mirror of https://github.com/arduino/Arduino.git synced 2025-03-21 12:29:23 +01:00

187 lines
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$basedir = 'src/processing/core';
@contents = ();
# next slurp methods from PGraphics
open(F, "$basedir/PGraphics.java") || die $!;
foreach $line (<F>) {
push @contents, $line;
# PGraphics subclasses PImage.. now get those methods
open(F, "$basedir/PImage.java") || die $!;
foreach $line (<F>) {
push @contents, $line;
#open(DEBUG, ">debug.java") || die $!;
#print DEBUG @contents;
open(APPLET, "$basedir/PApplet.java") || die $!;
@applet = <APPLET>;
$insert = 'public functions for processing.core';
# an improved version of this would only rewrite if changes made
open(OUT, ">$basedir/PApplet.new") || die $!;
foreach $line (@applet) {
print OUT $line;
last if ($line =~ /$insert/);
$comments = 0;
while ($line = shift(@contents)) {
$decl = "";
if ($line =~ /\/\*/) {
#print "+[$comments] $line";
if ($line =~ /\*\//) {
#print "-[$comments] $line";
next if ($comments > 0);
$got_something = 0; # so it's ugly, back off
$got_static = 0;
$got_interface = 0;
if ($line =~ /^\s*public ([\w\[\]]+) [a-zA-z_]+\(.*$/) {
$got_something = 1;
$got_interface = 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*abstract public ([\w\[\]]+) [a-zA-z_]+\(.*$/) {
$got_something = 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*public final ([\w\[\]]+) [a-zA-z_]+\(.*$/) {
$got_something = 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*static public ([\w\[\]]+) [a-zA-z_]+\(.*$/) {
$got_something = 1;
$got_static = 1;
# if function is marked "// ignore" then, uh, ignore it.
if (($got_something == 1) && ($line =~ /\/\/ ignore/)) {
$got_something = 0;
#if ($line =~ /^\s*public (\w+) [a-zA-z_]+\(.*$/) {
if ($got_something == 1) {
if ($1 ne 'void') {
$returns = 'return ';
} else {
$returns = '';
# if ($line =~ /^(\s+)abstract\s+([^;]+);/) {
# $line = $1 . $2 . " {\n";
# #print "found $1\n";
# # hrm
# }
# remove the 'abstract' modifier
$line =~ s/\sabstract\s/ /;
# replace semicolons with a start def
$line =~ s/\;\s*$/ {\n/;
print OUT "\n\n$line";
# if ($got_interface == 1) {
# $iline = $line;
# $iline =~ s/ \{/\;/;
## print INTF "\n$iline";
# }
$decl .= $line;
while (!($line =~ /\)/)) {
$line = shift (@contents);
$decl .= $line;
$line =~ s/\;\s*$/ {\n/;
print OUT $line;
# if ($got_interface == 1) {
# $iline = $line;
# $iline =~ s/ \{/\;/;
## print INTF $iline;
# }
#$g_line = '';
#$r_line = '';
$decl =~ /\s(\S+)\(/;
$decl_name = $1;
if ($got_static == 1) {
#print OUT " ${returns}PGraphics.${decl_name}(";
$g_line = " ${returns}PGraphics.${decl_name}(";
} else {
#if ($returns eq '') {
#print OUT " if (recorder != null) recorder.${decl_name}(";
$r_line = " if (recorder != null) recorder.${decl_name}(";
#print OUT " ${returns}g.${decl_name}(";
$g_line = " ${returns}g.${decl_name}(";
$decl =~ s/\s+/ /g; # smush onto a single line
$decl =~ s/^.*\(//;
$decl =~ s/\).*$//;
$prev = 0;
@parts = split(', ', $decl);
foreach $part (@parts) {
#($the_type, $the_arg) = split(' ', $part);
@blargh = split(' ', $part);
$the_arg = $blargh[1];
$the_arg =~ s/[\[\]]//g;
if ($prev != 0) {
#print OUT ", ";
$g_line .= ", ";
$r_line .= ", ";
#print OUT "${the_arg}";
$g_line .= "${the_arg}";
$r_line .= "${the_arg}";
$prev = 1;
#print OUT ");\n";
$g_line .= ");\n";
$r_line .= ");\n";
if (($got_static != 1) && ($returns eq '')) {
print OUT $r_line;
print OUT $g_line;
print OUT " }\n";
print OUT "}\n";
#print INTF "}\n";
$oldguy = join(' ', @applet);
open(NEWGUY, "$basedir/PApplet.new") || die $!;
@newbie = <NEWGUY>;
$newguy = join(' ', @newbie);
if ($oldguy ne $newguy) {
# replace him
print "updating PApplet with PGraphics api changes\n";
`mv $basedir/PApplet.new $basedir/PApplet.java`;
} else {
# just kill the new guy
#print "no changes to applet\n";
`rm -f $basedir/PApplet.new`;