Automatic detection of baud rate for serial monitor (based on the call to Serial.begin() in the current sketch).
Improve, generally, the upload experience (e.g. faster program start after upload, keep-alive messages to bootloader from IDE, shorter bootloader timeout if possible, progress bar)
Allow uploading of .hex files.
Allow for arbitrary compilation command line arguments.
Find in reference should give same message for missing page as for missing page association.
Test find in reference on libraries.
Change background color while using external editor:
- Eliminate the need to pass a Target into the compiler by having the Compiler determine the current target (by checking the preferences directly)?
- Delete the unneeded static functions (for classpath translation, etc.) from the bottom of the file.
- add system-wide include path in preprocess()?
- should find libraries in the code/ sub-folder of the sketch folder
- do sketches really need to get built in the applet/ sub-folder when uploading?
- split write() into writeHeader() and write() as in Processing?
- add getExtraImports() function instead of having Sketch grab them directly.
- don't use oro.jar
- add keywords from libraries to the syntax coloring
- allow the Board and Serial port to differ across editor windows. This will require creating a separate instance of the menu for each window, and passing the selections into the sketch when compiling or uploading.
- send the current board and serial port selections to the sketch (which will forward them to the compiler) when compiling or uploading (this should eliminate the need for the Target class, since the compiler will be able to find the target path and its source files itself)
- Analog Input (potentiometer and LDR on analog input 0)
- ledpin vs. ledPin
- value vs. val
Add a Brightness example where an analog input controls the analog output.
Graph example should use an intermediate variable.
Button example says pin 7 but uses pin 2.
Split Loop example in two (one that does loops, another that does arrays).
Add LiquidCrystal library examples.
Add Ethernet library examples.
Add Wire library examples.
Add examples using specific hardware (simple analog sensors, optocouplers, etc.)
Examples should demonstrate use of functions.
Add I2C EEPROM example using Wire library.
Update pictures to use Arduino Diecimila.
Create diagrams and schematics for the examples.
Arduino feature list (in Getting Started > Introduction).
Main "getting started" link should automatically load page for the user's operating system.
Consider deleting many of the pictures in the howto's as they just make it harder to see the instructions without adding much (e.g. the pictures of files in folders).
Tell people not to put the board on a Powerbook.
People don't know what a jumper is.
Add picture of the RX/TX LEDs flashing.
Show a picture of the LED flashing.
Add explanation of how to work around auto-reset.
Burning bootloader without an AVRISP:
Documentation for moving from Arduino to custom PCBs.