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2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
Arduino Starter Kit example
Project 12 - Knock Lock
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
This sketch is written to accompany Project 12 in the
Arduino Starter Kit
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
Parts required:
1 Megohm resistor
10 kilohm resistor
three 220 ohm resistors
servo motor
push button
one red LED
one yellow LED
one green LED
100 uF capacitor
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
Created 18 September 2012
by Scott Fitzgerald
Thanks to Federico Vanzati for improvements
This example code is part of the public domain
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// import the library
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
#include <Servo.h>
// create an instance of the servo library
Servo myServo;
const int piezo = A0; // pin the piezo is attached to
const int switchPin = 2; // pin the switch is attached to
const int yellowLed = 3; // pin the yellow LED is attached to
const int greenLed = 4; // pin the green LED is attached to
const int redLed = 5; // pin the red LED is attached to
// variable for the piezo value
int knockVal;
// variable for the switch value
int switchVal;
// variables for the high and low limits of the knock value
const int quietKnock = 10;
const int loudKnock = 100;
// variable to indicate if locked or not
boolean locked = false;
// how many valid knocks you've received
int numberOfKnocks = 0;
void setup() {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// attach the servo to pin 9
// make the LED pins outputs
pinMode(yellowLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);
// set the switch pin as an input
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);
// start serial communication for debugging
// turn the green LED on
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);
// move the servo to the unlocked position
// print status to the serial monitor
Serial.println("the box is unlocked!");
void loop() {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// if the box is unlocked
if (locked == false) {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// read the value of the switch pin
switchVal = digitalRead(switchPin);
// if the button is pressed, lock the box
if (switchVal == HIGH) {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// set the locked variable to "true"
locked = true;
// change the status LEDs
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// move the servo to the locked position
// print out status
Serial.println("the box is locked!");
// wait for the servo to move into position
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// if the box is locked
if (locked == true) {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// check the value of the piezo
knockVal = analogRead(piezo);
// if there are not enough valid knocks
if (numberOfKnocks < 3 && knockVal > 0) {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// check to see if the knock is in range
if (checkForKnock(knockVal) == true) {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// increment the number of valid knocks
// print status of knocks
Serial.print(3 - numberOfKnocks);
Serial.println(" more knocks to go");
// if there are three knocks
if (numberOfKnocks >= 3) {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// unlock the box
locked = false;
// move the servo to the unlocked position
// wait for it to move
// change status LEDs
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
Serial.println("the box is unlocked!");
numberOfKnocks = 0;
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// this function checks to see if a
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// detected knock is within max and min range
boolean checkForKnock(int value) {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// if the value of the knock is greater than
// the minimum, and larger than the maximum
if (value > quietKnock && value < loudKnock) {
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// turn the status LED on
digitalWrite(yellowLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowLed, LOW);
// print out the status
Serial.print("Valid knock of value ");
// return true
return true;
// if the knock is not within range
else {
// print status
Serial.print("Bad knock value ");
2012-10-12 13:23:48 -04:00
// return false
return false;