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Replacing Processing's text files with Arduino's (e.g. todo.txt)

This commit is contained in:
David A. Mellis 2009-06-01 21:06:59 +00:00
parent 73d7333ebd
commit 24b5abc79d
7 changed files with 984 additions and 7878 deletions

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@ -44,14 +44,6 @@ else
echo Extracting avr tools...
unzip -q -d "$RESOURCES/hardware" dist/tools-universal.zip
cp -rX ../../net "$LIBRARIES"
cp -rX ../../opengl "$LIBRARIES"
cp -rX ../../serial "$LIBRARIES"
cp -rX ../../video "$LIBRARIES"
cp -rX ../../pdf "$LIBRARIES"
cp -rX ../../dxf "$LIBRARIES"

View File

@ -1,5649 +0,0 @@
0164 pde (1.0.2)
X Empty "code" folder causes problems with Export
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1084
X 8.3 filenames being used when opening sketch
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1089
X add -X switch to cp on osx build so that extended attrs are not copied
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1098
X add JVMArchs to Info.plist so that stupid Apple error msg doesn't appear
X StringIndexOutOfBoundsException caused by import statements with no dots
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1145
X Pressing <Esc> in "Are you sure you want to Quit?" dialog quits Processing
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1134
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1162
X ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when drawing curves in P3D and OPENGL
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1153
X problems with negatve arc() angles in OpenGL, P3D, other inconsistencies
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1095
X Sketchbook sub-menu is empty after changing Sketchbook location preference
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1123
X something about setting memory options
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1159
X something bizarre about syntax errors
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1161
X "JDWP unable to initialize: Error 111 from JNI GetEnv" on Mac OS X PPC
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=959
X Saving sketch with the same name as a class or primitive breaks sketch
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1165
X "An error occurred while starting the application" with Processing 0154+
X Maybe provide the old exe or another alternative?
X Have someone try this on lab machines until we can find one that breaks
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=986
0163 pde (1.0.1)
X ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with File > New (Processing 1.0)
X maybe a /tmp permissions problem?
X are we not checking errors properly on this route?
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1067
X need to look into why this didn't give a better error message
X "[JavaAppLauncher Error] CallStaticVoidMethod() threw an exception"
X on startup with OS X
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1063
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1078
X Fix some "An error occurred while starting the application" problems
X due to the weird sketch folder naming issue
X implement multi-line tab via tab key (also outdent)
o add preference for indent size
X the bracket isn't working on osx because of an apple menu bug
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1075
X "editor.indent" setting does not work properly
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1073
X "space-import-space-quote-semicolon" Causes Error in String or Comment
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1064
X the changes page doesn't have a toc entry for the 1.0 release notes
X add minim to the changes page
0162 pde (1.0)
X update revisions.html
X write revisions.txt
X in 0149, removed /System/Library/Java
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1045
X do we need to shore up server setup for 1.0 release pounding?
o what's the deal with disk space?
o update known problems reference
X update Base.java to change to Processing 1.0 instead of the beta stuff
0161 pde
X run javadoc, and upload to server
X set background for disk image on macosx
X fix dist scripts so that the name "1.0" can be used
X Ignore dot files (.DS_Store), dot folders (.svn) while copying
X on mac, window opens to prevent quit on close
X but the window is not properly set as untitled
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=700
X doesn't need to be fixed because of new setup for closing
0160 pde
X fix editor window placement
X overlapping editor windows caused by activeEditor not being called in time
X see handleActivated in Base, and do placement differently
X may also need to deal w/ sync problems
X also make sure that it'll start at the top again when done
X implement check to see if the windows are running off screen
X add option to preferences for "export.delete_target_folder"
X set background color for present mode on export application
X set stop button for export to application
0159 pde
X caret not blinking
X width of export application on windows is bad
X add option to hide the stop button
X menu bar showing up inside the window on osx 10.4
X update quaqua to release 5.0.1
X verify that the spacing is ok between the buttons
o why is quaqua making the error window enormous?
X not sure why, but just inserted <br> elements to fix it
X write revisions.txt updates based on 0158 changes
X Error after creating more than 26 temporary sketches in one day
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1039
X AIOOBE when you get to z on new sketches
X improve export application window layout spacing (osx)
X also disable stop button item when full screen not selected
o Focus not returning to editor properly on Linux
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1031
X can't get this to replicate
in previous release (0158)
X move the color settings out of the preferences file
X otherwise running new/old p5 causes problems
X just need to rename each of the prefs
X update to java 6u10 for linux and windows
0158 pde
X missing semicolons - better error message
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=12
o need to highlight the previous line as well (or instead)
X clean up some of the new/open code internally
X export to application options dialog
X implement error message regarding the apple menu bug on leopard
X add a preference to toggle the menubar on osx
X confirm "Do you want to Quit?"
X remove the preference for auto-quit
o tarbell substrate to P2D
X change sketch naming with the dates
X if untitled, and not modified, and closing on macosx (only)
X don't close the sketch and create a new one
X put up dialog box telling the user to use 'quit' or change the preference
X or just automatically quit at that point?
X fix up mkdmg script to work with leopard properly
X even though the error suggests one thing, seems to be something earlier
X need to also detect whether running 10.4 or 10.5
X change ref re: last window closing will prompt re: quit
X quitting will not prompt re: quit
o opengl broken on vista laptop with articulate
o when background() is not called to clear the buffers, causes flashing
o need to disable swapping buffers until background() is used?
o (happens with 0135, 0148 on this machine as well)
o may need to add explicit noBackground() call
X this seems to have fixed itself
X change windows and linux to use jdk 6u10
X pressing run turns up nothing
o (in particular while cpu load is a little higher on g5?)
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=852
o this may just be a macosx (ppc?) bug
o check if platform is MACOSX and font is monospaced (?)
o if so, nuke the setting and change it back to Monaco
X not gonna bother, it's just a few releases
design updates
X update about box in windows app and lib folder
X update icon.gif in the source code
X add in new buttons from casey
X move all editor theme graphics into their own subfolder
o add space between run/stop and the others
X coloring for CENTER and DIAMETER, turn off coloring for deprecated
X also deal with hint() changes
0157 pde
X show sketch folder fails for directories containing umlauts
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1010
X Find in Reference does not open Firefox in 0156 for Linux
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1012
X add error message when trying to open sketch from the menu
X check into use of platform names in export sketch / export application
X opting not to deal with this because of size of populations
X default font on osx 10.5 is gross
X fix bug with reading the default prefs file
0156 pde
X fix typo in sketch renaming notice message
X line numbers not showing up for unknown var or class names
o "anything named" error is weird
X don't open more than one "create font" or "color selector"
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=830
X make processing tools use the tools api
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=886
X rename GettingStarted_Shape example
o launch4j "An error occurred while starting the application"
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=986
o tabs menu not working on osx ppc (can't confirm)
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=993
0155 pde
X "Save canceled" message when saving untitled sketches without first renaming
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=987
X when saving a sketch over itself with "Save As", just do "Save" instead
X fix loadShape() transformation parsing and empty paths (thanks ricardmp)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=982
X moviemaker can't make exact 30fps output
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=988
X automatically create and open the 'libraries' folder when there's an error
0154 pde
X clean up PATH for users who have garbage in the PATH
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=974
X disallow .java tabs with same name as the sketch
X a .java tab with same name as the sketch is allowed (oog!)
X particularly look at "save as" scenario
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=543
X bug report:
X create a new sketch, write something in it
X create a new tab, name it "something.java", write something into it
X rename main tab (sketch) to "something" (without ".java")
X the contents in the files are not the same, but the main-tab is
X showing the contents of the .java tab, so if you press save
X you will overwrite your original code from the main-tab.
X com.sun.jdi.AbsentInformationException when running a sketch
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=971
X processing cancels shutdown on mac os x
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=539
X fixed in an older version
X jikes bugs mean some code just won't compile:
X include javac? would this be a good solution for linux?
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=8
X an empty .java tab will throw an error
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=10
X warn about writing non-1.1 code.
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=11
X java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: quicktime/std/StdQTException
X people not installing qt? no QTJAVA set?
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=669
o simulate this by removing qtjava.zip, then make a handler for it
o which will open the reference for it
X use the registry key, and warn the user when it's not there
X mouse wheel broken in the text editor? (windows jdk 1.5?)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=24
0153 pde
X delete files before adding, otherwise case changes are not preserved
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=969
X ClassNotFoundException: quicktime.std.StdQTException with release 0152
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=970
o put the "had to rename sketch" message in the msg bar
o it's ugly/annoying/intrusive
X just print it to the console
0152 pde
X movie.read() breaking, which breaks the examples
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=961
X movie width/height broken
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=962
0151 pde
o Fix error message spew on Linux when using "Save As"
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=951
X can't fix, it's a sun bug
X Change sketch naming error to only print to the console
0150 pde
X ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException after pressing Run with release 0149
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=949
X update java to release 1.6.0_07 on windows and linux
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=950
0149 pde
X fix problem with error line highlighting
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=888
X additional cleanup to various Sketch, Runner, Compiler classes
X preproc cleanup
X remove various preproc imports
X simplify preprocessor handling to make way for command line
X use accurate line numbering internally rather than mashing lines in preproc
X remove preprocName
X remove appletClassName
X command line support
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=219
o would still require awt, but would take a sketch on cmd line
X modify showError() et al to not use awt when running from command line
X build it and then exit
X notations have been added to the bug report that cover the plw changes
X also an option to launch p5, load a sketch and run it
X command to launch p5, load sketch and run in present mode
X not that useful because users should just use export application
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=889
X Toolmenu won't show until I compile Mangler
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=892
X update quaqua to 4.4.7 on macosx (http://www.randelshofer.ch/quaqua/)
X now supports 10.5 an 64 bit jnilib
X add note to prefs dialog that multiple jar export only works w/o libs
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=907
X transport error 202
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=895
X renaming the main tab adds .pde to the sketch folder name 0148
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=922
X not always updating on rename (maybe a mac problem?)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=56
X error messages not clearing the message area
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=912
o expecting EOF, found 'void?
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=905
o last fixed 5/30, maybe check the svn for those two days
o this might be the MULTILINE mess
X was a typo in the code
X add getting started to help menu
X http://processing.org/learning/gettingstarted/
X add "environment" to the help menu
X fix other instances of match() using the wrong array indices
X add additional newline hack so that autoformat complains less
X video capture problems with opengl (on mac os x)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=882
X sketch export results in 100x100 default size, regardless of size() setting
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=945
X third tab throws NullPointerException
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=940
o sketch must be saved to use a constructor
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=929
X reference bug, example cannot have same name as an inner class
X processing.candy has been removed
X processing.xml is now part of core.jar, no need to import
X user-contributed tools and libraries should only be placed in the sketchbook
X in the next release, will be banning unofficial stuff from the p5 folder
X do some edits on the "getting started" text
X make sure visualization not mentioned
X change references to help > getting started
X add vida reference
X background() with an image ignores the tint.. it's basically like set()
X selectInput(), selectOutput(), selectFolder()
X createInput() (nee openStream), createInputRaw(), createOutput()
o how to grab the java2d object from PGraphics2D
o example for using mediatracker to load images
o simple example for threaded image loading "load several"
o (rather than blocking on each)
o maybe add a loadImages(String files[]) function?
o use a MediaTracker that's shared, so that while an image is still
o loading, other calls to loadImage might be able to add things to the
o queue. or maybe beginImage() and endImage()? or a mode that lets
o you wait for the images to download (size is zero until they're ready)
o MediaTracker blocking is prolly making jar download really slow
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1089914280
o if size() not found in export/compile, ask the user
o have size(myWidth, myHeight) set a static var in PGraphics
o for the last size that was used, use as default for fill-in field
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=64
X using beginGL().. also import javax.media.opengl.*;
o lighting will not work
o move stuff about getting gl object and java2d stuff here
o should we add processinghacks to main site? hacks.processing.org?
o this would enable site search across this as well?
o on first OutOfMemoryError, offer to send to the docs
o again, a warning checkbox
X fixed up OutOfMemoryError issues to show better error message
X write docs for begin/endRaw
o winamp/audio getting starved or crackly while applets running
o thread priority too high? or something weird
X mac standard key combinations for moving around in the editor
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1093116515
X these were done a long time ago
o also out of cvs
o check for necessary tools to be installed
o zip, unzip, jikes, etc
X How do I move the mouse cursor to another location? (java robot example)
X post a hack for this or a simple example
X http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/awt/Robot.html
X also need to get frame location:
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1221384557
X update match(), write new reference for matchAll()
windows launcher
X windows jdk sometimes not getting picked up, even if it's there
X notes somewhere about choosing the right jvm...
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=878
X finding older versions of java on windows
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=545
o eclipse launcher for windows
o http://dev.eclipse.org/viewcvs/index.cgi/platform-launcher/library/win32/eclipseWin.c?view=markup&content-type=text%2Fvnd.viewcvs-markup&revision=1.12
X make .pde files double-clickable from windows
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=683
X on drag, are these already passed to argv[]?
o http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dllproc/base/getcommandline.asp
o http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/shell_basics/shell_basics_extending/fileassociations/fa_intro.asp
o http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc/browse_thread/thread/4095cb6fc807863/ecdb3b35b0787116%23ecdb3b35b0787116?sa=X&oi=groupsr&start=0&num=3
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1094149466
X figure out proper registry key for windows
X can be handled when the app first run (jni?)
X write handler for main() to take document names
o track down the cause of the processing.exe not starting bugs
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1062794781
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1067764732
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1094148057
X need splash screen, startup takes a long time
X processing.exe: problem if expert version is run, and no java installed
X call the person a genius and tell them to install java
o NullPointerException when alt is pressed
o (not our bug, but log it in the bug db anyways)
o might be something to do with the applet frame being an awt not swing
o event first goes to the applet listener, needs to consume the event
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1061802316
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1077058974
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1081751451
macosx launcher
X for the .app file, $APP_PACKAGE will give the path
X $JAVAROOT will give Contents/Resources/Java location
X would be nice to have macosx packaged up as a single .app file
X should recommend that people install libraries into their sketchbook
0148 pde
X clean up accessors inside Sketch and SketchCode
X Editor, Sketch, and SketchCode are now fair game
X clean up Base a bit
X public methods in Base are now also fair game
X remove hide/unhide code and menu options
X create a local version of javadoc, and send to server
X clean up some of the api naming for tab changes, etc.
X setCurrentTab(int index or String filename)
X getTabs() ? maybe these are interface to the code class
X clean up API for JEditTextArea before exposing the object
X write basic documentation for how it's handled (tools/howto.txt)
X add tools folder to make and dist scripts
0147 pde
X inside Sketch.java, don't hardwire the file extension types
X arduino uses .c, .cpp, .h instead of .java
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=807
X major changes to save/save as/rename setup - keep an eye out
X need to add local java folder to path on linux
X otherwise if no linux installed, complaining that no java found
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=879
X refactor code to use more getter/setter methods
X move the debug classes back into processing.app.debug
X this will help the library stuff
X dynamic tools menu (requires moving files around)
o this means can integrate the autoformat stuff
X processing.mess/tools has chandler's template stuff
o need to write converter that will handle syntax changes
o convert from alpha to 1.0 syntax
o framerate() -> frameRate()
o basically find & replace with regexps
o acts just like find/replace.. go through and do by hand
o 3 column input file
o regexp to find, to replace, human readable description
o (void\s+)loop(\s+{) -> $1draw$2 (maintain all whitespace stuff)
o "The loop() method is now called draw() as of beta"
o "angleMode no longer exists, use radians() around your angles"
o (comment out the line)
X this would only fix the minor stuff, not the important stuff
X it also has a lot of potential problems and corner cases
X just not worth the effort
X tools api
X need to support the basic set of functions that are expected
X to be used, otherwise it's gonna be total hell when we make a real api
X getEditor()
X get/setSelStart/End
X get/setSelText
X get/setText
X make dynamically loaded plugins and "tools" menu
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=124
X tools api:
X init() -> run when p5 is first launched
o isAvailable() -> true/false whether the option should be dimmed
X skip this for now, not sending events to tools all the time
o show() and hide() -> open the window or run the tool
o is there a better name than show() since not all will be visible?
o maybe it's just a run() method launched via invokeLater()?
X can't really do show/hide from editor, make the tool handle this
o getDefaultShortcut() -> returns the default shortcut this tools wants
o store this in the data file instead
X not bothering with this for now, since can't handle overlaps
X needs to be able to get current sketch code
X look at the pretty-formatting code to see what else needs to be in api
o getMenu() -> return non-null the tool is a submenu
X no, bad idea.. don't want a zillion submenus on things
0146 pde
X fix problem with comment/uncomment and indent/outdent
X when no selection, and on the first pos of the line
X on comment/uncomment, need to check if *all* lines are commented
X otherwise should be comment (never uncomment unless all selected)
X use debugger to get better exceptions
X and getting the error to show up in the window inside p5
X also highlighting the correct line
X Exceptions not being reported properly to the PDE
X lines with errors not highlighting
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=877
X was ok in 0144, but 0145 things broke
X probably b/c not catching ex inside the run() method
X getMessage() not sufficient for exceptions coming through
X get actual message text, plus the exception itself
X now using actual sketch name (instead of temp name)
X this should be safe since launching an external vm to run
X make the p5 icon show up for the window
X when launching a new sketch
X can embed icon.gif as byte array in PApplet, and use Toolkit.createImage
X NullPointerException inside setup() comes up weird
X because NullPointerException is a RuntimeException
X maybe the renderer exception is something different? newrendex?
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=78
o weird exception in the run button watcher
X http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=42
X exceptions in draw() apps aren't caught
X the program resize(200, 200); just does nothing (doesn't complain)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=81
X exception in setup() on external app doesn't kill run button
X also doesn't kill external vm
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=79
X fixed in the 0140s
o make editor nicer
o tab on selection indents whole block
o shift-tab outdents whole block
o ctrl-t to format selection
o if no selection, indents line?
X addressed these in other ways
0145 pde
X insert non-breaking space characters instead of spaces on DiscourseFormat
X works on safari (though not camino/firefox) on osx
X works on internet explorer w/ windows
0144 pde
X add new reference and examples
X write revisions.txt entry that covers changes since 0135
X format for discourse is ignoring the selection
X also shouldn't add (so much) extra space to the beginning and end
o add tool for running in jview
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=142
o calls export, or only available after export (or when an applet dir exists)
o warn user that applet html will be over-written
X no longer supporting 1.1
X on startup, make sure that the jdi classes are available
X if not, tell the user to install a friggin jdk
X this way we can release a windows version w/o java
X don't open more than one copy of the preferences window
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=830
X modify namespace handling in xml lib
X changed getFullName() to getName()
X changed getName() to getLocalName()
o look through the code for any places where UTF-8 not used
text handling
X block comment - don't bother with last line if starting it
X (same behavior as eclipse)
X add block comment to right-click menu
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=840
X add increase/decrease indent to edit and right-click edit menu
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=841
fix problems with vm crashing errors (OutOfMemoryError, etc)
o too many NPEs on loadimage may freeze the app (visualizar example?)
o hopefully this should be fixed with 0136 changes
o lots of runtime exceptions still being lost on osx
o particularly with multi-threaded applications
o macosx dropping exceptions all the time.. grr
o solution is to export, and then see how it runs
o this is particularly bad with threaded applications
0143 pde
X fixed build problems with macosx and linux, thanks to reports
o need to compare with localized version of javac strings
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=828
X just moving to ecj instead of javac
X preproc code showing through since it's on line 0:
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=831
X also need to handle "unexpected type" error in that example
X "Target VM failed to initialize: VM initialization failed" when trying to run
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=796
X add better error message for memory too high
0142 pde
X fix "cannot parse error text" with duplicate var declaration
X also found that errors were continuing to process after the first
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=820
X web colors < 6 chars produce bizarre error:
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=196
X fix a problem with errors that are at the end of the codea
0141 pde
X hide javac warning messages
X "xxxx xxxx uses unsafe operations.", "recompile with -Xlint:xxxx"
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=817
X move copy for discourse into the edit menu (ctrl-shift-c)
X nanoxml getChildren() et al should use getFullName() not getName()
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=813
charset changes
X make sure that export is using utf8 for writing the .pde files etc
X should be primarily loadFile() and saveFile() inside Base
X change pde files to use utf8
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=743
o 1) if file contains binary data and
o 2) its mod date is earlier than when p5 0125 was installed
o point the user to Tools -> Reload sketch with local encoding
o then re-save the file to update the mod date
o ...or, when first running p5 0125, offer to update sketches
o this is a bad idea--since it's probably
X need to set a default charset for use in files (utf8)
X add option to change charset or specify as part of loading
X need to specify the default encoding
fixed earlier
X stop button sometimes causes lockups when libraries or code folder is in use
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=126
0140 pde
X fallback locations for sketchbook and data folders are disabled
X move openFolder, openFolderAvailable, openURL to Platform classes
X can't get documents/prefs folder on vista
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=585
X closing until further notice
o vista disables aero theme when p5 is run
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1196016889
X can't seem to verify this
X occasional division by zero on windows
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=777
X should be fixed, but need to verify once a release candidate is ready
X two fixes for readBytesUntil() and bufferUntil()
X also not calling serialEvent()
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96
X fix goof with console preference in preferences.txt
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1213042400
X need to add usequartz when running externally?
X no, tested and it seems to be working
o respond to stop/close events sent by the vm
X not sure what we're doing here
X on osx, System.err isn't writing in things like createGraphics()
X but doing a printStackTrace(System.out) works
X something weird happening with one of the streams shutting down?
X probably, need to fix this by using the remote launcher/debug api
X use proper external launcher via debugger api
X http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/toolsapis/jpda/
X small gray gap shows up in color picker
X getMaximumSize() not being respected on Windows (Linux?)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=310
X same as bug #656
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=656
further cleanup for simpler building (refactor lots of Base)
o settings.path.fallback not being used
o need to check the mkdirs() to make sure it's not going too deep
o really important for intl versions that are having trouble
o or ask for the sketch folder name.. why isn't it?
o http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1
X remove settings.path.fallback
X no error message if sketchbook folder is set to bad location
X says that it's gonna create new sketchbook in default loc
X even though that location might exist already (just word it better)
X "changing back to default sketchbook location"
X move tools.jar into jre/lib folder
X implement windows registry lookups via reflection
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=723
X or move to jna for registry?
X https://jna.dev.java.net/source/browse/jna/trunk/jnalib/contrib/ntservice/src/jnacontrib/win32/Registry.java?rev=293&view=markup
X remove libs from build/shared that are in app/lib
X update scripts to copy from app/lib
X since adding tools.jar, jikes can be removed
X switch to javac (in code)
X re-wire error handling to handle javac error messages
o seem to be primarily 2 kinds?
X finish osx build script to make the libraries
X make.sh creating work/lib dirs.. no longer necessary?
X Programs run with release 0136+ are sometimes slower due to Java 1.5
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=798
0139 pde
X update quaqua to 3.9.5 on macosx (http://www.randelshofer.ch/quaqua/)
X xml.getIntAttribute() returns a float
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=790
X include memory settings with exported applications on macosx
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=803
X error highlighting broken
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=795
0138 pde
X importing a library results in "expecting EOF, found ..." error
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=788
X remove console variable from preferences.txt
X run only works with primary window in 0136, 0137
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=784
X throwing a stackoverflowexception because the console is broken
X cannot do this because hint() lives in PGraphics, this is PApplet
X code folder being ignored on export to application
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=469
X fixed in release 0137
X remove debug messages from export
0137 pde
X move to multiple jars whenever
X 1) a lib is in use, 2) code folder, 3) multiple files
X remove oro.jar dependency (not needed with PApplet.match)
X this is kind of messy and requires a bit of testing to ensure proper
X sometimes huge jar files when exporting with a code folder
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=541
X applet export with multiple jars having trouble (related?)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=701
X applet export fails with opengl/code folder
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=714
X synchronized (something) { } is horking up the preproc
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=136
o inside the preproc
o change the arrays of default imports (now using 1.5+, so no 1.1,1.3,1.4)
X don't bother, they're cumulative
X improvements to the linux startup script
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=os_core_pde;action=display;num=1202689238
X update preferences.txt whenever opening/closing
X otherwise recovery from restart can be annoying
X fix classpath problem with processing.exe
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=780
0136 pde
X fix XMLElement(String s), had a bad constructor
X color selector not drawing properly (fix thanks to fli)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=656
X color selector broken on vista (no colors at all)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=584
X added fonts, quadratic curves to svg
X need to remove the font stuff, also the changes for 'public'
X move my edits into a subclass
o Capture.settings() mangles external iSight image
X fixed in newer qtjava
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=496
X add to p5 app bundle
X mention re: apple slowness
X -Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true
X net library dies unceremoniously on "Connection Refused"
X just need to catch another exception
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=751
X ctrl-/ to comment block
X eeepc support for environment:
X splitPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(600, 600));
X change to: splitPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
o prolly need to have a param for this guy
X switch to nanoxml instead of nanoxml-lite (29k vs. 5k)
X check against ods
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=757
X space after OPENGL param breaks export
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=769
X svg demos are broken
X because of weird ENTITY setup
X because of weird (default?) filling problem
X remove support for random .class files in code and library folders
X need to put everything in jar files
X opengl currently broken in svn (probably the native libs not included?)
X mistakes wrt 'library.path'
X also, don't add /library/ for each lib to the classpath
X remove unused libraries from default run path
X note that this will hose svg b/c xml not available
X so when this change is made, the lib depends needs to be implemented too
X changing to java 1.5
o switch to java 1.4.2_16 on linux and windows (now that osx is there?)
X change to 1.5+ (instead of 1.4*) in Info.plist for Processing.app
X updated linux to java 1.5.0_15
X updated windows java to 1.5.0_15
X change export.html to point to java 1.5 cab file
X update things for java 1.5 since it's inevitable
new debugger/runner setup
X wire in new debugging classes, get sys.out and sys.err working
X quitting p5 doesn't shut down the runner
X make out/err streams go to the correct window
X see if window re-positioning is broken
o could actually do this with objectreference
X change output/error streams to properly write to the selected console
X though out/err stream for current app should append to current console(?)
X add tools.jar to windows and linux builds
X make sure the version is the same as the jvm for each
X initiate external stop and close events to the vm
o see if stop() has same 'finished' problem with not immediate quit
X add debug/*.java to linux build
X remove debug/gui/*.java from windows build
X rework Sketch.build(), it's what's going library crazy
o will this speed up launch of external jvm?
X only support .jar files (not .class files) in code and lib folders
completed earlier (or removed)
X make the export to the board just copy to clipboard
X also make it insert &nbsp; for extra spaces
X random() is up to and not including, also add randomSeed link
X top links in the faq are broken (use full url?)
X need to re-arrange the reference location (faq.html in root, etc)
X don't include faq in download
X split contributed/core libraries
X change software to point at correct reference locations
0135 pde
o opening a file from right-click in osx
o opens the new thing directly behind an untitled document
X improve how fonts are parsed from the preferences file
X this was causing strange errors as prefs files became corrupted
X made changes to keywords.txt, but this is broken--it's autogenerated
X keywords/reference
X map is going to null reference, not colored properly
X add beginRaw, endRaw, map to keywords.txt
X find in reference problems
X ? doesn't work with find in reference (actually came up as 'null')
X "find in ref" on XMLElement brings up ref for null (ha)
o should we use if() or if in the reference
X include docs for moviemaker
X also changed finishMovie() to stop() (for consistency)
X only inside size() should gray bg and white fill get called (defaults)
X defaults() is separate from beginDraw/endDraw init/end stuff
o add to sketchbook menu:
o "recent sketches" option (only for things that still exist)
o turn this off by default
o "reload sketchbook" option
o "show sketchbook folder"
X start removing pre-1.4 support
X multiple windows
o what happens when p5 is launched without all its pieces?
o both on windows and mac... is there a way put up useful message
o if everything moved into the .app file, how do you add applet.html?
o can we use useragent to determine whether java 1.4 is in use?
o for mac, could see if it's an old safari (1.3) or firefox (also 1.3)
o for windows, the classid will take care of it all (firefox too?)
o for linux, everyone's using 1.4/1.5 anyway
X rewrite section on versions of java
X we're dropping support for anything before 1.4
X and don't recommend anything before 1.4.2
X we'll support 1.5 a little more now, but only libraries, not syntax
X no support for java 1.6 anytime soon
X to use 1.5+ syntax, use p5 embedded in eclipse
X what's with this fill() bug?
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=468
X background() also not making it through to raw recorder
X this should be fixed, just double-check
X add option to prefs to override memory settings
X it's a checkbox, when used it will force external runtime
X include a fill-in box with the default and various other settings
X values are in megabytes
o reload sketchbook option w/o restarting p5
o students want to manipulate the sketchbook itself
X update javadoc on web site to include xml ref
X probably need to traverse into xml and candy folders.. others?
0134 pde
X fix problem with fractional px sizes and adobe cs3
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=667
X fix candy bug where width/height were undefined if "px" was used
X some svg files include "px" in the width/height parameters
X shortcuts in tab menu should use shift
X remove shortcut for rename, and use ctrl-shift-n for new tab
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=665
X fix problem with "save as" under linux
X say that quicktime 6 is no longer supported
X winvdig issues?
X add note that "quicktime alternative" is not sufficient
X problems with serial on leopard
X grab rxtx libraries from arduino, they've disabled locking
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=227
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Electronics;action=display;num=1193459849
X add note to reference about close/quit behavior
X also add note that export will delete folders
X add notes about expand() and objects to the reference
X lots of additional ref changes for array functions
0133 pde
X fix problem with 'cancel' on "move sketch, create folder, continue"? msg
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=658
o archive sketch shouldn't include applet or application dirs
o or should it? this was how projects were being uploaded for class...
X ESC won't cancel rename
X cmd-w doesn't close window of opened applet
X both when running inside p5, or elsewhere
X add variable 'external' set to true when running tethered
X make note of new/open behavior (and toolbar) in the getting started ref
o make more fixes to the key bindings
o http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnacc/html/atg_keyboardshortcuts.asp
o http://developer.apple.com/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/XHIGUserInput/chapter_11_section_3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000361-TPXREF61
0132 pde
X sketch marked as untitled if opened into an untitled window from toolbar
X when renaming an untitled sketch, need to save
X otherwise it just renames, but leaves it in the temp folder
o maybe disable rename when read-only or untitled?
0131 pde
o make loadFont() work properly with regular fonts?
X no, because some renderers really need to create, not load it
X would have to cache opengl fonts at different sizes, etc
X document hint() commands for advanced reference
X add note about gcj/gij to the platform notes
o when writing javadoc for p5 sketches, only write from first tab
X already was using code[0]
X processing.video not working on windows in 126 through 130
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=654
X auto-delete of sketches might be dangerous
X and probably no longer necessary
X should toolbar new/open replace the items in the current window?
X closing last sketch window... open an untitled document?
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=634
X when opening from the toolbar, replaces items in that window
X when new/open from menu, creates a new window
o don't bug the user about new release of p5 when they have it
o add prefs option for "latest version run"
o something also to track--people going to older releases
X keeping this behavior, it's also the only way to know you're
X running the wrong version when you accidentally open an oldie
X createFont() needs to run 1.3+, and not in applets
X where is the bug reference for this.. and can it be fixed?
server/client stuff
X add server/client notification thing for the nyu guys
X add an event to Server that notifies when a Client disconnects
X add docs for disconnectEvent for Client
X proccessing.net.Client.write(int) terminates sketch when client disconnects.
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=537
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=LibraryProblems;action=display;num=1180713192
X Server.write(bytes[]) hangs sketch on client disconnect.
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=538
o move the useful serial buffering fxns into net library
X make the Client list public
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1116056805
o video problem in qt 7.2 with prepreroll, adding this to java.policy fixes:
X just removed prepreroll in 0126
grant {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
0130 pde
X fix keywords.txt problems with some constants being left out
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1192873557
X call doClose() when closing sketch window
X otherwise it's leaving lots of windows around
0129 pde
X fixed up the reference for color commands, updated version
0128 pde
X fix macosx dist script to not require root password
X was just a matter of not using sudo to write the image
o hdiutil create -size 5m -fs HFS+ -volname Fooble foo
o To mount the disk-image, without having it appear in the Finder:
o hdiutil attach -nobrowse foo.dmg
o The main advantage is that these don't require root privileges
X change to jdk14 imports rather than 11 and 12 for preproc
X though this will only happen when the prefs file is deleted
0127 pde
X mark untitled sketches as modified when adding files
X opening an already open sketch will result in two identical sketches open
X just bring the other window to the front
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=636
X replace untitled windows with opened sketches
X but do so without opening a new window and hiding the other
X re-enable update check (0126 wasn't reporting anything.. ugh)
o remove the "ask for sketch name on create"
o also remove shift-click behavior
X add option to not close the environment when closing the last sketch
X make sure loadStrings(), loadImage(), etc all have security warning
X rewrite the section on java versions to reflect 1.4 policy change
o libraries should only be placed in the libraries folder
o or in the sketchbook in a subfolder named 'libraries'?
o what should the policy be?
X keywords.txt needs revamp
X CLOSE is missing
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=637
X syntax highlighting
X match() method
X added getChild(name/path), getChildren(name/path) to xml library
X add notes about these to the reference
X needs a better example that includes subitems
X fix example that doesn't use nf
fixed in earlier releases
X undo after "import library" makes a blank screen
X http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=41
0126 pde
o support for hashmap<> with 1.5 syntax
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=459
X handle open/sketchbook/examples differently
X move examples folder to top-level menu
X move open menu to its own
X BGraphics, BImage, void loop() -> give an error saying it's old code
X better yet, only do this when "not found" errors come up
X need to fix changes.html because it lists out of date alpha->beta changes
X added getChild(name/path), getChildren(name/path) to xml library
o add notes about these to the reference
o needs a better example that includes subitems
X fix problem with export.txt files not working
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=625
X readStringUntil broken in net library
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=606
X add imageicon for the find dialog
X also the tools menu items and preferences
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=627
X fix problem with ctrl-, typing a comma on linux
X on linux, drag and drop didn't accept
X gets a zillion different items that come in
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=595
X show sketch folder on linux
X fix for release 0126
X add notes to the docs about how to fix if not working
X http://processing.org/reference/environment/platforms.html#linux
X adding a file to the sketch that already exists gives no confirm
X winds up showing the item twice (if .java file at least)
X (Table.pde showed twice after failed add)
X after sketch -> add file, no confirmation message is shown
o "one file added to sketch" should be more descriptive
o Added "blah.jpg" to the data folder of the sketch
multiple sketch support
X basic structural moves to handle multiple sketches
X properly mark macosx windows as modified
X frame.getRootPane().putClientProperty("windowModified", modifiedParam);
X get quit to work properly on macosx
X open new sketch windows slightly offset from the previous
o or start them in the upper-left corner of the screen?
X when quitting, save all sketch windows and their locations
X do this before checkModified, because it'll close them individually
X if quitting when zero windows are open, mark as such and use untitled
X first untitled sketch not being marked as modified
X move untitled sketches to the tmp folder
X then on save, do a save as that defaults to the sketch folder
X clean up number of new/open/close functions in editor and in base
X make sure drag and drop to open sketch is still working
o make sure double-click pde to open is launching in p5
X on first save, ask for the name of the project (with default)
X set title of window to the sketch name
X cmd-opt-r for rename, cmd-opt-n for new tab
X save/saveas should use modal dialog
X only use the bottom bar for name, rename, new tab
X remove prompt mode (yes/no/cancel) from EditorStatus
X improve speed of "new", which is calling the rebuild menus
o keep one static list of all pairs of names/files in sketchbook
X tough to do with the multiple directories/submenus
o add methods for "add" and "remove" for sketches
o also a rename method, which could just be a remove and add
X libraries and examples won't be rebuilt during the session
X editor console is broken, because re-routes System.out
X test on windows
X test on linux
X make sure quit being handled properly on windows/linux
X make clear that open() with one param should only have a single param
0125 pde
X prev/next tab conflicting with typing brackets on french macs
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=480
X update javadoc reference to include xml, candy, etc
X update to 1.4.2_12 on linux and windows
X export to web, wrong character encoding in html
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=474
X generate xhtml-1.0-strict (standards compliant) code for exported applets
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=490
X add auto-install of cab file inside applet.html
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=181
X http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/plugin/developer_guide/using_tags.html
X http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/javaws/developersguide/launch.html#creating
X http://java.sun.com/update/1.4.2/jinstall-1_4_2_09-windows-i586.cab
X or the 1.5 versions:
X http://java.sun.com/update/1.5.0/jinstall-1_5_0_03-windows-i586.cab
X PDE does not refresh code when using an External Editor
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=515
X preprocessor cannot handle L or l added to 'long' values
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=492
X change constructors for Capture, also framerate to frameRate
X need to update reference
X need to update example to use proper ordering
X re-architect svg to properly inherit fill/stroke/etc from parents
X <g> object can specify fill/stroke for everyone below
X need to discern between having a fill specified and one not being present
X moviemaker
X moved around constructors (to be on par with other video lib stuff)
X cleaned up constant names (i.e. MSVideo -> MS_VIDEO)
X added constant for h264 encoding
X though it doesn't seem to actually work... oh well
X add documentation
X add() or addFrame()?
X find/replace - replace should do auto find next(?)
X or have a replace & find button
X placing "replace" next to "find" ... (hitting "replace all" by accident)
X have a button "replace & find next"
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=68
X only rebuild sketchbook on "save as" or "rename" of sketch
X currently it's rebuilding whenever "save" called too
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=357
X ignore ._ files when reading jar and zip
X Ignoring /Users/fry/coconut/processing/build/macosx/work/libraries/opengl/library/._jogl-natives-linux-i586.jar (error in opening zip file)
X look into deleting from p5 bugs db
X stop button kills the sketch window when running externally
X in Capture, if user cancels prompt, throws a '-128,userCanceledErr'
X in which case, need to return null (or ""?) for the prompt
X which will also just give you the last camera
X should it be new Camera(PROMPT);
o when passing in 'null' as the capture, dialog pops up fine
o but the applet craps out after a few seconds (pinwheel spin)
X can't confirm this one
X no longer default to sketchbook folder on open
0125p4 (in progress)
X general issue when reference not found, going to 'null' reference
X do a trim() on the selection for find in reference
X reorganize find in reference commands
X add setDTR() method from tom hulbert
X moviemaker is broken
X updatePixels reference was cut off
X double-check this after rebuild of reference
X examples
X animated sprite example should use tabs
X reworked all video examples
X "Object" example isn't using tabs.. others?
o object example is also much too complicated
X also need the "find in reference" to work on linux
o find in ref is prolly also why +x may be required for .html on osx
X make "show sketch folder" work on linux
X add for "show sketch folder" option
X show the menu but dim if the command is not available
X gnome-open, kde-open, "kfmclient exec blah"
o file bug re: qtjava being compiled for 1.5 on the intel macs
o because 1.4 isn't available on 10.3.9, this is ridiculous
0124 pde
X handle next/prev line with up/down arrow, with/without shift down
X properly go to the beginning or ending of the document
X create "Documents" folder for the user if it doesn't exist
X just default to the user's home directory if no 'sketchbook' folder
X otherwise ask the user to select a folder
X fix QTSession.open/close problem in Capture.list()
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=472
X fix some of the error handling while running a sketch
X now a little better at highlighting the correct line
X slight improvements to some preproc/compiler error messages
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=12
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=13
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=15
X deal with strange problem with KeyListener and {} on same line
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=484
X copy custom applet.html file on "Save As"
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=485
o preferences file gone corrupt (on osx only?)
o changing font size,
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1160057791
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=406
o temporarily added log4j and jalopy (for the autoformatter)
o need to decide where these go, or if they're included at all
0123 pde
X pair up QTSession.open() and QTSession.close()
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1163736864
X fix home/end for windows
from rev 0122
X honor the svg designation for layers that are marked 'hidden'
0122 pde
X improve editor listener to not add so many extraneous indents
X with text selected, hitting left or right arrow should move to beginning/end
X right now, it deselects the text and moves over one char
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=349
X add alt-shift-arrow-down and command-shift-arrow-down
X select all from that point to beginning (or end) of doc
X ctrl-shift up/down has some weird issue, but oh well
X cmd-shift-left and cmd-shift right should select the entire line
X cmd-left and cmd-right move back and forth properly
o option for behavior of HOME and END
X right now goes to begin/end of line.. should be begin/end of file?
X change to begin/end of file, and use cmd or alt, based on platform
X cmd-{ and cmd-} no longer work after the menu is shown
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=402
X clicking "cancel" on close still quitting the app
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=440
X discourse format sucked, changed to format for discourse
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=447
X changing macosx to allow Java 1.5 to be used
X updated to antlr 2.7.7
fixed earlier or wontfix
X double-click only selects part of underscored word
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=261
X this is actually a feature
svg completed
X actual linear gradients working properly
X add a table for all objects with their names,
X so they can be grabbed individually
X add accessor to get items from the table
X see if items can be named in illusfarter using the svg palette
X compound shapes (fonts) won't wind properly, so fill will be messed up
X added hack to allow for broken shapes
X rename draw() and its buddy
X a moveto *inside* a shape will be treated as a lineto
X had to fix this
X implement polyline
X some means of centering the entire drawing (is this included already?)
X or setting to one of the corners
o does the svg spec just do this?
X finish draw(x, y, c, d)
0121 pde
X fix button fatness on osx
X quaqua already takes care of this for us
X implement page setup and print
X pretty printing of code in project
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=27
X also turn off line highlighting while printing
X fix bug with 'hidden' code causing an error inside rebuildMenu()
0120 pde
X add a note saying that changing the font size requires restart
X trying out quaqua look and feel on the mac, improve how things look
X trying the gtk+ look and feel for linux
X use special awt hack on the mac to handle directory selection
X drag & drop on the mac snaps back as if it didn't work
X does this also happen on windows?
o are there better classes to use inside the com.apple classes?
o file a bug for this stuff
X figure out how to cancel 'save changes' on macosx and windows
X macosx handleQuit seems to force termination (at least on 1.3)
X http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1187.html
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=32
X need to test on windows to make sure it works
X try the better mac l&f
o Contents/Resources/Java can take jnilib files
o set file type/creator for .pde files of examples
o use disk:// notation as panther alternative
o so that it doesn't download the disk, just mounts it
o although.. this only works on panther.. how many are using it?
X filed as http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=431
o changing font size in editor not updating all font objects
o particularly after backspace
X make notice that restart is required
X when auto-format has a warning, don't change anything
X this is a temporary fix to avoid code being destroyed
X remember location of cursor on "save as" ?
X also scroll bar position and current tab
X "save as" loses cursor/scroll positions (because reloading)
X http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=86
X as a result, people avoid using "save as"
X several bits of reference are updated, incorporate new zip file
0119 pde
X .java files weren't working in 116+
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=405
X need new copy of Capture example that has a new name
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=408
0118 pde
X no changes, only an opengl export fix
0117 pde
X add PGraphicsOpenGL change to revisions.txt and the changes faq
0116 pde
o including function outlines in the code?
o i.e. make setup() and draw() for people? seems silly.. not much to do
o when importing a library, insert 'captureEvent'?
o again, seems to fraught with potential problems
o saveFrame() directly to quicktime via port of DbnRecorder
o do this after beta, not likely to work with java 1.4 on macosx
X moviemaker class from dan shiffman handles this
X make message status text dark instead of white.. too subtle
o is there a way to set the color of the Frame growbox?
o currently it's white instead of dark gray like the ui
o setBackground(Color) didn't seem to help inside PdeBase.<init>
X moot point because grow boxes removed in later os releases
X ignore sketches that have ._blah.java or ._blah.pde files
X this could cause crashes on macosx
X be more strict about opening sketches with illegal characters
X in previous releases, it was possible to rename sketches outside p5
X to something that was illegal. now those files are ignored
X better fix for find/replace focus issue on osx
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=244
X give that field focus explicitly, rather than just for typing
X menu option/command key to switch between tabs
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=55
X fix movie playback on intel macs
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=313
X when using external editor, update the code on export
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1158549785
o p5 becomes a memory hog (benelek and glen murphy)
o not confirmed for a long time
o even without sketches open, perhaps not gc'ing properly
o objects probably not getting finalized
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=29
X add pref item for setting the memory properly
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=233
o external apps should inherit memory settings from p5 itself
X too confusing to set the memory in two places
X or perhaps, have a setting in the ide for it
o and allow a checkbox for "always run externally"
X that way people don't have to adjust the memory settings for p5 itself
X perhaps the memory setting should be enabled/disabled
X that way if it's enabled, will always run externally
o menu weirdness (benelek)
o when you've got a menu open, move a cursor over the text area
o and back over the menu, the text-area cursor type remains.
X mark this as wontfix, since it's just a java bug
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=30
X remove the second movie from the movie playback example
X keep checking whether google has started to honor robots.txt
X http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=angleMode+site%3Aprocessing.org&btnG=Search
X add load/updatePixels stuff to the pixels[] reference
X make mention of doing it to main pix array, and on an image
X move fwd/back tab into the tab menu
X however it includes a bug that loses focus (at least on osx)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=402
X "export folder" tool has been removed, if temporarily
X add info to the new faq
X where to find out about embedding PApplet (the dev ref)
X also the link to the eclipse integration
X also add to the platforms page
X i want to use java 1.5 crap (so do it, just don't use our env)
X where have all the old faq pages gone?
X add to opengl ref the information about downloading more native libs
X we only include linux-i586, macosx (ppc and universal), windows
X also can get linux amd64 and sunos, just need to include the libs
X add to createImage() or createGraphics reference:
X Creating bitmap images - from advanced.html
X the "export folder" command doesn't seem to work at all
X check with casey, see if he's using it
o fix up how archive sketch saves files
X bring up name, and let people change if they want
X that's prolly better, can send it to desktop or whatever
X but default folder will be sketchbook/its parent folder
X add "save sketch before archive? (or cancel)" option
X quicktime in applets
X probably need to do a better job with openStream
X video library in applets doesn't work
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=44
X may be fixed by simply signing the applet, or may just work in places
X exported movies seem to have trouble (windows only?)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=231
X video doesn't work in applets
X on export, need to first import applet's packages before qt et al
X video working in applets? (no, never did in alpha so untested)
X Movie should perhaps work?
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=44
X capture.settings() changes size of capture
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=366
X fix submitted by hansi
faq additions
X add notes about sketchPath() and savePath() to library docs
X explain why save doesn't go to the data folder
X noted in savePath and common issues
X how do i move the mouse cursor? (or does this go in hacks?)
X http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/awt/Robot.html
X requires a signed applet or local application
X pmouseX and pmouseY have different values in mouse methods vs. draw()
X advanced reference contains more info about how things work
X move 'how do i create large images' here
X createGraphics with PDF, using dispose() to clear the thing
X calling nextPage()
X under the memory section, getting free/total memory
X long allocated = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() (-Xms usually)
X long free = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() (-Xms minus used)
X long maximum = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() (-Xmx setting)
X remove the memory setting stuff from the faq
X add more information about setting the memory
X move memory setting to troubleshooting page on bugs db
X the source code to the libs are included
X this makes them easy to modify (in another app)
X or you can remove the package statements and embed them
X serial is a little trickier since you'd have to put stuff in code/
X windows, may need to install new version of video drivers
X add to opengl doc/faq
mac faq
X add to faq: 10.4.2 seems to have trouble with opengl and 0110+
X opengl updates necessary
X *we will only test with the latest updates applied*
X sonia doesn't work with mac intel
X include notes about the new way to fix the serial lib on the mac
video faq
X clean up the notes in the faq about how to get video to work
X make the instructions for winvdig clearer
X be sure to say "yes to all" when deinstalling winvdig
X install 1.0.1 not 1.0.5
X 1.0.5 doesn't seem to be necessary, and can't resize windows
X use capture events when doing computation, use available() when drawing
X there are threading issues with reading video and its pixels
X these particularly show up on slower machines
o video for web may actually work, just requires signed applet
o (bug marked elsewhere in here, may need to close it)
X video does in fact work now for 0116, with different handling of file i/o
faq / troubleshooting
X a method called run() with no params will cause trouble
X can't make final because subclasses using core.jar may need override
X maybe need to move animation into an internal class
X audio hiccups, throttling the cpu
X p5 will take as much cpu as it can, which can choke other apps
X call delay(10) (or so) if you want to make sure audio keeps running
X move troubleshooting page to the reference
faq / platforms
X add notes about running processing on various platforms
o directions for rebuilding jikes, etc (where is this?)
o and then link to posts on the discourse site about how to do it
faq / export
X exporting applets
X to make your own applet html, copy the template
X adding comments to applet html
X include a /** */ style description will be included in your applet
X present mode
X notes about setting key=0 to catch ESC
X also size(screen.width, screen.height);
o maybe make a section in installations with p5
X exporting applications
X possible to include a java subfolder with exported applications
X this means no need to install an additional java vm
X or an option to include the 'java' folder on windows/linux with export
X on unix machines it's also possible to use a symlink
0115 pde
o what's the long delay when hitting "save as" on osx?
o the first time, it's very slow.. presumably an awt problem
X renaming a sketch should rebuild the sketch menu
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=332
0114 pde
X fix "ignoring illegal line...macosx is missing libjogl_cg.jnilib" error msg
0113 pde
X easier export to gl applet, finalize support for applets
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=166
X add additional html file (applet-jogl.html)
X parse for renderer on export (and remove comments)
X when the renderer is OPENGL, change to:
X wire in the new jogl html file
X include the applet version of the jogl jar files (that contain DLLs)
X include the jogl.jar file itself
X use separate jar files
o can natives be included as jar files without trouble?
X make multiple jar files thing work as an option
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=62
X applet default is one file, application default is multiple
X buttons on side of sketch do default (last) behavior
X don't slurp out the contents of code folders when exporting to application
0112 pde
X PortInUseException with serial for 0111+ on Mac OS X
X need to fix the setup scripts to cover the new lock file location
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=315
0111 pde
X switch back to rev b3 of jogl so that applets will work
X fix color picker:
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=308
X also add esc/ctrl-w for closing the picker
X update information on mactels in the faq, also java 1.6
X find/build universal version of rxtx
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=311
X update the faq
0110 pde
X no changes to the pde, only fixes for jogl
0109 pde
X turn off resizing of the color picker window
X new set of windows quicktime issues introduced in 102+
X seems to be ignoring any paths that contain spaces
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=299
X fix windows make.sh (or move back to Makefile)
X currently rewrites exe on each build, even if not updated
X fix linux dist script to work more like the exported apps
X no relative paths, etc
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=298
0108 pde
X internal color picker
X could be a separate window that's always around if needed
o why was i allowed to save changes to the rgbcube example?
o wasn't, just that the error didn't come through. yay osx!
X adding dxf library to distribution
X fix bug with drag & drop of files to sketch on macosx
X need space between bullet points in faq css
X also need the absolute url stuff to work
X add discourse formatter tool
0107 pde
X fix yet another save bug, context menu paste/cut not setting modified
X undoing to the code's original state won't unset it as "modified"
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=248
0106 pde
X save wasn't working properly with ctrl-s
0105 pde
X no changes, only fixes for opengl
0104 pde
X removed "yep yep yep" when using "Create Font"
X p5 not saving changes on quit, even if you say 'yes'
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=276
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1139519266
X update osx for intel binary (if necessary)
X if running on 10.4, univerals jikes installed in /usr/bin/jikes
X updated the jikes included with p5 to be the universal version
X add notes to the faq about status
X set java version to be 1.4, not 1.4+
X fix LD_LIBRARY_PATH issues for applications on some linux distros
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=234
0103 pde
X no changes, only pdf fixes
0102 pde
X p5's exe has trouble when PATH has quotes (or spaces?)
X detect bad classpath or path settings
X some sort of path/classpath tester/fixer app for windows
X that " norton" thing in the path makes things a mess
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=112
X CLASSPATH figured out what to do with quotes, but not PATH
X quotes has issues on win2k vpc.. useful testbed
0101 pde
X no changes, only dipose() method fix for pdf
0100 pde
X missing import PApplet in library howto.txt
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=263
X switch to using date as default for archive sketch
0099 pde
X make buttons for editor status taller on macosx
X also fix the editor text field placement a bit
X hack to fix find/replace issues on macosx
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=70
X right now, typing works, but no caret, no blue highlight
X and on second find run, should instead select all the find string
X so that typing will replace it directly
X close/hide "Create Font" window on 'ESC'
X properly handle ENTER, Ctrl-W and ESC on all dialogs
X there must be a proper "swing" way of doing this that doesn't
X involve adding key listeners to every friggin component
X ESC should fake a cancel button press
X ENTER should do the default option
X (might be a matter of setting the default action for the window?)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=34
X hack to fix non-terminated multi-line comments
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=16
X improved error message for bad sketch names to include the sketch path
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1134466565
X make editor save button highlight on ctrl-s
X same goes for the other editor buttons
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=242
X deal with "could not delete stderr.txt" messages
X probably screwed up the temp folder stuff
X build folder is randomized, being recreated on each build
X mark temp build folder for deletion on exit
X properly remove console files on exit
X in previous releases this was filling up the temp dir with a lotta garbage
X bug where hiddenCount/codeCount weren't being set to zero on load()
X autoformat selection out of range (prolly end of document)
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1134720763
tab handling
X indent/outdent with curly braces
X tab to just indent lines properly,
X rather than having it convert to spaces
X need a smarter handler (rather than the editor listener)
X could look at previous line for its indent
X and when hitting } do a proper outdent (if only spaces before it)
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=22
o if the previous line contains no ; then next line is indent
o need to strip out comments for this tho
o maybe preproc through and remove comments to spaces?
o also, the brace may not be on the previous line directly
o so need to walk backwards until finding one
X add ctrl-up and ctrl-down to jump between blocks
0098 pde
X update to java 1.4.2_10 on windows
X update to java 1.4.2_10 on linux
X don't allow subfolders forever inside the sketchbook folder
X once a sketch is found, don't recurse deeper
X same for libraries, cuz this makes a mess
X made a fix to check only whether something was a dir and move on
X javadoc - make notes about preproc
X move the readme stuff for each file into the files themselves
X also put a general rundown of the preproc into Preprocessor.java
X subclasses need to use "public void keyPressed" not "void keyPressed"
X tweak linux version shell script to properly set directory name
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=234
bugs in auto-format
X tools need to use a compound edit
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=139
X ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to Auto Format
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=110
X if an error occurs during format, report it and don't change text
X this should already be happening anyway
0097 pde
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=60
X make a note in the faq that it's implemented
X add manifest.mf to exported applets so that applications will work
X include main class info for executable jar file with jdk > 1.2
X was already done before
X META-INF/MANIFEST.MF contains just "Main-Class: ClassName"
o problem with packages.. currently mainClassName is preproc name
o and "name" is the sketch name, w/o package
o but if a package were in use, then would be trouble
X not allowing packages for main classes
o lock feature for present mode (part of export to application?)
X just need to override the key events
o main() method needs to set layout manager if jexegen is to be used
o (msft vm defaults to null layout manager)
o also make sure pack() is happening
X PApplet.main(new String[] { "TheClass" });
X this will need to detect whether the user has their own main()
o or even PApplet.main(new String[] { getClass().getName() });
X save code before export, otherwise .pde exported is empty
X ask user ok or cancel to save code before exporting
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=157
X can macosx jnilib files be placed in the resources dir?
X shift-export should export as application
X write support for linux export
X need per-platform settings for exports
X opengl needs to export .jnilib for macosx, but no dll and so files
X if nothing available for that platform, uses "application" setting
X if no application setting or export.txt file, then export everything
o write code for selecting the output platform
X just export for all platforms
X documentation
X people using "java" mode must create their own main
X another function named main() is a no-no.. it'll confuse the preproc
X add these items to the faq
X how to handle qtjava in exports?
X problem because on export, the qtjava import happens before lib import
X why is this different between compiling and exporting?
X was a problem because example was named "Movie"
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=230
0096 pde
o separate processing editor/compiler
o can this be done without too much trouble?
X not really, but a command line that still uses awt might not be bad
o gets messy because of how the classpath et al is handled
o maybe just split out the preproc?
o could avoid doing things like the packages etc
X subfolders in the 'data' directory don't work
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=65
X package macosx with a dmg
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=116
X add "reference" and "examples" categories to bugzilla
X add mayscript tag to html when javascript lib is in use
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=211
0095 pde
X no changes
0094 pde
X don't write stdout.txt/stderr.txt to the build folder
X writing to the p5 folder was causing security problems
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=177
X bug in console that was causing stderr and stdout
X to be written over one another.. oops
X console text selection immediately de-selects
X suspect console is updated every 250 ms even when the app isn't running
X simplest to just not update the console if nothing is waiting in buffer
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=180
X problem with using qtjava is probably the quotes..
X remove them because they're matching quotes elsewhere
X drag & drop implementation to add files to sketch
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=21
X test drag and drop on windows
o also test on linux
X make simple tool for casey to rebuild all the examples at once
X first select a folder, then will open each sketch in turn, and export
X just make it easier to go to the next sketch
X need to rebuild with this release because of 1.3/1.4 issues
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=117
o or add tool to hit 'next' to go through examples
o just make it "next file in folder" since examples are all over
o also need to copy examples locally
0093 pde
X println() can hose the app for the first 20-30 frames
X incorporate fix posted by mellis
X need to figure out threading etc
X problem with it launching a new thread for every single update!
X http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19
X make a note that video doesn't currently work in applets in the faq
X scanning sketchbook folder may be extremely slow
X when lots of frames saved out, takes forever to scan the folder
X some dumb sorting code was responsible
X and each file was being treated as a directory. oops.
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=84
o rebuild jikes with --enable-static --disable-shared
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=47
X switched to use the version from the rpm on the sf.net site
X with fix of bug #47, svn binaries are no longer liabilities on linux
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=48
o auto-run the javadoc in dist.sh
o doctor a copy of the css file to use p5 defaults
o and re-copy the css in after generating the doc each time
X timing fix introduce regression on linux
X extra (NUL?) chars are added
X i.e. on first run, the ten blank lines each have a li'l box
X http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=118
X faq: "my applet doesn't work on export"... where to check for errors
X very common: cached version is being used
X go through methods to properly flush the cache
X can also just change the name
X make a note in the library howto about using something besides p5
X add the faq to the help menu
X patch from mellis to make dist.sh properly grab version numbers w/o fink
X fix to enable quicktime 7 to run properly on windows
fixed in previous releases
X closing window w/o first hitting stop() causes freak out
X opengl gives an OutOfMemoryError
X java2d just goes into a lock
X could also be code that's in an infinite loop (i.e. text error)
X which then causes a full lock
X something really bad happened with println() in this release
X perhaps only without a code folder and/or running in java2d mode?
X this may also be what's hosing
X external apps don't stop at all when 'stop' is hit
X worker thread is halting the app ala code folder bug
X could this be dealt with by using nio?
X host environment will be running 1.4 so...
o make note that changing screen config requires restart of processing
o static { checkScreens(); }
o static void PApplet.checkScreens() { }
o to run explicitly later
o this seems too complicated.. just make people restart
o convert spaces to underscores and vice versa for sketch/tab names
o underscoring everything is kinda nasty
o only needs to be underscored when passed off to java
o although then if people *want* underscores, there's gonna be trouble
o http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=76
o if in full java mode
o if extends PApplet.. or rather, put PApplet cast into a
o try/catch block.. if it doesn't work, try applet. if that
o doesn't work, try using the class' main() to run it
X not gonna do this, p5 is not a java editor
o if a .pde isn't contained in a properly named folder
o offer to rename the parent folder, rather than placing in a new folder
X add command key for "show sketch folder"
bugzilla problems (fixed by fjen)
X localconfig has been modified, need to update for everything
X "back to bug #110" should be on one line
X text fields on "post bug" won't let me click
X (i.e. "Reassign bug to" and "duplicate of bug #")
X continually de-select themselves so i can't paste or type text
X remove "platform" and "severity".. set them to "all" and "normal"
X buglist.cgi
X replace the platform column with the os column (uses icons for os)
X sorting based on any of the headings gives an error
X "102 bugs found. 102 bugs found."
X remove the severity column
X it's normal or enhanced, and enhanced is already gray
X make os into: Mac OS, Windows, Linux, Other
X while other categories might exist, it's too confusing for minimal benefit
o make things that are P5 into "enhancement"
o unless a P6 can be added? or something called "enhancement"?
X is there a way to list "all" bugs (especially sorted by priority?)
X or at least the first 20 listed by priority?
forum bugs
X when replying, all the replies so far are listed twice
o fonts are wrong all over the place (use windows to debug)
0092 pde
X more info in the todo about event handling
0091 pde
X error messages from external not coming through very well
X especially on macosx.. is it writing to stdout.txt tho?
X figure out why it's killing things early? the process maybe?
X gl exceptions really not coming through
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1114520230;start=5
X command keys don't work w/ shift
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1114661169;start=0
X printing 32k chars to console w/o a line break will cause massive error
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115470426;start=0
X on linux, have the shell script test for jikes first
X have it run jikes quickly, if it exits with an error, warn user
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115302894
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115787397;start=0
X wasn't using runner stop button color
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Suggestions;action=display;num=1116166897;start=0
X fix up the video crap because nobody reads the faq
X and no cameras means that the list comes back null
X can't seem to find build dir on operating systems w/ non-ascii chars
X or rather, when user accounts have non-ascii chars in the name
X try setting up an account where this is the case
X http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=2
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1114207259
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1116025299
X ctrl-shift-f is both autoformat and find in reference
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1118117417
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=WebsiteBugs;action=display;num=1117490025
X if sketchbook folder doesn't exist, default to the old folder
X people remove their old p5 folder which contained their sketchbook
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1116080833;start=0
X add a tiny java tester app to the home page
X make sure gl examples are working properly before release
X actually probably a bug with building opengl stuff with run.sh on linux
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=os_core_pde;action=display;num=1117632460
fixed previously
o runtime exceptions have stopped coming through (on pc only?)
o test with florian example for the exception stuff
o that they don't show up in the error bar
o make sure this is no longer the case
o don't draw the nasty couple of pixels in the margin
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Suggestions;action=display;num=1115597365;start=0
o font builder chopping off parts of letters
X not seen for a long time
o this may be fixed?
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1076358432;start=0
o package processing.app for PdeBase, PdeEditor..
o if NullPointerEx on a line that includes a "pixels["
o give an error message saying "you may need to call loadPixels"
discuss with casey
X redraw() should be listed under "related" for loop and noLoop
X redraw() can't be called inside draw(), but loop/noLoop can
X not as weird as it sounds, but the redraw flag is gonna get cleared
X documentation on tabs: .java files, inner classes, etc
X additional tabs are added to the main code
X as a result, static variables can't be used
X though they can go above the class itself or be placed in the parent
X if you want it separate, use a .java file instead (not parsed)
X classes in tabs are inner classes, or use .java files
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1114393478;start=0
X built in functions.. may not always be fastest, we're going for correct
X most things have other ways of making things much faster
X we've attempted for less confusion over speed in some cases
X get(), set() and red() et al are one such example
X web colors with alpha: 0xffcc0080 or unhex("ffcc0080")
`X the draw() method must exist, otherwise the sketch won't run
X i.e. can't just have mousePressed()
o make a sketch that shows loading from the web
o make another sketch that shows loading from a file
X make notes about preproc
X move the readme stuff for each file into the files themselves
X also put a general rundown of the preproc into Preprocessor.java
X subclasses need to use "public void keyPressed" not "void keyPressed"
X beginShape() defaults to beginShape(POLYGON)
X needs to be noted for the reference
X make a note that u/v coordinates on vertex() clamp at 0 and 1
X document for new users:
X what's a NullPointerException
X what's an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
X use of strings
X println() for debugging
X add notes to float ref about problems with incrementing by +0.0001
0090 pde
X working on strange undo problems, use a new Document for each tab
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115665414;start=2
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115644611
X don't allow a file to be named .pde or .java
X patch from stendahl for the highlight inset ugliness
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Suggestions;action=display;num=1115597365;start=0
X fix up some sketch renaming bugs
0089 pde
X properly rolled the version number in Base
X fix nasty late-breaking undo bug
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115560243;start=0
X remove Thumbs.db from examples/reference stuff
0088 pde
X fix a problem with Runner.message() getting exceptions
X if digits to end of text, was crashing (new digit check code)
X if codeCount > 1 externalRuntime = true, Sketch.java line 272
X nah, just sticking with that, runs better
X rev 87 on linux included a version of jikes built on redhat 7.3
X check to make sure this still works on the fc3 box
X stick with the rh73/fc3 build, include instructions on the site
o try test run, if it closes w/ an error, then show error
X exceptions in other tabs not comunig through
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115415184;start=0
X renaming a .java file only shows the name w/o .java
X which makes you rename the file to a .pde instead
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Collaboration;action=display;num=1115122925;start=3
X archive sketch not saving the entire sketch?
X make the sketch save first
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115187666;start=0
X is it the run() exception handler that's leaving off the CRLFs?
o or is it that it needs to be \r\n not just \n?
X nope, it was Runner.message();
X set applet.frame on runner, so ppl can mess with the frame itself
X make beautify plugin "Auto Format"
X //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
X } catch (IOException e) { }
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1086555381
X need to ignore comments.. but not those inside quotes.. oog
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1067309918;start=0
X ignores colons for case statements
X need to tie this to the parser instead
X info about getting started with building processing
X also re: what about eclipse? what about antlr?
X run-expert.bat wasn't working properly
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115469263;start=0
X when an exception occurs, undo gets killed
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115153290;start=1
o add a note about floating point numbers to the faq
casey fixes
X export css problem
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115061823;start=0
X customizing ugly coffee cup startup crap
X http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/plugin/developer_guide/special_attributes.html
X http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/plugin/developer_guide/special_attributes.html
fixed in previous releases
X why is gl being added on export, no matter what? or is it?
X applet folder not really being emptied on export
X so old libs will just perpetuate themselves
X moving an external window around a lot will halt the parent
X does move even need to be called? could just wait till stop?
X PdeMessageSiphon has problems with message()
X external apps also seem to not do newlines properly on exceptions
o odd error in System.err stream coming from running external
o dies after a while or goes weird
o make sure exceptions with .class work
o openStream returning 'null' really horked up the letters applet
o no System.out was coming through
o System.err was getting cut off before finishing
o no transformations before background() is called
o implementation specific, may cause trouble
o must call depth() for 3D applications
o lights cannot be enabled/disabled throughout
o lighting will be based on what's left at endFrame()
X images should be a power of 2, or call modified()
X document the use of "die"
X can override the method to do your own handling
X sketches no longer require a "data" folder
X example that uses loop/noLoop, or redraw?
X talk to creas about making html files for bugs, readme, revisions.
X or how they should relate to the 'faq'.. readme -> faq?
X loadImage() mixed case problems
0087 pde
X bug with creating a new tab that's a .java file
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1115059069;start=0
X shouldn't be able to add new tabs or files to a read-only sketch
X can't save a sketch with its own name because already has that name
X small explanation and tiny example(s) for the following?
X modelX(), modelY(), modelZ(), screenZ(), openStream(), normal()
X check for updates should happen only daily or weekly
already completed in 86
X remove requirement for osx to install fink
X only used for 'head'
0086 pde
X new versions of java for windows and linux: 1.4.2_07
X update faq on site? what's difference between versions?
X no difference between versions... should it be cvs based?
X linux is missing all libraries except for javascript
_ added again, but check the distribution to make sure they're working
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Tools;action=display;num=1114325419;start=1
X preferences - second line of prefs (the file path) is smashing things
X righthand max isn't being updated for that second line
X or it's getting written over by the line below it
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1113932608
X include platform information when checking for updates
X send over the int as long hex number?
X 64 bits hex is gonna be 16 digits.. much cleaner
o when people are running 1.5, warn them?
o if p5 is running 1.5, let them know to use the standard install
o check to see if when running externally, will be using a 1.5 vm
X nah, this seems like overkill.. problems haven't been *that* bad (yet)
X make sure that when running ext, using the local java
X macosx 10.2 needs libiconv to run jikes
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1114113204;start=0
o either compile jikes not to use it:
o http://jikes.sourceforge.net/faq/dev-win32.shtml
o or maybe include an installer:
o http://www.bluem.net/downloads/libiconv_en/
o gnu page for libiconv
o http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/
X on 10.2, the version of jikes from 69 (the cvs build) works fine
X update the faq when doing the release
X additional requests for this (and it's an easy fix)
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Suggestions;action=display;num=1114449442;start=0
X maintain tab scroll and caret positions
X save caret position when switching tabs
X check casey's email about bugs
lots of save bugs
X "are you trying to f-- with me" on quitting the app is super problem
o look into canceling a quit instead?
X "save as" not quite working
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1113944897;start=0
X more "save as" trouble with removing files
X robert's issues with saveas deleting things
X sketch "delete" not working.. grrr..
X creating a new file with the same name as a hidden file will cause trouble
X mention revisions.txt in changes.html
X quicktime 7 has not been tested, use at your own risk
X if you have trouble on mac, this is a qt 652 reinstaller
X http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/quicktime652reinstallerformac.html
X not slice() but subset()... get word from casey on how to resolve
X videoEvent and serialEvent pass in the object
X serial will only list ports that are currently not in use
X i.e. if you're monitoring the port in one app, it won't be listed
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1114561057;start=0
X put the jikes fix for 10.2 on the faq (mention update to 86)
X not supporting windows 95
X http://www.java.com/en/download/help/win95.xml
X wontstart wasn't properly linked
X watch out for upper/lowercase changes
X methods and functions always start lowercase, and have inner caps
X faq - java 1.5
X seems to run things more slowly..
X if using p5 standard, will be running 1.4
X but if 1.5 installed, browser will probably use that
X opengl only runs with 1.4
X opengl not tested for applets
X to get to opengl functions, put this after size:
X GL gl = ((PGraphicsGL)g).gl;
X and then can make opengl calls. this is not supported,
X and if things don't work, sorry.
X faq - known bugs
X 1 pixel stroke weight in opengl (temporary)
X make clear that P2D is not working if not clear enough
X save/yes/no needs cancel
X faq - not our problem
X sun.dc.pr.PRException
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1113990788;start=0
X updatePixels() may be slower.. hopefully JAVA2D mostly temporary
X faq - graphics engines.. default graphics may be slow
0085 pde
X list of changes since rev 69? run through revisions.txt
X update and finalize the faq
0084 pde
X can't edit prefs while processing is open, remove the link
X add run.options for things run externally
X load options via vector because they need to be split up
X stability improvements to processing.exe from simon
X memory on external apps is a little broken
X update the script for the mailing list
X processing vs. flash item on the faq? a "why?" page?
X clean up faq page to use text A NAME tags
X rename video.Camera to video.Video ? Capture ?
X VideoInput VideoOutput, SoundInput, SoundOutput or AudioInput/AudioOutput
X need to straighten out for when audio comes along
X faq menu selection should select current page so can navigate elsewhere
X also missing "founders" and "interview" pages
X remove interview page if not already done
X founders page is online, just integrate - info.html
X list of known bugs should be on the faq page
X a bunch of stuff from revisions.txt on 84 and 82
o how to deal with bugs, since there are so many known...
save as... bugs
X always make sure that the sketch folder still exists
X otherwise editor gets into a weird state
(v74) if a project folder is made (with save as), and then deleted
while processing is still open, there is an error (of course). but
the error ('file/folder not found') is not displayed to the user, and
the drop-downs don't go away / the IDE doesn't refresh.
X remove a folder if someone tries to replace it via "save as"
what happens if folder already exists on save as?
saving a project over an already existing project does not get rid of
the .pde files that arent overwritten. not sure if this is feature or
bug, but it took me by surprise. it seemed to only overwrite .pde
files with the same name, but everything else in that project folder
stays as is.
X sketch renaming fixed
X rename, change, was asking about the old sketch name
Minor issue, but caused me a couple seconds of confusion. If you
rename your sketch then try to close the application without saving
first, it asks you if you want to save but mentions the pre-rename
name. But I hit yes, quit, came back in, and all seemed right in the
X "save as" not actually saving properly
edit file...
File>Save As
File>Open some other file
File>Open original file
file is empty.
the only way to make File>Save As actually save new files, as far as i
can tell, is to Save As once, make at least one change, then Save.
X fix hide/unhide bug... just was dumb code
create a new sketch
create a new tab named "a"
create a new tab named "a_2"
hide tab named "a_2"
hide "a"
unhide "a_2"
unhide "a"
where did "a_2" go ?
0083 pde
X move everything to packages, and start auto-javadoc
X how to get preproc to automatically prepend packages
o only build preproc from preproc/make.sh?
o and check in the preproc'd code to cvs?
X need to add classes dir to cp for jikes make (on win and linux)
X get both versions of size() properly detected on export
X get latest sonia from amit
X remove particles from current processing
X move netscape library out of libs and into build/shared
X add serial.stop() just like client/server
X border weirdness in PdeEditor panels on windows (fixed in 82)
o fix macos readme about how to boost memory size, and 1.3 vs 1.4
X actually, this was already in there
o add prompt() method to serial
o setting the camera should be an index from list()
o there might be multiple cameras with the same name
X no can do, the function takes a String for the device name
o list() should return full list with all sub-components
X find the example code from the board
X grabbing sub-devices from camera in the lib (via list() or whatever)
o actually, need to use numbered indices (multiple w/ same name)
o list should be: "0 - Logitech QuickCam (Blah)"
o and then use the indices (or the str i guess) to choose
X format(NTSC) or PAL or SECAM
X settings() brings up settings dialog
o add prompt() method to Camera ("" means default, null is prompt)
o let them pass in prompt(), not use null
o null is only bringing up settings dialog, that's wrong
saturday afternoon
X move packaging around
X remove PdeXxx prefixes on names, make PdeBase into just "Processing"
X update .exe to use new class/package
X update .app to use new class/package
X setup linux box and build a linux version
X need to fix up the make/dist scripts for linux
X update runner script for the new package
X fix linux bugs with placement
X lots of dist script tweaking and messing with jikes libs
o should loadPixels be grabPixels? (nope)
saturday evening
X update processing/build/howto.txt
X add 'make' to list of things that should be installed
X update libraries/howto.txt
o should we queue lib events until the end of loop?
X nope, libraries can handle that themselves,
X and queue events by registering for draw or whatever they'd like
X lib could call queueEvent with the args
X then call them inside post()
saturday evening and sunday morning
X scrubbing all the code to include proper license and copyright info
sunday afternoon
X update checker (can be turned off in prefs)
X send unique id, and information about person's java vm/platform
o using timezone would be an interesting method for tracking location
sunday evening
X fix up dist scripts for new faq stuff, cleaning out some old crap
X consolidate readme.txt, bugs.txt, info.html (faq)
X document things that will be broken for beta
X opengl set() functions.. though get() probably ok
X stop button with external apps
X java 1.1 support
X code is larger than we'd like, has increased in size
X working to remove and optimize, also make possible to remove un-needed
0082 pde
X shut off text anti-aliasing in the about box
X implemented ryan alexander's grow box design
o when centering applet on-screen, needs to check for multiple screens
o this is both for PApplet and PdeRuntime
o PApplet screen size constant is no good
X nope, because centers on default screen
o revisions.txt et al aren't properly having LFs converted
X false alarm, was only on rev 69
X set default window height to 600 so that it appears properly
X windows version was smashing it at the bottom when new prefs
X don't allow saved window position to be outside the current display
X change to how keywords are loaded
0081 pde
X need to make sure people add the OPENGL lib if using opengl mode
X throws an error message
o put processing.exe into cvs so that make et al aren't required
o particles lib requires depth() (but shouldn't)
o fix for 78 since not sure when simon's new version is happening
X requires because uses 3D.. oh well
o "draw" is not highlighted as a keyword.. other keywords?
o draw(), PGraphics(), NO_DEPTH_TEST, PMovie(), PMovie.repeat()
o PClient(), PClient.available(), PClient.read(),
o PServer(), PServer.dispose(), PServer.write(), attach(), length
o round() is not colored
return flight from tokyo
X make preferences a modal dialog
X it's annoying when it hides itself
X add editor font size in the preferences window
X move the lib folders to a new location
o libraries need to remove the PLibrary interface
X fix bug where prefs were being applied even if cancel hit
X the runtime environment requires java 1.4
X make sure this is known and tested for properly
X PdeRuntime/PApplet cleanup
X run as external whenever using present mode
X significantly limit range of cases.. if presenting ext is ok
X uses internal pretty much only when single class, etc
X remove initialWidth/Height stuff from PdeRuntime for when running internally
0080 pde
X include /** */ comments into the html page
X examples have been updated
fixed in rev 79
X can't scroll the PdeEditorConsole downwards at all on osx
o refresh sketchbook menu upon returning to the app from elsewhere?
o this would need to track whether coming just from an ext runtime
o make "get quicktime libs" function
o can java get the root directory for system/win32 etc?
X add MRJOpenApplicationHandler and MRJOpenDocumentHandler
X especially the open document fella
X under osx, app won't get doc unless app already launched
0079 pde
X add ctrl-o to the open menu
X implement horizontal version of PdeEditorButtons
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1076707944
X add line numbers
X add extra space to bottom on osx
0078 pde
X file open dialog needs to allow .PDE instead of .pde
X include "you need to install java" text on default export page
0077 pde
X make compatible with jikes 1.22
X fix all warnings generated by the new jikes
X update windows version of jikes.exe
X update macosx version of jikes
X get source and build on osx (or is it shipped by default?)
X make sure that fink is not in the path when building
X what are the args to configure a release version?
X update linux version of jikes
X look for size() method to determine default size of applet
X (same as applet exporter function)
o when using core graphics, don't show applet frame until first frame
o (in opengl, open frame early, make sure this isn't inhibited)
X probably can't do this, since don't know at runtime if it's gl
X RuntimeException errors are a little prettier
X updated windows icon
X make macosx use kUserDomain to grab Documents folder
X this is just-in-case, who knows what they're up to over in cupertino
0076 pde
X fix launcher issues on windows (didn't include registry.jar)
X also fix run.bat and run-expert.bat
X fix launcher issues on mac os x
X fix Info.plist, and chmod +x JavaApplicationStub
0075 pde
X backported to 73
X change horizontal offset to 5 instead of 4
X yet another tweak to the message() function in PdeRuntime
X add -target 1.1 to all the library make entries
X find/replace
o add support for hitting 'ESC'
o option to ignore or match case
X when hitting 'find', select the text in the field
X add extra space to exterior of find (especially on windows)
X fixes to the horizontal scrollbar
X still not perfect, but some tweaks for improvement
X horizontal scroller is always present
X fixed, was a problem of sizing with the new inset size
X cosmetic fixes
X is PdeEditorHeader one pixel too tall
X move the tabs over just slightly
X resize box intrudes on the scroller for the console area
X need to set grow boxes intruding to false
X 1.3 version (deprecated):
X -Dcom.apple.mrj.application.growbox.intrudes=false
X 1.4 version (much nicer): -Dapple.awt.showGrowBox=false
X add mkdmg script to macosx build process
X could significantly speed things up
X make sure that the preproc stuff gets built once
X especially straight out of cvs
X menu option for Renderer > to "Core" or "OpenGL"
X on export, uses this setting to determine if jogl is added to project
o if additional tab is "public" class.. then make external?
X this seems too dangerous
X make font builder vertically resizable
X 200 pt font hoses things / hides buttons
X rename/delete work
X rename is now enabled on the first tab
X delete on first tab will also delete the entire sketch
X leaving an empty sketch will remove it
X avoids creating a zillion sketches when deleting/clearing up sketchbook
X disable 'hide' menu item for the main code tab
sketchbook/prefs location
X read from registry key to get the proper name for these folders
X also find some way to do this on the mac
X on non-english windows (or at the broad) these will be named differently
X http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=221837&sd=RMVP
X or is there a proper way to do this with java params?
X move to ~/Application Data/Processing for windows
X and ~/Library/Processing for macosx
X and ~/.processing for linux
X if it can't write prefs here, try creating a subfolder inside p5
X and if that fails, then tell the user that they suck
X prompt for sketchbook location on linux
X or on mac/pc if it can't write anywhere else
X creating sketchbook / lab situations
X test to see if it's possible to write to "My Documents"
X if not, should bring up a prompt asking where to put sketchbook
X also put something in lib/preferences.txt for default location
X this way a course admin can change the default location
o need to check if volume is read-only, notify and quit if it is
o people are trying to run off the disk image
o actually that should be fine..
o but make sure the prefs location can be written
o need to pay attention to when running from read-only drive
o reported by brandenberg
o "p5 will launch from the disk image, but will
o not draw the sketch name bar doesn't appear"
X include preferences.txt option to write to p5 folder first
X this can be altered by instructors and re-packaged
X fixed a couple bugs causing the jnilib stuff to crash
X put 'play' on a SwingWorker thread
X test this on a pc to see how it goes, especially with opengl
X doesn't seem to help anything
X PdeRuntime -> SystemOutSiphon, removed MIN_PRIORITY setting
o hack to not use console on the code folder
o no errors will propogate, but it should run fine
X lib/build should not be a subfolder of p5
X p5 environment installed to /Applications on lab machines
X instead use a temp folder
X maybe when running on lab machines in that case, always java mode?
X or is it possible to add to java.class.path while app is running?
X have to use a special class loader
X new class loader for single files
X if more than one class defined, forces it to run externally
X (basically any time it sees "class" in the code..
X may be subject to errors, but errs on side of just running ext)
X runs out of processing data folder
X fix for toolbar being one pixel off breaks the windows version
X need to only do the fix on the mac.. ugh
X macosx is using /Library instead of ~/Library.. get this fixed
X domain version wasn't in the stubs.. grr
X or maybe it's an int or something?
X just use reflection to call the function instead
X "use external editor" is broken
X throws exception on load()
X make preproc only build once (across osx, windows, linux)
X preproc: making all functions public that have no specifier
X this will make draw() etc all much easier
X as well as the library events
X focusGained/focusLost was added..
o if a data file is in the sketch (not data) folder export breaks
o works fine in the editor, but on export gets a nullpointer ex
X no way around this, because needs to be able to read from local dir
X if saving a read-only sketch, default to sketchbook folder
X (before was prompting to save inside the same folder.. annoying)
building libraries - not gonna build libs in p5 ide for 1.0
o compiling - main file is a .java not a .pde
o also where no root .pde file with the same name.. (i.e. video)
o on "new library" fill in the default code for the lib
o record imports from java files as well
o ignore imports from java.* or maybe just things pde's classpath
o after export of library, rebuild "import library" menu
o write export-to-library
o need to be able to produce the serial, video, etc libs
o see if sonia project can compile
X libraries could handle a series of events..
X i.e. a 'completion' event, or 'new data' event
X these could be registered on obejcts in a general way
X implemented many events
X movieEvent, cameraEvent, soundEvent
X serialEvent, clientEvent, serverEvent
X if videoEvent exists, don't auto-read?
X though for serial this would only grab the last byte
X video bug on osx? an error message when quitting video sketches:
X java.io.IOException: Bad file descriptor
X at java.io.FileInputStream.readBytes(Native Method) etc... ).
o bring back some form of beginSerial/beginVideo
o openSerial(), serial()..
o should it prompt or use the first available if none specified?
X run library destroy after hitting 'stop'
X quicktime audio doesn't stop after hitting 'stop'
X weirdness external stop not calling stop(), just finished = true
X bring back serial event via reflection
X add serial.last() to api
X video - try to replicate bug that causes hang with camera
X happens when winvdig, camera or quicktime are not properly installed
X documented better in bugs.txt, and sometimes caught in Camera.<init>
fixed in previous releases
X dist.sh needs to auto-remove .DS_Store boogers
X write script to remove .DS_Store and CVS folders from dist
X # remove DS_Store files
X sudo find . -name ".DS_Store" -depth -exec rm {} \;
X add a "make archive" option
X doesn't rename sketch, just names zip file sketch + time stamp
hanging bug - now fixed, need to post on the board about it
X keypressed hanging on applets with a code folder
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1081450102
X problems running external vm/vm is hanging
X seems to be happening because of virus scanning software (norton)
o may need to launch the applet (using 'start')
o and talk over a socket instead
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1067867520;start=0
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1067643186
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1078714442;start=0
X something in that one about mouse position halting or not
to try: 1) don't use a bufferedreader.. just read it and then use a
buffered reader around the byte array 2) don't do anything with the
input, and just read it off without signalling message()
* it may be something to do with the editor consoles. try shutting off
output to the console and see if it'll still crash.
* most likely related to io streams to the external java process. when
run via a disconnected process, using "cmd /c start java", the thing
will never hang. in that instance, the process terminates almost
immediately, and no i/o needs to happen (since it's a cmd prompt that
never shows up).
* it could also be a graphics sync bug that just gets more testy
because the environment, a second java process, is running at the same
time. mis.newPixels() may hork since it's over in the applet's thread,
and it might be calling repaint() or Toolkit.sync() to update the
image on-screen.
* shows up on key presses.. not sure if this is because of the actual
key press, or if it's because they're often accompanied by a println()
* blank spaces in filenames/parent folder often cause trouble.. not
sure if related. same for PATH and CLASSPATH.
* some virus scanning software, particularly older NAV versions cause
the trouble.
0074 pde
X added florian's new icons
0073 pde
X fixed the hanging bug
X change horizontal offset to 5 instead of 4
X yet another tweak to the message() function in PdeRuntime
X add -target 1.1 to all the library make entries
0072 pde
X error message when an import isn't available
o particle examples c & d don't have their extra files
o let's not call it 'expert', let's just say w/o java
X new thread-safer version of the PdeEditorConsole
X add build for particles lib
X fix a bug where 'code' folder was no longer working
X code folder had been completely disabled
X some error messages (i.e. DLL missing) not propogating up
X change PdeRuntime to pass all messages, parse later
0071 pde
o get linux version for 0071
X suppress "bad file descriptor" error on mac os x
X alphabetizing sketch menu
X uppercase being capitalized before lowercase
X need to mix case.. use toLowerCase before compare
X add a little gap on editor frame at the left
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1097363967;start=0
X add to readme or bugs..
X menus that are too long just get clipped on the screen
X can't be fixed because it's a java/os issue
X also strange menu behavior for popups, especially on osx we can't fix
o if applet.html is present, open that in the editor too.
o or do we make people use dreamweaver?
o nixed by casey, we're not dreamweaver
X macosx not exporting core.jar
X the jar is buried Contents/Resources/Java
X don't enable externalRuntime with multiple code files that are pde
X no longer separate classes
X remove "file" from "new file".. maybe just "new tab"?
X not really separate files, so that could be trouble.
X add file of a .pde or .java file should update the tabs bar
X and prolly not really complain if it's in the same folder
X dim "rename" when the main tab is selected (since user needs to "save as")
X "save ass" issues
X "save as" not properly updating the tab header
X also include the name of the previous sketch for "save as"
X prevent folks from saving a sketch inside its own folder
X will cause bizarro recursive folder action
X remove grow box from applet frame
X verify that export is working from processing.app
o check into ryan's macosx java bug..
o see why coords are going negative
0070 pde
o don't allow editing of multiple files in this release
o but support multiple java/pde files through the 'add file' option
o check in licenses/dist stuff for jikes etc
o who has the copyright? (mit does)
o SystemColor doesn't differentiate between menu background and top
o probably fixed in swing, but we're using java.awt.Menu
o test by rewriting with java.awt.Menu
X beautify is ignoring the setting for number of spaces on tabs
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1096294561;start=0
X clean up PdeTokenMarker, probably just alphabetize
X saving issues (all the same bug, as it turns out)
X save changes to null
X sketch is changing before the "save changes?" is complete
X as a result, 'cancel' does nothing
X always ask save changes, even if nothing changed
040620 sunday
X remove 'sketchbook.prompt' (comment it out)
X not really needed
X remove prompt stuff from the preferences panel
X clean up the "more options" in prefs panel
X to use JLabel instead of JTextArea
X font was wrong on windows
X start working on "save as"
040621 monday morning
X finish "save as"
X adding files to data folder that are already in the data folder
X makes the file zero, because of internal error
X added something to check to make sure they weren't the same
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1076358515
X implement read-only sketch folder
X examples are sort of there but need to be debugged
X read-only files should be checked
X check if file is read-only, and if so, ask where to put sketch
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1075149564;start=0
X how to handle examples: read only, somewhere inside lib
X move examples to folder that goes w/ p5 app
X set examples somehow read-only
X 'save as' from examples puts into examples dir.. :(
X make it default to the user's sketch dir
040621 monday mid-day
X see if changing the sketchbook location actually works
X after changing sketchbook location, need to rebuild the menu
X hide the editor window while prefs is open
X this way the prefs can be properly applied
mostly notes from things that have been fixed along the way:
X fix code for changing the sketch folder
X 'new sketch' goes into the wrong folder
X but saving and all that works properly
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1083184449;start=0
X sketch.properties should go into user.home
X otherwise moving sketch folder will kill it
X last-used sketch not being saved
X if sketchbook.dir is set, makes new sketchbook folder
X reads sketchbook properly from other folder
X but creates a new folder for new sketches to go into
X sketchbook.dir not properly read or written
X install sketchbook into another location on person's machine
X use System.getProperty("user.home");
X remove the 'default' for sketchbook
X bring this up on bboard and get votes
X win2k: my documents, macosx: ~/Documents, linux: ~/sketchbook
X open mode
X on application open, override 'open' mode
X and just open an empty sketch in the sketchbook folder
X when 'skNew' is cancelled in 'open' mode, nullpointerex at the top
040621 monday afternoon
X if a "save as" is forced, make sure that the sketchbook menu is updated
X sort sketch names in the open menu
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1074981609
X code folder was causing mega-crashes
X rewrite magic import methods to only use packages where classes found
X was adding all folders in the classpath
X workaround for the // causing an OutOfMemoryError
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1067717095
040621 monday evening/night
X jikes errors have no newlines because it's a buffered reader
X and the newlines are removed when read
X make the filedialog come up with the p5 window on handlenew
X sets the parent frame to the PdeEditor
X find() hangs on replacing "println" with "//println"
X "replace all" should start at the beginning of the buffer, move to end
X after replace all, caret moves to end of document
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1076740626
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1080213711
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1083093129
X after using sketchbook menu as popup, disappears from file menu
X probably just need to build two
X the popup from the toolbar needs an "Open..." on it as well
X make save() return true/false so it doesn't say "saved" when it hasn't
X export is badly broken, fix it.. file names were backwards
X if 'applet.html' is in sketch folder, use that as the template
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1083935144
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1082124454;start=0
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1074240197;start=0
X get the console working again
X appendText is disabled due to NullPointerEx on startup
X empty the console when a new sketch is opened
X if console.auto_clear is set to true, will clear on run and open
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1086972918
X maybe bring back the prompt option for "new sketch"
X sometimes nice just to have it create an unnamed sketch quickly
X shift-new will always prompt with filedialog
X dashes shouldn't be allowed in filenames for sketches
X actually, lost the naming stuff because now using FileDialog
X this also needs to be checked when building the sketch menu
X rewrite sketchbook.clean()
X prompt user if they don't have it set to auto
X add a pref to the preferences window
040622 monday late night
X set handleOpen to use editor as its parent frame
X what happens when the .pde file isn't named
X the same as the enclosing folder?
X maybe put up a window saying no way, and ask:
X ( ) rename enclosing or ( ) add a subfolder
X or maybe even ( ) rename the sketch file
X also double-check to see if there *is* a proper pde in the folder
X in which case, default to that (maybe show a message?)
X it's useful to have loose .pde files be runnable..
X i.e. when double-clicking on them.. downloaded off web..
X but need to deal with simply, not providing a new exception case
X begin writing 'new text file'
040622 tuesday morning / early afternoon
X write 'new text file' (ctrl-t)
X hitting return/enter on the status.edit() not always working
X it had been disabled, now re-enabled
X also update status after "add file" of a .pde or .java
X implement delete
X implement hide/unhide
X see if multiple files are actually compiling
X nope, they aren't properly.. need to figure this out
X empty files = no class name found.. that's a problem
040623 wednesday afternoon
X continue work on multi-file compile
X test that .java files can be created
X allow user to type a period '.' when entering filename
X but remove it again if it's not .pde or .java
X clean up error handling for empty files (quiet error)
X preproc messages don't say the file
040706 discuss with casey
X how should history be handled
X per-sketch, not per-file
X just looks like old history setup anyways
X is the sketch folder something that is never seen by the user?
X i.e. flash programs 'import' all data, etc
X same with how imovie works
X no, not for 1.0
o jikes is exporting column as well.. use it?
o 3:23:3:25 -> line 3, col 23 to 25
o decided a bad idea, too difficult
X don't bother with 'advanced' on export dialog
X that can come later, if needed
X how to handle .pde vs .java
X how to determine what the 'main' file is
X sun won't want us to say things are .java when they aren't
X .pde files opened on their own
X what should the prefs file be named?
X horizontal buttons? need final decision [yes]
X remove underscores from the tab title?
X nope, casey says not necessary
X need nice yes/no dialog boxes, also
o does "Open" go at the beginning or end of the sketch popup
X we need opengl support in there
X otherwise we're going to be stuck behind director
X go with sun's jogl project
X core.jar included with .class? or make one jar?
X libraries and package naming for core & serial etc
X vec3f, matrix4f classes.. our own or java3d?
040706 first day with creas
X runtime errors not making it through
X now properly handling multiple files
X also test with multiple files / external run
X oh wait, this is only for external run.. duh
o jikes messages are getting lost (?)
o ctrl-t doesn't always work
o after using the popup menu once, it stops working
X jikes errors are missing newline/linefeed ?
o using run-expert.bat on 62 causes NullPointerException weirdness (?)
040707 wednesday morning and early afternoon
X bring this up for discussion on the board
X will splitting actually help.. can jars come from multiple places?
X spend a bunch of time tracking down more issues on the board
X add .java to file name in the tab
X change name of prefs to Processing Preferences.txt
X implement clone for BImage
X api name changes for imaging functions
040707 afternoon
X minor bug with when setting sketchbook to a bad location
X add export back to the file menu
X long discussion about how to put things together
X working on debugging thread weirdness on casey's machine
040707 night
X change "add file" to import
X change "new" to "new file"
o make CENTER default for ellipses
X move imageMode() to BImage
X put bagel into its own package
X processing.core -> PApplet, PGraphics, PLine, PTriangle, PPolygon
X rename replicate() as copy()
X what is set(x, y, image) -> remove it, make a copy() instead
X modify image functions to use imageMode
040707 late
X lots more work on make.sh for both mac and pc
X further tweaking of the new class structure
X trying to get the build scripts wrapped up/working
X remove more (all?) ifdefs from code base
040708 morning / early afternoon
X more work on ifdef removal / build scripts
X ask creas about src or dest in image functions
X finish imaging api
X modify make.sh to build processing.core
040708 afternoon / early evening
X lots of work on making packaged classes work
X modify preproc to handle "void setup" -> "public void setup"
o preproc bug: text(String.valueOf(i+1), left + i*20, top);
o unexpected token "String"
X make more things public (i.e. pixels)
X get casting working properly.. int() maps to toInt()?
X what is performance hit for this thing?
X remove substitute_image/font
X remove String casting
X rename compiler.* to preproc.*
X OutOfMemoryError still showing up when no CR at end of app
040708 evening before dinner
X curve/bezierSegments -> curveDetail
X remove doubling on curve()
X move around notes about curve stuff
040708 later
X working on serial library
040709 daytime
X fight with serial library on windows all afternoon
X finish and test on macosx as well
X remove chatter in PdeSketchbook re: filenamefilter
X COM1 19200 for phone
X add "available" function to PSerial
040709 evening
X working on video library, get camera working again
X getCameras() or getPorts() or list() ?
X make sure it's possible to use multiple cameras
X figure out how polling works
X is it possible to check if new frames are available?
X properly synchronize() the pixels
X may need to always copy to a new array? (or does it already?)
040709 later evening
X working on movie setup
o import -> javax.comm.properties -> data folder.. hm
040710 sunday
X work on video/movie all afternoon
X get movie working again
040712 monday morning / early afternoon
X PVideo fix time api to take time in seconds
X processing.video -> PMovie (file), PCamera (capture)
X processing.serial -> PSerial, [PUsb]
other stuff / cleaning up
X don't allow apostrophe (i.e. casey's_cells) when naming sketch!
X when exporting applet, line numbers will be off..
o when not exporting with new preproc code, imports all on same line
o make preproc keep track of how many lines were added
X rewrite video, net, serial libraries to be separate
X move the mac to java 1.4
X 1.4 is being used externally, and wheel mouse would be nice
X not doing currently, lots of strange repaint bugs
X all fixable for sure, but no point before beta since low priority
X macosx.. random lockups seem common in 1.4
o completeness of toInt/toFloat/toBoolean etc in preproc and PApplet
X error if you try to hit export twice on a sketch (just make synch'd)
X "C:/ProgramFiles/proce55ing/processing-0060/sketchbook/default/double_export_tesuble_export_test.java:1:625:7:2: Semantic Error: Unable to write file
X "C:/ProgramFiles/proce55ing/processing-0060/sketchbook/default/double_export_tesuble_export_test.class"."
o ctrl-5 (at least on xp) is marking the current sketch as modified
X just removed the ctrl-5 option since not really needed
o rotateRight(), rotateLeft(), flipHorizontal().. etc
o for an actual 'transformations' object
o should BSpace be included?
X better 1.3/1.4 support.. properly detect vm
X use when deciding which classes to import
o network/shared_canvas, network/value has old code
o change run.bat, run-expert.bat to use 128m
o ability to include other .java and .pde code from sketchbook folder
o 'add files' for .java or .pde pulls into the folder
X split to take strings (ie. for ", ")
o image(BImage, x, y, float scale) (found in illustrator stuff)
o begin/end.. beginSerial/endSerial ->
o openSerial/closeSerial ?
o startSerial/stopSerial
X punting on api
X noSmooth, noFill
X rectMode means rectPlacement
X becomes a problem when strokeMode and strokeWidth are mixed
X beginRect() beginLineLoop() et al. ?
X go through examples to see if there's other annoying syntax
X need some model for i/o that makes more sense
X getting whole words from serial, network, and files
X or buffers of specific length with a sync byte
o console -> should be using JEditTextArea not TextPane
o make new TextAreaDefaults class for the console
o figure out how to color lines for errors and non (since not syntax)
o set decent fonts (probably same as editor above), looks bad on mac
o sketches can't be named starting with numbers (D.YOO)
o either provide an error message or explanation for this
o or allow the sketch name to be separte from the class/folder names
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1033674118
o for title-clicking of sketch name, change to a btn
o or somehow mark what it's going to do, rather than just doing it
o make PdeEditorStatus modal
o problem on quit (using JOptionPane as a band-aid)
o also a problem because user can use the ui while prompt is visible
o needs proper blocking, the way Dialog.show() does
o so that that status window can be used while quitting
o (currently cannot because it quits before getting response)
o tried to pop up a modal Dialog in exactly the same location
o but couldn't remove the decoration from the window (jvm bug?)
o because it just quit without finishing
X prefs need to have a default
X otherwise old prefs and new p5 will cause trouble
X actually, just need to make sure preferences.txt is up to date
X load that before the other stuff
X -> was already implemented like that
o fix the problem causing all the "couldn't delete" messages
o class naming from dan
o If you name a class the same name as the sketch project,
o you get an error about contained classes with duplicate names
o when you try to export for web.
o quick fix inside PdeRuntime
o if (loop == false) and (draw == false) then provide an error
o so user knows that one or the other is needed
// notes on an implementation of a 'shape' class..
// as long as using an additional pde file...
..to still maintain rect() instead of g.rect()
..and the rest of the p5 features
// shape or "processing" means to add all kinds of methods like:
// public void point(float x, float y) { g.point(x, y); }
// and that the class 'implements' ShapeInterface..
shape class Something {
void setup() {
// not used, or called on first draw
// but maybe required (even if behind the scenes)
// so that this can use "implements ShapeInterface"
void draw() { // uses internal g. that's been set by parent
in the .pde parent:
void loop() {
where the shape() method in BApplet looks like:
shape(ShapeInterface o) {
o.graphics(this.g); // has to be a method, since intf
X run java mode when large 'data' folder is in use
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1081542378
X fixed one bug in PdeRuntime error message stuff
X was this the big one? a big one?
040715 late
X threading issues resolved
X fixed bug with errors not coming through
X fixed bug with errors not being recognized amonst exceptions
X fixed bug with draw mode apps, they now run inside setup
X width/height wasn't getting set during setup(), so window bad
X moving p5 prefs on mac into documents? or inside sketchbook?
X Documents -> Processing -> preferences.txt
X do the same for windows, with sketchbook as a subfolder
040716 evening
o don't exit p5 if platform is unknown
o "save as" needs to update the editorheader
X couldn't replicate this
X MAJOR: make .pde files embed themselves into the main class
o readUntil() should do the proper thing if the data is not available
o i.e. either return null, or block until it's available? -> ret null
X "paste" isn't setting the "modified" bit for PdeEditor
X i.e. cut -> new file -> paste doesn't mark any as changed
X "include all chars" and all the bugs it represents
X working on datatype conversions
o dll and jnilib files have to be in the p5 folder (confirmed by amit)
o there should be other places that they work..
o could even copy the dll to the p5 folder from the code folder
o already fixed with LD_LIBRARY_PATH stuff
X building Processing from scratch
X not able to write "preferences.txt" on the first run
X examples should be in a submenu of open
X "add library" menu item and submenu
X looks for subfolder called 'libraries' inside p5 folder
X libraries are determined by having a subfolder named 'library'
X String in apache classes and java.lang
X maybe ignore classes not inside the p5 libs dir?
o need to be able to select between which to include
o auto-resolve by saying java.* wins, others ask
X make built-in libraries read-only
X several menu changes as discussed with casey
X (capitalization, export/export app, tools)
X add preference for showing library stuff
040913 morning
X figure out why user libraries not being added
X in lib mode, show internal libraries as part of the 'open' menu
X make a note that p5 has to be restarted for libs
X import all libraries into classpath
X all libs found during sketchbook build + all libs in libraries
X this means sketchbook menu will need to be rebuilt after lib build
X append the user's classpath to the end of that
040913 afternoon
X "Processing" folder not properly created on new install
X add noLoop() to static mode apps
X remove "loop" from special inserts on preproc
040921 afternoon
o when running externally, build into sketch folder?
X add all imported libs to hash table of jars
040921 evening
X lots of work on libraries, figuring out PLibrary api
X attachLibrary(new libsomething()) and attachLibrary("pitaru.Sonia");
o final stop() for static shutdown of lib
X no static init - make the library designers deal with it
X stop() for individual items
X register pre() and post() calls
X this would avoid having to patch BApplet
X register for setup() calls
X where do libraries for distribution go?
X libraries subfolder of p5
X PLibrary lib = attach(new PClient());
X get export working again
X System.out isn't being heard from P* classes
X errors inside those classes also causing weirdness
X this might be a broader running as external app problem
X errorMessage in PSerial/PClient/PServer are all using System.out
040923 late
X write handler for loop() error, warning user to rename loop to draw
X c:/fry/processing/build/windows/work/lib/build/Temporary_1452_9170.java:29:6:29:11: Semantic Error: The method "void loop();" with default access cannot replace the accessible method "void loop();" with public access declared in type "processing.core.PApplet".
X change how export.txt works
X make p2 dist for amit
X break out BSerial as separate object like BVideo
X include rxtx and the rest of that setup in subfolder
X BSerial.flush and BSerial.available in object
X video commands not color coded
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1069342913;start=0
o quicktime 6.4 update breaks p5 on the mac?
o http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93414&sessionID=anonymous%7C26893096&kbhost=kbase.info.apple.com%3a80%2f
o "Type quicktime.std.stdQTConstants was not found"
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1066358763
o http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=120255
X split classes to BVideo and BMovie ?
X don't force install of qtjava
X this requires a separate version of bagel that doesn't use video
X or a version that loads video dynamically. that kinda sucks.
o maybe could even compile it in with jikes? (blech)
o hangs frequently on the mac (prolly a sync issue)
o karsten's stuff has same problem
o but the roger's video tracking does not
X should be fixed with new synchronization stuff
X video.pixels don't seem to have high bytes set
X so fill(video.pixels[blah]) doesn't work
X test against 'pixels' example
X this is ok.. modify get() for RGB images to set high bits
X make BVideo subclass BImage
o make sure the high bits are getting set as opaque
X get() now sets high bits, reference will explain PVideo.pixels[]
X video keeps running, cpu load high, even after app killed
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1096302179;start=0
X just locks up after running examples, then does the 'can't delete' thing
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1096302509;start=0
X problems with hanging video when not in the root of the c drive
X is this because of the LIBRARY_PATH having spaces?
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1096302580;start=0
X first row of video pixels are black
X casey says it may only be his camera (verified to be ok on my machine)
X selecting input source (wintv board and quickcam installed.. problem)
o don't send unicode data
X when you stop the client, it freezes
X until you quit the processing running the server
X (the server starts and stops fine)
X add constants for building NET, move stuff around in bagel dir
X some method for just downloading the entire contents of a url
X loadBytes("http://blah.com/blah.txt");
o add udp support
040926 first
X add javascript libs to cvs distribution
X netscape.javascript not properly working in 1.4
X include 'netscape.javascript' as a library to be added
X but don't export it.. ugh..
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1096226670;start=0
X remove fonts from distribution
X be able to link against, but not export, certain parts of lib
X jsyn.jar not needed on export, netscape libs not needed on export
o crap.. libraries need to be in packages for this to work
o but annoying: attach("simong.particlesystem.ParticleSystem")
X disable "export application"
X font builder
X properly update the font on new selection
X update when smooth is sel/desel
X don't allow negative font sizes
X "create font" not working well with postscript font names
X need to remap the postscript name back to the java font name
X or keep a list of font objects, not just the names
X since already have the list, can use deriveFont
040926 early evening
X tabs on macosx are stinking.. need to use line metrics class
X double-check library stuff to make sure they're using the new system
X add examples folder to import libraries stuff
X fix bug causing System.err for external to print twice
X modify lib examples for camera, net, serial(?)
040926 evening
X better error message for:
X Semantic Error: No applicable overload was found for a constructor of type "simong.particles.ParticleSystem". Perhaps you wanted the overloaded version "ParticleSystem();" instead?
X fix dist.sh for windows
X write better handler for compiler error:
X c:/fry/processing/build/windows/work/lib/build/Temporary_8501_3382.java:1:63:1:70: Semantic Error: You need to modify your classpath, sourcepath, bootclasspath, and/or extdirs setup. Package "poo/shoe" could not be found in:
X fix dist.sh for macosx
X include some of the simong libraries
X move libraries around in distribution to resemble sketchbook
X things will freeze if winvdig not installed (todo over in core)
X video hanging without a camera installed
X provide a useful error message when winvdig not installed (for capture)
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1096294414;start=0
040926 later
X add "archive" option since history is gone
040927 morning
X change how library path is setup (make simpler)
040927 afternoon
X write revisions.txt and readme.txt
X update readme with notes from bboard about "built with processing"
X go through the board and move messages
X a garbage filled classpath can cause trouble
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1096302833;start=0
X processing won't start..
X people with non-ascii chars in the folder name
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1062794781;start=0
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1067764732
X other errors with spinning and not doing much
X run.bat often works fine
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1094148057
X or with spaces in the folder name, causes problems for serial
X quicktime full uninstall/reinstall
X installing winvdig
X code folder problems - antivirus or firewall
X add to "common problems"
X junk in the classpath can often cause trouble
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1094871304
X history is not implemented in this version
X update build instructions for cvs
X macosx
X check to see if new linemetrics stuff is working better (it's not)
X redo setFont() in PdeEditorHeader
X enable the "use screen menubar" stuff (finch?)
X check to see if it's running ok with new java update
X update to new shell runner (old mrj guy was ancient)
X fix run.bat and run-expert.bat
X remove library path debug message
X catch error message for "quicktime.std"
X move packages to processing.video, processing.serial, etc.
X need to update the set of new examples
X make sure the library features are disabled by default
X find serial example from tom igoe, include with new examples
X remove sketchbook -> libraries until it works
X serial_setup.command is missing from osx distribution
X fix the note in the readme about it
X properly import qtjava from processing.exe
X fix the default network, camera, serial examples
X extra libraries for libs not being imported
X fix threading issue, don't call "break"
X fixed a bunch of weird chmod stuff for windows
X update with other examples
0070p8 (final)
X height for applets wasn't working properly
X debug font stuff in processing.core
X mbox wasn't set properly (not a power of 2)
X debug framerate() stuff with noLoop()
X re-enabled printarr(Object[])
X remove SystemOutSiphon: i just died message
X readme.txt/bugs.txt: strange hangs, errors that don't come up:
X watch out for loadFont() outside of setup
X or other things that can cause errors
X change PSerial to serial, also PMovie etc..
X included simon's particles library in cvs & with dist
X examples updated
0069 pde
X font builder
X crashing on small sizes for many fonts
X make the text area not selectable or highlightable
X add a few more rows
X use postscript name as suggested name
X save last used font, size, and smooth settings
X maybe just hide it the window, just like find
X include a little space around the text area
X clean up the spacing of the ui in general
X mouse wheel not working properly, need to dynamically load 1.4 code
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1065826758;start=0
X add NETWORK to the build scripts, since a new ifdef was added for it
X add CFBundleIdentifier to macosx dist
X exact text appears in this thread, also make a note in the readme
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1078739015
X not obliterating former LIBRARY_PATH when running externally
X this would solve a lot of problems with serial and video
X has trouble on windows, have to move quicktime out.. argh
X including qtjava in path when in java mode (oops)
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1077900024
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1069724180;start=0
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1073523928;start=0
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1076679293;start=0
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1076649501;start=0
X add ms/mx options for things running externally
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1078699341;start=0
fixed previously
o set max frame rate at 60 fps? avoid the full-on spew to the console
o console runs really really slow with a lot of println() calls
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1064182823
X option to disable smoothing on font creator
X font builder should update when the size for the font is changed
X (so long as the size itself is valid)
X font builder bug, was cutting off parts of letters
X major applet freezing error fixed with external
X printStackTrace wasn't being called for runtime errors if no leechErr
X create font doesn't support umlauts
X fix up font code to generate unicode chars, at least for iso8859-1 charset
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Programs;action=display;num=1067596427
X international: convert unicode chars to \uXXXX in the preproc
X if this causes trouble, change the preference for lib/pde.properties
X compiler.substitute_unicode = false
X implement concave/convex polygons
X code from carlos that was patched into old graphics
X concave/complex polygon
X eventually POLYGON auto-detects convex/concave polygon
X find/replace hangs when recapitalizing things
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1075416670
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1075416741
X fixes for file loading from the lib/ folder (when using bagel separately)
X subset/expand functions for arrays
X preprocessor thing for converting unicode stuff
X can be turned off with: compiler.substitute_unicode = false
X problem with find locking up
X notify toxi when i know how soon before i'm going to release 68
X remove proce55ing.net from code stuff
X move issues over from the 'active' todo to here
X and change the active todo to rev 69
_ check this stuff into the done.txt of 69
_ post a candidate release to see how it runs for folks
X see if there are any other things that people must have for next 2 months
o ie. removing quicktime for java ?
X what to do about examples (weren't there fixes?)
X make renderTriangle private
X change to processing.org in the exported html
X patch in toxi's image stuff
X fix a bug in System.out that wasn't reporting errors
X hack workaround for the tesselator halo bug
X fix another bug with the init for noise()
X make notes in bugs.txt
X console runs really really slow with a lot of println() calls
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1075759355
X sphereDetail() function + reference
X optimized the flat_rect() function for solid colours (20% faster)
X noise() is (partially) broken in v67
goodbye macos9
X posted to message board about it going away
o leftover todos
o set file type for jar and html files on export
o (not done on osx, safari doesn't set for html files)
o why is bbedit the type for the other files? make simpletext
o untested/likely broken
o reference launching
o control/right-click for edit area context menu
o make sure editor window is front so that error line highlights
o is video working (qtjava in path) on macos9?
already done in a prev release, but not checked off
X subst Image -> BImage, Font -> BFont
X this should be optional until we get the naming down
X note that this was already done pre-67
o allow import blahblah.blah.blah to get passed through
o and included with the imports list.
X clear console each time 'run' gets hit
X don't actually clear, just advance by the number of lines visible
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1051540041;start=0
X http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1065732731
X can't copy text from console directly (winxp and macosx)
o basic usb support?
o http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1053684925
o try ariel's Thread.yield() suggestion
o set default framerate of 24? 30? 2x that?
X it's possible to write non-1.1 code, even syntax
X would -source 1.1 help this? -> nope
X fixed IllegalArgumentException for people using run.bat and run-expert.bat
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1067132725
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1067132753
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1067135344;start=0
X save/saveFrame was super-slow.. wasn't buffering the outputstream
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1067135103;start=0
X don't forget to change the revision number on release
X wrote script to force me to fix them
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1067135202;start=0
X apple has update qtjava for quicktime 6.4, thank god
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1067135162;start=0
X size not properly detected when "size()" was the first thing
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1067217366;start=0
X nasty but where System.out was being piped to System.err
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1067218548;start=0
X println() and System.out.println() from external classes has trouble
X println() / print() not always flushing until after app quits
X change "send to bugs@proce55ing.net" to a longer popup dialog
X open the discourse board in another window, ask to post the code
X set PATH to include java (!)
X external classes currently require expert release
X code written for linux, test it
X code written for windows, rebuild the exe and test it
X update the release of jikes that's used
X updated for macosx
X compile new version for linux
X compile new version for windows
X netscape/javascript had to be included for linux and for expert
X add it to the cvs and the build scripts
X also needs to be included for 1.4 on the mac
X probably a good idea to include on all
X multiple jar export is broken
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1067307030;start=0
X BImage.replicate for straight 1:1 copy, blend() for blended version
X remove the blendMode function because it's confusing
X big changes to image code from toxi
X repaired smoothing so that it doesn't crush the last line
X bresenham ellipses/circle ignore alpha
X strokeWeight != 1 then shouldn't use flat_rect or flat_ellipse
X alpha didn't work either b/c some pixels seem to draw more than once
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1066499939;start=0
X fixed bug where font wouldn't create if data dir exists
X font builder: changes to font selection don't always update properly
X more toxi image fixes to make things more stable/idiot-proof
X is this a p5 bug? or his bug?
X http://www.cs.uml.edu/~jzhou/previous/91.541/hw1_applet/my_cellular_automata_2.pde
X new code from toxi for changes to how image api functions are laid out
X runtime exceptions are killing the environment
X play button stays stuck on runtime exceptions
X rewrote pieces of the codProbleme
X also the thread wasn't exiting properly, could cause slowdowns
X rename bug is destroying files
X if saveas/rename names match, use renameTo
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1066495952;start=0
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1066497131;start=0
X include JSObject with p5's pde.jar
X jaws.jar is already included on mac..
X check to see if ok on pc (empty project -> new JSObject())
X files are in jaws.jar: JSObject, JSException and JSUtil
X curvePoint not initializing
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1066499669;start=0
X semicolons bug in preproc
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1066499812;start=0
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1066498153;start=0
X placement in the history menu of new items doesn't work
X the clear history thing gets in the way
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1066501376;start=0
X stroke on smoothed polygons was drawing at 8x
X macosx open sketch folder problems.. spaces in filename problem?
X also was a problem for reference
X help->reference and find in reference don't work on some machines
X complaints from osx and windows..
X after hitting replace, dim the replace button
X otherwise it causes another replace to happen
X quicktime 6.4 update breaks p5 on the mac?
X http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93414&sessionID=anonymous%7C26893096&kbhost=kbase.info.apple.com%3a80%2f
X "Type quicktime.std.stdQTConstants was not found"
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1066358763
X http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=120255
X ignore dotfiles on export, both from code and data folder
X no more .DS_Store or other similar files
X included code is not packaged in the outgoing jar file on export
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1066586882;start=0
X fix SMOOTH_IMAGES problem with how text had been modified
X include version number in the about box
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1064220242
X Ctrl-B will beautify the code and send the cursor back to the
X beginning of the the text. Then you have to scroll back to
X where you were... ok, so maybe I am a heavy user of Ctrl-B.
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1064220242;start=0
X re-enable (bad) thick line code since it was completely shut off
X set default filename for the font
X line 6:1: unexpected char: 0xA0
X clicking cancel on 'save changes' doesn't cancel, but still quits
X removed the cancel button
X beautify menu became disabled when moved
X BImage(int width, int height) constructor
X trying to track down sluggishness with applets..
X beginShape/endShape.. 3D scenes with boxes..
X newPixels is in BGraphics.endFrame,
X screen.drawImage is in BApplet.paint
X need to move both to BApplet.paint()
X external applet stuff
X set initial position of external applets via BApplet
X closing window doesn't disable the stop button
X hitting 'stop' should freeze applet, not close window
o what was the random NullPointerException
X send messages for window location
X remove 'wanna move' msg, and actually record the position
X 'add files' for .class, .jar should drop the stuff into 'code'
o external classes using loadStream, etc have trouble
X bug in CLASSPATH setup inside processing.exe, had quotes
X was breaking the load of javax.comm.properties
assigned to dan haskovec, completed by fry
X for 'java' mode, try run using external vm
X would need to get error output stream from app.. argh
X only allow under win/osx/linux
X not clear how to kill the process.. does that work w/ 1.3?
X support 'classes' folder, through the use of a classloader
X could also be done by launching external java app
X all .jar files etc are added from this folder automatically
X 'public class' thing to make things available to all sketches
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1050571290
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1055355089
X class unloading not happening in java mode
X need to add randomizer to even non-self gen'd classes
X or figure out how to unload old classes.. grr
X lockup when something missing from classpath on dynamic load
X but makes no error.. peditorconsole probably swallowing it
X modify build instructions for the many changes
X i.e. buzz.pl requires jdk13+ set for JDK13 flag, used by p5
X usually need to remove the 'work' dir
X modify macosx to use jikes from p5
X in general, things are way simpler on the pc
X move 'clear history' into the history menu itself
X move beautify to the edit menu
X menu item for copying data files to the sketch
X "add files to sketch..." menu item
X font builder (!)
X need fast 2D text that's not affected by the transforms
X also needs to look good, not squished from texture weirdness
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1051806272
o change .vlw.gz fonts to just .vlw but still gzip compress
o reader code should just catch the exception if they're not gzipped
o and try to re-download them
X instead, not compressed, since font builder being used
X will be compressed into the .jar anyways
X open button stays stuck if no sketch is selected from popup
X open applet folder after exporting sketch
X switch back to red instead of yellow for errors. whups.
from carlos' contract, but implemented by fry
X get font things sewn up
X create a simple generator for grayscale bdf fonts
X document the change and make several of them
X font smoothing (unless hint SMOOTH_IMAGES enabled) is broken
assigned to dan haskovec, completed by fry
X event to explorer to open 'data' directory of project
X better just to go directly to the sketch's folder
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1055926880
X remove private references in audio code that were breaking audio
X with the microsoft java vm
X the audio examples are not 1.1 compliant. the error:
X java.lang.IllegalAccessError: field AU_FILE is final
X remove 'width 200 high 200' debugging message on export
X fix saveFrame to allow saveFrame("blah.tif")
X better as a way to avoid potential confusion
X in the revisions.txt you write:
X "saveFrame("blah.tif") will save the current frame as blah.tif"
X ...this is not true
X save("blah.tif") will save the current frame as blah.tif.
X the syntax is either saveFrame() or saveFrame("blah-####.tif")
X either no properties passed-in or a name INCL. the ####'s
X save() is not color-coded as a proper P5-command!
X IllegalAccessError when running examples with inner classes in msjvm
X problem is that .class files are in both the applet folder and jar
X need to remove them from the applet folder
X weren't properly removed on windows b/c file was left open
X if no reference found, provide message
X watch out for people selecting the parens or part of the function
X red of the console color is difficult to read
X brightened slightly
X remove .DS_Store files from windows build (oops)
cr X some new examples to fix noBackground and setPixel problems
cr X image/transparency is broken (removing noBackground() is fixing it...)
cr X form/vertices_3d: background() is still within setup()
cr X cellular_automata_3 had noBackground()
cr X fix for typography/helix example checked in
dh o expose access to oro api, perhaps as a plugin
dh o regexps: http://javaregex.com/cgi-bin/pat/tutorial.asp
X gaps in lines for pmouseX, mouseX
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064166777;start=0
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1044438078;start=0
X only allow one pmouseX update outside of loop
X to avoid jumping lines (drawing -> continuous_lines)
X email glen/amit/creas about the change
X can windows have multiple jre installed and use any of them?
o another odd NullPointerException -> or just a "couldn't delete" problem
o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1060341518
o java vm could be removed from cvs
o in favor of requiring a specific jvm, and using registry to find
X see if mods to PdeCompiler work on windows
X remove "couldn't delete.." messages
X modify how size() works
X allow size() to be called multiple times
X only works once in applet
X be able to set size() later in the program
X but still maintain other features like background
X make the BGraphics constructor less fragile
X and also more open to being resized when not in applet mode
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1062482781;start=0
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1062482895;start=0
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1062483060;start=0
X if there's a bug in bagel, PdeRuntime.message() ignores it
X just says "NullPointerException" but provides no info
X now at least spews the exception
X removed ugly white borders from ui on macosx java 1.3
X is there anything better that can be done for osx java 1.3
X setInsets() to zero or something?
X font.stringWidth -> font.width(char c) or width(String s)
X removed extra push()/pop() in text(String s) that may save time
X bezier error, goes up at the end
X also when using bezierMode, doesn't draw the first vertex
X size(300,200);
X bezier(0,100,width/3,100,2*width/3,100,3*width/3,100);
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064166242;start=0
X add note to tga spec
X http://organicbit.com/closecombat/formats/tga.html
X screenGrab() shouldn't allocate a new pixel buffer
X just write things out directly
X also fix for the new targa code
X added a note about needing forward slashes
X In the config file, the sketchbook path works if you use forward
X slashes, but not if you use unescaped backslashes.
X draw mode issues.. size and background must be int/float constants
X might be a better 'mode' for bagel so bkg and size cmds work
X rather than app being enclosed in beginFrame/endFrame loop
X modify background() to actually clear the screen
X modify readme.txt regarding background() requiring constants
X remove notes from reference about size/background
X remove notes from readme about size/background
X change the naming of the two versions of calc_color
X The web page for ellipse (reference/ellipse_.html) talks about
X rectangles in the parameter list instead of ellipses.
X resize() name is bad because it overrides component..
X resize is maybe goofy, so just size() for all?
X color() with alpha now works properly
X removed shearX and shearY
X toxi image code (!)
X need background(BImage) and scaling, copy area, etc.
X vertex(x, y, u, v) and vertex(x, y, z, u, v)
X don't cast color()
X since more important for color(v1, v2, v3) to work
X getPixel/setPixel -> get/set..
X get(x, y, w, h) is nice but no set(x,y,w,h)
X though set(x,y,w,h) could be nice
X and copy() to copy a section of pixels
X BImage.save()
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1062076172
X resize should call background again to set color
X if background was set before the resize
X and the background is not an image (or should it just stretch?)
X no need for image, since it has to be same size
X and is only explicitly drawn when background() is called
X BGraphics subclasses BImage
X inherits all image manipulation and image use methods
X background(BImage)
X also creating background image inside setup()
X images drawn from center don't work for simage()
X currently calling slower image routine
o make zbuffer available instead of g.zbuffer
o shape.. non-homogenous colors for beginShape()
o currently disabled b/c homogenousColors not set false for vertices
X should image(img, x, y, alpha) work instead of using fill?
X write tint() command
X or maybe another word for fill/stroke.. apply? colorize?
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1050323800
X circles and spheres
X bresenham (flat) oval function
X finish fill mode of flat circle function
o setting accuracy of circles/sphere
X some flag to know whether applet is online or not
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1051758365;start=0
X colorMode is defaulting to 255, 255, 255, 1.. oops
X though setting it differently hoses everything (clears everything)
X setup (200, 200) causes the default size to be used
X be able to draw something inside setup (?)
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1044689650;start=0
X no time to ask for "save changes" before quit
X PdeEditor, around line 910.. not blocking until input
X read up on how to properly block for input in a java app
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064165653;start=0
X do not delete sketch folder if empty sketch but non-empty data dir
X maybe needs to be a holding area for the current sketch
X this is how the read-only examples would be used
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064160655;start=0
X NullPointerException on setFont was confusing people
X add better error messages
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064165591;start=0
X color() method now works inside setup
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064166837;start=0
X color method with alpha now works
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064166915;start=0
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064167640;start=0
X error message when trying to do a screengrab from inside a browser
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064167220;start=0
X windows fresh checkout from cvs still has problems
X major changes to build scripts for far easier building under windows
X added error messages for noCursor in jdk11
X boost memory size of processing.exe to 128 megs, instead of 64
X classpath issues.. just ignore classpath altogether
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064185080;start=0
X QTJAVA path and CLASSPATH are weird if java not first installed
X or just get set improperly, reinstalling quicktime doesn't help
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064184794;start=0
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064184892;start=0
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064185169;start=0
fixes because of dmose parser
dm X move to antlr
dm X float z= float(x) + float(y);
dm X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1062471182;start=0
dm X compiler barfs on: float[] moo = new int[10];
dm X although no error comes through to p5 (benelek)
dm X this was a kjc error, so it's fixed with jikes
dm X int() doesn't work inside other functions
dm X argh, need a real parser
dm X something about the line println("4"); turns things to mush:
dm X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1062461664;start=0
dm X two int(random(5)) on the same line caused problem
dm X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1062461786;start=0
dm X setup( ){} has an error, setup(){} does not
dm X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1062461971;start=0
dm X weird comments bug (// on last line causes oro trouble)
dm X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1062462227;start=0
dm X unexpected token 'void' in letters sketch..
dm X being parsed as static mode app
dm X extra parens confusing things (toxi message)
bf X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064165730;start=0
bf X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064165923;start=0
bf X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064166659;start=0
code from the madman
ks X perlin noise is broken
ks X targa export for images
ks X images and pixel copying (api for this?)
ks X copyPixel(x, y, to_x, to_y)
ks X copyArea(x, y, w, h, to_x, to_y)
ks X copyImage(x, y, w, h, to_x, to_y)
ks X resize of bimage, make a copy of image?
ks X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1050328581
ks X getPixel() and other fxns for BImage
assigned to danh, but completed by toxi
ks X present mode, click background window and front window hides
ks X wasn't present in jdk 1.3, focus manager changed in 1.4
bf X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064166198;start=0
ks X focus not properly set in present mode
bf X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064166151;start=0
ks X escape key not quitting presentation mode
ks X no events seem to be coming through at all
assigned to danh, but fixed by fry or danm
dh o environment locks up when error stream isn't for the class
dh o this happens when it's another thread (i.e. image fetcher)
dh o KjcEngine exceptions (formerly 'ex found in run') should be cleaner
carlos line code for single pixel lines
ca X single pixel lines have z and alpha
bf X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064165816;start=0
bf X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064165995;start=0
bf X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064166034;start=0
bf X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064167337;start=0
api changes in progress -> COLORING FOR ALL THESE
X textureImage() -> texture()
X vertexNormal() -> normal();
X vertexTexture -> vertex(... u, v);
X bezier(... t) -> bezierPoint()
X curveTangent and bezierTangent are in there
X curve(... t) -> curvePoint()
X bezierMode -> bezierSegments
X curveMode -> curveSegments, curveTightness
X setFont -> textFont(font) or textFont(font, size)
X textSize(size), textLeading(leading)
X BFont.charWidth, BFont.stringWidth -> BFont.width()
X BFont.drawChar, BFont.drawString -> BFont.text()
X removed fill(), stroke(), background() with no args
X (used to return current)
X getPixel/setPixel -> get/set
X addition of copy(), replicate(), alpha(), and blendMode()
X all the imaging modes that go with those guys
X tint() colors images, not fill()
X shearX and shearY removed
X removed noBackground
X added background(BImage)
X screenGrab -> saveFrame
X textMode for alignments .. ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_RIGHT
X ALIGN_XXXX becuase LEFT already used for keys
X implement text(int something) and text(float something)
o and perhaps others?
X strokeMode/strokeWidth ->
X strokeWeight, strokeJoin, strokeMiter
X param(), online(), and status() functions
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=BugFixes;action=display;num=1064166444;start=0
X jedittextarea caret blinks even w/o focus
X may have been my own hack breaking it
X popup menu for sketches doesn't unhighlight if no sketch selected
X originally assigned to dan haskovec, but implemented by fry
X set a better ctrl-key for reference (anything but 'F')
X probably need to use mac or pc specific keys?
X nope, it doesn't really need a command key
X instead, cmd-shift-f is now 'find in reference'
X windows fixes for run.bat, and another expert version of the same
assigned to dan haskovec, completed by fry
dh X find/replace
dh X ctrl-f for find, g for find next, h for next occurrence of selected
dh X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1055003940
X notify user when size() is bad
X need to use oro matcher when trying to grab the applet size (export?)
X macosx doesn't listen if 'cancel' is selected for save changes on quit
X but windows works fine, so it's a macosx problem
X removed cancel button on macosx when quitting
X open button getting stuck on windows
from the rest of the crew
dm X linux can't find jikes, so users have to put it in their PATH
ks X BImage.get() was only grabbing a single line of pixels
dm X problem with inner classes and helix example
received no verification, and other purges from the list
o windows 95/98/ME seems to be broken
o ME doesn't seem to like the .exe, but run.bat worked ok
o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1028990066
o lockup/freezes (mKoser and zeitgeist)
o jre icon not appearing in the systray
o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1030538508
o getting mouse movement outside the window
o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1051916278;start=0
X building releases from scratch
X this is a useful developer task before release
X build all releases from a clean cvs
X tries to make work/ without bagel serial existing and blows up
X b/c bagel checkout happens later
X all code needs to be buildable from scratch
X internal naming of _fill, image_mode, textureOrientation
X these all need to jive better with one another
X ie. perhaps just 'fill', so that it can be used for a get
X look at ken perlin renderer code
0060 final
bf X make sure no CVS folders or .DS_Store files in the distribution
cr X new reference for rev 60
X write p5 language spec
X beginSerial(String port) and beginSerial(String port, int rate)
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1061595591;start=0
X optimize color() when in colorMode(RGB, 255) to just pack the int
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1062072434;start=0
X imageMode() shouldn't affect fonts
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1060207942;start=0
X replacing spaces with underscores..
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1062103523;start=0
X patch keyTyped event instead of keyPressed
X remove reference in readme about macosx problem w/ it
X test on macosx
X test on linux
X Event.consume() doesn't work on entry fields
X manifests itself in sketch naming, can't be constrained
X may not be the case under swing?
X it's probably because of keyTyped() being the important one
X so instead trap for keyTyped events
X qtjava search path is too fragile
o use %WINDIR%\System32\qtjava.zip and %QTJAVA%
o or even the system %CLASSPATH%
o maybe just ask user to select the file directly
X may have spaces, so should also fix those
X QTJAVA seems to be showing up in %WINDIR%\System not just system32
X modify make.sh for windows to use $QTJAVA instead of guessing
X and complain about non-installation if it ain't there
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1060295867;start=0
X p5 not working in msjvm (prolly non-1.1 code)
X build and hack in new jikes for all platforms
X add "-target 1.1" when exporting to applet (or always?)
o might be java.awt.Cursor in BConstants
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1060792938
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1060976690
known issues/bugs
* quicktime for java is *required* on windows.. it's installed by
default on macosx, and not used at all on linux.
* QTJAVA environment variable is used to find quicktime. if that's not
properly set, then you won't be able to run.
* lots of 'cannot delete ...' messages
* present mode is almost completely broken and often flickers like mad
* sound not always stopping when 'stop' his hit (i.e. the mixer example)
* run.bat hasn't been given love for a while and may not work
* reference loading doesn't seem to be working
X update the readme.. had missed some spots
X check to see if qtjava is installed
X put up warning msg and quit if it's not
X move back to 1.4.1 vm (what's the latest?)
X switch version of jikes to use non-fink
X switch to java 1.3.1
X make mention that linux is i386
X bring linux up to 1.4
X though still compiling for 1.3, until detection fixed
X grab rxtx for linux and include with distribution
X make sure a copy of jikes is included
X test rxtx on linux with sun vm
X make notes about rxtx in readme.txt
X doesn't work on rh9.. update the jvm
o test serial with ibm vm and all
X look for jdk 1.4 to use instead of 1.3
X make sure javacomm gets in there
X test it a little more to make sure it works (cygwin x sucks)
X is it possible to get rid of KjcApplet
X better 'newMessage' trigger with the printstream
X notify dmose about changes
o lots of small bugs in graphics engine to be fixed
o ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is prolly the worst
o these will be moot with new code from sami/carlos
X remove lexer dir from cvs
X write proper build instructions for bagel
X email about bagel doesn't have proper build instructions
X need to install cygwin, set CLASSPATH to build
X specific version of jikes (currently)
X make mac version require head/tail from fink ?
X test to see if /sw/bin/head exists, if so use it
X get dmose's new launcher running
X cleanup cvs bunk
X modify build/dist to use processing.exe
X upgrade windows to jre 1.4.2
X ask on bboard about macosx 1.3 vs 1.4 experiences
X modified millis() to always update
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1058465635;start=
X decision to pull macos9 support
X look into macos9 version of javac
X get proper tab comments into source files
X http://www.jwz.org/doc/tabs-vs-spaces.html
X get proper licensing info into source files
X fix bezier curve issues (p. 56 in illustrator spec)
X pde_keywords.properties isn't getting copied into work/lib
X set 'present' key command to cmd-shift-r so that p can be used for print
X add chmod -R +x to reference after unzipping on windows
X horizontal scroller has enormous range
X horizontal scroller has slightly less enormous range
X turned off weirdo scrolling
X dim serial port menu when not available
X move reference lookup code up into PdeBase
X remove ReferenceKeys class, make it an inner class
X add reference lookup option to the edit menu
X saveBytes, saveStrings
X file output, save strings or pile of bytes
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1056311967;start=0
X make sure all linefeeds are consistent (unix)
X post to bboard about history
X console: scroll to most current line, or scroll as changing
X windows tabbedpane separator is too small
X added line to pde_windows.properties
X store divider location to sketch.properties
X about box that just shows the splash image
X curves
X curveMode(), curveMode to tweak the s parameter of catmullrom
X setting accuracy of curve segments
X right now it's hardwired at 20, should be adjustable
X function to evaluate bezier or catmullrom points
X used heavily in genome valence, asked about on the bboard
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1053449577;start=0
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1057393989;start=0
X tweak video to get it working
o beginVideo(int, int, int) not found
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1054283460
X how does the syntax work?
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1054111292
X net not closing, dispose() not getting called
X make sure dispose() gets called? that way people can override?
X or add another function for people to override?
X netEvent doesn't seem to be working in server mode
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1055044714
X image grabbing bug caught by amit
X another bug in smoothing, reported by flight404
X removes a random ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
X Thread.stop is deprecated (and has been since 1.2)
X http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/docs/guide/misc/threadPrimitiveDeprecation.html
X remove finished in favor of just setting thread to null in BApplet
X check to see if setting threads to null works on windows
X the multiple thread killing code was in there for a reason
X not tested on macos9..
X hiding the cursor. noCursor(), cursor()/cursor(ARROW), cursor(HAND), cursor(CROSS), cursor(image_file)
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1059485109
X default size of console is bad..
o prolly need to stuff in 4 blank lines
o runtime exceptions not coming through on either mac or windows
X works fine on windows
X when array wasn't large enough for curveMode, blank red line
X hide renderer menu item
X test to make sure cursor code works in vm
X modify bagel building to include JDK13 flag
o and behaves properly in a browser
o need note about setting classpath on platforms when using expert
X figured out a way around it using sun.boot.class.path! wahoo!
X is there a way to check the registry for java installations?
X put jikes executables into the dist folders
o jikes prolly needs cygwin1.dll, and maybe cygiconv-2.dll
X modify windows build scripts for javacomm in p5 folders
X remove additional javacomm from othe p5 folders
X checkin serial stuff for bagel
X rxtx is a problem in general.. how to improve installation
X try installing serial adapter with p5
X report of a problem with the rxtx installer being bad
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1048517796;start=0
X tom igoe is using rxtx 2.1.6, patch that into p5
o will need to be done for gl4java as well
o if dimming serial menu, put up another message
X remove serial folder for windows
X modify readme for the expert version
[dh] X export to .pde file rather than java
[dh] X or at least link to that from the web page
[dh] X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1046250912
[dh] o background of menus on winxp is white
[dh] X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1051303115
X had to disable MRJFileUtils stuff on osx at last minute before 53
X seems that file names changed between 1.3 and 1.4
X sorted this issue out, now it's re-enabled
X change default font for jdk 1.4
X reference launching working properly
X reference doesn't launch on mac (mKoser)
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1038424448
X tweak for java 1.4
X need to add a line to the properties file
o include a note about this in the readme, include url for download
o connect.apple.com
X bug on p5 bboard: http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1037829938;start=0
running 1.4 from the command line:
Info.plist, setting JVMVersion
* 1.3.1 - only use JDK 1.3.1, even if later versions are available.
* 1.3* - use any version of JDK 1.3.x. Do not use JDK 1.4 even if it's dflt.
* 1.3+ - use the latest JDK version from JDK 1.3 onward, up to default JDK.
* 1.4+ - use JDK 1.4 or later, even if an earlier JDK is the default.
o and then edit Info.plist to include the following lines:
o <key>JVMVersion</key> <string>1.3.1</string>
X control-click (right-click?) for macosx doesn't show popup
X in jedittextarea.. so added isPopupTrigger to events as well
X take a look at sourceforge bugs
X dataInputStream, setUseCaches on the url to false
X URLConnection.setUseCaches(false)
o parent.obj.close() on the url
X set file type/creator for .pde files.. TEXTPde1
X make a note about macosx problems with 1.4
X currently the only fix is to switch to java 1.3
X update the readme to note that macos9 is suspended
X why doesn't processing.app work anymore
X machine was screwy
X perlin noise 1D. noise()
X double-check to see if wheel mouse is working
X macosx quit handler takes over ctrl-q
X so file->quit doesn't get called on close
X so sketch.properties doesn't get saved
X handlers for basic events
X MRJAboutHandler (just show splash screen)
X image for 'about processing'
X MRJPrefsHandler (open pde.properties in a text editor)
X MRJQuitHandler (confirm quit, may need to be in another thread)
X remove 'quit' from file menu (osx only)
X why do command keys / menu shortcuts get passed through?
X cmd-s drops an s into the text area (grr)
X only happened on java 1.3 if the cmd-key was unused
o select all (apple-a) on azerty keyboard is quitting the app
o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1032909986;start=0
o what's hanging the application on start in 1.4?
o duh.. do println() statements to see where it's hanging
o (or hanging on start)
o could also be connected to compiling process, though it seems runtime
o try disabling Toolkit.sync()
X could it be audio that's hanging the application? -> nope
X mac 1.4 crashes when attempting to stop applets (pcho definitely)
X doesn't seem to do this with the .app, or at least in prev release
X (although prev release was running 1.3 by default)
X locking up on my machine after hitting stop
X is this only a problem when run from run.sh?
X jikes is not properly wired to Proce55ing.app
X puts a couple dots on random lines
X modify build scripts for rxtx on osx
X libs from 2.1.6 download for osx seem to work
X write script to handle installation, etc.
X (maybe do this from inside p5?)
X get jikes118 in there.. also in cvs
o add note to instructions for how to use
X change Proce55ing.app to Processing.app
X should cvs be changed or just do this as a renaming step?
X changed in cvs
X test to make sure that serial is working
X make .command file to set serial permissions
dh X save last-used serial to sketch.properties on quit
dh X rename sketch 'can't rename' error (file being kept open)
dh X open sketch, make a change, save, run, rename -> error
dh X context menu cut/copy/paste
dh X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1052447215;start=0
dh X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1052077800
dh X "look up in reference" function for selecting keywords
dh X improve the console
dh X maybe it needs to be a textarea?
dh o printing of objects, esp when null, in jdk 14 seems to crash
dh o this may have been fixed
dh o exception when trying to write to stdout
dh X may need horizontal scroller, or text wrap
dh X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1050328811;start=0
dm X separate compiler from other kjc-specific code
dm X change writeJava/start functions to be combined in kjc
dm X but the rest inside PdeEditor that takes care of launching/placing
dm o another kjc bug
dm o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1048025370;start=0
dm o when missing a closed brace, often has compiler error
dm o Jordan J message in email and bugs list
dm o can't used random() inside constructor.. (Glen Murphy)
dm o maybe related to problems loading images in constructors
dm o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1039411135
dm o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1038807934
dm o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1029289775
dm o http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1047649496;start=0
dm o kjc is really frustrating about some of its error/warning msgs
dm o erroneous errors from kjc regarding 'var not inited'
dm o is there any way to disable this message?
dm o talk to simon about error streams and kjc
dm o better piping of output from kjc
dm o modify kjc to take a PrintWriter, instead of current hacks
dm o might be able to set default values for vars using perl5subst
dm o Compiler.disable() message is weird and doesn't always work
dm o probably just remove it for now
dm X see if newer javac forces a System.exit() or if it can be avoided
dm X wire-in jikes as another compiler
dm X write handlers for jikes-style of error messages
X deal with spaces in user.dir (!)
X affects reference, and prolly compiling too
X alt key pressed spews errors about components
X prolly because of swing/awt component problems
X switched to JFrame instead of Frame for PdeBase
X do objects need to be swing components to draw properly?
X macosx has update weirdness for non JComponent items
X actually it's weirdness *with* JComponent items
X http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/painting/overview.html
X probably why end of text messages under osx getting chopped?
X fix compression artifacts on about.jpg
X write readme.txt and revisions.txt
X windows: audio is broken, use jdk 1.4.1 if you need audio
X preferences will get better in a future release
X export to application is not yet implemented
X catch security exceptions around applet i/o calls
X serial on macosx
X run serial.command (modify dist to chmod +x)
X otherwise it will complain that the port is in use by another app
X write notes in readme about using serial on osx (may need to restart)
X modify classpath to use 1.4 for compiling
X modify make.sh to include JDK14 flag
X video: get qtjava stuff working, modify make.sh to include paths
X also run.sh, the classpath on Proce55ing.app
X ceil/floor weren't colored properly
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1054886439
X String wasn't colored, so added parts of java.lang
X BFont was allocating too much memory for fonts (found by arielm)
X modified all scripts to unpack the new reference
X simage() has been enabled again
X https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=750867&group_id=63445&atid=504000
X image_mode has been ironed out
X https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=750886&group_id=63445&atid=504000
X reference not being unzipped
X fix scripts for dist / make
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1054222236
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1054886548
X print(char) and println(char) didn't exist. whoops.
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1055940673
X added constructor in BImage that takes java.awt.Image
X added FileInputStream version of loadStream for locally running code
X transparent gif images don't retain transparency (oy)
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=general;action=display;num=1044908359;start=0
X screenGrab(filename), not just screenGrab()
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1056481749
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1056558368;start=0
X versions of loadStream/loadBytes etc that use streams and/or urls
X getting current fill color and stroke color
X stroke(), fill(), background()
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1053002041;start=0
X add keyCode to BApplet (quick addition)
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=post;num=1043834995;title=Post+reply;start=
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1051285219
other folks
dm X patch to fix last line highlight bug in highlightLine()
cr X new function for linking to external web page
ks X BGraphics patch for faster lines and points
ks X adaptive sizing of circle segmenting based on rendered size
ks X rather than requiring a fixed amount
ks o have a few settings cached
ks X fixed again for scale() issues
ks X RGBA code for simage(), along with some speedups
ks X faster version of _blend() function
ks X MAX_LIGHTS instead of '10' sprinkled through the code
after 0056rc1
bf X patched up ellipse code because adaptive sizing not working properly
bf X added more segments to the adaptive sizing algo
bf X reported by benelek
bf X fixed bug in BPolyogn.scanline for textures walking out of bounds
bf X reported by benelek
bf X point() wasn't getting a proper alpha value for drawing
bf X reported by benelek
bf X add .tif extension when screenGrab() filename doesn't include it
bf X reported by benelek
bf X add beginNet, endNet, net weren't colored
bf X reported by benelek
hb X patch for server makes netEvent messages
moved to sourceforge by arielm
BAGEL / Bugs
b _ bezier is broken for > 4 points
b _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1042201137
b _ image(img, x, y) in CENTER_DIAMETER is actually center radius
b _ should make sure that x, y just makes it proper size
b _ simage() is screwy..
b _ its invocation is broken (image_mode can't be two things at once)
b _ doesn't actually use image_mode for placement
b _ also doesn't support RGBA
b _ smooth images drawing strangely (missing first line of pixels)
b _ also smoothed even if not distorted
b _ aliased and anti-aliased images don't line up
b _ text (text04) marching around strangely
b _ problems with u/v are likely to also be there for colors
b _ u/v should be affected by w for proper perspective
b _ nonsmooth frame around circle gets drawn 8x away
b _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1050451728
b _ texture weirdness at 90 degree angles
b _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1050650262
b _ sphere() and other polygons don't connect flush with one another
b _ could hack by making each slightly larger than necessary
b _ repair lines (even if slow)
b _ single pixel lines have no alpha and no z
b _ fix all the random line types to support alpha
b _ anti-aliasing. smooth(), noSmooth()
b _ need to verify that this works consistently throughout
b _ alpha. fill(r, g, b, a), stroke(r, g, b, a),
b _ need to verify that this works consistently throughout
X incorporated (but not yet tested) net code
X how to include sign with nf()
X whether to include room, and whether + or ' '
X use nfs (number format signed), with a bool for + or spc
X does a[3] == Float.NaN work? (for testing with splitFloats)
X no, if NaN, then comparison will always return false
X sort() functions for arrays of ints, floats, doubles, and Strings
X add casey to sourceforge with admin privileges as 'reas'
X fix wheel mouse handler so that it works under jdk 1.3
X no difference between 1.3 and 1.4 code
X add WheelHandler to cvs
X video
X checkin video code to cvs
X video integration (need to work with dist.sh for it)
X how to get qtjava into the classpath on windows runner
X incorporate second set of code for file i/o
o video capture tested and running on macos9, macosx, windows
o video file reading tested and running on macos9, macosx, windows
o net code tested with client/server examples
o sound code tested and running on macos9, macosx, windows
X constrain() still in the motion04 sketch
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1050131287
X why is every other pixel missing from mouse events?
X make a note about mouse movement skipping two pixels on windows
X need to set mouse properties for higher precision
X we actually recommend using java version 1.3 on the mac
X kill video, net, etc on closing applet
X disabled the debug flag (oops) in BPolygon
X disabled code for alpha in web colors (use 0x instead if needed)
X make sure that fill(int a) / stroke(int a) work if an alpha is set
o probably time to send out another message about this release
X add smooth() noSmooth() to the keywords
X image of 256x256 doesn't draw the last line of pixels
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1045697665;start=0
X weird line in showing in the center of an image
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1044901171;start=0
X color() should work for alpha..
X also #rrggbbaa
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1049141984
X blend() (or any other 'final' functions) is causing trouble
X when other people write methods of the same name
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1049249938
X text caret goes missing
o removing extra jre's, uninstalling java apps fixed it
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1041962296
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1043614133
X identityMatrix and multiplyMatrix
X or resetMatrix and applyMatrix
X projectX(x, y, z) instead of project()
o stores last xyz point as cached for projectY
X projectSize() should work the same way
X screenX instead of projectX
X modelX or objectX could do the amit style thing
X creas says object
X better access to projX et al
X what's a better name? calcX? or write to an array?
X projectX, projectY, .. or projectedX ?
X also projectSize should just be project()
X smooth() and noSmooth()
X possible dist() and constrain() functions
X reas: I like people making these themselves and then later
X they can be added to their code libraries
X join() like split
X also add additional item for NaN data
X add doubles and longs for genome stuff
X numberFormat (formerly zeroPad)
X numberFormat(float num, int left, int right)
X zero means any number of digits, don't pad
X numberFormat(int num, int left) for 27 -> 0027
X camera work
X beginCamera, endCamera -> does glMatrixMode style swapping
X lookAt->lookat, frustum, perspective should be public too
X splitints, et al.. have another version to specify what to use
X when the value gets a NumberFormatException.. ie.
X splitInts("blah blah blah", ' ', 0);
X and splitFloats("blah bl ah blaha ", ' ', Float.NaN);
X remove groupings of NumberFormat
X change NumberFormat to nf
X use System.arraycopy for clear().. could be way fast
X test to see how much faster the new arraycopy version is
X err, it's slower. that sucks.
X fixed bug with typography reported by creas
X alpha images were 0xAAAAAAAA b/c of javagl
X images were broken with noSmooth
X color is ugly for 'use external editor' with new color scheme
X now uses color for current line
X 'color[] c' doesn't work, neither does 'color c[] = new color[10]'
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1045052913
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1045675678
X several examples broken (note from creas) in bugs.txt
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1042222429
X drawing02, input09, input08, transform05, others?
X if image doesn't exist, spews null pointer exception and freaks
X locks up environment/machine, have to restart
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1039409900
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1045828000;start=0
X disable image cache (setUseCaches?)
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1043895082;start=0
X add a note to revisions.txt that says "not for use as a reference"
X http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1046191616;start=0
X switched to jre 1.4.1_02
o online signup cgi for people to add themselves to the list
o probably should doClose() on new/open instead of doStop()
o option to delete current project (trickier)
o also needs to have method for verify.. blech
o check logs to see where we're getting traffic from
o option to toggle console on/off (not just in properties, but realtime)
o look into using serialporteventlistener for simpleserial
o may help with problems due to threading/synchronizing
o font usage/substition solution
o write code to bind/convert java fonts
o best would be freetype or jdk 1.3/1.4
o java freetype? jni freetype to build texmap fonts?
o look at flash file format? (does it have kerning?)
o may want to throw exceptions from bagel
o but catch them inside bapplet--as part of making things easier
o file i/o utility classes
o read as set of lines, read as cells in grid, read num sequence
o then methods for writing all of the same
o stop() method in applet should stop kjc environment
o should be able to call stop() to 'quit' an applet
X make versions available w/o fonts and jre
o moving sketchbook folder for lab environments
o adding lights
o control of position/color of default lights
o controlling camera movements
o mcguffin sent some notes about this
o multmatrix/identity
o constants besides PI, TWO_PI
o min/max with 3 parameters
o if (a) ? 3 : 4
o formatting printf-style things
o audio input
o audio synthesis
X stringutils.split is a useful one
X readFileLines et al
o translateMiddle() ? to move to the middle of the screen?
o perlin noise function
o delayUntil would be nice to have
o but at some point there has to be a cutoff
o have a library of useful code that people can add to programs
o otherwise things are too simple, and env is a crutch
o example: multi-user server app (shared whiteboard)
o example: basic network app
o bug in sun vm for freaking out
o also happened with ibm vm.. grr.. (or was it a path problem?)
X is it necessary to have fullscreen option on toolbar anymore?
o what's better than POLYGON_CONVEX and POLYGON_CONCAVE?
o should we use jdk 1.3 or msft vm?
X go through the bboard and make sure everything up to date here
X see if moved topics need to be deleted as well
X (log in from another machine as guest)
X weirdness with mac swiss-german keyboard on []{}|
X fix quotes missing in the export html
X add http url support for loadImage and loadStream
X ceil/floor/round
X new set of examples
X remove old examples from cvs
X pmouseX and pmouseX should be colored with mouseX and mouseY
X new html for export
X new colors chosen by casey (replace pde.properties and buttons.gif)
/ disappearing text caret on win2k
/ works in 'insert' mode
X just disabled it ever hiding.. we'll see if it fixes
X flush() after every println()
X incremental printout
X uncovered bug with long line lengths in console
/ pmouseX problem reported by casey (in bugs.txt)
o images don't load during setup [reas]
X //This is not a problem -- Casey
X framerate() and framerate(15)
X delay() should sleep the thread [glen murphy]
X it's sucking cpu and won't open a window until the delay is up
X also don't delay on the first time through
X add framerate to colored things list
MISC (pruned from crusty todo list)
X text editor? jedit's textarea class? hmm? hmm? // Yeah for jedit!
X document imageMode, planeMode, ellipseMode
X 'rot' example not working in release 18
X make note in documentation about getting access to pixel array
X pixels[] is in ProcessingApplet
X build a linux/x86 release
X fix buzz.pl to not create ../../bagel
X how to use ssh identity file to maintain auth for brancusi
X write dist.bat for releases
X don't forget to update 'export' dir with processing releases
X write code for automatic macintosh releases
X just saying 'millis' in processingapplet, instead of getMillis()
X keyPressed, keyReleased, mousePressed, mouseReleased
X bug in paren balancing
X paren problems comes from overusing parens (too many closing)
X image[first[i], 0, 0) hitting last paren causes jump to top
X beautify is broken // I think this is fixed
X sketch: sketch-000 is dumb
X // Just number successively 0001, 0002 like a digital camera
X color won't set for fonts //This works
o 'image' is too generic a variable to have inside BApplet
o check for others that shouldn't be used (pixels? width? height?)
o or have a way to syntax color them
o put processing/bagel into sourceforge cvs FOR BETA
o probably after kjc/engine stuff restructured
o bring cbagel up to par
X remove 'encoding' crap from PdeBase
X only existed b/c of reading as bytes and not using jdk11 methods
X cleanup program/inline_program crap.. take out scheme stuff
X better readFile/loadImage inside PdeBase
X temp array should be resizable inside readFile
X might just use ByteArray streams
X use getresource for loading image
X remove Editor's frame instance, replace refs with PdeBase.frame
X include note in the readme that 1.4 is not supported
X is sketch.properties saving properly under macosx?
X text in editor is anti-aliased, allow to turn off (franklin_mint)
X also make text courier instead of monospaced
public void paint(Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
X re-enable wheel mouse
X just uses #ifdef for JDK14
o System.getProperty("java.version") -> "1.4.1_01"
X text editor - color coding is the big issue
X use syntax coloring to highlight BApplet's class variables and functions
X remove built-in jre (!)
X add folder and instructions for serial in expert
X modify run.bat, modify .exe file as well
X add -Xmx128m -Xms128m because people running out of memory (pitaru)
X tried with a 3k x 1k image and things broke
o maybe command line read properties from a file in lib
X do some font tweaking (monaco 9 or 10 might be good)
X reported by fdb and brendanberg
After creating about 27 sketches, proce55ing (0046 on OS X) no longer would startup, giving me the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at PdeBase.addSketches(PdeBase.java:598 )
at PdeBase.addSketches(PdeBase.java:615)
at PdeBase.rebuildSketchbookMenu(PdeBase.java:575)
at PdeBase.<init>(PdeBase.java:362)
at PdeBase.main(PdeBase.java:102)
Removing all sketches would solve the problem.
/ lots of problems in moving sketches over
i managed to run p5 from the applications folder once, but i think when i moved my sketches over from 0044 it broke: "uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.NullPointerException"
i tried reinstalling and running 'java -cp lib:lib/build: ...' and it worked fine (and would open from the icon afterwards)
again, after i moved my sketches over it broke permanently...
/ 46 dies when run from desktop on some machines [jes]
/ spaces in the dir name?
o is sketch.properties getting mangled on the mac?
X jedit text area
X change bg color for 'use external editor'
X enable/disable undo/redo
X don't let undo after setting text
X get focus after setText
X need to take care of auto-indent etc
X is setText goobering up on beautify?
X re-implement cut/copy/paste
X re-implement undo/redo
X get settings from PdeBase
X better defaults for syntax highlighting
X comments should be gray and not italicized
X disable end of line marker by default
X highlight p5 keywords
X setup, draw, loop as one class
X rect, line etc as another
X width, height, pixels as a third
X jump to top of document on load
X change style of ~ at end of document for unused area
X extra linefeeds is getting annoying for folks
X line endings joy
X how are line endings working during save?
X recursive sketch add that works properly and ignores crap
X crashes while starting
LaunchRunner Error] PdeBase.main(String[]) threw an exception:
at PdeBase.addSketches(PdeBase.java:598)
at PdeBase.addSketches(PdeBase.java:615)
at PdeBase.rebuildSketchbookMenu(PdeBase.java:476)
at PdeEditor.skNew2(PdeEditor.java:872)
at PdeEditor.checkModified2(PdeEditor.java:814)
at PdeEditor.checkModified(PdeEditor.java:797)
at PdeEditor.checkModified(PdeEditor.java:785)
at PdeEditor.skNew(PdeEditor.java:826)
at PdeEditor.init(PdeEditor.java:428)
at PdeBase.<init>(PdeBase.java:361)
at PdeBase.main(PdeBase.java:102)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.apple.buckyball.app.LaunchRunner.run(LaunchRunner.java:82)
at com.apple.buckyball.app.LaunchRunner.callMain(LaunchRunner.java:44)
at com.apple.buckyball.app.CarbonLibApp.main(CarbonLibApp.java:76)
X undo/redo can go to far
X docs
X make a note that size() has to come first [nluken]
X look at the code that's created in build/
X known issues
X random freezes.. especially under windows
X wheel mouse is gone again, to return later
X describe rundown of constants pulled from pde.properties
X coloring for syntax
X sketchbook.path, very preliminary, still creates 'default'
X macos9 stuff
X check to see if swing is working properly
X get new release out, remove 1.3 specific stuff from textpane
X get syntax coloring debugged?
X talk to casey about better default colors
X scroll to beginning after setText()
X color not set for default text area with empty text
X color not set on 'new', setForeground won't do it
X probably reasonably simple fix, but not in time
X undo/redo
X should enable/disable as available
X undo-ing too much will empty the text area
X the setText is an undoable thing. grr.
X method to set a folder for the sketchbook
X when trying to use serial, provide error if things not installed
X install new swing-based textarea with syntax highlighting
X improve the flicker problems (re-enable backing store?)
X set better defaults for coloring
X implement edit menu
X implement undo/redo
X re-implement sketchModified
X these boxes overlap but shouldn't:
X may be simple <= instead of <, leftover from dbn
int thick = 36;
size(200, 200);
fill(153, 163, 0.0);
rect(80, 0, thick, height/2);
fill(102, 112, 0.0);
rect(100, height/2, thick, height/2);
X re-implement sketchModified yet again (using keylistener)
X set font on textarea in case things break
X need examples to work for submenus (casey's got too many)
X why is javax.comm included a zillion times in exported .java file?
X fix issues with new swing-based text area
X auto indent on next line no longer works
X tabs no longer convert to 2 spaces
o balance parens is no longer available
X problem with axel's strings example [might be related to long lines]
X freezing problem, compiler was crashing and spewing bad message
X move build directory to root in cvs (on server)
X and update scripts accordingly
X should java 1.3 classes be included in the imports
X but not for exported applets? (might create some confusion)
X included java audio classes for 1.3
X included xml classes for 1.4
X pmouseX should be set at the end of loop(), not on mouse movement
X allow 3d curves
X curveVertex and bezierVertex that take 3 args
X 3d versions of bezier() and curve()
X preprocessor tweaks
X "http://acg.media.mit.edu" doesn't work because of //
X "color.jpg" -> "int.jpg" causes trouble
X why does this line cause an error?
// String url = "http:\u002f\u002fwww.Proce55ing.net";
X it's not in the preprocessor, but kopi seems to be having trouble
X seems that file i/o may be picking up lots of extra \r
X perhaps when doing setText, it's goobering things up
X when renaming a sketch, select the text in the field,
X so you can type the new name immediately.
X added 'rename' command
X also the default for clicking on the sketch's title
o option to rename when doing a 'save as' (remove old files)
X remove .class files on save as [dimitre]
X remove .jar, .class, and .java files from the 'applet' dir
When I am working in a project and I save it with another name,
all the old files are copyied to new directory, and some of the old
unused .class files and images remains inside new project JAR files.
X serial port
X better message for PortInUseException (full explanation)
X better message for when serial port code not available/not installed
X set frame title of launched window to the name of the sketch
X fixed history bug where first history made would crash
X this was previous unknown, but likely several found it (!)
X macosx - check to see if swing is working properly
X macosx - update build script to work with new layout
X Add an Edit menu containing Undo/Redo/Cut/Copy/Paste/Select
All. It's standard Mac behaviour.
X long list from frederik (fdb)
X If the cursor is at the last character of the last line of the
text area, moving the cursor up or down using the arrow keys throws
the following exception:
at PdeEditorListener.keyPressed(PdeEditorListener.java:86)
at java.awt.Component.processKeyEvent(Component.java:3673)
X If the cursor is at the last character of the first line of the text
area, moving the cursor up using the arrow keys throws the same
exception. However, moving the cursor down doesn't throw one.
X Double-clicking a word doesn't select it, but the character after
it. (however, sometimes the behaviour is correct)
X Scrolling action when using cursor keys is not consistent with other
editors: The window should only scroll when it needs to; it now tries
to keep the cursor on the current line. (or one line below it)
X Using Apple-shift-arrowLeft to select from the cursor pos to the
beginning of the line, selects one character too little at the right
side. Apple-shift-arrowRight has the same issue (selects one char too
little at the left side).
X Using Apple-shift-arrowDown selects only from the beginning of this
line to the end of the following line. It doesn't extend the
selection when pressed twice. It also selects the line under the
current line.
X Pressing the tab key moves to the bottom of the text area.
X hopefully fixed, but needs to be tested
? Select All (Apple-A) closes the application
(Ctrl-Q) on Azerty-keyboards
X use date in the sketch name sketch_021104
X with a _2 if needed or '021104a' '021104b' etc
X when using save as, allow to remove the old (numbered) sketch
X better default size than 300x300 when starting up first time
X bug report from the site
resizing the editor window in Mac OS X leaves the status bar in
place. The result is an editor window with a grey bar layered on top,
obscuring the editable text.
X fix default fonts, font size on mac
X fix lots of annoying crap about highlighting lines on errors
X re-enable console, add synchronized (hrmph)
X added extra code for testing to for serial under osx
X also suppressed error text in console for exception-less fail
X couldn't quit p5 when installed into a dir with spaces
X properties were saved to a urlencoded place, %20 was causing trouble
X update dist script for new layout
X put mac rxtx inside the p5 folder (hide it?)
X include more strongly worded message about rxtx
X macos9: update build/dist scripts to work with new layout
X macos9: add swing.jar to dist (?)
X linux: update build and dist scripts for new layout
X linux: generate new rev
0045 (non-release)
X no more CVS and .cvsignore entries in sketchbook menu
X only put things in the menu if in proper structure
X major: fix error message stream mid-compile
X ClassCastException on startup (or not found?)
X added naming question from faq to the readme.txt
X added optimized flat circle (not ellipse) function
X then removed it again because it's not quite finished
X need to be able to fill using the same function
X added additional file i/o functions to bagel
X loadStrings and splitInts, splitFloats, etc
X getStream is now loadStream
X set bg/fg color of text editing area
X add option for running with external editor
X sets text area to not editable, changes color
X gets new text on each run.. calls handleOpen2 or whatever
X disables save.. save as ?
X organizing directories, save to other directories blows up
X for now, disallow the / or : characters
X there was a bug that required a noop() b/c of jikes or 1.3 problems
X is problem w/ beautify that it has no menu event handler?
X write event handler, and make sure it doesn't work for external ed
X don't popup offscreen if editor window is way left.
X just make sure the x coord > 10 or so (if not presenting)
X if so, pop up window 50, 50 from upper left corner
X if it still won't fit, center the window on screen
X don't throw exceptions for serial on startup if no serial available?
o gets upset on osx if rxtx not installed during menu building
X actually, it just throws UnsatisfiedLinkError
X make a note in the readme, particularly wrt macos
X readme additions
X size() and background() need regular nums, no vars
X hidden features/niceties
X click sketch title to rename
X mention shift-run for present mode
X known issues
X macos sketch window resizing strangely
X win95/98/me version acts poorly or doesn't run
X as approaches 1000 lines, editorconsole has arrayindexoutof bounds
X console scroller obscured by window resizer intruding
X arrow keys broken (but with shift they work..)
X hacked in basic arrow key support
X include instructions for rxtx or the install itself
X just include the .pkg, since causing exceptions now
X make sure space->underscore conversion working properly for 'save as'
X file names with a space get "_ " instead of a space ?
X under osx, consuming event doesn't work, so don't do it real time
X sketch window resizing strangely
X can make width/height larger, but only height smaller
X check apple site for technote/bug listing
X jes grabbed examples for me
X getMinimumSize() on textarea is probably causing trouble
X better just to pre-empt it on the frame, b/c textarea didn't do much
X apple-a for select all tries to quit
X can't reproduce
X escape on presentation mode--no key events seem to be coming through
X make default font size for editor the next size smaller
X include names of all people who submitted bugs
X use self-extractor and make sure no 8.3 filenames
X use a .dmg to distribute
X make sure no DS_Store files are included
o arrow keys don't work in the textarea.. known issue
X add note to release notes
X finish writing 'readme.txt'
X change download/index.html to not describe dates but process
X "this is alpha, we're heading to beta with series of sm releases"
X document serial a bit more in release notes
X how do we encourage/point to updates?
X auto updater? check for releases page in menu?
X fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in texture use
X added icon to replace the coffee cup
X see if play being highlighted can be implemented again
X especially important because of speed issues
0042 BUGS
X this code is not performing correctly (triangle strip)
X (see example in reference for expected output)
X -> turns out it's correct, but not great
vertex(30, 75);
vertex(40, 20);
vertex(50, 75);
vertex(60, 20);
vertex(70, 75);
vertex(80, 20);
vertex(90, 75);
X fill(#ffcc00) wasn't working for rect, calci not being set
X also affected background and stroke
X export was failing if no data dir
X move background() out of draw() for draw mode apps
X click on project name to quickly go to rename mode
X cursor goes away during edits (java bug, fix with hack)
X handling of key/mouse events smoothed out
X removed 'briefly' versions of mouse/key
X make scrollbar for console
X make win/linux write stderr to stderr.txt like the mac
X this will be useful until i implement scrollbar
X -> this might be problematic, watch out for lockups
X remove projects if created but nothing happens to them
X maybe do this on open or quit?
X first a syntax error, when fixed, causes NullPointerException 
X quitting the app makes things all better. argh.
X this just started with version37, it happens extrememely
X frequently and should be easy to reproduce the error
X images with imageMode set for simage() weren't working
X fix problem with pde.properties
X left PdeBase out of the run.bat in windows.. piss me.
X need comprehensive set of tests for 'f' substitution scenarios
X here is the test code to see if it's fixed
X much reworking for run/present modes
X run/present modes are getting confused
X [esc] to exit presentation mode
X remove 'edit' menu because it's worthless
X build 'release' version of app that doesn't need MFC42D.DLL
X check on linefeeds and other errors with bbs on web site
X serial
X some method for getting list of serial ports
X pde menu item for listing serial ports available
o could just println them to the console
X import javax.comm stuff as standard in kjc (but not export)
X can't get fonts to load - tested working ok
X bagel complaint: could not load font Univerx76.vlw.gz
X why the x? what's going on?
X try using serial on macosx
X works, but about as well as the windows version used to
X try using serial on macos9..
X works well! shockingly well
X os9: apple control keys register as edit events in buffer
X use Toolkit.getShortcutKeymask() to figure out what's up
X -> seems to have fixed itself (?)
X test presentation mode for window sizing status on macos
X serial port code needs to be implemented
X something that docks better to java serial api
X implement menuitem to load ref and to launch p5.net
X MRJFileUtils.openURL(String url) throws IOException
X also, ref should go to index page, not environment
X check to see if lines for error messages are off in macos
// font problems
BFont font;
font = loadFont("Univers76.vlw.gz");
//font = loadFont("Bodoni.vlw.gz");
//BFont font = loadFont("Univerx76.vlw.gz");
String happy = "FontTest";
//float happyWidth = font.stringWidth(happy);
//text(happy, (width - happyWidth)/2, 10);
text(happy, 20, 50);
// float issues
//BFont font1;
//BFont font2;
//font1 = loadFont("Univers76.vlw.gz");
//font2 = loadFont("Bodoni.vlw.gz");
float a = 80.4;
float b = .7;
float c = (b * 20.3);
float d = 10;
fill(a, b, c);
rect(a, b, c, c);
X set bg color on macos9 buttons as well
X get icon in macos9/macosx/windows formats
X wahoo! figure out how to do do simple .exe with icons
o use launcher code from sun jre
o needs to be built from command line
X keyPressed() and others weren't being called
X serial work under windows
X make bapplet a serialporteventlistener
X remove 'public' from beginner listener event handlers
X trying to make eventlistener work
X comm.jar has to be in classpath for kjc (interesting)
X fixed launcher.exe because of problems in classpath
X how to make double-clickable version for osx
X might be as simple as combined jar with manifest and symlink
X jar doesn't like opening pde.properties b/c getClass fails
X app title comes up as PdeBase
X -Xdock:name property or
X com.apple.mrj.application.apple.menu.about.name (gulp)
X -XDock:icon (lowercase dock?) to set icon, or
X .icns file in the Contents/Resources of the bundle
X check tn on java runtime properties for macosx
X need fxns to test platform and java version
X serial works poorly for starting/stopping applets
X appears to be fixed through use of static object in bagel
X breaks on every 2nd run when using serial apps (or others?)
X try calling gc on stop as well
X make it simpler to build the code..
X buzz.pl actually no longer needed (no ifdefs)
o use a regular makefile for everything
X getResource stuff breaks, sketch.properties can't save
X FileNotFoundException: /FILE9/+/sketch.properties
X doc: requires java 1.3.1 update 1
X button backgrounds are weird since not square
X (seen when asking to save a file etc)
X see if possible to set background of button object
X or maybe just background of the awt object it sits on
X get casey's examples into the sketchbook
X these should become the standard test cases for everything
o crashes when people click on help in top bar (same in DBN) [macos9]
X not reproduced.. mrjappbuilder seems stabler?
X use osx utilities to setfileinfo for .jar files etc
o try to build macutils under osx
X bug where pde.properties was being replaced for sketch.properties
X changed pde.properties_PLATFORM -> pde_PLATFORM.properties
X f subst problems: include , and ; as allowable
X float f = 0.3; and fill(0.3, 0.2, 0.1);
X windows needs to work from the .exe
X also included run.bat just in case
X test the gcc executable, and tweak dist script accordingly
X add 'readme.txt' to dist.sh.. change notes to revisions
X add examples to dist.sh scripts
X separate shared script to cleanup?
X or small script to remove CVS directories from a tree
X check osname under win98 and linux
X information on how to submit bugs to p5-bugs@proce55ing.net
X include release number, platform, and a copy of the code
X proce55ing thinks the following numbers are a double:
X float a = .5; float b = 0.5;
X copying files from 'data' dir is not recursive.. fixed
X move structure of app/application dirs around a bit
X make a new 'dist' function for building
X save window position (only during session) of sketch run window
X shouldn't substitute f's for: "Univers76.vlw.gz";
X need lots of testing--this changes lots of things
X fixed commentsCodec which was mangling things
o present mode doesn't work for draw()
X tested, seems to be fine?
X console - convert tabs to spaces
o line wrapping (but save info for resize? noo..)
X fix to line numbers being off for KjcEngine exception highlights
X changed error color slightly for console to fit status error
X size() not being called in setup is gonna cause lots of headaches
X hack: put exception handler around setup and re-call if necessary
X linefeeds were wrong in BApplet
X for people visiting site, what os are they using?
X saving to gzipped 'versions' file
X autosave every few minutes, also on each compile, also on save
X mark each as 'save', 'autosave', 'failed' or 'successful' compile
X also include a timestamp
X if a selection is made from the menu:
X autosave, replace text, mark as edited
X if there have been no edits, and last thing was hist change,
X should *not* do another autosave
X ensure this by historyLast being set on change.. heh. nice.
X write message to people who signed up for p5 alpha
X editor.buttons.bgcolor default value was wrong
X sketch.properties exception when closing on linux and mac
X urlstr was garbage because of windows-specific code
X test build macos9 version with JDK13 flag turned off
X make buttons taller by 4 pixels (looking bad on macos9/macosx)
X change to uppercase (looks dumb on mac, and casey doesn't like)
X set background color of buttons in EditorStatus
X modify to only change it under aqua.. does screwy things for windows
X check splash screen and icons into cvs
X macosx.. editor.status.font needs to be size 12
X same under windows, just wasn't being set properly before
X header font needed to be set each time as well
X introduce pde.properties_OSNAME
X tested to make sure it joins with the other pde.properties ok
X setPixel(i, j, #99CC00);
X not working anymore Syntax error: unexpected token: CC00
X problem was substitute only worked along with =
X perl should be ok to be cygwin perl.. try deinstalling activestate
o should fix paren balancing bug..
X just disable by default for alpha
o background() not working
X checked but couldn't duplicate
X change editorlistener properties to use underscores
X imageMode() was gone.. now replaced
X collapse pdeengine/pderunner/kjcengine
X remove 'extends' from kjcengine, make an instance of Main
X may need to subclass at.dms.kjc.Main to override the exit()
X make pdeengine a class
X remove pderunner, collapse into pdeengine
X checked line z problem bug.. it's b/c single pixel lines have no z
X fold simpleserial into BApplet
X set serial properties inside bagel in kjcengine
o sprint an sprintln functions
X nixed because they're too weird, don't make sense w/ actual use
X serial.messageReceived extra long crap in demo.pde (clean up?)
X improve simpleserial and clean up a bit
X need to have function to enable it in setup
X make i/o work just like mouse (event driven, with dflt behavior)
X present mode should hide editor frame
X mouse coords coming from window when outside applet.. bad!
X just removed the listeners on the window.. don't seem to be needed
X fixed a NullPointerException on startup
X when sketch.properties didn't exist, shouldn't print error
X fix status standard message color text color
X mousePressed() not working, also mouseReleased
X also has to be public void mousePressed() for kjc
X background(), fill(), stroke() using color datatype
X check 0xff high bits to see if it's an int gray value or a color
X fix curve()/bezier()
X make curve() work as 6 point with doubled endpoints
X translate is disabling color
X (probably because of lighting)
X save as instead of rename/duplicate
X this makes more sense, hopefully it won't break everything
X put newline after imports header in exported .java files
X make all windows 120x120?
X default program should be large, 300x200 or so
X what if it's smaller? boundary of color 51, 51, 51 around it
X implement presentation mode
X editor frame doesn't have to be in front
X include button in present mode to bring editor back up
X add frame to launched window
X add maximize event catcher to make fullscreen
o doesn't work, because of screen sizing stupidity
X shift-click on play to go directly into this 'presentation mode'
X implement 'duplicate'
X implement renaming of projects
X renaming projects
X make sure people don't use - or other illegal chars
X on export or naming sketches--no spaces(!)
o changed by clicking on the name and typing
X new/duplicate/rename should rebuild skopen menu
X item to launch proce55ing.net
X item to launch reference in browser
X check all menus to make sure they all work/make sense
X disable the ones that aren't implemented
X in progress working on presentation mode
already finished
X need to update PdeKeyListener for new ui..
X remove open, add d for duplicate, r for rename, others ?
X 'open' button is a switch-to button
X pops up list of everything in the sketchbook
o first item is 'new sketch', followed by delimeter
X next is list of subdirs other than current user, then delim
X the rest are the items in the current user's folder
X need 'new' button on the toolbar (or first sketch menuitem?)
o the zero looking one might be good (instead of export)
o export could be three circles in a row, overlapping
X everything is a project.. what about short snippets of code?
X this version won't be able to access everything from scrapbook
X (that requires a more robust class loader)
X sketch.properties contains the last program run
X also the window positions, etc
X saves screen size, so if screen size changed, window pos reset
X if it doesn't exist, starts with a new project
X for a new project, name it untitled-0001 or as appropriate
X so that previous projects aren't written over
X verify save when
X closing p5 window
X moving to other sketch
X NullPointerException on startup in pde editor buttons
X shows up on slower machines, probably images not loaded yet
X use a vm that won't destroy the screen like sun/ibm does
X this means msft or newer version of jdk
X if default user, don't show the 'user' string in pde window
X item in pde.properties to set the name of the current user
X exporting
X exporting applets that have custom name problems:
X if extends processingapplet, the name user types must be same
X gets confused about paths and puts boogers in weird places
X doesn't compile correctly (must first compile with play)
X doesn't include additional (private) classes
X when exporting 'name of folder for export...'
X default name should be from public class <xxxx>
X because otherwise errors are happening
X or name from user only determines folder name
X if extends ProcessingApplet [more compatible]
X make sure export is compiling first
X right now have to hit play and then hit export (?)
X file structure for export
X need to set project name for files
X include other .class files built besides the main one
X compile into 'classes' folder
X include referenced image and font files (can't do if numbered)
X make close() work to kill applet in kjc
X save window x, y, width, height to pde.properties on exit
X stderr in red color
X 'data' directory for all media
X make included media part of the .jar file
X it's really a pain to use external files in processing
X getStream sucks (zach rewrote)
X should be able to work for application or applets
X may want to use getResource() (to get things from .jar files)
X remove .java and .class files for compiled classes
X (just clean up the boogers afterwards)
X compiling .java files leaves the .class files next to the .java
X make sure all the dirs in sketchbook added to classpath on startup
o if new dir added, must restart processing (this is acceptable)
X importing images doesn't work (?)
X put 'modified' indicator in the darker color
X fix bug with opening sketches from the menu (grr)
X need to check if file.exists() when opening
X otherwise the exception doesn't get caught and app hangs
X switch to using a 'build' directory in lib for everything
X lib\build can be added to the classpath at startup
X cleanout build directory on each run (delete .class/.java)
X temporary until classloader issues worked out
X implement popup menu
X add 'new' button (and complete ui)
X make toolbars work with sk
X make 'data' dir work with build
X empty contents and change bagel to use getResource
X also use getResource("data" + )
X make export work again
X getData -> gets contents of stream, puts into byte array
X remove everything from build when starting a new build
X (don't do this until it's clear that it's working well!)
X lib/pde.properties should be read using getResource
X otherwise path issues cause trouble (likely under win98)
X take state information out of Header
X cleanup lastFile/lastDirectory
X save (just) last program run in sketch.properties
X coloring of error, message, etc changed in pde.properties
X finish save changes stuff
X editorlistener shouldn't track menu commands as changes to file
X ctrl keys bksp/del/enter/return/tab then space on up
X indicator for changes?
X need to implement code for whether changes have been made
X check for key events in textarea or something
X if key events, compare contents against the existing file
X userName not getting set before sketchbook menu is built
X add 'refresh list' item to the sketchbook menu
X ability to set directory for compiling in kjcengine
X make sure compiling into build directory
X and once compiled there, read all classes for export
X write class loader or figure out how to change classpath
X might be able to load classes using forInstance on each file
X using byte array version of constructor
X you should be able to create methods in drawing mode
X this shouldn't work, make void draw() {} to allow
X attempt to fold serial into bapplet, but mostly fail
X convert color -> int
X also include #ff00cc -> proper conversion
X comments are removed from exported files
X triangle() 6 parameters
X quad() 8 parameters
X rect/rectMode again
X remove addMouse/addKeyboard/addTime
X keyDown(), mouseDown(), lastMouseX, lastMouseY
X degrees(), radians()
X new color solution
X make sure fxns come through (if static/final?)
X color() -> uses colorMode
X red/green/blue() hue/saturation/value() functions
X getPixel/setPixel
X proposed color solution (canned)
o color -> since color 'mode', responds to colorMode
o getPixel/setPixel -> get/set int for purpose of moving pixels
o get/set Red/Green/Blue/Hue/Saturation/Brightness -> uses colorMode
o setColor(x, y, z) -> hsb or rgb via colorMode
X get casey setup with full cvs so that he can build w/ changes
X make sure lib/export is updated properly this time
X modified pde.properties slightly for console and header
X need stdout in p5 window b/c mac has no stdout
X remove class 'PdeEditorOutput' and 'PdeEditorLabel'(?)
X added editor.console.lines to pde.properties
X int() and float() now work for casting
X draw mode needs to be better for workshops
X make size() work for draw() mode
X inside Engine, reach in and grab calls to 'size'
X if call is not using a constant number, then punt
X when exporting, needs to grab this size parameter as well
o related classes
X resolved, just use inner classes for everything
o better way to do parent and g.rect stuff in related classes
o implement g. passed into any function called draw()
o also important for things like cos, sin, max etc
o but maybe once you're doing more advanced code, that stuff's ok
o or using inner classes is better b/c class stuff works
o related classes also need to implement pConstants
X fixed annoying findSelection bug spew on startup
X (fixed) 0.4f no longer allowed in the code
X size() code no longer checks for resize() and other similar things
X add char(), byte() to int/float stuff
X put jre into 'java' folder, include win32comm
X finish tweaks to folder layout in distribution ('java' subdir)
X move p5 stuff out of lib so that dir can be moved more easily
X maybe put bin/lib inside 'jre' folder and keep lib for p5
X for people that want the space, they could remove 'jre'
X will make much simpler to update
X serial is probably broken in newer versions b/c of 1.3
X fixed, only win32comm was missing from dll dir
X change editor.button_bgcolor -> editor.buttons.bgcolor
X if no 0 before decimal place in a number it breaks
X change plane to quad
X get new casey colors and buttons
X change 'rect' to 'plane' (point/line/plane)
X also rectMode to planeMode
X delay wasn't working for casey
X works fine on pc.. maybe a mac problem
X turned out to be a misunderstanding for loop()
X curve and bezier behave differently for indexing points
X change bezier to act the same (each addl point)
X allow ui to be colored/skinned so creas can tweak
X make macintosh release
X font file names are getting mangled on mac (too long)
X new set of fonts, make sure the names are ok
X bug fixes (lighting was broken)
X not released, tweaks and bug fixes in paris hotel
X not released, just working on tweaks and bug fixes
X cosmetic ui update so that it's not so dbn-like
X should this instead be simple colors update (no placement)
X move everything to new bagel api names
X having to put 'f' after everything is a mess
X included oro matcher, no need to use anymore :)
o fix bugs from the 'bugs' file
o then remove the file from cvs
o if fill(), need to draw several non-stroked planes
o if stroke(), then draw single lines for each edge
o do not duplicate edges for lines
o also problem filling on beginShape() triangle stuff
X z coordinates are backwards from gl (at least from mazo)
X looked into it, this doesn't appear to be the case..
X how did this happen? what's the appropriate way to fix?
X in gl, positive z goes into the screen
X may be able to do a scale(0, 0, -1) that doesn't affect dims
X then when dims set to 3, will fix the z coords
X this will also affect zbuffer ordering
X if BagelImage doesn't load, then image() calls arrayindexoutofbounds
X better solution for this (error while opening image)
X get rid of 'kill' button
X int version of min and abs
X introduce pImage, pFont, pGraphics, pConstants (pSound)
questions answered..
X is day, month, year overkill inside processingapplet?
X decided no
X loadImage or getImage?
X loadImage sounds better to ben and casey
X circle/square functions
X doesn't seem necessary
X main problem is that with ellipse, points aren't inside shape
X should the default be 100x100
X yes, casey won
X default background color: 204
X casey prevails again
X maybe stop/kill button should only be a stop btn - yes
X what to call 'pouch' directory? -- data
X function name to toggle drawing from center: ellipseMode(), rectMode()
X PImage, PFont or how to name?
X pImage, pFont, pGraphics, pSound
X bezierVertex/catmullRomVertex poorly named (based on algo used)
X instead curveVertex/fitCurveVertex/etc.
X use curveVertex and bezierVertex
bagel miscellaneous
X change lightsOn/lightsOff to lights() and noLights()
X beginShape() defaults to POLYGON
X introduce constants for other poly modes
X add ellipseMode(), rectMode()
X bezier and catmullrom aren't setting ndim to at least two
X ?? not sure why they would
X translate(x, y) doesn't seem to affect a rect()
X flat_rect was being used where ndim was 2, not 0
X curveVertex and bezierVertex instead of catmull/bezier crap
X single color function
X need to clamp colors (nothing > 255 or < 0)
X (garbage created when color values out of range)
X do by simplifying stroke/fill/background inside bagel
X these should be done w/ a switch (STROKE, FILL, BK, OTHER)
X needs to be done inside cpp version too.. minimize amt of code
X rewrite fill/stroke/etc to use same code
X doesn't need to be super fast, so the extra assigns no big deal
X move MemoryImageSource out of bagel and into ProcessingApplet
X need to run bagel to just render to a large internal buffer
X this fits better with the c++ model of things
X make default size be 100x100
X make default background color 204
X lightsOff() seems dumb with noStroke and noFill
X lights() and noLights()
X fix fonts.. try megan's color selector applet
0017 improve exporting and lines
X g.applet = this at beginning of program
X finish setFont with a font size
X add 'hint' function for scaling line thickness
X add hint for super smooth images
X add preferredsize to processingapplet
X bug in Bagel.loadImage that made images not work in applets
X catch exception inside polygon scanner (slower?)
X millis returns 0 (though getMillis() is fine)
X explicity refresh screen on macosx at end of loop:
X java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync();
X disable play.external by default
X flickery jumpy thing with canvas.. sun jvm bug
X switched to ibm java vm
X fix z coordinate, ndims not being set to 3
X put bezierCurve and catmullRomCurve back in
X examples - setting background using a full screen image
X uses System.arraycopy for speed
X update to newer version of kjc (1.5B)
X move website to cvs
X make fake cvs user that creas and i can share passwd of
X unwarped_image() is broken (making things slow for jseo)
X then fix in c++ version
X special case lines of thickness 1
X doing way too much work to draw thin lines
X using full 3D polygon fella for semi-obviously 1 pixel lines
X may have fixed OutOfMemoryError problems
X run.bat had included -ms256m -mx256m
X ellipse draws in the opposite direction of the origin
X actually fix the bug with extends
X wasn't included in previous release
X option to set full screen background color
X uses fullscreen.bgcolor in lib/pde.properties
X remove 'colorScale' from the default program in pde
X fix color cube applet
X make it run in current version of processing
X fix background from showing up black
X screenGrab() code (single frame to tif)
X externally loaded files are off by 1 line for errors
X 'extends' replacement is mangling things.. fix it
X image(img, x, y) was broken for unwarped mode, disabled it
X add java.* to top of processingapplet default base class used by kjc
X KjcProcessingApplet is dumb, kjc should make subst itself
o give warning when compiling w/o kjcprocessingapplet
X random bug with an extra line being added in beginner mode
X (threw off error markings)
X z=0 shit, 2D stuff needs to draw over z=0 plane
X new objects draw behind old objects with noBackground()
X fix crappy way of determining if inside a class--ignores comments
X hope this fis works.. not tested much
X make acu fonts work again
X write code to use simple bitmap fonts
X add a file with bugs for testing
X kjc not smart enough to just compile things that are in classpath
X redo random functions in processing applet
X strangeness with stroke when a rect goes off outside the window
X rect now uses x, y, width, height instead of x1, y1, x2, y2
X circle has been replaced with ellipse (uses xywh)
X box takes diameter, or width, height, depth [NOT IN CPP]
X sphere is the same as box [NOT IN CPP]
X got rid of colorscale and using colormode for all instead
X make changes in documentation
X 'ellipse' instead of 'oval'?
X make note in documentation
X catmullrom is broken
X write documentation for new curve functions
o make note in docs about removal of LINE from LINES
X setting origins
X should shapes draw from center or from upper left?
X should ovals use radius or diameter?
X should shapes use x1, y1 - x2, y2 or x, y, w, h?
X nice to have a random number generator between -1..1
X as well as an integer random; instead of just 0..1
X show creas how to get access to cvs
X documentation says 'mouseDown' even though it's 'mousePressed'
X font support
X use gzip to compress bitmaps (made 115k vlw font -> 16k)
X loadImage/loadFont or getImage/getFont?
X text(char c), text(string s)
X current acu fonts are broken
X image support
X image() and 2D/2D affine versions of it
X no stroke should show up on image()
X fill being set on image() produces weird results
X has to be set, but doesn't actually affect color
X min() seems funny/unavailable
X worked fine for me
X bagel fixes
X beginShape(POINTS) is not working, no marks are appearing
X this was a pain in the ass to fix
X beginShape(LINE_LOOP) is not looping around
X stroked POLYGON should emulate a LINE_LOOP
X fill white, stroke black, background white default in bagel
X remove duplicates: LINE/LINES etc
X 'draw mode' applet support
X 'advanced' applet support
X write documentation about having to use 'extends KjcProcessingApplet'
X add a note about editor.expandTabs,balanceParens,tabSize,autoIndent
X also add note about paren balancing doing strange things
X leave the others turned on, but parens off by default
X enable/disable full screen leaves windows in back
X (may just require two toFront() calls)
X whenever background is frontmost, have it call tofront on editor
X ctrl-s does 'save', button on toolbar does 'save as'
X fixed auto-indent bug for editor
X SimpleSerialDemo.pde had a bug (was old version)
X re-enabled key commands for editor (tab expansion, auto-indent)
X serial bugs
X ability to control sleep time from simple
X message[] not buffer[]
X synchronize
X signed byte crap is confusing, make into chars
X bk(n), fill(n), stroke(n) should be consistent with tuples
X make notes in serial docs
X processing app needs to start first
X currently a bug requiring stop the close before starting
X get serial i/o code working in processing
X how to kill serial when applet stopped
X finalizer prolly not getting called
X running out of memory, presumably b/c applets not being cleared
X happens inside init() of applet (at new Bagel())
X figure out why threads aren't actually dying
X disassociate processing applet with a window on stop?
X possible to maintain bagel, but kill applet?
X or copy bagel's image, and kill that too?
X put debugging stuff back into Kjc (i disabled some stuff)
X convert documentation to html
o setup imrf linux machine?
o get proce55ing.net, make that the target launch site
o write a dbn compatability mode (forever() instead of loop() ?)

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@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
future things that we'd like to do but may never get to
_ quality of compiler errors + multiple errors
X additional class files.. .java or .pde
X find/replace
_ documenting how the environment works / is set up
X find/replace
X println speed improvements
_ 'debug' that shows a variable (rather than many many println)
X tabs for multiple files
2 _ setting breakpoints / stepping through
2 _ useful as understanding for how program works
2 _ tracing like director
2 _ tracing variables
2 _ bspace object
b X 7 day search on discourse board
2 _ colorMode(CMYK)
2 _ just does 1-r/1-g/1-b inside
2 _ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMYK_color_model#Converting_between_RGB_and_CMYK
2 _ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Tools;action=display;num=1082055374;start=0
CORE / Fonts
2 _ textTracking()
2 _ sbit font support
2 _ both reading and building sbit fonts
CORE / PGraphics3
2 _ picking
2 _ what is the API for picking?
2 _ ability to write data other than image into the buffer
2 _ user can introduce new kinds of buffers at will (!)
2 _ lists of names of objects, or the 'line number' buffer
2 _ but how to determine *where* on object the hit occurs
2 _ materials and shading
2 _ nicer/simpler api for moving the camera around
2 _ cartesian/polar conversion
2 _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1053354853
2 _ thread includes code for the 2D case
2 _ alter strokeWidth in LINE_STRIP
2 _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1053795842;start=0
2 _ keypressed is not persistent
2 _ key repeat in os vs. how java handles it
2 _ search java faq for info about getting around it
2 _ drawMode() for MULTIPLY and ADD
2 _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1051208333
2 _ better api for fonts
2 _ try with 1.4 frame buffer stuff to see if it's faster
2 _ write shearing function
2 _ optimize rotation functions
2 _ update/noUpdate() could also be done to force explicit updates only
2 _ for ui-type applications that don't need to continually redraw
2 _ instead use void update() as a function like loop and draw
2 _ third mode for interactive apps that have to be queried
2 _ shouldn't do so much work (redrawing in loop) if waiting for input
2 _ mode for when no full animation taking place
2 _ otherwise machine is continually maxed out while app is running
2 _ way to screen grab at higher resolution
2 _ method for rendering at higher res and then scaling down
2 _ (even if this causes signficant performance hit)
2 _ look at GLUT for other needed shapes
2 _ export to static flash-based graphics
2 _ build in second matrix type: 2d affine
2 _ write code for reading uncompressed b/w tiff images
2 _ incorporate for fixed width fonts
2 _ fast(er?) version of bagel that just uses java graphics
2 _ but leaves out many features
2 _ setting a fill color when drawing an image should affect the image
2 _ or maybe image.setColor or setTone to mix a specific color in
PDE / see you next year
not necessary for 1.0 release
2 _ better api for plugins
2 _ jedit guide might be useful: http://plugins.jedit.org/building.php
2 _ comments -> embedding in applet text? (ala javadoc)
2 _ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1076967353
2 _ would this help casey with the examples?
2 _ type-ahead/teaching functions
2 _ very useful for learning to program
2 _ editor features asked for on the bboard
2 _ line numbers like bbedit
2 _ command to comment-out the current selection
2 _ split screen
2 _ collapsable functions, or quick access to functions
2 _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1051301511
2 _ make console like director messagewindow..
2 _ ability to type commands and try functions
2 _ menu option to change username/login
2 _ if new user, offer to rename 'default' if it contains things
2 _ user name is changed by clicking and typing
2 _ after user hits 'enter', checks to see if user exists
2 _ if not, pops up message asking if they want to change
2 _ message goes in same spot as error/status label (turns yellow?)
2 _ if user says 'no', then
2 _ method of collapsing history for useful versions
2 _ archive associated files as well.. data/etc
2 _ see about setting up simple bug tracker/feature system
2 _ // We can use sourceforge for bug tracking... (reas)
2 _ queue for people reporting things externally
2 _ bugzilla but simpler
2 _ would also be nice for people to be able to vote on features
2 _ run java code besides processing applets
2 _ if not processing applet, look for a main(), no main give an error
2 _ dbn2p5 converter.. ooh!
2 _ tweak updater a little bit so it's more likely to work
2 _ use numbered versioning?
2 _ give updater feedback (progress dialog, error msg)
2 _ error messages with link to what's wrong
2 _ lots of ui ideas from adrien in the bbedit
2 _ some ui stuff from fdb
2 _ rename the button options to verbs
2 _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1032909986
PDE / science fiction
features we love, but probably won't be implemented 2048
2 _ code as columns (screen is wide, code is not)
3 _ toggle for showing a function name each time its hit
3 _ toggle for showing line numbers within a function
3 _ i'm here messages, tie in with breakpoints for debugger
3 _ lightweight debugger, doesn't slow down, runs in back
3 _ toggle to show attr/value for some var in simple way
3 _ comments as debugging descriptors, output to console, shown in context
3 _ comments as naming for shapes drawn after it,
3 _ or some other model of naming based on inserted text with "" or // or #
3 _ could fit nicely with printf-style statements and comments
3 _ comments would contain descriptions //!blah for printing and formatting
3 _ sketchbook - doodling/scribbling area..
3 _ since wacom tablet easily accessible
3 _ look into maxx programming
3 _ single or multi-file cvs, not based on directories
3 _ i.e. i want illustrator.java for a project
3 _ version # stored in .java file
3 _ if a new version is available, asks 'do you want to update?'
3 _ multi-file: quicksort + sortable
3 _ check out interface builder for interesting tidbits
3 _ write converter for java bagel -> cpp version
3 _ include #ifdefs for c stuff
PDE / Pre-preprocessor & Compiler
Currently using Oro for search and replace preprocessor,
but Dan Mosedale is moving us to ANTLR
2 _ for int i for 0 to b.length
2 _ for i from 0 upto b.length
2 _ actionscript has nice hastables.. as does perl/python
2 _ would be nice to get better implementation in there
2 _ additional data conversions to avoid this syntax:
2 _ Integer.toString(), Integer.parseInt()
2 _ works like class casting: int(23.4) same as ((int) 23.4)
2 _ String(1234) -> translates to String.valueOf(1234);
2 _ works for all data types that support valueOf
2 _ i.e. valueOf(Object) returns null or Object.toString()
2 _ int("1234") -> Integer.parseInt("1234")
2 _ float("1234.35") -> (new Float("1234.35").floatValue())
2 _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1060940705
2 _ (blah, blah, blah) = split(blah, "\t")
2 _ 'like php's "explode" function'
2 _ http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php
2 _ example 2 is the more interesting one...
2 _ list($user, $pass, $uid, $gid, $gecos..) = explode(":", $data);
2 _ also see the inverse of that:
2 _ http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.implode.php
2 _ foreach implementation, ala java 1.5 spec
2 _ http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/jsr/tiger/enhanced-for.html
2 _ for (String s : c) { ... }
2 _ or example for sum of int array:
2 _ int sum = 0; for (int e : a) { sum += e; }
2 _ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) -> for (int i < 10) (?)
2 _ what's a better method for this?
2 _ check through all the examples to look for other themes
2 _ contextual syntax highlighting based on grammar
2 _ everything that's in java.lang plus more is too much for keywords
2 _ http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_software_bugs;action=display;num=1045665326

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@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
this file includes licensing information for parts of processing.
this file includes licensing information for parts of arduino.
the gnu general public license covers the main body of the processing code
(in general, all the stuff inside the 'app' subfolder).
first, the gnu general public license, which covers the main body
of the processing/arduino code (in general, all the stuff inside the 'app'
and 'core' subfolders).
next, the gnu lesser general public license that covers the arduino core
and libraries.
Version 2.1, February 1999
the original document can be found at:
Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
the version number 2.1.]
IBM Public License Version 1.0
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You
can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
these things.
"Contribution" means:
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
a) in the case of International Business Machines Corporation ("IBM"),
the Original Program, and
For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide
complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
b) in the case of each Contributor,
We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
i) changes to the Program, and
To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
introduced by others.
Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot
effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that
any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
ii) additions to the Program;
where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and
are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution
'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such
Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's
behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the Program which:
(i) are separate modules of software distributed in conjunction with
the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii) are not
derivative works of the Program.
Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser
General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use
this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
libraries into non-free programs.
"Contributor" means IBM and any other entity that distributes the
When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary
General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General
Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
the library.
"Licensed Patents " mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor
which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution
alone or when combined with the Program.
We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less
of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages
are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
special circumstances.
For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be
allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free
library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this
case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
"Original Program" means the original version of the software
accompanying this Agreement as released by IBM, including source code,
object code and documentation, if any.
In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
"Program" means the Original Program and Contributions.
Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
that program using a modified version of the Library.
"Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this
Agreement, including all Contributors.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
be combined with the library in order to run.
0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
Each licensee is addressed as "you".
A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby
grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright
license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display,
publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the Contribution of such
Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source code and
object code form.
The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
included without limitation in the term "modification".)
b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby
grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent
license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell,
import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such Contributor, if
any, in source code and object code form. This patent license shall
apply to the combination of the Contribution and the Program if, at
the time the Contribution is added by the Contributor, such addition
of the Contribution causes such combination to be covered by the
Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any other
combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per se is
licensed hereunder.
"Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
and installation of the library.
c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the
licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are
provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the
patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Each
Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims brought by
any other entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights
or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses
granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility
to secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any. For
example, if a third party patent license is required to allow
Recipient to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility
to acquire that license before distributing the Program.
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
and what the program that uses the Library does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has sufficient
copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant the copyright
license set forth in this Agreement.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form
under its own license agreement, provided that:
c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and
d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
in the event an application does not supply such function or
table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
its purpose remains meaningful.
b) its license agreement:
(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
application-supplied function or table used by this function must
be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
root function must still compute square roots.)
i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all warranties
and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or
conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or
conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose;
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all liability
for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and
consequential damages, such as lost profits;
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Library.
iii) states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement are
offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other party; and
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
iv) states that source code for the Program is available from such
Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable
manner on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange.
3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
these notices.
Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
When the Program is made available in source code form:
a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and
b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of the
This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
the Library into a program that is not a library.
Each Contributor must include the following in a conspicuous location
in the Program:
4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
medium customarily used for software interchange.
Copyright 2003, International Business Machines Corporation and
others. All Rights Reserved.
If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
In addition, each Contributor must identify itself as the originator
of its Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows
subsequent Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution.
5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
Commercial distributors of software may accept certain
responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the
like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use
of the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a
commercial product offering should do so in a manner which does not
create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a
Contributor includes the Program in a commercial product offering,
such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend
and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor")
against any losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising
from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third party
against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the acts
or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its
distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The
obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses
relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property
infringement. In order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a)
promptly notify the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim,
and b) allow the Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with
the Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement
negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such
claim at its own expense.
If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
Library will still fall under Section 6.)
For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial
product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial
Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance
claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance
claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility
alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to
defend claims against the other Contributors related to those
performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other
Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor
must pay those damages.
Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications.
You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
of these things:
a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
to use the modified definitions.)
responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and
distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its
exercise of rights under this Agreement, including but not limited to
the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable
laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and
unavailability or interruption of operations.
b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
least three years, to give the same user the materials
specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
than the cost of performing this distribution.
d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
specified materials from the same place.
e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
the executable.
It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under
applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of
the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further
action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the
minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
Sections above.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Library or works based on it.
10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
this License.
11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
written in the body of this License.
13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
the Free Software Foundation.
14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
and reuse of software generally.
If Recipient institutes patent litigation against a Contributor with
respect to a patent applicable to software (including a cross-claim or
counterclaim in a lawsuit), then any patent licenses granted by that
Contributor to such Recipient under this Agreement shall terminate as
of the date such litigation is filed. In addition, If Recipient
institutes patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Program
itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or

View File

@ -1,606 +0,0 @@
casey -- this is a bunch of crap that i've scribbled down as i've
thought of it.. maybe they should be moved to your list or removed if
they're not useful?
_ mention connection to java and docs on getting started in java
_ make clear that setup is just for setup
_ but should also in the future allow to create static image
_ notes on debugging
_ run with java -Xint blahblah (turns off jit)
// I don't know where this should live, on BBS? What do you think
_ p5 faq items: re midi support, msgs w/ adam hoyle in mail folder
_ also 'why p5' message from amit pitaru on 12/15/02
_ and p5 versus flash stuff
_ lists the main arguments, could be a useful document
_ list of reserved keywords
_ make note of functions/variables used by ProcessingApplet
_ using them in your app will break things (i.e. init())
_ explain using inner classes and using non-public classes
_ start 'errors' section
_ NullPointerException inside setup usually means no size()
_ ability to write functions and inner classes
_ mention ability to use import statements in java mode
_ ability to do real (but not public) classes in same document
_ check to see if get/set functions in applet actually work
_ fix documentation appropriately
_ image formats supported (gif and jpeg)
_ if image doesn't load, just prints an error on console
_ notes about running on win98 and that stupid startup exception
_ make note in documentation about convex polygons
DOCS / technotes
_ using runtime.exec to run .ai files
_ code to automatically open generated .ai files (exec(..ai))
_ debugging serial code
_ hyperterminal - watching for binary garbage vs ascii text
_ first debug (maybe even using ascii) and watch in hyperterminal
_ or ship pooterm along with processing
_ flicker - often ascii instead of binary
_ timing of sleep, size of message, timing of write
_ starting processing first, then stamp
_ using objectXYZ() and screenXYZ()
_ using curves
_ making things faster
_ memory running out, using ms and mx
_ noBackground() if you're covering everything
_ converting to/from ascii/decimal/hex/binary
_ fixed width font format as technote and how to use
Adding to the API for advanced users, supporting concise coding
foreach String line (lines)
foreach (String line = lines)
foreach (String line, lines)
foreach (String line) of lines
..would translate to..
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
String line = lines[i];
for (int i = 0..10) or for (int i, 0..10)
foreach (int i) of 0..10
for (int i = start..stop)
..translating to..
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (int i = start; i < stop; i++)
emit(arrayImageX) or printvar? or vprint?
..would translate to..
println("arrayImageX = " + arrayImageX);
emit(arrayImageX, arrayImageY)
..would translate to..
println("arrayImageX, arrayImageY = " + arrayImageX + ", " + arrayImageY)
Scribblings for future API...
BXSocket, BXServerSocket
> - playback of samples :
> - methods: startSound (loop_num, start_ms, end_ms) , stopSound(),
> volume() , pan()
> - properties: duration
> - formats: wav ( mp3 would be nice for compression )
> - events: onSoundEnd(), onSoundLoop()
> - synthesis (generating waves, filtering waves) would be wonderful to have
> as well, but i think that samples should come first.
BXSound, BXSampler or BXAudio
play aiff or mp3 sound with a single command
play buffer of samples with a single command
full class allows play/pause/more advanced loading
BXMovieInput/Output or BXVideo or BXQuickTimeOutput/Input
BXMovie and BXCamera?
BXImageIO, BXTiffImage
BXDataFile (csv or tab separated data)
BXDatabase, BXDatabaseCache (keeps queries to fill out table)
opt-in/opt-out #ifdef setup
rather than forcing people to use buzz.pl to compile. could pick
features that are opt-out, like net, that would have comments:
//#ifdef NET
meaning that it would normally get compiled without any trouble
or similarly, could have other sections commented out that are opt-in,
that use #ifdefs to be enabled.`
Things that break often/things to test
_ handling of key events (both as applet and in application)
_ per-vertex coloring for different kinds of shapes
_ that each shape type works as expected
_ what if one short or one too many vertices?
_ transforms are affecting geometry
_ i.e. are line and point working in 3D?
_ why did i think that z was backwards from gl?
biggest problems from french workshop
_ syntax more difficult than expected: semicolons and braces
_ part is translation issue--wasn't a quick fix
_ curly braces weren't on the keyboard
_ encouraging people to indent their code for clarity
_ slow to understand 'blocks'
_ translation issue but could be aided by visual cues in editor
_ might be better to use braces on separate lines to reinforce
_ couldn't enforce people working on specific exercises
_ too many cubes.. people playing with 3d before understanding it
_ would be nice to have examples for all concepts on site
_ or in a small printed book that serves as a reference
_ courseware not complete--difficult to collect assignments
teaching 3D
_ expectation for 3D objects is that they begin in the center
_ rather than a translate(W/2, H/2) then draw rotating cube
_ make processing useful/usable
_ start working on writing pdf files
_ loading images/files from same dir as .pde file
_ option to use jikes
_ use external editor or write a usable one
_ write simple class for lcd panel
_ build adapter to plug directly into db9 serial port
_ figure out characters used on screen by default (check web)
_ make unicode converter from unicode char -> lcd screen bytes
_ hook up lcd screen to power/serial port to test
_ code to reprogram lcd screen
_ look through rabbit api
_ look into integration of cmd line compiler
_ check out flash for its text editor
_ write function to swap different names for Proce55ing
_ use for window title
_ simple app that does swapping of letters as an animation
also an interesting possibility (for tech-minded only)
use terminal emulator, and run iostream from process
use pooterm stuff for the emulation window
key commands would conflict
but could use emacs under osx, linux
use nano (maybe emacs?) under windows
and nothing for macos9
where to install jikes, jre, others?
jre may need to be back in cvs, but annoying for dist
because of all the CVS directories that it makes
cvs co processing
cd processing
cvs update -P
# optional, if you're only doing java dev
rm -rf web
need to have rt.jar from jdk 1.1 and comm.jar in the CLASSPATH
to build bagel.. just gotta be that way, it's too messy otherwise
need cygwin: zip, unzip, perl
little guys: rm, cp, mv, tcsh
build jikes for cygwin, use version 1.14, later than that has bugs
./configure, make, make install
add $cygwin/usr/local/bin to path
dist directories contain only the files specific to that platform
(those are the ones checked into cvs)
when dist.sh is run:
1) a copy of the dist dir is created, renamed 'processing-nnnn'
2) the remaining files are added (buttons.gif, pde.properties)
3) files are lf converted (i.e. notes.txt)
comm.jar now needs to be in CLASSPATH for build environment
macos may be superior platform for building
retain unix file permissions for linux
resource fork goodness for the mac
for jgl version of bagel, jgl.jar needs to be in classpath
The C Language version of the Bagel Graphics Library
bagel engine: memoryimagesource, opengl, illustrator, postscript, pdf
bagel to run on j2me / phones
output to multiple languages: java -> c++ conversion
cbagel engine: memory array, opengl bindings
_ modify cbagel for opie
_ would be interesting to build pre-processor for java p5
_ but that converts into cpp version of bagel apps.. mmm
_ update cbagel to current bagel status
_ get gcc tied into processing
_ java disassembly inside p5
_ and assmebling it back again
_ color() has a different meaning
_ formerly a normalized 0..1 float to a packed rgb int
_ now it's a color according to current standards
_ float_color is a private version of the previous color()
_ curve was broken (cvertexIndex being reset)
_ curve() now doubles start/end points to be more logical
_ (fits all four points by drawing six points)
_ try screengrab using malloc and/or gobs of extra memory
_ debug the version inside bagel b/c it's simpler
_ bagel needs to be able to resize itself
_ also to address screen as if it's another size
_ is that simply a matter of changing the viewport?
_ letterboxing as appropriate
_ build windows app for testing bagel c++ ... -lgdi32 for cygwin
_ updates from p5 api changes
_ triangle() 6 parameters
_ quad() 8 parameters
_ rect/rectMode again
_ new color solution
_ color() -> uses colorMode
_ red/green/blue() hue/saturation/value() functions
_ getPixel/setPixel
_ swap in 'color' as an int
_ color c = #67aa78
_ keyDown(), mouseDown(), lastMouseX, lastMouseY
_ degrees(), radians()
_ fill, background, stroke all with int version for packed rgb
_ why won't glut shut up about modifiers?
_ add millis() to bappletgl that returns glut millis
_ BGL_PATH should turn paths into os9 ready paths for os9
_ or whatever else for the other platforms
_ macos9: font = loadFont(":fonts:Univers55.vlw");
_ or could use a "File" style object
_ or do all path conversions internally:
_ loadFont, loadImage.. already do gz decoding
_ makingmovie/screengrab should be moved into bapplet,
_ along with the stuff for making an ai screen grab
_ mouseX/lastMouseX should be handled automatically
_ mousePressed() function may not need vars passed in
_ or maybe the only vars are alt/left-right/ctrl/shift
_ maybe mouseevent is passed in, but not used in the
_ function unless people want advanced features
_ mouseX/mouseY/lastMouseX/lastMouseY all set by parent class
_ lastKey and lastKeyCode -- not as useful as the mouse stuff
// File
Save as
Export Web
Export Application
// Edit
Select All
// Control
Step Forward (farway future)
Step Backward (faraway future)
// Sketch
Clear History
// Environment
Serial Port
Use External Editor
jdk 1.3 packages
jdk 1.4 packages

readme.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple i/o
board and a development environment that implements the Processing/Wiring
language. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or
can be connected to software on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP).
The boards can be assembled by hand or purchased preassembled; the open-source
IDE can be downloaded for free.
For more information, see the website at: http://www.arduino.cc/
or the forums at: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl
To report a bug or a make a suggestions, go to:
[hardware] http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?board=hwbugs
[software] http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?board=swbugs
Detailed instructions are in reference/Guide_Windows.html and
reference/Guide_MacOSX.html. For Linux, see the Arduino playground:
If you are using a USB Arduino, you will need to install the drivers for the
FTDI chip on the board. These can be found in the drivers/ directory.
* On Windows, plug in the Arduino board and point the Windows Add Hardware
wizard to the drivers/FTDI USB Drivers sub-directory of the Arduino
application directory.
* On the Mac, mount the FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_1_9.dmg (on PPC Macs) or the
FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_9_Intel.dmg (on Intel Macs) disk image and run the
included FTDIUSBSerialDriver.pkg. You will need to restart your computer.
* On Linux, drivers are included in kernel versions 2.4.20 or greater.
Arduino is an open source project, supported by many.
The Arduino team is composed of Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom Igoe,
Gianluca Martino, and David A. Mellis.
Nicholas Zambetti has contributed from the beginning.
Yaniv Steiner and Giorgio Olivero have been supporting the project and are
working at using it with the Instant Soup platform.
Arduino uses the GNU avr-gcc toolchain, avrdude, avr-libc, and code from
Processing and Wiring.
0016 - 2009.05.30
[documentation / examples]
* New communication examples (w/ corresponding Processing and Max/MSP code) by
Tom Igoe.
[core / libraries]
* Adding support for the Arduino Pro and Pro Mini 3.3V / 8 MHz w/ ATmega328.
* Adding support for the LilyPad Arduino w/ ATmega328.
* Adding write(str) and write(buf, size) methods to Print, Serial, and the
Ethernet library Client and Server classes. This allows for more efficient
(fewer packet) Ethernet communication. (Thanks to mikalhart.)
* Improvements to the way the Ethernet library Client class connects and
disconnects. Should reduce or eliminate failed connections and long
timeouts. (Thanks to Bruce Luckcuck.)
* Optimizing the timer0 overflow interrupt handler (used for millis() and
micros()). Thanks to westfw and mikalhart.
* Fixing bug that limited the bit() macro to 15 bits. Thanks to Paul Badger.
* Adding ARDUINO version constant (thanks to prodding from mikalhart).
* Ordering the items in the Tools > Board menu.
* Adding "Copy as HTML" command to the Tools menu.
* Eliminating (maybe) the occasional "Couldn't determine program size" errors.
Thanks to the Clever Monkey.
* Moving selection of Linux look-and-feel into the arduino script so it can
be changed by users. Thanks to Eberhard Fahle.
* Adding automatic dependency generation to the Makefile. (Lars Immisch)
0015 - 2009.03.26
[core / libraries]
* Adding support for the Arduino Mega (ATmega1280).
* Reinstating use of core.a library in the build process, slightly shrinking
compiled sketch sizes. (Thanks to William Westfield.)
* Fixing bug in copy for forum (thanks to eried).
0014 - 2009.03.07
[core / libraries]
* Fixing bug that prevented multiple outgoing Client connections with the
ethernet library.
* Clarifying ATmega168 vs. ATmega328 in the Tools > Boards menu.
* Updating the Mac OS X AVR tools to AVR MacPack 20081213. This includes
avr-gcc 4.3.2, which should fix problems with functions called from
within interrupts.
0013 - 2009.02.06
[documentation / examples]
* Adding examples for Parallax Ping Sensor and Memsic 2125 accelerometer.
[core / libraries]
* Adding support for the ATmega328. The upload speed is 57600 baud, so you
may need to edit boards.txt or reburn your bootloader if you bought an
ATmega328 w/ bootloader from adafruit or other supplier.
* Adding support for printing floats to Print class (meaning that it works
in the Serial, Ethernet, and LiquidCrystal classes too). Includes two
decimal places.
* Added word, word(), bitRead(), bitWrite(), bitSet(), bitClear(), bit(),
lowByte(), and highByte(); see reference for details.
* Working around problem that caused PWM output on pins 5 and 6 to never go
to 0 (causing, for example, an LED to continue to glow faintly).
* Removing cast macros, since function-style casts are a feature of C++. This
should fix contributed libraries that broke in Arduino 0012.
* Modifying pulseIn() to wait for a transition to start timing (i.e. ignoring
any pulse that had already started when the function was called).
* Fixing bug in random() that limited the ranges of values generated. Thanks
to Mikal Hart.
* Modifying delay() to pause for at least the given number of milliseconds.
* Fixing bug in Ethernet library that interfered with use of pins 8 and 9.
* Originating each outgoing network connection from a different port (in the
Client class of the Ethernet library). Thanks to Paul and joquer.
* Updating ATmega168 bootloader to work with standard distributions of avrdude
(responding to signature requests made with the universal SPI command) and
correctly store EEPROM data. Thanks to ladyada.
* Omitting unused functions from compiled sketches, reducing their size.
* Changing compilation process to allow for use of EEMEM directive (although
not yet uploading EEPROM data).
0012 - 2008.09.18
* Added Arduino Nano to the boards menu.
* Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (8 MHz) to the boards menu.
* Added Firmata library by Hans Steiner and others. This provides a standard
protocol for communicating with software on the computer.
* Added an Ethernet library for use with the Arduino Ethernet Shield.
* Added a Servo library based on the work of Jim Studt.
* Added a LiquidCrystal library based on the work in the playground. It
supports both 4- and 8-bit modes.
* Improved millis(): it now overflows after 49 days instead of 9 hours, but
now uses slightly more processing power.
* Fixed reversing direction bug in Stepper library. (Thanks to Wayne Holder.)
* Moved insertion of #include <WProgram.h> to after any comments and #include
statements in the main sketch file. This means that an #include <stdlib.h>
now works.
* Upgraded to newer versions of avr-gcc (4.3.0) and avr-libc (1.6). This
provides support for newer Atmel chips, but may increase the size
of sketches.
* Allowing per-board specification of the upload.using preference, allowing
upload via bootloader to some boards and via a programmer to others.
* Added return values to some functions in the Wire library to allow for
better error handling.
* Fixed random() to work with long values.
* Creation of an abstract Print base-class to allow Serial, SoftwareSerial,
and LiquidCrystal to share code for print() and println().
* Incorporated ladyada's watchdog timer mods to the bootloader source, but
only compiling them in for the Pro and Pro Mini (because they are included
in the bootloader being burned on the boards by SparkFun).
0011 - 2008.03.28
* Fixed Find in Reference.
* Added map() function for mapping values from one range to another.
* Added analogReference() function.
* Added interrupts() and noInterrupts() functions.
* Added degrees() and radians() functions.
* Added timeout parameter (in microseconds) to pulseIn(); default is 1 second.
* Support for uploading sketch using a programmer.
* Improved detection of functions that need prototyping.
* Placing function prototypes after #include's and #define's.
* No longer moving #include statements to the top of the sketch.
* Can now drag .pde files onto the Arduino dock icon on Mac OS X.
Thanks to Peter Sgouros.
* New script for downloading the reference from Tom Pollard. Thanks Tom!
* Miscellaneous Mac OS X and other patches from Wim Lewis. Thanks Wim!
* Updated Mac OS X FTDI drivers.
0010 - 2007.10.11
* Support for the LilyPad Arduino.
* Vista support.
* Mac OS X universal distribution.
* Printing!
* Copy for discourse.
* New Board menu replaces the Microcontroller menu.
* New Burn Bootloader menu offers a choice of programmers.
* New and improved keyboard shortcuts.
* Fixed some find/replace bugs.
* Better auto-format.
* Improved error messages when uploading.
* Support for COM10 and higher on Windows.
* Fixed automatic refresh of the Serial Port menu under Windows.
* Quaqua look-and-feel on Mac OS X.
* Reorganization of the Arduino application directory.
0009 - 2007.08.06
* Added support for the Arduino Diecimila.
* Switched to using avrdude (instead of uisp) for uploading sketches.
* Added the ability to burn NG and Diecimila bootlaoders (with an AVRISPmkII).
* Fixed a bug in SoftwareSerial (a hardware serial function was being called
instead of the software serial equivalent). Thanks to brianbr for the
report and fix.
0008 - 2007.06.09
* Updated examples (in distribution and on the website).
* Added an EEPROM library (see reference for details).
* Added a Stepper motor library (see reference).
* Patched to reduce binary sketch sizes by building the Arduino core as
a library (.a) file - now only the needed parts of the core are linked into
a sketch. Originally written by Nicolas Roland, revised by Don Cross.
* Fixed bug in Serial.available(). Report and fix by Don Cross.
* Now recompiling libraries when switching microcontrollers. Report by
Julian Bleecker; fix by Nicholas Zambetti.
* Cleaned up core functions: moved pin definitions into program space to save
RAM, and other minor improvements. Contributed by Jim Studt.
* Lots of reference additions and fixes from Paul Badger.
* Changed default microcontroller to ATmega168 from ATmega8.
* Removed the delay from analogRead().
* Activating TWI/I2C pullup resistors on the ATmega168 (in addition to the
0007 - 2006.12.25
* Smaller core (about 3.5 KB instead of 4.5 KB).
* Added a SoftwareSerial library (thanks to Antonio, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, and
bigengineer for their help).
* Implemented a Serial.flush() routine; see reference for details.
* Digital pins 0 and 1 can be used for i/o until a call to Serial.begin().
* Replaced avr-lib's uart routines with custom code for handling serial
communication and modified C++ serial commands to call the C serial commands;
the code may behave slightly differently in border cases (e.g. non-standard
speeds, or on overflow).
* Added attachInterrupt() and detachInterrupt() functions for handling of
external interrupts on pins 2 and 3.
* Implemented shiftOut() routine; see reference for details.
* Defining binary constants: e.g. B1010 is 6.
* Mac versions no longer require running of the macosx_setup.command script.
* Windows version comes with the FTDI USB drivers already unzipped.
* New Linux binary distribution (still requires some programs to be
0006 - 2006.10.21
* Mac version no longer requires Java 1.5, meaning it should run on 10.3.9.
* Added support for analog inputs 6 and 7 and pwm on pins 5 and 6 on the
on the ATmega168 used in the Arduino Mini (extra analog inputs not available
in DIP ATmega168s).
* You now select the baud rate for the serial monitor from within the editor
status bar when the serial monitor is running instead of from the Tools menu.
* Pressing enter within the serial monitor edit box no longer appends a newline
to the message sent to the board.
* Included the Wire (TWI) library from Wiring.
* Updated the reference.
0005 - 2006.09.26
* Applied patch from Hans Steiner to improve Linux support by searching for avr
tools in the user's path instead of expecting them at a fixed location.
* Added an upload.verbose preference for help in debugging.
* ATmega168 support!
* New Wiring-compatible randomSeed(), random(max) and random(min, max) functions
(except operating on longs instead of floats).
* Fixed bug that sometimes caused uploading of old versions of a sketch.
* Serial monitor nows include an interface to send messages to the Arduino
board. Pressing return appends a newline, pushing the send button doesn't.
* Now displaying "burning bootloader..." and "compiling..." status messages.
0004 - 2006.04.26
* Main sketch is now compiled as C++ (instead of C).
* Updated avr toolchain.
* printInteger(), printHex(), etc. now handle longs.
* millis() fixed (now overflows after days, not minutes)
* Fixed path to java in Windows run.bat.
* Added Matrix and Sprite libraries (written with Nicholas Zambetti).
* PWM now working on pin 11 (in addition to pins 9 and 10).
* Slowed PWM frequency (on all three PWM pins) to 1KHz.
* Now give an error if compiled sketch is too big.
* Fixed abs(), min(), max(), and constrain() macros.
* Added menu items to the IDE to burn bootloader.
* Now display binary sketch size on upload, and give error if too big.
* Added C++ serial library.
* Resynced with Processing/Wiring IDE code (improved auto-format, faster logging
to serial monitor console, other bug fixes)
* New library system.
* Updated to latest version of the RXTX serial library; Mac users will need to
rerun macosx_setup.command.
0003 - 2006.01.16
API Changes
* Reversed the analog input pins to correspond to newer boards. This means
a call, for example, to analogRead(0) must be changed to analogRead(5) in
order to read the same physical pin.
* Added a printNewline() function (which sends '\n' = ASCII 10).
New Stuff
* Reference is included (features native to C not yet documented).
* Serial monitor added (click the toolbar button to turn it on or off). Baud
rate is controlled by the Serial Monitor Baud Rate Menu, defaults to 9600.
Icon and implementation from Wiring.
* Serial port menu now automatically refreshes when opened.
* New blue color scheme and icons courtesy of Noah Shibley (colors are hardcoded
into the source to ensure consistency with image files).
* Keyspan and FTDI USB drivers included with Mac and Windows distributions.
Bug Fixes
* millis() now updates every millisecond instead of every second.
* Bootloader included with Windows distribution (it was already in the Mac
* Updated icon of the Windows executable.
* Now flushing the serial port before uploading (should fix some errors).
* Improved accuracy of the delayMicroseconds() function.
* Upload rate no longer selectable from a menu within the IDE. Instead, edit
the serial.download_rate item in the preferences.txt file.
* Created Xcode project for building Arduino on the Mac (doesn't yet regenerate
the grammar files or package the distribution); active target should be "App".
* Removed unused or unimplemented items from menus.
0002 - 2005.10.05
* New build process no longer uses makefiles; now controlled by preferences.txt.
* core/ replaced with targets/; can now link against Wiring libraries.
* Replaced print() with printString, printInteger, printHex, printByte, etc.
* Added menu for selecting serial port speed.
* Updated icon.
* Bootloader shrunk to less than 1 KB; fuses updated accordingly.
* Added serialRead(), serialAvailable(), and delayMicroseconds().
0001 - 2005.08.25
* This is the first released of the unified IDE + language library
it's a terrible hack... but it works. at the moment it's in alpha stage
but it can be used to work.
* The processing preprocessor is included but not used.

View File

@ -1,1251 +1,235 @@
0165 pde (1.0.3)
X no changes in this release
0016 arduino
_ add option to use full screen exclusive mode on present inside pde?
_ override default setting of macosx (yes) and linux/win (no)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1043
_ linux present mode isn't working properly
_ make better version of the windows launcher for debugging
Move library examples from the library folders into the example folder.
_ update to java 6u12
Don't explicitly add the built-in or user library examples to the examples menu. Instead, the built-in library examples will be in the examples folder, and the user-library examples will appear in the sketchbook menu.
X try adding a space to the name of the help menu for beachball problems
_ this works, might be useful to make the switch
_ disable sketchbook and examples menus on os x?
Add library keyword highlighting.
_ after deleting a tab code still get's preprocessed, pde file is not forgotten
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1092
Test the dist.sh. (Revise the disk image and include the drivers.)
_ proper libraries warning dialog
_ check if libraries folder does not exist
_ check to see if other libraries are installed
_ warn user about moving libraries and restarting
Copy over Arduino todo.txt
E2 _ Default wildcard imports are causing naming conflicts
E2 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1103
Add readme (at least to the source tree, even if it doesn't make sense in a distribution of a single .app file)
_ fix isManagingFocus error inside JEditTextArea
Update reference.
_ windows exported exe problems (pcho)
_ lib folder goes missing, give an error
_ also any .jar files that are missing, give an error
_ showing more debug messages (command line?)
Remove the Processing libraries.
_ can't rename a .pde file as a .java file
_ shift-tab with no selection should go back two spaces
Test bootloader burning w/ an AVRISP and a parallel programmer.
_ add general outline of 1.5 and 2.0 releases to the faq
_ video is on its way out, no good/simple solution for fixing now
_ andreas' library will do good things eventually
Add the Serial monitor.
_ move library examples to the examples menu
_ do this once the library documentation has been fixed up
Change the colors.
_ need to do a better job of error handling inside main()
4 _ mangled menu text with java 6u10
4 _ need to try adding the d3d flag to the .exe
4 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1065
[ needs verification ]
_ export and export to application fail with umlauts in folder name
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=252
_ stop button needs to update itself and work properly [1.0]
_ also editor buttons to light up and clear properly
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=396
_ need someone to go out and test all scenarios of this
[ known bugs ]
_ command line support is currently broken
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1048
_ some fixes can be found in the bug report
_ video library threading problems with other libraries
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=882
_ using Capture.list() before size() sometimes works
_ also placing OpenGL inside the extensions directory
_ serial.available() broken with video
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=829
_ first few frames of OpenGL sketches on Windows run slowly
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=874
_ Slow response or spinning wheel from the menu bar on Mac OS X
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=786
_ sometimes not launching
_ this seems to be a threading problem, like an NPE on load/open
_ probaby related to the other load/save sync errors
_ significant point() and set() slowdown on OS X
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1094
with casey
_ specifically add "eclipse" to integration description
_ link books and sample chapters from the "getting started" portion of the faq
_ keep examples.zip in a zip file? (5000 files @ 30 MB instead of 15 MB zip)
_ mark examples as untitled (rather than read-only)
_ maybe even pull these directly from the zip file?
_ load examples from zip files
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1049
_ disallow add file to sketch, export, export application
_ pretty much anything inside the sketch?
_ but don't do this with untitled, cuz it kinda stinks
_ this is too weird--just put examples into individual zip files
_ mark example files as untitled
_ though will that require the sketch to be saved before export?
_ find in reference issues
_ if() and for() don't work, they look for for_.html instead of for.html
_ XMLElement is not linked for find in ref
_ the ? operator is not in find in ref (no ref page either?)
_ update keywords generator script on the site
_ perhaps move this closer to the dev process?
_ move reference folder around so that it matches site organization
_ otherwise several links break on the main faq page
_ discuss i18n issues and proper system (?)
_ look through 404 issues on the site
_ TRIANGLE_STRIP not highlighted for "find in reference"
_ nor is it listed on the reference page
_ so students can't find the ref for it
_ needs to link TRIANGLE_STRIP to the beginShape() reference
libraries and classpaths [1.0]
_ versioning info
_ http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/extensions/versioning.html
_ java.ext.dirs for /System/Library/Java/Extensions
_ http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/extensions/spec.html
_ can set java.ext.dirs to something else
_ on osx, just ignore anything in /Library/Java/Extensions (but not others)?
_ native lib stuff, use native.txt in lib folder, then:
_ String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
_ String osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch");
X update to jogl 1.1.1
X do this with enhanced library/platform support
X see how platform is determined by jogl / use for lib import
_ add control for dependencies (i.e. svg needs xml), needed for export
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=518
_ add "pretty menu name" to the export.txt file
_ move export.txt to xml? (nah, it's only flat information)
_ need better platform designation setup for libs
_ library installation should use the sketchbook folder, not the p5 folder
_ actually enforce this, give users a warning about other libs
_ need to deal with classpath conflicts
_ avoid garbage that people have installed on their machines
_ antlr.jar in the classpath will cause trouble..
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1138652326
_ jogl jar files, or jogl install will cause trouble
_ /System/Library/Java/Extensions or /Library/Java/Extensions
_ the /System one contains qtjava
_ the /Library one is empty (by default), maybe skip it?
_ when a conflicting library is found, need to report it
_ altho prolly only when it's actually different (md5hash it?)
_ this seems to be causing a lot of trouble with recent releases
_ (opengl changes and whatnot)
_ jar files like the bad aiexport plugin will cause serious problems
_ need to ignore processing.core classes showing up in other jar files
_ tougher than it looks, because it all depends on what java wants to use
_ i.e. even if not specified, the stuff will be in the classpath
_ need to make classpath code be less promiscuous
_ the order of adding libraries to classpath should be opposite
_ the important local libraries should be first in cp, user contrib later
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=321
_ java.extension.dirs has the library/extn stuff
_ can probably set this blank
_ the jar from which a class file has been loaded
_ getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getFile()
_ example from jsyn
JSyn Installer build 011
java.vm.version = 1.5.0_07-87
java.library.path = .:/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java
java.ext.dirs = /Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home/lib/ext
Installing Native library JSynV142
Copy: http://www.softsynth.com/jsyn/plugins/archives/libJSynV142.jnilib
to: /Users/fry/Library/Java/Extensions/libJSynV142.jnilib
Native component JSynV142 downloaded successfully.
Installing JAR file JSynClasses.jar
Copy: http://www.softsynth.com/jsyn/plugins/archives/JSynClasses.jar
to: /Users/fry/Library/Java/Extensions/JSynClasses.jar
JAR file JSynClasses.jar downloaded successfully.
Note: you must restart your browser before running any JSyn Applets!
Installation completed.
_ set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to include .dylib and other framework stuff
_ java.library.path will only handle .jnilib stuff
_ need better error messages for broken api / library troubles
_ e.g. ocd is broken in 0125 because of method signature changes
_ could have library developers update compatability note
_ so they would need to test library and say "compatible with 0110"
_ before it would automatically update or show as an update
_ tools -> get library
_ library url: [ http://blahblah.org/something ]
_ this would grab something.version, and something.zip
_ maybe something.xml that would include a bunch of background
_ tools -> update libraries
_ this would check the something.version to see if it's newer
_ document how to add libraries: put in sketchbook (not libraries folder)
_ library/download.url and library/home.url
_ if there's a reference subfolder, add that to the help menu
o and enable it for "find in reference"
X nice idea but too error-prone
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DOC / Bugzilla
_ add bug voting to the bugs db before 1.0 release?
_ remove LATER, REMIND, WORKSFORME as categories; add VERIFY
_ set default reported bug priority to 4 or 5
_ * disable changes to a bug (except by admin) after closed *
_ fix "reply" garbage added
_ fix "back to bug# 778"
_ remove patch designation
_ make severity a radio button (people aren't using it)
_ change to just ( ) Problem ( ) Feature Request (remove 'severity')
_ remove 'platform' dropdown
_ specify some versions? also add back a "target version" for fix?
_ explanation of P1 through P5
_ goes to bugs page
_ longer description of "i found a bug"
_ what was the unfinished bullet item?
_ also something i forgot to add to the opengl faq stuff
_ move the bugs section of the troubleshooting page to dev.processing.org/bugs
_ search for ALL in the bugs db turns up:
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&query_format=advanced&order=bugs.priority,bugs.priority%2Cbugs.resolution%2Cbugs.bug_id&query_based_on=
_ add note to bugs db asking to please use archive sketch and attach
_ make a web page that describes how to use the bugs db
_ don't change the bug subject/summary text
_ don't mess with priorities (i will)
_ need to change what people can edit in the bug report
_ do something about the bug summary field to not make it editable
_ maybe just move it away from its current location?
_ call it "bug title" instead of "summary"?
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=253
_ layout problems with attachments page
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=254
_ layout problems with logout page
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=255
_ bug duplicate text field doesn't retain focus
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=256
_ finish putting all the bugs into bugzilla
_ add a notation to the bugs site re: reading the faq and searching first
X move p5 site bug reporting to bugzilla
_ do the same for suggestions
_ and detail the suggestions policy on the dev site: diy
_ post a page explaining the bug reporting system
_ arrays (frequent questions)
_ using arraylist (avoid vector)
_ cannot use generics
_ using mod to avoid shifting an array
_ append is slow, arraycopy is fast
_ whether arraycopy works to copy array to itself
_ using expand and arrays to move quickly
DOC / Write Me
_ PDE locks up during setup() (since no window shown)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=687
_ maybe better to do an example of running code on another thread
_ when it's done as a script
_ stop() to shut down a sketch (but not quit/close window)
_ MIN_FLOAT, MAX_FLOAT, also the difference from the Java functions
_ also MIN_INT and MAX_INT, even though those are more similar
_ update the reference to cover parseXxxx() stuff
_ also add notes about parseInt/Float(blah, otherwise)
_ also parseInt and parseFloat, how they can return another number or NaN
_ should the default be NaN or 0?
_ get/set are faster way draw screen space images, but no tint, no translations
_ make sure the docs include "beginShape() cannot be nested"
_ also add error messages to the renderers
_ also note that ellipse() et al use beginShape()
_ and that java2d should complain if people try it
_ method to go from function name to the included examples where used?
_ encourage use of set() instead of point() in the drawing api
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1114204116
_ moviemaker video sizes / usability
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Exhibition;action=display;num=1211318862
_ other projects on which p5 is built
_ no longer oro matcher and jikes
_ add: quaqua, jna, registry stuff, .. ?
_ quicktime likes to crash (not just on windows)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=791
_ noLoop() isn't the same as "finished", though it's sometimes used that way
_ to finish, use exit() (though that will make the window close)
_ add this to ref once halt() is finished
_ errors in pdf/index.html examples
_ probably remove these, move the useful ones to the examples folder
_ that way people will read the reference
_ i can't fix these:
An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
all i can do is find things that might trigger them, but it's more likely
than not to be a java problem, and not something that can be fixed
_ notes about getting best results from text in each renderer
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=466
_ add to mac reference for present mode
_ can make full screen work via Info.plist key
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1135921427;start=7#7
_ add to troubleshooting
_ problem with big floats:
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1061302380
_ problem with small floats:
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Programs;action=display;num=1115500448
_ fix syntax highlighting of focusGained and others
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=659
_ verify (and document) public access members of PApplet
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=660
_ some docs missing (therefore not syntax highlighting)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=661
_ constants that are not highlighting (WINDOWS the only one?)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=662
_ consoleXxxx and untitledXxxx folders in /tmp
_ console may be useful for debugging
_ untitled folders are stored in temp folder
_ switching into present mode in info.plist
_ PApplet.this doesn't work
_ doesn't work in javac either--needs to be ClassName.this
_ sketchname.this also doesn't work, because Temporary_NNNN used for name
_ but since it's another tab/class, will run externally
_ so should make the external version use the actual sketch name not temp
_ can't use PApplet.this, doesn't seem to like that
_ instead, must pass variable to inner class
_ errors with serial and libraries
Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
at processing.serial.Serial.<init>(Serial.java:156)
generally, that error means that something is missing from the
CLASSPATH. the NoClassDefError gives erroneous feedback about *what*
class is actually missing, as of java 1.3+ (yay!)
so perhaps conflicting versions of a library in the sketchbook (solve
this by setting to an empty sketchbook temporarily) or files might be
installed in the CLASSPATH variable or something conflicting in
DOC / Text
_ how to use textMode(SHAPE) with opengl
_ things will be extremely slow (fix later)
_ things will also be very ugly on-screen
_ text being nicer in java2d
_ use createFont() to load the font or use a font from your machine
_ note that createFont() is no good for applets/export to web
_ textMode(SCREEN) for P2D and P3D for nice fast text in screen space
_ currently slow in JAVA2D and OPENGL, but this will improve
_ what is the vlw font file format?
_ shapes from 3D type
_ the way to do it (will improve later) is to use some undocumented features
_ 1) you have to use the OPENGL renderer
_ 2) use textMode(SHAPE);
_ 3) use createFont() (which you already are)
_ this will convert all the shape data from the fonts for writing.
_ it will be *extremely* slow, which is part of why it's not documented yet.
_ but it will work with beginRaw().
DOC / Discourse Board
_ auto-close threads when not posted to for 30(?) days
_ add basic guidelines for posting to the board
_ 0. be polite. going on about how much something "sucks" or is "stupid" will make you look like an eight-year-old.
_ 1. don't double (or triple) post
_ 2. if you're having trouble, first see the troubleshooting page
_ 3. if you have a bug, first search the bugs database
_ 4. first check the FAQ
_ 5. use the search bar at the top of every page
_ 6. read revisions.txt
_ someone wrote up an initial version of this
_ how to put [code] around blocks of code
_ also mention contributed plugin for formatting
_ also the reference page on the bb commands
_ i don't answer to instant messages
_ i don't answer email
_ use the bugs db instead of the bugs board
_ use the search box (not the forum search)
_ read the faq, read the faq
_ read the reference.. right-click on a word and choose "find in ref"
_ non-processing posts will be deleted (not a java discussion board)
_ no duplicate posts - find an area and post to
_ explanation of what the areas are
_ be sure to look at the reference, especially the extended reference
_ questions like 'how do i do x' are often solved by looking at the api
_ for instance, to get the framerate, use framerate()
DOC / Other
_ why adding .0001 to a float doesn't work
_ and how they're imprecise in general (use nf)
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1130877990
_ why strong typing? (link also to language thing on main page)
_ we cannot commit to any sort of timeframe on releases
_ under the hood - basic
_ it's all java
_ don't use awt
_ most things are imported by default
_ under the hood - complex
_ how to get started with coding
_ everything subclasses PApplet
_ if you need a particular name, add it with "extends PApplet"
_ all code from tabs is joined to one sketch
_ if you want it separate, then you have to make .java files
_ in doing so, you'll lose access to 'g'
_ add main() to your app to make it run on its own
_ preproc stuff.. have to make setup() into public void setup()
_ (same for key events and all that)
_ performance
_ video stinks.. java2d stinks.. macs stink
_ note in the 'drawing in 2d' section of faq
_ fastest machine possible
_ turn off hyperthreading in the bios
_ nice gfx card only helps opengl
_ dual processor not particularly useful, unless you make more threads
_ but making more threads is often more work than is useful
_ is there a way to do xxx?
_ advanced users who are outgrowing the basic reference:
_ be sure to check the "complete" reference
_ change bugs.html to issues.html
_ and add a redirect in httpd.conf
_ need to document how subclass of pgraphics works
_ what are the necessary bits that need to be subclassed
_ simple handling of colors, what fields are available
_ how to get the matrices
_ simple endshape handler
DOC / Site
_ also mention in keyPressed docs that ASCII key codes will not be coded
_ it's just how java is (maybe this is already in there?)
_ add note about adding libraries to the sketchbook to the reference
_ add note in environment reference about how to add something to the sketch
_ (code, .java files, etc)
_ make sure that psound has been removed (from docs, ref, mentions)
_ make source link on p5 site go direct to the source
_ or at least explain how to navigate
_ post releases on sourceforge so that international mirrors are better?
_ start creating source tarball for each release?
_ roll over the discourse board for 1.0?
_ board stuff
_ only allow moderators to delete posts
_ set "no smileys" as the default (better for posting code)
_ add stuff about the history into the people section
_ descended from dbn, but not dbn, etc..
_ remove the 'search' item from yabb.cgi
DOC / Examples
_ add to key reference a pointer to an example that tracks all keys
_ write simple example that tracks all keys
_ making things fast with pixel operations
_ write a threading example
_ show an example of how to handle callback into the app
X or handle this some more intelligent way, super.stop() is needed.
X registerDispose() does the trick
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1083574943
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1067383998
_ scripts: how to make a long setup() sleep so that things don't lock way up
_ write an example that uses HashMap (or Hashtable)
_ write an example that uses ArrayList properly
_ get xml library example in there
_ simple method for having a clickable region or sprite with rollover
DOC / Hacks
_ clipboard implementation example
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=167
_ JAI handles setting image size for png (check javax.imageio?)
_ PNGEncodeParam png = PNGEncodeParam.getDefaultEncodeParam(bufImage);
_ png.setPhysicalDimension(round(dpi*39.370079), round(dpi*39.370079), 1);
_ JAI.create("filestore", bufImage, filename+".png", "PNG");
_ also an example of setting the jpeg compression (included in bug report)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=342
_ write a timer class/example library
_ post to web example
_ particularly for uploading image data
_ along with php script to handle receive
_ this is in hacks, but
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=VideoCamera;action=display;num=1117194066#7
_ how do i add gui to a sketch?
_ don't use awt components
_ how to use swing and embed components inside p5
_ explain how to integrate code with swing
_ use a separate environment, call init(), use noLoop(), redraw()
_ use JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); for zorder
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Integrate;action=display;num=1147670059
_ write documentation on general use of processing.core
_ note that applet is itself a Component
_ eclipse
_ document how to properly integrate with eclipse
_ add runtime args to opengl library so that it sets path properly
_ add explanation for using subclipse to get p5
_ make a src folder, data folder location
_ export to eclipse
_ how to do this with subclipse instructions?
PDE - Processing Development Environment
PDE / Warnings
_ proper dialog support
_ http://javagraphics.blogspot.com/2008/06/joptionpane-making-alternative.html
_ two-tiered dialogs for everything - use big font/little font style throughout
_ option to suppress warning dialogs
_ starting with the one about modifying the sketch name for spaces
_ http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=3
_ the first time someone hides a tab, put up a msg explaining what it does
_ "don't warn me about this anymore"
_ add "don't warn me about this" for sketch renaming
_ make sure renamed version doesn't exist already
_ prompt user before nuking applet or application folders
_ along with a "don't ask me later"
_ include a note that 'applet' folder will get emptied/rewritten
_ or rename the old applet folder to something else? (too messy)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=61
PDE / Compiler & Preprocessor
_ add local variables to PdeRecognizer
_ remove static methods in PdePreprocessor, instead pull things from recog
_ need better error messages in general
_ some means to link out to further documentation (e.g. AIOOBE, NPE)
_ add support for multiple errors from the compiler
_ actual error may be 4th of 5
_ maybe a dropdown list thing, with the first just shown?
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=58
_ with additional .pde files, don't allow static mode in front tab
_ don't allow "for (blah; blah; blah) ;"
_ or if (blah blah blah) ;
_ it's never useful. students can use { } if they want an empty block
_ Update ANTLR grammar to support 1.5 syntax
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=598
_ preproc cant handle labels to break/continue nested loops
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=631
_ imports inside comments are being included
_ toInt() needs to go away in time for the book.. fix parser bugs
_ using a processing keyword as a variable name gives unhelpful error message
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=213
_ casting problems in the parser
_ straighten out int() -> toInt() conversions
_ float u = float(x)/width; works.
_ float u = (float(x)/width); doesn't work: "unexpected token: float".
_ float u = (x/float(width)); works!
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=4
_ return (int(5.5)) causes an error
_ random, single slash in the code doesn't throw an error
_ (just gets removed by the preprocessor)
_ http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=6
_ allow doubles in preproc
_ (for casting, etc) particularly for Math.cos() et al
_ http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=7
_ don't allow goofy case versions of reserved words
_ keypressed should maybe throw an error
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=9
_ missing brackets, unmatched brackets
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=13
_ "unexpected token void" -> "You're mixing dynamic and static mode"
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=14
_ expecting RPAREN messages are ugly
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=15
_ not enough args for triangle (or args in general)
_ throws out bizarre message
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=17
_ if 'void' left out before loop or setup, cryptic message about
_ 'constructor loop must be named Temporary_23498_2343'
_ add a better handler for this specific thing?
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=18
_ using a keyword as a variable name gives unhelpful error message
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=212
_ unspecified return type creates compile error
_ or maybe not? followup said maybe not
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=379
_ Blah.class will confuse the preproc
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=481
_ non-matching curly brackets sometimes don't cause an error
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=507
_ syntax highlighting error with // and /*
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=609
_ "missing a /* from the end of a comment" message
_ enter a bug for this, it's bound to be found
_ "multipart/*" produces the error
_ even though things are inside a quoted txt block
_ copy running code from /tmp/buildXXxxx on crash of p5
_ should probably make a way to save/recover code
_ make the buildXxxx folders relate to time/date?
_ NullPointerException on unterminated comment at end of code
_ and OutOfMemoryError and weird lockup
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=16
_ also OutOfMemoryError if a quote is not terminated
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=763
_ preprocessor error if last line of code is a comment with no CR after it,
_ an OutOfMemoryError wants to happen,
_ but right now there's a hack to add a CR in PdePreprocessor
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=5
_ Parsing error when using char literals
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=281
_ Improve detection and handling of missing semicolons
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1036
PDE / Editor
_ improve update check message "a new release (1.0.1) is available"
_ be more descriptive, use a second line in latest.txt
_ maybe just include the full text of the update message there?
_ go through other sketch-opening menus to check for disappearing sketches
_ deal with isManagingFocus() warning in the editor src
_ should really be doing the 'right' thing with sketch file handling
_ create temporary file when saving
_ once done writing, use remove the original and rename the old
_ some basic stuff like this..
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=968
_ when disk is full, Processing zeroes files when it tries to save changes
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=967
_ sketch marked as modified too aggressively
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=328
_ Closing the last window doesn't cause PDE to save its position/contents/etc
_ (when the pref for close last window = quit is set)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=835
_ not remembering window size/placement preferences
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=837
_ saved window positions.. if displays has changed, becomes a problem
_ record the display that it was on?
_ GraphicsDevice gd = frame.getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice();
_ make sure that the application is within the bounds of the current display?
_ (from 0, 0 to width, height)
_ messy since some displays have negative coords
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=72
_ [LaunchRunner Error] processing.app.Base.main(String[]) threw an exception
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=821
_ file-save stops running sketch
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=810
_ strange NullPointerException problem prevents launch
_ some kind of NPE in handleOpenInternal and friends
_ appears to be a synchronization problem with the loading
_ when opening from double-click on the mac, doesn't replace untitled
_ or in general, issues between opening new window and another launching
_ probably need to synchronize the file open methods inside Base
_ (could in fact cause nastiness with editors[] access)
_ editors opening up at the same time on load?
_ either synchronize the open (at a minimum)
_ or wait for mac handlers to register an open event
_ can also cause problems with opening multiple copies of same sketch
_ after fixing name of sketch, ensure sketch of that name does not exist
_ do quick fix for tab bar
_ don't show tabs when there are too many
_ maybe move the list of files to the top?
_ or indicate which are visible somehow
_ slightly longer.. rearrange?
_ or just show tabs in (alpha?) order based on what's most recently used
_ have some indicator that shows the tabs when they've disappeared
_ or little mini tabs that expand/contract?
_ and a way to control who's expanded and not
_ add auto-save to the editor
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=739
_ dragging title bar while sketch running causes strange selection behavior
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=504
_ shortcuts not working after rename? (osx only?)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=505
_ convert tabs to spaces when pasting text
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=506
_ add "recent files" list to open menu?
_ unchecking 'use external editor' sketch should not set modified
_ dangerous if a version that hasn't been re-loaded has possibility
_ to overwrite. i.e. make a change and save in external editor,
_ don't actually
_ when running with external editor, hide the editor text area
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=20
_ horizontal scroller gets weird sometimes
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=23
_ lock the minimum size for the main processing editor frame
_ if it's made too small, stuff from the bottom disappears
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=25
_ add mnemonics for menus (alt-f to open 'file')
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=26
_ option to just print all code in project
_ option to export all the code as colored html
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=28
_ "page setup" sucks in java
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=435
_ rename/saveas doesn't properly have its focus set
_ under windows, immediately typing after rename doesn't select
_ the whole thing is selected, but not directly editable
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=31
_ dim edit menus as appropriate during selection/no selection/etc
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=33
_ Ctrl-Z will undo, but not scroll to where the undo happens.
_ so user thinks nothing is happening and overundo.
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=35
_ undo has become sluggish
_ http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=36
_ fonts smaller than 10 cause problems in the editor
_ generally causes trouble on osx
_ on windows and linux, changing the size throws things off
_ http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=51
_ code coloring is imperfect because it's not based on a parser
_ i.e. mousePressed() is red but mouseMoved() is brown
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=113
_ clicking i-- ) between -- and ) will select "-- )"
_ in eclipse, it looks to see which is closest and selects that
_ need to check behavior for word and bbedit
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=348
_ implement emacs keybindings (list is at the bug report)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=401
_ implement better method of showing curly brace closure
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=295
_ sketches should only write to the console of their editor window
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=921
PDE / Editor Buttons
_ run button not properly unhighlighting
_ does it unhighlight after compile or runtime errors?
_ also when using draw() instead of loop()
_ applet needs to notify runner that it has terminated
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=38
_ check 'finished' via objectreference?
_ make the run button highlight immediately
_ or maybe show an animation for starting up
_ rather than post-compile
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=776
_ if export fails (compile error) need to un-highlight the export button
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=39
_ when holding down shift, show the alternate behavior for EditorHeader
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=37
PDE / Editor Header
2 _ make some fancy extendo things because the tabs get too big
2 _ either condense or popdown menu thingy
2 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=54
5 _ key command for prev/next tab works, but not menu
5 _ menu options are actually disabled because of inconsistency
5 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1044
PDE / Editor Status
_ error messages run off the edge and go invisible
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=57
_ move all prompts to modal dialog showError/Message/Warning/Prompt
_ nicely design dialog boxes to go with visual of p5
_ maybe something that shows stack trace?
_ with an 'email this' button? (include source code too?)
_ also need a "prompt" dialog for asking filenames, etc
_ implement and remove PdeEditorStatus stuff
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59
PDE / Export
1 _ replace applet.html and applet-opengl.html
1 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1057
1 _ update applet.html to point at java 6u10 with the new auto-update stuff
1 _ also update applet on the home page to do the same
4 _ failed export still copies random files
4 _ Failed compile on Export or Export to Application
4 _ still creates folder and leaves mess behind
4 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1050
_ when exporting to application (or applet) don't copy .java files from folder
_ (they'll be copied as source files later)
_ make .java files and friends go to correct locations on export (app)
_ warn on export when people call their sketches things like Server
_ warn if someone extends PApplet but mis-names the sketch
_ or don't allow it to be exported
_ add bug reference to the faq once added to the db
X or at least add a note about this to the faq
_ show error when no main() is included but class extends PApplet
_ error can happen or be checked
_ errors during export don't show up properly (no red status bar)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=194
_ need to decide how to handle "stop" button in present mode
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=63
_ when running externally, people need to write their own stop function
_ just get export to application working so this can be supported
_ for now, they're stuck w/ running in the env and getting the ugliness
_ make export put a timestamp in the html code (hidden or visible)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=66
_ exporting application copies .java files
_ .java files are copied to the root folder as well as the source folder
_ javadoc comment in a static mode app doesn't get moved to the top
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=924
PDE / Find & Replace
_ all around very ugly, fix it up
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=67
_ several tweaks
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=68
_ only enable "find next" in menu after a find has happened
_ allowing to find & replace over multiple tabs
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=69
PDE / History
_ implement new version of history
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=71
_ make history folder, and a zip (not gz) file for each entry
_ history causing trouble - super slow with a huge sketch
_ could instead be gzipped and appended to history.dat
_ along with another file that is actually a table of offsets
_ no need to make the thing a gzip stream
_ checkbox on menu for 'record history' ?
_ history converter option?
_ only first 20 entries visible?
_ shortcut to walk through history, ala photoshop (ctrl-alt-z)
_ zlib file becoming corrupt (not flushed after close?)
_ make hooks to history api so others can write tools around it
PDE / Preferences
_ prefs window doesn't swap ok/cancel properly for mac vs. windows/linux
_ don't bother having a "cancel" for the prefs window
_ rewrite preferences window to use proper layout?
_ is there already a bug for this?
_ make prefs dialog modal?
_ prefs window not visible on windows taskbar
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=438
_ split Preferences and PreferencesFrame?
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=74
_ preferences window has been hit with the ugly stick
_ redo panel to use proper Box layout etc
_ also needs to look good across all platforms
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=73
_ make available the background colors for present mode, stop button color
_ isolate color chooser into a simpler/smaller class outside tools
_ then can also use from inside processing applications as well
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=75
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1130781367;start=2#2
_ add ability to set the display where present mode makes things start
_ code is already in, need to add window and test with multi-monitor setup
_ some code already written in PresentMode.java
_ option in preferences to set the jvm used to run? (osx only?)
_ this would take care of nasty macosx 1.4 vs 1.5 issues
_ /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Commands/java
_ /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Commands/java
_ /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Commands/java
_ canonical path for
_ /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK
_ will return 1.5.0 (or maybe 1.6 for others?)
PDE / Runner
_ draw mode apps do not shut off the run button when finished
_ need to talk to VM and read when 'finished' var is set
_ does closing the window call stop()?
_ need to make sure hitting stop button and closing window explicitly call
_ set finished to true, then join() the animation thread
_ stop() not working very well
_ as a result, dispose() methods aren't being called on libraries
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=77
_ quitting from present mode doesn't kill run button
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=80
X when running externally, set window frame title to the sketch name
X is this only a problem on macosx?
_ need to set dock icon title on osx
PDE / Sketch & Sketchbook
_ don't reload sketch on "save as"
_ this can result in loss of data (undo is lost)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=433
_ ArticulatePrint-070103a.pde from ArticulatePrint-070103a loads ok
_ but when opening the sketch, it leaves out the file
_ because there's a dash in the name
_ and instead only loads StemCell.pde
_ show progress dialog during export and save
_ slow save/new because of large sketchbook
_ this is a total cluster, the rebuild is being called incessantly
_ startup is very slow on g4
_ show progress bar while rebuilding sketch menu?
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1162801212
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1141126582
_ even more of a problem becase set modified set true all the time
_ in 0125, only rebuilding on rename or save as, but still a problem
_ don't re-scan all jar files whenever rebuilding sketch menu (cache)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=579
_ in rebuild sketch menu - disable subfolders working as libraries
_ if a sketch, don't allow subfolders
o or maybe just that libraries must be in the root?
o nah, cuz that would mean can't make subfolder called "libraries"
_ is the 'hide' option for code dumb? i've never used it
_ should it just hide the code, not actually remove it?
_ do we finish the tabs thing for 1.0? yes
_ could probably be done in a reasonable simple way.. ala eclipse
_ show additional tabs in the dropdown list? show all?
_ robert's tunnel example, why does tunnel not show up as leftmost tab?
_ hitting ESC on "create this, move file, continue" opened anyway
_ may need a progress bar for "save as"
_ or just the file copy function in general
_ since it may take a long time (i.e. 1000s of screen grabs)
_ http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=82
_ "save as" shouldn't always show save as dialog
_ unless that's the current mode that's being used
_ http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=83
_ handle renaming with case changes (currently ignores case change)
_ see notes/bitching in Sketch.nameCode()
_ http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=85
_ setting sketchbook to a folder on a network mounted drive
_ does this work? test on both on mac and pc..
_ or if not, should recommend people against it
_ (i.e. folders disappearing if net has trouble)
_ http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=87
_ some type of sketch archive format for posting examples (.psk?)
_ would be nice to open a sketch directly from a zip file
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=88
_ maybe just open from a zip file, since psk doesn't help anything
_ also have a means of importing sketches
TOOLS / General
_ need a proper means to handle command keys for tools (?)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=140
_ need method for showing prefs for the tools (?)
_ i.e. add pref to handle date vs. increment on archive sketch
_ tools that need prefs will show their own GUI anyway
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=883
_ handle native code for tools menu (?)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=884
TOOLS / Ideas
_ add a command to launch an external editor
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=141
_ add tool to "Add custom html to sketch"
_ that copies applet.html,
_ opens sketch folder,
_ and gives info about what to do next (how to edit)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=143
_ tool to run in appletviewer? sun.applet.Main is appletviewer
_ import sketch from url (takes a zip from archive sketch)
_ ftp upload sketch
_ archive sketch direct to bug report
_ courseware
_ export sketch as applet when uploading
_ save sketch zip files
_ have a means to load them from "teacher" version of p5
_ figure out how to use the
_ shared code
_ Integrator / FloatThing / CameraStuff -- Update
_ to pull code from a local folder
_ update will update classes from shared in the current folder
TOOLS / Color Picker
_ hitting ESC inside Color Selector will quit Processing
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1006
_ pasting into color picker doesn't update the color values
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=503
TOOLS / Copy for Discourse
_ occasional exception in "copy for discourse"
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=729
TOOLS / Auto Format
_ autoformat fails when there's no newline
_ Auto Format says "too many right parentheses" when last line is a comment
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=754
_ install astyle formatter
_ build on each platform, then "lipo -create astyle.* -output astyle"
_ do a better job of maintaining cursor during beautify
_ only auto format a particular section of code
_ set the 'tabs' var based on how many spaces on previous line
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Proce55ing_Software;action=display;num=1087227217
_ removes code with extra parens or braces
_ (an extra } brace deleting everything after it)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=109
_ progressively eats code w/ certain brace settings
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=235
_ Auto Format hangs when a non-terminated ' is included
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=236
_ hex colors don't get formatted
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=303
_ another code example that crashes
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=363
_ japanese characters in comments cause trouble with auto-format
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1153505384
_ arrays are reformatted on each autoformat
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=259
_ crash on particular string
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=363
_ autoformat screws up with color arrays
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=760
_ too many right parens error when there are not
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=867
_ code without a new line at end crashes
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=880
_ break out as its own plugin
TOOLS / Create Font
_ loading is very slow on the first time (getting all font names)
_ create the tool object on startup, then use thread to getAllFonts()
_ show a progress/status bar while it's happening?
_ (would be useful to at least tell user that system not locked up)
_ create font with user-specified charsets
_ may help solve: http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=98
_ when resizing window, only resize the text display area
_ just a matter of moving around the panels and BorderLayout
_ remember previous font selection when returning to the window
_ need to unpack InvocationTargetException in xxxxxxEvent calls
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=VideoCamera;action=display;num=1116850328#3
_ if read() hasn't been called, can cause an error with java2d
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1041
_ threading problems with video
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=868
_ audio stops working after two seconds
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=277
_ add more information about multiple camera inputs
_ add info about "access" errors being quicktime errors
_ documented in faq, add something to the lib "camera not installed"
_ quicktime.std.stdQTException(QTjava:6.1.3gl),-9405=couldntgetrequiredcomponent,qtversion:7108000 at quicktime.std.stdQTExceptionchekcerror
_ need to add resize method to capture object
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Syntax;action=display;num=1150227643
_ figure out what's up with the qt error handler
_ is this what's preventing the errors from being caught properly?
_ shutting these off for 0116 so hopefully the messages improve
_ (could this be a mac issue with errors not making it through?)
_ need to prevent multiple QTSession open or close
_ static method shared across the lib, or some such
_ reading movie is really really slow (2-3 fps)
_ possible improvement from qtjava list added
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=40
_ Movie needs the crop() functions ala Capture
_ tearing and incomplete updates on capture?
_ putting read() inside draw() seems to eliminate this?
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=114
_ when drawing large video, the two triangles for the rect are out of sync
_ only shows up in P3D
_ pause and frameRate aren't working
_ framerate does set the frequency which movieEvent will be called,
_ but it is not setting the "available" field corrrectly.
_ in fact, speed() should be used to set the rate, not frameRate
_ sketch .zip file in casey's email message
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=370
_ wrong device name for video capture will cause a crash
_ couldn't get req'd component also happens when the capture isn't ready
_ may also mean that no camera is plugged in
_ also, don't mention winvdig on the mac
_ include a separate video class to handle just playback
_ video playback can be much faster if not messing with pixels
_ could instead use texsubimage in opengl, etc
_ only supports tint() (to set alpha or color) and drawing? just drawing?
_ stop button won't kill a video sketch (bug 150 example does this)
X although ESC seems to work? (not sure, didn't test)
_ or audio won't stop even after hitting stop
_ when an exception comes through during cameraEvent, not printed
_ need to show an actual stack trace (InvocationTargetEx)
_ because otherwise it's impossible to debug this stuff
_ handle charset decoding in xml element parser?
_ same with the other methods like loadStrings()
_ could also be a way to handle gzip too?
_ tho charset + gzip would be a problem
_ need to handle how save() works inside xml lib
_ need to handle <!ENTITY tags for svg documents
_ vectors shouldn't be exposed, need to expose attr lists as arrays
_ or also add a method for getting the vectors?
_ syslog issues on macosx
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1147
_ port buffering not working properly
_ may just be a problem with thread starvation
_ bufferUntil() fires an event but continues to fill up the buffer
_ bug report includes patch from mellis
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=96
_ add prompt() method to Serial (simple dialog box that pops up)
E4 _ Add Mark and Space parity to the Serial library
E4 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1087
How the environment gets packed up, downloaded, and installed.
DIST / General
_ use macosx dialogs for all of the editor stuff
_ see about doing the same on windows, linux?
_ the others seem to respond ok to the lucida grande since they use defaults
_ vista style dialogs
_ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb328626.aspx
_ confirmation dialogs (save and don't save.. who'd a thunk it)
_ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa511273.aspx
_ http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/Aa511273.Confirmations03(en-us,MSDN.10).png
_ scrollable stack trace
_ http://www.javalobby.org/java/forums/t19012.html
_ shut off javac warnings
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=812
_ use pack200/unpack200 to make p5 download smaller
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=765
_ drag and drop
_ including the number of items would be especially nice
_ implement automatic update
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=374
_ move build scripts to something better like ant
_ too much to maintain the multiple versions, too much code
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=151
_ also update build/howto.txt (of course) because it says no ant
_ need .pde document icons
_ need .psk file icon
_ need exported application icons
_ need more comprehensive list of 'known bugs'
_ need more comprehensive list of 'known suggestions'
_ javadoc "advanced" reference by beta
_ and then finalizing it towards 1.0
_ write notes about running p5 on another platforms
_ this was some feedback from running on bsd:
_ /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/bin/java -cp lib:lib/build:lib/pde.jar:lib/kjc.jar:lib/oro.jar:java/lib/ext/comm.jar PdeBase
_ need to use the 1.3 vm, and get a fake platform name
_ otherwise, goes looking for lib/pde_.properties or something
o modify antlr stuff to conditionally recompile in make.sh
_ compile antlr inside the initial setup of the work dir
X done for macosx
_ fix this for windows and linux
_ about box
_ bring up information about gpl, lgpl, and ibmpl
_ jedit syntax is under mit license
_ http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
_ different name for 'lib' folder because of libraries folder?
_ avoid some confusion for when describing the libraries folder to users
_ remove jvm from cvs
_ use wget to grab it if it doesn't exist
_ and include an md5hash to see if the file is correct
DIST / Windows
2 _ Windows problem with some lab machines "Processing cannot run because
2 _ it could not create a folder to store your settings"
2 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1016
_ check to see whether this bug is fixed once 0140 is released
_ properly handle non-ascii chars in p5 folder name
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=49
_ (could also just warn user to install elsewhere)
o perhaps the get around this by building into sketch folder
o when non-ascii chars in use, just launch everything externally
_ icon is skewed on vista 64
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=801
_ "Fatal exception occurred. Program will exit." on startup
_ seems to be font related, deleting prefs will fix it
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=688
_ Processing IDE icon ALT + Tab low res in Windows XP
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1040
_ setup() and draw() are not bold on osx (10.4)
_ likely osx refuses to do monaco bold
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1047
_ if someone has monaco disabled in font book, the app won't start
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=562
_ we're breaking some mac human interface guidelines
_ should be using a menu factory to create menubar for all sub-windows
_ http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn2042.html
_ and the general warning dialogs are just ass ugly
_ (i.e. we really need those replacements for JOptionPane)
_ track down error in PdeCompiler for message parsing
_ was missing the error about a package being gone
_ can comment out /System/Library/ as a test
_ put stdout/stderr into ~/Library/Logs
_ and have a .log extension so it can be browsed properly
_ try LSMinimumSystemVersion in Info.plist
5 _ Horizontal two finger scroll doesn't work in OS X
5 _ also applies to horizontal scrolling on the mouse
5 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1046
5 _ Exiting a sketch with Command-Q or File > Quit doesn't call stop() on OS X
5 _ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1069
DIST / Linux
_ finish up debian package support (see the processing.mess folder)
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=596
_ these bits need to be checked to ensure that they work on other distros
_ Editor stops receiving keyboard input after running a program
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1161
_ not being able to make a link to the processing app
_ argh.. more path and shell issues..
_ computationally intensive stuff runs really slow inside p5
_ http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=SoftwareBugs;action=display;num=1116872745
_ some reports of it not quitting properly, but not confirmed
_ splash screen
_ can't launch from a symlink in /usr/bin
_ http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=825
_ rename location is awkward, do it on the tab?
_ method of including/excluding data files in the JAR
_ or at least a boolean for the whole folder?
_ should open() not return a Process object? (exec() instead?)
_ pro: can write out error messages (or output)
_ con: loses cross platform ability
_ but: open() is platform specific anyway, ppl can use exec()
Revise the icon.
Fix Windows make.sh, etc. scripts.
Test on Windows.
Fix Linux make.sh, etc. scripts
Test on Linux.
Add support for third-party boards in the user's sketchbook folder.
Add support for third-party cores in the user's sketchbook folder.
Test the upload.using parameter to upload with a programmer.
- Collect the target object files (.o) into a static library (.a) and link the other object files (from the sketch and libraries) against it.
- Build each library separately, with its own include path and destination (for .o files) so they don't collide with each other.
- Eliminate the need to pass a Target into the compiler by having the Compiler determine the current target (by checking the preferences directly)?
- Delete the unneeded static functions (for classpath translation, etc.) from the bottom of the file.
- add system-wide include path in preprocess()?
- should find libraries in the code/ sub-folder of the sketch folder
- split write() into writeHeader() and write() as in Processing?
- add getExtraImports() function instead of having Sketch grab them directly.
- don't use oro.jar
- add keywords from libraries to the syntax coloring
- remove "examples" folder from the examples and toolbar menus for the libraries.
- allow the Board and Serial port to differ across editor windows. This will require creating a separate instance of the menu for each window, and passing the selections into the sketch when compiling or uploading.
- send the current board and serial port selections to the sketch (which will forward them to the compiler) when compiling or uploading (this should eliminate the need for the Target class, since the compiler will be able to find the target path and its source files itself)
- get rid of unused preferences in the dialog box
Ethernet library:
- integrate DHCP support
- client.connect() returns 0 when connection is successful? http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1238295170
- call Server.begin() from Ethernet.begin() instead of in user's sketch?
- add method for receiving notification of new client connections to a server
- add method for receiving notification of data written to a client
- add method for receiving notification of client disconnections
Incorporate mikalhart's new SoftwareSerial library.
Change delayMicroseconds(2000) to delay(2) in LiquidCrystal library: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1234577802
Consider making abs() not a macro. See: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1234908504
Allow hardcoding of R/W line to ground with LiquidCrystal library.
Improve shiftOut() performance: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1216659239/0
Add String library.
Add Encoder library.
- disable watch dog timer
- fix eeprom writing: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1202157667/15
Support pin change interrupts.
Switch pwm output on pins 5 and 6 to phase-correct mode, if possible.
Add parameter to shiftOut() for specifying a number of bits.
Add parameter to Serial.print[ln](x, BIN) for specifying number of bits.
Support PROGMEM strings in Serial.print(): http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1227919972
Add weak attribute to signal handlers: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1203798214
Floating point support in the map() function.
Should Serial.print(b) send the ASCII digits of the byte?
Fix delayMicroseconds(0).
Add sleep function(s).
Add SPI library.
Add OneWire library.
Add pulseOut(), etc. functions from Wiring.
Switch to ServoTimer2 library? http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1222201226/0#5
Add ContinuousServo library that inherits from Servo?
LiquidCrystal library:
- support going to the next line with println().
- proper software initialization of the LCD: http://web.alfredstate.edu/weimandn/arduino/liquidCrystal_library/liquidCrystal.cpp
Supporting EEMEM directive by changing compiler command line: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1202157667
Include Arduino as AVR-ISP sketch in hardware/firmwares.
Move type definitions into WConstants.h.
Change core and libraries to use Arduino types (e.g. byte, boolean).
Fix millis() so it never increments by two.
Consider moving millis() to timer 1, and configuring it so the interrupt is generated once a millisecond.
Move selection of Linux look and feel from Base.java to arduino.sh script.
Check RAM usage of sketches: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1224729260/0#0
Improve preprocessing of sketches:
- Better determine which header files are included (not commented out).
- Remember the original locations of function prototypes to highlight the correct line on error.
Multiple sketch windows.
Avoid library conflicts by only linking in the library whose name matches that of the #included header file.
Easier library discovery and installation ("Add library..." menu item).
Easier board installation ("Add board..." menu item)
Comprehensive board management:
- Enabled and disabled boards.
- Dialog for enabling, disabling, adding, deleting, and possibly editing boards.
- Board descriptions (e.g. explaining differences between boards).
Allow for libraries in <SKETCHBOOK>/libraries.
Allow for boards in <SKETCHBOOK>/boards.
Divide boards.txt into multiple text files.
Allow for core in <SKETCHBOOK>/cores.
Clean up Library and LibraryManager.
Compile libraries dynamically (with compilation of sketch and core files).
Library builds should respect build.verbose.
Detect dependencies between libraries.
Byte-based serial monitor.
Line termination options in the serial monitor.
Clear character should clear serial monitor.
Incorporate serial-net proxy.
Changing font size should change serial monitor font size.
Deal with shorter screens (e.g. ASUS EEPC).
Investigate method for auto-detecting serial port on Windows (javax.usb?)
- http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1225226642
Guess serial port on the Mac and Linux.
Automatic detection of baud rate for serial monitor (based on the call to Serial.begin() in the current sketch).
Improve, generally, the upload experience (e.g. faster program start after upload, keep-alive messages to bootloader from IDE, shorter bootloader timeout if possible, progress bar)
Allow uploading of .hex files.
Allow for arbitrary compilation command line arguments.
Find in reference should give same message for missing page as for missing page association.
Test find in reference on libraries.
Change background color while using external editor: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1229567785
Add licenses for included open source libraries: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1234595391
Make run.bat not open a command line window: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1223883872
Update version of the FTDI drivers (Windows).
Remove AVR ISP and giveio drivers (Windows).
Include the executable installer for the FTDI drivers (Windows).
Revise fetch.sh to look for version specific pages (names suffixed with, e.g., "-0007")
Move to ant for build process.
Multi-language plugin.
Work on opening up website to public editing.
Create form for submitting workshops.
Create form for submitting projects.
Create community section of site.
List of examples we'd like to have.
Style guide for examples, references, and foundations.
Add a Nordic board to the forum.
Add a German board to the forum.
Create About section.
Remove Board page.
Move Environment into the Reference section (which should be renamed Programming).
Better documentation of the Arduino BT.
Tutorial about serial communication.
Remove parameters from the function links on the reference page.
Document Matrix and Sprite libraries on the Arduino site.
Document Wire.endTransmission() return values: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1228240199
- Loop
- Analog Input (potentiometer and LDR on analog input 0)
- ledpin vs. ledPin
- value vs. val
Add a Brightness example where an analog input controls the analog output.
Graph example should use an intermediate variable.
Button example says pin 7 but uses pin 2.
Split Loop example in two (one that does loops, another that does arrays).
Add LiquidCrystal library examples.
Add Ethernet library examples.
Add Wire library examples.
Add examples using specific hardware (simple analog sensors, optocouplers, etc.)
Examples should demonstrate use of functions.
Add I2C EEPROM example using Wire library.
Update pictures to use Arduino Diecimila.
Create diagrams and schematics for the examples.
Arduino feature list (in Getting Started > Introduction).
Main "getting started" link should automatically load page for the user's operating system.
Consider deleting many of the pictures in the howto's as they just make it harder to see the instructions without adding much (e.g. the pictures of files in folders).
Tell people not to put the board on a Powerbook.
People don't know what a jumper is.
Add picture of the RX/TX LEDs flashing.
Show a picture of the LED flashing.
Add explanation of how to work around auto-reset.
Burning bootloader without an AVRISP: http://www.geocities.jp/arduino_diecimila/bootloader/index_en.html
Documentation for moving from Arduino to custom PCBs.
Write advanced library tutorial.