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// -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// if this code looks shitty, that's because it is. people are likely to have
// the durndest things in their CLASSPATH and QTJAVA environment variables.
// mostly because installers often mangle them without the user knowing.
// so who knows where and when the quotes will show up. the code below is
// based on a couple years of trial and error with processing releases.
// For revision 0102, a lot of changes were made to deal with stripping
// the quotes from the PATH, CLASSPATH, and QTJAVA environment variables.
// Any elements of the PATH and CLASSPATH that don't exist (whether files
// or directories) are also stripped out before being set.
// (<A HREF="http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=112">Bug 112</A>)
// The size of all of the strings was made sort of ambiguously large, since
// 1) nothing is hurt by allocating an extra few bytes temporarily and
// 2) if the user has a long path, and it gets copied five times over for the
// CLASSPATH, the program runs the risk of crashing. Bad bad.
// TODO this code leaks memory all over the place because nothing has been
// done to properly handle creation/deletion of new strings.
// TODO switch to unicode versions of all methods in order to better support
// running on non-English (non-Roman especially) versions of Windows.
#define ARGS_FILE_PATH "\\lib\\args.txt"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void removeLineEndings(char *what);
char *scrubPath(char *incoming);
char *mallocChars(int count);
void removeQuotes(char *quoted);
void removeTrailingSlash(char *slashed);
WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR lpCmd, int nShow)
// command line that was passed to this application
char *incoming_cmd_line = (char *)malloc(strlen(lpCmd + 1) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(incoming_cmd_line, lpCmd);
// get the full path to the application that was launched,
// drop the app name but keep the path
char *exe_directory = (char *)malloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(char));
//*exe_directory = 0;
GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe_directory, MAX_PATH);
// remove the application name
*(strrchr(exe_directory, '\\')) = '\0';
// open the file that contains the main class name and java args
char *args_file_path = (char*)
malloc(strlen(exe_directory) * sizeof(char) +
strlen(ARGS_FILE_PATH) * sizeof(char) + 1);
strcpy(args_file_path, exe_directory);
strcat(args_file_path, ARGS_FILE_PATH);
char java_args[512];
char java_main_class[512];
char jar_list[512];
char *app_classpath = (char *)malloc(10 * strlen(exe_directory) + 4096);
FILE *argsfile = fopen(args_file_path, "r");
if (argsfile == NULL) {
"This program is missing the \"lib\" folder, "
"which should be located at\n%s",
MessageBox(NULL, app_classpath, "Folder Missing", MB_OK);
return 0;
exe_directory, exe_directory,
exe_directory, exe_directory, exe_directory);
} else {
fgets(java_args, 511, argsfile);
fgets(java_main_class, 511, argsfile);
fgets(jar_list, 511, argsfile);
//MessageBox(NULL, java_args, "args", MB_OK);
//MessageBox(NULL, java_main_class, "class", MB_OK);
//MessageBox(NULL, jar_list, "jarlist", MB_OK);
app_classpath[0] = 0;
char *jar = (char*) strtok(jar_list, ",");
while (jar != NULL) {
char entry[1024];
sprintf(entry, "%s\\lib\\%s;", exe_directory, jar);
strcat(app_classpath, entry);
jar = (char*) strtok(NULL, ",");
char *cp = (char *)malloc(10 * strlen(exe_directory) + 4096);
// test to see if running with a java runtime nearby or not
char *testpath = (char *)malloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(char));
*testpath = 0;
strcpy(testpath, exe_directory);
strcat(testpath, "\\java\\bin\\java.exe");
FILE *fp = fopen(testpath, "rb");
int local_jre_installed = (fp != NULL);
//char *rt_jar = (fp == NULL) ? "" : "java\\lib\\rt.jar;";
if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); // argh! this was probably causing trouble
//const char *envClasspath = getenv("CLASSPATH");
//char *env_classpath = (char *)malloc(16384 * sizeof(char));
// ignoring CLASSPATH for now, because it's not needed
// and causes more trouble than it's worth [0060]
//env_classpath[0] = 0;
// keep this code around since may be re-enabled later
if (getenv("CLASSPATH") != NULL) {
strcpy(env_classpath, getenv("CLASSPATH"));
if (env_classpath[0] == '\"') {
// starting quote in classpath.. yech
env_classpath++; // shitty.. i know..
int len = strlen(env_classpath);
if (env_classpath[len-1] == '\"') {
env_classpath[len-1] = 0;
} else {
// a starting quote but no ending quote.. ugh
// maybe throw an error
int last = strlen(env_classpath);
env_classpath[last++] = ';';
env_classpath[last] = 0;
} else {
env_classpath[0] = 0;
char *qtjava_path = (char *)malloc(16384 * sizeof(char));
qtjava_path[0] = 0;
if (getenv("QTJAVA") != NULL) {
//char *qtjava_temp = (char *)malloc(16384 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(qtjava_path, getenv("QTJAVA"));
//MessageBox(NULL, qtjava_temp, "QTJAVA", MB_OK);
if (qtjava_temp[0] == '\"') { // has quotes
// remove quotes by subsetting string by two
int qtjava_repaired_length = strlen(qtjava_temp) - 2;
strncpy(qtjava_path, &qtjava_temp[1], qtjava_repaired_length);
// terminate the string since strncpy ain't gonna do it
qtjava_path[qtjava_repaired_length] = 0;
//MessageBox(NULL, qtjava_path, "QTJAVA", MB_OK);
} else {
strcpy(qtjava_path, getenv("QTJAVA"));
FILE *fp = fopen(qtjava_path, "rb");
if (fp != NULL) {
fclose(fp); // found it, all set
strcat(qtjava_path, ";"); // add path separator
//MessageBox(NULL, "found 1", "msg", MB_OK);
//MessageBox(NULL, qtjava_path, "QTJAVA after strcat", MB_OK);
} else {
qtjava_path[0] = 0; // not a valid path
//} else {
//MessageBox(NULL, "no qtjava set", "mess", MB_OK);
if (qtjava_path[0] == 0) { // not set yet
//if (getenv("WINDIR") == NULL) {
// uh-oh.. serious problem.. gonna have to report this
// but hopefully WINDIR is set on win98 too
//} else {
strcpy(qtjava_path, getenv("WINDIR"));
strcat(qtjava_path, "\\SYSTEM32\\QTJava.zip");
FILE *fp = fopen(qtjava_path, "rb");
if (fp != NULL) {
fclose(fp); // found it, all set
strcat(qtjava_path, ";"); // add path separator
//MessageBox(NULL, "found 2", "msg", MB_OK);
} else {
qtjava_path[0] = 0; // not a valid path
if (qtjava_path[0] == 0) {
strcpy(qtjava_path, getenv("WINDIR"));
strcat(qtjava_path, "\\SYSTEM\\QTJava.zip");
fp = fopen(qtjava_path, "rb");
if (fp != NULL) {
fclose(fp); // found it, all set
strcat(qtjava_path, ";"); // add path separator
//MessageBox(NULL, "found 3", "msg", MB_OK);
} else {
// doesn't seem to be installed, which is a problem.
// but the error will be reported by the pde
qtjava_path[0] = 0;
// don't put quotes around contents of cp, even though %s might have
// spaces in it. don't put quotes in it, because it's setting the
// environment variable for CLASSPATH, not being included on the
// command line. so setting the env var it's ok to have spaces,
// and the quotes prevent javax.comm.properties from being found.
strcpy(cp, app_classpath);
if (local_jre_installed) {
char *local_jre = mallocChars(64 + strlen(exe_directory) * 2);
sprintf(local_jre, "%s\\java\\lib\\rt.jar;%s\\java\\lib\\tools.jar;", exe_directory, exe_directory);
strcat(cp, local_jre);
strcat(cp, qtjava_path);
char *clean_cp = scrubPath(cp);
//if (!SetEnvironmentVariable("CLASSPATH", cp)) {
if (!SetEnvironmentVariable("CLASSPATH", clean_cp)) {
MessageBox(NULL, "Could not set CLASSPATH environment variable",
"Processing Error", MB_OK);
return 0;
//MessageBox(NULL, "2", "checking", MB_OK);
//char *env_path = (char *)malloc(strlen(getenv("PATH")) * sizeof(char));
int env_path_length = strlen(getenv("PATH"));
char *env_path = mallocChars(env_path_length);
strcpy(env_path, getenv("PATH"));
char *clean_path;
// need to add the local jre to the path for 'java mode' in the env
if (local_jre_installed) {
char *path_to_clean =
mallocChars(env_path_length + strlen(exe_directory) + 30);
sprintf(path_to_clean, "%s\\java\\bin;%s", exe_directory, env_path);
clean_path = scrubPath(path_to_clean);
} else {
clean_path = scrubPath(getenv("PATH"));
//MessageBox(NULL, clean_path, "after scrubbing PATH", MB_OK);
//MessageBox(NULL, "3", "checking", MB_OK);
if (!SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", clean_path)) {
MessageBox(NULL, "Could not set PATH environment variable",
"Processing Error", MB_OK);
return 0;
// what gets put together to pass to jre
char *outgoing_cmd_line = (char *)malloc(16384 * sizeof(char));
// prepend the args for -mx and -ms
strcpy(outgoing_cmd_line, java_args);
strcat(outgoing_cmd_line, " ");
// add the name of the class to execute and a space before the next arg
strcat(outgoing_cmd_line, java_main_class);
strcat(outgoing_cmd_line, " ");
// append additional incoming stuff (document names), if any
strcat(outgoing_cmd_line, incoming_cmd_line);
//MessageBox(NULL, outgoing_cmd_line, "cmd_line", MB_OK);
char *executable =
(char *)malloc((strlen(exe_directory) + 256) * sizeof(char));
// exe_directory is the name path to the current application
if (local_jre_installed) {
strcpy(executable, exe_directory);
// copy in the path for javaw, relative to launcher.exe
strcat(executable, "\\java\\bin\\javaw.exe");
} else {
strcpy(executable, "javaw.exe");
// set up the execution info
ShExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO);
ShExecInfo.fMask = 0;
ShExecInfo.hwnd = 0;
ShExecInfo.lpVerb = "open";
ShExecInfo.lpFile = executable;
ShExecInfo.lpParameters = outgoing_cmd_line;
ShExecInfo.lpDirectory = exe_directory;
ShExecInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
ShExecInfo.hInstApp = NULL;
if (!ShellExecuteEx(&ShExecInfo)) {
MessageBox(NULL, "Error calling ShellExecuteEx()",
"Processing Error", MB_OK);
return 0;
if (reinterpret_cast<int>(ShExecInfo.hInstApp) <= 32) {
// some type of error occurred
switch (reinterpret_cast<int>(ShExecInfo.hInstApp)) {
MessageBox(NULL, "A required file could not be found. \n"
"You may need to install a Java runtime\n"
"or re-install Processing.",
"Processing Error", MB_OK);
case 0:
case SE_ERR_OOM:
MessageBox(NULL, "Not enough memory or resources to run at"
" this time.", "Processing Error", MB_OK);
MessageBox(NULL, "There is a problem with your installation.\n"
"If the problem persists, re-install the program.",
"Processing Error", MB_OK);
return 0;
void removeLineEndings(char *what) {
int index = strlen(what) - 1;
while (index >= 0) {
if ((what[index] == 10) || (what[index] == 13)) {
what[index] = 0;
} else {
// take a PATH environment variable, split on semicolons,
// remove extraneous quotes, perhaps even make 8.3 syntax if necessary
char *scrubPath(char *incoming) {
char *cleaned = mallocChars(strlen(incoming) * 2);
int found_so_far = 0;
char *p = (char*) strtok(incoming, ";");
while (p != NULL) {
char entry[1024];
if (*p == '\"') {
// if this segment of the path contains quotes, remove them
int fixed_length = strlen(p) - 2;
strncpy(entry, &p[1], fixed_length);
entry[fixed_length] = 0;
//MessageBox(NULL, entry, "clipped", MB_OK);
// if it doesn't actually end with a quote, then the person
// is screwed anyway.. they can deal with that themselves
} else {
strcpy(entry, p);
strcpy(entry, p);
// a trailing slash will cause FindFirstFile to fail.. grr [0109]
//MessageBox(NULL, entry, "entry", MB_OK);
// if this path doesn't exist, don't add it
WIN32_FIND_DATA find_file_data;
HANDLE hfind = FindFirstFile(entry, &find_file_data);
if (hfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (found_so_far) strcat(cleaned, ";");
strcat(cleaned, entry);
//MessageBox(NULL, cleaned, "cleaned so far", MB_OK);
found_so_far = 1;
//} else {
//MessageBox(NULL, entry, "removing", MB_OK);
// grab the next entry
p = (char*) strtok(NULL, ";");
//MessageBox(NULL, cleaned, "scrubPath", MB_OK);
return cleaned;
// eventually make this handle unicode
char *mallocChars(int count) {
// add one for the terminator
char *outgoing = (char*) malloc(count * sizeof(char) + 1);
outgoing[0] = 0; // for safety
return outgoing;
void removeQuotes(char *quoted) {
int len = strlen(quoted);
// remove quote at the front
if (quoted[0] == '\"') {
for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
quoted[i] = quoted[i+1];
quoted[len] = 0;
// remove quote at the end
if (len > 1) {
if (quoted[len - 1] == '\"') {
quoted[len] = 0;
void removeTrailingSlash(char *slashed) {
int len = strlen(slashed);
if (len > 1) {
if (slashed[len - 1] == '\\') {
slashed[len] = 0;