4.
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