mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 10:29:35 +01:00
Backported SD library from 1.5.x
This commit is contained in:
@ -550,9 +550,9 @@ boolean SDClass::mkdir(char *filepath) {
boolean SDClass::rmdir(char *filepath) {
Makes a single directory or a heirarchy of directories.
Remove a single directory or a heirarchy of directories.
A rough equivalent to `mkdir -p`.
A rough equivalent to `rm -rf`.
return walkPath(filepath, root, callback_rmdir);
@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
SD card test
SD card test
This example shows how use the utility libraries on which the'
SD library is based in order to get info about your SD card.
Very useful for testing a card when you're not sure whether its working or not.
The circuit:
* SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:
** MOSI - pin 11 on Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila
** MISO - pin 12 on Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila
** CLK - pin 13 on Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila
** CS - depends on your SD card shield or module.
** CS - depends on your SD card shield or module.
Pin 4 used here for consistency with other Arduino examples
created 28 Mar 2011
by Limor Fried
by Limor Fried
modified 9 Apr 2012
by Tom Igoe
// include the SD library:
// include the SD library:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
// set up variables using the SD utility library functions:
@ -31,22 +32,22 @@ SdFile root;
// Arduino Ethernet shield: pin 4
// Adafruit SD shields and modules: pin 10
// Sparkfun SD shield: pin 8
const int chipSelect = 4;
const int chipSelect = 4;
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
Serial.print("\nInitializing SD card...");
// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. It's set as an output by default.
// Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin
// (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output
// or the SD library functions will not work.
// Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin
// (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output
// or the SD library functions will not work.
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // change this to 53 on a mega
@ -59,12 +60,12 @@ void setup()
Serial.println("* did you change the chipSelect pin to match your shield or module?");
} else {
Serial.println("Wiring is correct and a card is present.");
Serial.println("Wiring is correct and a card is present.");
// print the type of card
Serial.print("\nCard type: ");
switch(card.type()) {
switch (card.type()) {
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ void setup()
Serial.print("\nVolume type is FAT");
Serial.println(volume.fatType(), DEC);
volumesize = volume.blocksPerCluster(); // clusters are collections of blocks
volumesize *= volume.clusterCount(); // we'll have a lot of clusters
volumesize *= 512; // SD card blocks are always 512 bytes
@ -103,15 +104,15 @@ void setup()
volumesize /= 1024;
Serial.println("\nFiles found on the card (name, date and size in bytes): ");
// list all files in the card with date and size
root.ls(LS_R | LS_DATE | LS_SIZE);
void loop(void) {
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
SD card datalogger
This example shows how to log data from three analog sensors
This example shows how to log data from three analog sensors
to an SD card using the SD library.
The circuit:
* analog sensors on analog ins 0, 1, and 2
* SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:
@ -11,15 +11,16 @@
** MISO - pin 12
** CLK - pin 13
** CS - pin 4
created 24 Nov 2010
modified 9 Apr 2012
by Tom Igoe
This example code is in the public domain.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. Note that even if it's not
@ -30,9 +31,9 @@ const int chipSelect = 4;
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ void setup()
// make sure that the default chip select pin is set to
// output, even if you don't use it:
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
// see if the card is present and can be initialized:
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ void loop()
int sensor = analogRead(analogPin);
dataString += String(sensor);
if (analogPin < 2) {
dataString += ",";
dataString += ",";
@ -75,11 +76,11 @@ void loop()
// print to the serial port too:
// if the file isn't open, pop up an error:
else {
Serial.println("error opening datalog.txt");
@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
SD card file dump
This example shows how to read a file from the SD card using the
SD library and send it over the serial port.
The circuit:
* SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:
** MOSI - pin 11
** MISO - pin 12
** CLK - pin 13
** CS - pin 4
created 22 December 2010
by Limor Fried
modified 9 Apr 2012
by Tom Igoe
This example code is in the public domain.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. Note that even if it's not
@ -30,9 +31,9 @@ const int chipSelect = 4;
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ void setup()
// make sure that the default chip select pin is set to
// output, even if you don't use it:
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
// see if the card is present and can be initialized:
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ void setup()
Serial.println("card initialized.");
// open the file. note that only one file can be open at a time,
// so you have to close this one before opening another.
File dataFile = SD.open("datalog.txt");
@ -60,11 +61,11 @@ void setup()
// if the file isn't open, pop up an error:
else {
Serial.println("error opening datalog.txt");
void loop()
@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
SD card basic file example
This example shows how to create and destroy an SD card file
This example shows how to create and destroy an SD card file
The circuit:
* SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:
** MOSI - pin 11
** MISO - pin 12
** CLK - pin 13
** CS - pin 4
created Nov 2010
by David A. Mellis
modified 9 Apr 2012
by Tom Igoe
This example code is in the public domain.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
File myFile;
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. It's set as an output by default.
// Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin
// (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output
// or the SD library functions will not work.
// Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin
// (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output
// or the SD library functions will not work.
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
if (!SD.begin(4)) {
@ -55,23 +56,23 @@ void setup()
myFile = SD.open("example.txt", FILE_WRITE);
// Check to see if the file exists:
// Check to see if the file exists:
if (SD.exists("example.txt")) {
Serial.println("example.txt exists.");
else {
Serial.println("example.txt doesn't exist.");
Serial.println("example.txt doesn't exist.");
// delete the file:
Serial.println("Removing example.txt...");
if (SD.exists("example.txt")){
if (SD.exists("example.txt")) {
Serial.println("example.txt exists.");
else {
Serial.println("example.txt doesn't exist.");
Serial.println("example.txt doesn't exist.");
@ -1,85 +1,86 @@
SD card read/write
This example shows how to read and write data to and from an SD card file
This example shows how to read and write data to and from an SD card file
The circuit:
* SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:
** MOSI - pin 11
** MISO - pin 12
** CLK - pin 13
** CS - pin 4
created Nov 2010
by David A. Mellis
modified 9 Apr 2012
by Tom Igoe
This example code is in the public domain.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
File myFile;
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. It's set as an output by default.
// Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin
// (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output
// or the SD library functions will not work.
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
// Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin
// (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output
// or the SD library functions will not work.
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
if (!SD.begin(4)) {
Serial.println("initialization failed!");
Serial.println("initialization done.");
// open the file. note that only one file can be open at a time,
// so you have to close this one before opening another.
myFile = SD.open("test.txt", FILE_WRITE);
// if the file opened okay, write to it:
if (myFile) {
Serial.print("Writing to test.txt...");
myFile.println("testing 1, 2, 3.");
// close the file:
// close the file:
} else {
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
Serial.println("error opening test.txt");
// re-open the file for reading:
myFile = SD.open("test.txt");
if (myFile) {
// read from the file until there's nothing else in it:
while (myFile.available()) {
// close the file:
} else {
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
Serial.println("error opening test.txt");
void loop()
// nothing happens after setup
// nothing happens after setup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
** MISO - pin 12
** CLK - pin 13
** CS - pin 4
created Nov 2010
by David A. Mellis
modified 9 Apr 2012
@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
by Scott Fitzgerald
This example code is in the public domain.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
File root;
@ -29,15 +30,15 @@ void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. It's set as an output by default.
// Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin
// (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output
// or the SD library functions will not work.
// Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin
// (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output
// or the SD library functions will not work.
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
if (!SD.begin(4)) {
@ -47,9 +48,9 @@ void setup()
Serial.println("initialization done.");
root = SD.open("/");
printDirectory(root, 0);
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ struct partitionTable {
uint32_t firstSector;
/** Length of the partition, in blocks. */
uint32_t totalSectors;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** Type name for partitionTable */
typedef struct partitionTable part_t;
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ struct masterBootRecord {
uint8_t mbrSig0;
/** Second MBR signature byte. Must be 0XAA */
uint8_t mbrSig1;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** Type name for masterBootRecord */
typedef struct masterBootRecord mbr_t;
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ struct biosParmBlock {
* should always set all of the bytes of this field to 0.
uint8_t fat32Reserved[12];
} __attribute__((packed));
/** Type name for biosParmBlock */
typedef struct biosParmBlock bpb_t;
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ struct fat32BootSector {
uint8_t bootSectorSig0;
/** must be 0XAA */
uint8_t bootSectorSig1;
} __attribute__((packed));
// End Of Chain values for FAT entries
/** FAT16 end of chain value used by Microsoft. */
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ struct directoryEntry {
uint16_t firstClusterLow;
/** 32-bit unsigned holding this file's size in bytes. */
uint32_t fileSize;
} __attribute__((packed));
// Definitions for directory entries
@ -17,20 +17,34 @@
* along with the Arduino Sd2Card Library. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#define USE_SPI_LIB
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "Sd2Card.h"
#ifdef USE_SPI_LIB
#include <SPI.h>
static SPISettings settings;
// functions for hardware SPI
/** Send a byte to the card */
static void spiSend(uint8_t b) {
#ifndef USE_SPI_LIB
SPDR = b;
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)))
/** Receive a byte from the card */
static uint8_t spiRec(void) {
#ifndef USE_SPI_LIB
return SPDR;
return SPI.transfer(0xFF);
@ -112,7 +126,8 @@ uint8_t Sd2Card::cardCommand(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) {
// wait for response
for (uint8_t i = 0; ((status_ = spiRec()) & 0X80) && i != 0XFF; i++);
for (uint8_t i = 0; ((status_ = spiRec()) & 0X80) && i != 0XFF; i++)
return status_;
@ -144,9 +159,15 @@ uint32_t Sd2Card::cardSize(void) {
void Sd2Card::chipSelectHigh(void) {
digitalWrite(chipSelectPin_, HIGH);
#ifdef USE_SPI_LIB
void Sd2Card::chipSelectLow(void) {
#ifdef USE_SPI_LIB
digitalWrite(chipSelectPin_, LOW);
@ -219,12 +240,15 @@ uint8_t Sd2Card::init(uint8_t sckRateID, uint8_t chipSelectPin) {
// set pin modes
pinMode(chipSelectPin_, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(chipSelectPin_, HIGH);
#ifndef USE_SPI_LIB
#ifndef USE_SPI_LIB
// SS must be in output mode even it is not chip select
pinMode(SS_PIN, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH); // disable any SPI device using hardware SS pin
@ -232,10 +256,20 @@ uint8_t Sd2Card::init(uint8_t sckRateID, uint8_t chipSelectPin) {
SPCR = (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR) | (1 << SPR1) | (1 << SPR0);
// clear double speed
SPSR &= ~(1 << SPI2X);
#endif // SOFTWARE_SPI
#else // USE_SPI_LIB
settings = SPISettings(250000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0);
#endif // USE_SPI_LIB
#endif // SOFTWARE_SPI
// must supply min of 74 clock cycles with CS high.
#ifdef USE_SPI_LIB
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) spiSend(0XFF);
#ifdef USE_SPI_LIB
@ -360,18 +394,21 @@ uint8_t Sd2Card::readData(uint32_t block,
// skip data before offset
for (;offset_ < offset; offset_++) {
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)))
// transfer data
n = count - 1;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)))
dst[i] = SPDR;
// wait for last byte
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)))
dst[n] = SPDR;
@ -406,11 +443,13 @@ void Sd2Card::readEnd(void) {
// optimize skip for hardware
while (offset_++ < 513) {
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)))
// wait for last crc byte
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)))
while (offset_++ < 514) spiRec();
@ -456,6 +495,7 @@ uint8_t Sd2Card::setSckRate(uint8_t sckRateID) {
return false;
#ifndef USE_SPI_LIB
// see avr processor datasheet for SPI register bit definitions
if ((sckRateID & 1) || sckRateID == 6) {
SPSR &= ~(1 << SPI2X);
@ -465,6 +505,17 @@ uint8_t Sd2Card::setSckRate(uint8_t sckRateID) {
SPCR &= ~((1 <<SPR1) | (1 << SPR0));
SPCR |= (sckRateID & 4 ? (1 << SPR1) : 0)
| (sckRateID & 2 ? (1 << SPR0) : 0);
#else // USE_SPI_LIB
switch (sckRateID) {
case 0: settings = SPISettings(25000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0); break;
case 1: settings = SPISettings(4000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0); break;
case 2: settings = SPISettings(2000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0); break;
case 3: settings = SPISettings(1000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0); break;
case 4: settings = SPISettings(500000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0); break;
case 5: settings = SPISettings(250000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0); break;
default: settings = SPISettings(125000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0);
#endif // USE_SPI_LIB
return true;
@ -561,14 +612,17 @@ uint8_t Sd2Card::writeData(uint8_t token, const uint8_t* src) {
// send two byte per iteration
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 512; i += 2) {
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)))
SPDR = src[i];
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)))
SPDR = src[i+1];
// wait for last data byte
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)))
@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ uint8_t const SPI_FULL_SPEED = 0;
uint8_t const SPI_HALF_SPEED = 1;
/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/8. Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
uint8_t const SPI_QUARTER_SPEED = 2;
* USE_SPI_LIB: if set, use the SPI library bundled with Arduino IDE, otherwise
* run with a standalone driver for AVR.
#define USE_SPI_LIB
* Define MEGA_SOFT_SPI non-zero to use software SPI on Mega Arduinos.
* Pins used are SS 10, MOSI 11, MISO 12, and SCK 13.
@ -66,7 +71,9 @@ uint8_t const SPI_MISO_PIN = MISO_PIN;
/** SPI Clock pin */
uint8_t const SPI_SCK_PIN = SCK_PIN;
/** optimize loops for hardware SPI */
#ifndef USE_SPI_LIB
// define software SPI pins so Mega can use unmodified GPS Shield
@ -17,6 +17,22 @@
* along with the Arduino SdFat Library. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if defined(__arm__) // Arduino Due Board follows
#ifndef Sd2PinMap_h
#define Sd2PinMap_h
#include <Arduino.h>
uint8_t const SS_PIN = SS;
uint8_t const MOSI_PIN = MOSI;
uint8_t const MISO_PIN = MISO;
uint8_t const SCK_PIN = SCK;
#endif // Sd2PinMap_h
#elif defined(__AVR__) // Other AVR based Boards follows
// Warning this file was generated by a program.
#ifndef Sd2PinMap_h
#define Sd2PinMap_h
@ -350,3 +366,7 @@ static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
#endif // Sd2PinMap_h
#error Architecture or board not supported.
@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
* \file
* SdFile and SdVolume classes
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "Sd2Card.h"
#include "FatStructs.h"
#include "Print.h"
@ -286,8 +288,10 @@ class SdFile : public Print {
size_t write(uint8_t b);
size_t write(const void* buf, uint16_t nbyte);
size_t write(const char* str);
#ifdef __AVR__
void write_P(PGM_P str);
void writeln_P(PGM_P str);
// Deprecated functions - suppress cpplint warnings with NOLINT comment
@ -24,12 +24,14 @@
* Useful utility functions.
#include <Arduino.h>
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
/** Store and print a string in flash memory.*/
#define PgmPrint(x) SerialPrint_P(PSTR(x))
/** Store and print a string in flash memory followed by a CR/LF.*/
#define PgmPrintln(x) SerialPrintln_P(PSTR(x))
/** Defined so doxygen works for function definitions. */
#define NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline,unused))
#define UNUSEDOK __attribute__((unused))
@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ static UNUSEDOK int FreeRam(void) {
return free_memory;
#ifdef __AVR__
* %Print a string in flash memory to the serial port.
@ -68,4 +71,5 @@ static NOINLINE void SerialPrintln_P(PGM_P str) {
#endif // __AVR__
#endif // #define SdFatUtil_h
@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
* along with the Arduino SdFat Library. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <SdFat.h>
#include "SdFat.h"
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
// callback function for date/time
@ -256,9 +258,15 @@ uint8_t SdFile::make83Name(const char* str, uint8_t* name) {
i = 8; // place for extension
} else {
// illegal FAT characters
PGM_P p = PSTR("|<>^+=?/[];,*\"\\");
uint8_t b;
#if defined(__AVR__)
PGM_P p = PSTR("|<>^+=?/[];,*\"\\");
while ((b = pgm_read_byte(p++))) if (b == c) return false;
#elif defined(__arm__)
const uint8_t valid[] = "|<>^+=?/[];,*\"\\";
const uint8_t *p = valid;
while ((b = *p++)) if (b == c) return false;
// check size and only allow ASCII printable characters
if (i > n || c < 0X21 || c > 0X7E)return false;
// only upper case allowed in 8.3 names - convert lower to upper
@ -1232,6 +1240,7 @@ size_t SdFile::write(uint8_t b) {
size_t SdFile::write(const char* str) {
return write(str, strlen(str));
#ifdef __AVR__
* Write a PROGMEM string to a file.
@ -1251,3 +1260,4 @@ void SdFile::writeln_P(PGM_P str) {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
* along with the Arduino SdFat Library. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <SdFat.h>
#include "SdFat.h"
// raw block cache
// init cacheBlockNumber_to invalid SD block number
Reference in New Issue
Block a user