#define SUPC_SMMR_SMRSTEN_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_SMMR) the core reset signal "vddcore_nreset" is not affected when a supply monitor detection occurs. */
#define SUPC_SMMR_SMRSTEN_ENABLE (0x1u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_SMMR) the core reset signal, vddcore_nreset is asserted when a supply monitor detection occurs. */
#define SUPC_SMMR_SMIEN_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 13) /**< \brief (SUPC_SMMR) the SUPC interrupt signal is not affected when a supply monitor detection occurs. */
#define SUPC_SMMR_SMIEN_ENABLE (0x1u << 13) /**< \brief (SUPC_SMMR) the SUPC interrupt signal is asserted when a supply monitor detection occurs. */
#define SUPC_MR_BODRSTEN_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_MR) the core reset signal "vddcore_nreset" is not affected when a brownout detection occurs. */
#define SUPC_MR_BODRSTEN_ENABLE (0x1u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_MR) the core reset signal, vddcore_nreset is asserted when a brownout detection occurs. */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBCEN0_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 5) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) the WKUP0 input pin is not connected with low power debouncer. */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBCEN0_ENABLE (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) the WKUP0 input pin is connected with low power debouncer and can force the a core wake up. */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBCEN1_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 6) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) the WKUP1input pin is not connected with low power debouncer. */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBCEN1_ENABLE (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) the WKUP1 input pin is connected with low power debouncer and can force the a core wake up. */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBCCLR_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 7) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) a low power debounce event does not create an immediate clear on half GPBR registers. */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBCCLR_ENABLE (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) a low power debounce event on WKUP0 or WKUP1 generates an immediate clear on half GPBR registers. */
#define SUPC_WUMR_WKUPDBC_Pos 12
#define SUPC_WUMR_WKUPDBC_Msk (0x7u << SUPC_WUMR_WKUPDBC_Pos) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) Wake Up Inputs Debouncer Period */
#define SUPC_WUMR_WKUPDBC_IMMEDIATE (0x0u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) Immediate, no debouncing, detected active at least on one Slow Clock edge. */
#define SUPC_WUMR_WKUPDBC_3_SCLK (0x1u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUPx shall be in its active state for at least 3 SLCK periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_WKUPDBC_32_SCLK (0x2u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUPx shall be in its active state for at least 32 SLCK periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_WKUPDBC_512_SCLK (0x3u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUPx shall be in its active state for at least 512 SLCK periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_WKUPDBC_4096_SCLK (0x4u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUPx shall be in its active state for at least 4,096 SLCK periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_WKUPDBC_32768_SCLK (0x5u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUPx shall be in its active state for at least 32,768 SLCK periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_Pos 16
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_Msk (0x7u << SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_Pos) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) Low Power DeBounCer Period */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_DISABLE (0x0u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) Disable the low power debouncer. */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_2_RTCOUT0 (0x1u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUP0/1 in its active state for at least 2 RTCOUT0 periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_3_RTCOUT0 (0x2u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUP0/1 in its active state for at least 3 RTCOUT0 periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_4_RTCOUT0 (0x3u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUP0/1 in its active state for at least 4 RTCOUT0 periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_5_RTCOUT0 (0x4u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUP0/1 in its active state for at least 5 RTCOUT0 periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_6_RTCOUT0 (0x5u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUP0/1 in its active state for at least 6 RTCOUT0 periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_7_RTCOUT0 (0x6u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUP0/1 in its active state for at least 7 RTCOUT0 periods */
#define SUPC_WUMR_LPDBC_8_RTCOUT0 (0x7u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUMR) WKUP0/1 in its active state for at least 8 RTCOUT0 periods */
/* -------- SUPC_WUIR : (SUPC Offset: 0x10) Supply Controller Wake Up Inputs Register -------- */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN0 (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 0 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN0_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 0) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN0_ENABLE (0x1u << 0) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN1 (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 1 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN1_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 1) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN1_ENABLE (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN2 (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 2 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN2_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 2) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN2_ENABLE (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN3 (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 3 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN3_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 3) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN3_ENABLE (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN4 (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 4 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN4_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 4) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN4_ENABLE (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN5 (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 5 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN5_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 5) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN5_ENABLE (0x1u << 5) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN6 (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 6 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN6_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 6) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN6_ENABLE (0x1u << 6) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN7 (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 7 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN7_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 7) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN7_ENABLE (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN8 (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 8 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN8_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 8) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN8_ENABLE (0x1u << 8) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN9 (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 9 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN9_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 9) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN9_ENABLE (0x1u << 9) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN10 (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 10 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN10_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 10) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN10_ENABLE (0x1u << 10) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN11 (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 11 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN11_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 11) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN11_ENABLE (0x1u << 11) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN12 (0x1u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 12 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN12_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN12_ENABLE (0x1u << 12) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN13 (0x1u << 13) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 13 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN13_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 13) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN13_ENABLE (0x1u << 13) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN14 (0x1u << 14) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 14 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN14_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 14) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN14_ENABLE (0x1u << 14) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN15 (0x1u << 15) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Enable 15 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN15_NOT_ENABLE (0x0u << 15) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input has no wake up effect. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPEN15_ENABLE (0x1u << 15) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT0 (0x1u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 0 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT0_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT0_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT1 (0x1u << 17) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 1 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT1_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 17) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT1_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 17) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT2 (0x1u << 18) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 2 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT2_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 18) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT2_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 18) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT3 (0x1u << 19) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 3 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT3_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 19) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT3_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 19) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT4 (0x1u << 20) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 4 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT4_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 20) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT4_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 20) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT5 (0x1u << 21) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 5 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT5_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 21) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT5_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 21) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT6 (0x1u << 22) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 6 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT6_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 22) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT6_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 22) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT7 (0x1u << 23) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 7 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT7_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 23) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT7_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 23) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT8 (0x1u << 24) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 8 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT8_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 24) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT8_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 24) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT9 (0x1u << 25) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 9 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT9_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 25) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT9_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 25) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT10 (0x1u << 26) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 10 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT10_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 26) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT10_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 26) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT11 (0x1u << 27) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 11 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT11_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 27) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT11_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 27) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT12 (0x1u << 28) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 12 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT12_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 28) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT12_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 28) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT13 (0x1u << 29) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 13 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT13_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 29) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT13_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 29) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT14 (0x1u << 30) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 14 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT14_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 30) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT14_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 30) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT15 (0x1u << 31) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) Wake Up Input Transition 15 */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT15_HIGH_TO_LOW (0x0u << 31) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a high to low level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_WUIR_WKUPT15_LOW_TO_HIGH (0x1u << 31) /**< \brief (SUPC_WUIR) a low to high level transition on the corresponding wake-up input forces the wake up of the core power supply. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPS (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) WKUP Wake Up Status */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPS_NO (0x0u << 1) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) no wake up due to the assertion of the WKUP pins has occurred since the last read of SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPS_PRESENT (0x1u << 1) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) at least one wake up due to the assertion of the WKUP pins has occurred since the last read of SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_SMWS (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) Supply Monitor Detection Wake Up Status */
#define SUPC_SR_SMWS_NO (0x0u << 2) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) no wake up due to a supply monitor detection has occurred since the last read of SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_SMWS_PRESENT (0x1u << 2) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) at least one wake up due to a supply monitor detection has occurred since the last read of SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_BODRSTS_NO (0x0u << 3) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) no core brownout rising edge event has been detected since the last read of the SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_BODRSTS_PRESENT (0x1u << 3) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) at least one brownout output rising edge event has been detected since the last read of the SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_SMRSTS_NO (0x0u << 4) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) no supply monitor detection has generated a core reset since the last read of the SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_SMRSTS_PRESENT (0x1u << 4) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) at least one supply monitor detection has generated a core reset since the last read of the SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_OSCSEL_RC (0x0u << 7) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the slow clock, SLCK is generated by the embedded 32-kHz RC oscillator. */
#define SUPC_SR_OSCSEL_CRYST (0x1u << 7) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the slow clock, SLCK is generated by the 32-kHz crystal oscillator. */
#define SUPC_SR_LPDBCS0 (0x1u << 13) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) Low Power Debouncer Wake Up Status on WKUP0 */
#define SUPC_SR_LPDBCS0_NO (0x0u << 13) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) no wake up due to the assertion of the WKUP0 pin has occurred since the last read of SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_LPDBCS0_PRESENT (0x1u << 13) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) at least one wake up due to the assertion of the WKUP0 pin has occurred since the last read of SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_LPDBCS1 (0x1u << 14) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) Low Power Debouncer Wake Up Status on WKUP1 */
#define SUPC_SR_LPDBCS1_NO (0x0u << 14) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) no wake up due to the assertion of the WKUP1 pin has occurred since the last read of SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_LPDBCS1_PRESENT (0x1u << 14) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) at least one wake up due to the assertion of the WKUP1 pin has occurred since the last read of SUPC_SR. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS0_DIS (0x0u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS0_EN (0x1u << 16) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS1_DIS (0x0u << 17) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS1_EN (0x1u << 17) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS2_DIS (0x0u << 18) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS2_EN (0x1u << 18) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS3_DIS (0x0u << 19) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS3_EN (0x1u << 19) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS4_DIS (0x0u << 20) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS4_EN (0x1u << 20) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS5_DIS (0x0u << 21) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS5_EN (0x1u << 21) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS6_DIS (0x0u << 22) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS6_EN (0x1u << 22) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS7_DIS (0x0u << 23) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS7_EN (0x1u << 23) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS8_DIS (0x0u << 24) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS8_EN (0x1u << 24) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS9_DIS (0x0u << 25) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS9_EN (0x1u << 25) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS10_DIS (0x0u << 26) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS10_EN (0x1u << 26) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS11_DIS (0x0u << 27) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS11_EN (0x1u << 27) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS12_DIS (0x0u << 28) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS12_EN (0x1u << 28) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS13_DIS (0x0u << 29) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS13_EN (0x1u << 29) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS14_DIS (0x0u << 30) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS14_EN (0x1u << 30) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS15_DIS (0x0u << 31) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input is disabled, or was inactive at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */
#define SUPC_SR_WKUPIS15_EN (0x1u << 31) /**< \brief (SUPC_SR) the corresponding wake-up input was active at the time the debouncer triggered a wake up event. */