2015-04-30 11:26:15 +02:00
/ *
* This file is part of Arduino .
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* /
2015-08-31 16:05:23 +02:00
package cc.arduino.i18n ;
2014-10-31 11:39:36 +01:00
import org.junit.Test ;
import processing.app.AbstractWithPreferencesTest ;
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import processing.app.I18n ;
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import java.util.Map ;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals ;
public class I18NTest extends AbstractWithPreferencesTest {
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public void testMessageFormat ( ) throws Exception {
Object [ ] args = new Object [ ] { " a " , " b " , " c " } ;
String actual = I18n . format ( " WARNING: Category '{0}' in library {1} is not valid. Setting to '{2}' " , args ) ;
assertEquals ( " WARNING: Category 'a' in library b is not valid. Setting to 'c' " , actual ) ;
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2015-08-31 16:05:23 +02:00
public void testMessageFormatFromExternalProcess ( ) throws Exception {
Map < String , Object > output = new ExternalProcessOutputParser ( ) . parse ( " ===WARNING: Category '{0}' in library {1} is not valid. Setting to '{2}' ||| [ Wire Uncategorized] " ) ;
String actual = I18n . format ( ( String ) output . get ( " msg " ) , ( Object [ ] ) output . get ( " args " ) ) ;
assertEquals ( " WARNING: Category '' in library Wire is not valid. Setting to 'Uncategorized' " , actual ) ;
2014-10-31 11:39:36 +01:00