mirror of https://github.com/arduino/Arduino.git synced 2025-03-13 10:29:35 +01:00

Merged upstream Arduino master branch

This commit is contained in:
Cristian Maglie 2012-06-26 00:51:35 +02:00
commit 46aeeb4b29
21 changed files with 176 additions and 134 deletions

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@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public class Preferences {

View File

@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ public class SerialMonitor extends JFrame implements MessageConsumer {
serialRates = new JComboBox();
for (int i = 0; i < serialRateStrings.length; i++)
serialRates.addItem(serialRateStrings[i] + _(" baud"));
serialRates.addItem(serialRateStrings[i] + " " + _("baud"));
serialRate = Preferences.getInteger("serial.debug_rate");
serialRates.setSelectedItem(serialRate + _(" baud"));
serialRates.setSelectedItem(serialRate + " " + _("baud"));
serialRates.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
String wholeString = (String) serialRates.getSelectedItem();

View File

@ -1369,6 +1369,9 @@ public class Sketch {
for (SketchCode sc : code) {
if (sc.isExtension("ino") || sc.isExtension("pde")) {
// These #line directives help the compiler report errors with
// correct the filename and line number (issue 281 & 907)
bigCode.append("#line 1 \"" + sc.getFileName() + "\"\n");
bigCount += sc.getLineCount();
@ -1541,54 +1544,16 @@ public class Sketch {
public RunnerException placeException(String message,
String dotJavaFilename,
int dotJavaLine) {
int codeIndex = 0; //-1;
int codeLine = -1;
// System.out.println("placing " + dotJavaFilename + " " + dotJavaLine);
// System.out.println("code count is " + getCodeCount());
// first check to see if it's a .java file
for (int i = 0; i < getCodeCount(); i++) {
SketchCode code = getCode(i);
if (!code.isExtension(getDefaultExtension())) {
if (dotJavaFilename.equals(code.getFileName())) {
codeIndex = i;
codeLine = dotJavaLine;
return new RunnerException(message, codeIndex, codeLine);
// If not the preprocessed file at this point, then need to get out
if (!dotJavaFilename.equals(name + ".cpp")) {
return null;
// if it's not a .java file, codeIndex will still be 0
// this section searches through the list of .pde files
codeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < getCodeCount(); i++) {
SketchCode code = getCode(i);
if (code.isExtension(getDefaultExtension())) {
// System.out.println("preproc offset is " + code.getPreprocOffset());
// System.out.println("looking for line " + dotJavaLine);
if (code.getPreprocOffset() <= dotJavaLine) {
codeIndex = i;
// System.out.println("i'm thinkin file " + i);
codeLine = dotJavaLine - code.getPreprocOffset();
// could not find a proper line number, so deal with this differently.
// but if it was in fact the .java file we're looking for, though,
// send the error message through.
// this is necessary because 'import' statements will be at a line
// that has a lower number than the preproc offset, for instance.
// if (codeLine == -1 && !dotJavaFilename.equals(name + ".java")) {
// return null;
// }
return new RunnerException(message, codeIndex, codeLine);
// Placing errors is simple, because we inserted #line directives
// into the preprocessed source. The compiler gives us correct
// the file name and line number. :-)
for (int codeIndex = 0; codeIndex < getCodeCount(); codeIndex++) {
SketchCode code = getCode(codeIndex);
if (dotJavaFilename.equals(code.getFileName())) {
return new RunnerException(message, codeIndex, dotJavaLine);
return null;

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
private PreferencesMap prefs;
private boolean verbose;
private boolean sketchIsCompiled;
private RunnerException exception;
@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
throws RunnerException {
sketch = _sketch;
verbose = _verbose;
sketchIsCompiled = false;
objectFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
prefs = createBuildPreferences(_buildPath, _primaryClassName);
@ -87,6 +89,7 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
// 1. compile the sketch (already in the buildPath)
sketchIsCompiled = true;
// 2. compile the libraries, outputting .o files to: <buildPath>/<library>/
// Doesn't really use configPreferences
@ -339,10 +342,8 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
boolean compiling = true;
while (compiling) {
try {
if (in.thread != null)
if (err.thread != null)
result = process.waitFor();
//System.out.println("result is " + result);
compiling = false;
@ -430,7 +431,7 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
if (pieces[3].trim().equals("'Udp' was not declared in this scope")) {
error = _("The Udp class has been renamed EthernetUdp.");
msg = _("\nAs of Arduino 1.0, the Udp class in the Ethernet library " +
"has been renamed to EthernetClient.\n\n");
"has been renamed to EthernetUdp.\n\n");
if (pieces[3].trim().equals("'class TwoWire' has no member named 'send'")) {
@ -455,14 +456,20 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
//msg = _("\nThe 'Keyboard' class is only supported on the Arduino Leonardo.\n\n");
RunnerException e = sketch.placeException(error, pieces[1], PApplet.parseInt(pieces[2]) - 1);
RunnerException e = null;
if (!sketchIsCompiled) {
// Place errors when compiling the sketch, but never while compiling libraries
// or the core. The user's sketch might contain the same filename!
e = sketch.placeException(error, pieces[1], PApplet.parseInt(pieces[2]) - 1);
// replace full file path with the name of the sketch tab (unless we're
// in verbose mode, in which case don't modify the compiler output)
if (e != null && !verbose) {
SketchCode code = sketch.getCode(e.getCodeIndex());
String fileName = code.isExtension(sketch.getDefaultExtension()) ? code.getPrettyName() : code.getFileName();
s = fileName + ":" + e.getCodeLine() + ": error: " + pieces[3] + msg;
String fileName = (code.isExtension("ino") || code.isExtension("pde")) ? code.getPrettyName() : code.getFileName();
int lineNum = e.getCodeLine() + 1;
s = fileName + ":" + lineNum + ": error: " + pieces[3] + msg;
if (exception == null && e != null) {

View File

@ -85,8 +85,15 @@ public class MessageSiphon implements Runnable {
// Wait until the MessageSiphon thread is complete.
public void join() throws java.lang.InterruptedException {
// Grab a temp copy in case another thread nulls the "thread"
// member variable
Thread t = thread;
if (t != null) t.join();
public Thread getThread() {
return thread;

View File

@ -60,10 +60,8 @@ public class Sizer implements MessageConsumer {
boolean running = true;
while(running) {
try {
if (in.thread != null)
if (err.thread != null)
r = process.waitFor();
running = false;
} catch (InterruptedException intExc) { }

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
for (int i = 0; i < prototypes.size(); i++) {
out.print(prototypes.get(i) + "\n");
out.println("#line 1");

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class Archiver implements Tool {
numberFormat.setGroupingUsed(false); // no commas
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(_("yyMMdd"));
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd");

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
* 4.7K resistor on analog 0 to ground
created 21 Jan 2010
modified 9 Apr 2012
by Tom Igoe
modified 31 May 2012
by Tom Igoe, with suggestion from Michael Flynn
This example code is in the public domain.
@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ void loop() {
int sensorReading = analogRead(A0);
// print the sensor reading so you know its range
// map the pitch to the range of the analog input.
// map the analog input range (in this case, 400 - 1000 from the photoresistor)
// to the output pitch range (120 - 1500Hz)
// change the minimum and maximum input numbers below
// depending on the range your sensor's giving:
int thisPitch = map(sensorReading, 400, 1000, 100, 1000);
int thisPitch = map(sensorReading, 400, 1000, 120, 1500);
// play the pitch:
tone(9, thisPitch, 10);

View File

@ -226,6 +226,9 @@ size_t Print::printFloat(double number, uint8_t digits)
size_t n = 0;
if (isnan(number)) return print("nan");
if (isinf(number)) return print("inf");
// Handle negative numbers
if (number < 0.0)

View File

@ -46,7 +46,10 @@ class Print
void clearWriteError() { setWriteError(0); }
virtual size_t write(uint8_t) = 0;
size_t write(const char *str) { return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str)); }
size_t write(const char *str) {
if (str == NULL) return 0;
return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str));
virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
size_t print(const __FlashStringHelper *);

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public:
virtual int read(void);
virtual void flush(void);
virtual size_t write(uint8_t);
using Print::write; // pull in write(str) and write(buf, size) from Print
operator bool();
extern Serial_ Serial;

View File

@ -59,6 +59,14 @@ void attachInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNum, void (*userFunc)(void), int mode) {
EICRA = (EICRA & ~((1<<ISC10) | (1<<ISC11))) | (mode << ISC10);
EIMSK |= (1<<INT1);
case 2:
EICRA = (EICRA & ~((1<<ISC20) | (1<<ISC21))) | (mode << ISC20);
EIMSK |= (1<<INT2);
case 3:
EICRA = (EICRA & ~((1<<ISC30) | (1<<ISC31))) | (mode << ISC30);
EIMSK |= (1<<INT3);
#elif defined(EICRA) && defined(EICRB) && defined(EIMSK)
case 2:
EICRA = (EICRA & ~((1 << ISC00) | (1 << ISC01))) | (mode << ISC00);
@ -147,12 +155,18 @@ void detachInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNum) {
// ATmega8. There, INT0 is 6 and INT1 is 7.)
switch (interruptNum) {
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
case 0:
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT0);
case 1:
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT1);
case 0:
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT0);
case 1:
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT1);
case 2:
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT2);
case 3:
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT3);
#elif defined(EICRA) && defined(EICRB) && defined(EIMSK)
case 2:
EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT0);
@ -226,6 +240,16 @@ SIGNAL(INT1_vect) {
SIGNAL(INT2_vect) {
SIGNAL(INT3_vect) {
#elif defined(EICRA) && defined(EICRB)
SIGNAL(INT0_vect) {

View File

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ extern "C"{
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)

View File

@ -166,44 +166,43 @@ static const pin_map_t digitalPinMap[] = {
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
// Teensy 2.0
// Leonardo
// Two Wire (aka I2C) ports
uint8_t const SDA_PIN = 6;
uint8_t const SCL_PIN = 5;
uint8_t const SDA_PIN = 2;
uint8_t const SCL_PIN = 3;
// SPI port
uint8_t const SS_PIN = 0;
uint8_t const MOSI_PIN = 2;
uint8_t const MISO_PIN = 3;
uint8_t const SCK_PIN = 1;
uint8_t const SS_PIN = 17;
uint8_t const MOSI_PIN = 16;
uint8_t const MISO_PIN = 14;
uint8_t const SCK_PIN = 15;
static const pin_map_t digitalPinMap[] = {
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 0}, // B0 0
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 1}, // B1 1
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 2}, // B2 2
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 3}, // B3 3
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 7}, // B7 4
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 0}, // D0 5
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 1}, // D1 6
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 2}, // D2 7
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 3}, // D3 8
{&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 6}, // C6 9
{&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 7}, // C7 10
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 6}, // D6 11
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 7}, // D7 12
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 4}, // B4 13
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 5}, // B5 14
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 6}, // B6 15
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 7}, // F7 16
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 6}, // F6 17
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 5}, // F5 18
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 4}, // F4 19
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 1}, // F1 20
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 0}, // F0 21
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 4}, // D4 22
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 5}, // D5 23
{&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 6} // E6 24
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 2}, // D2 0
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 3}, // D3 1
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 1}, // D1 2
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 0}, // D0 3
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 4}, // D4 4
{&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 6}, // C6 5
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 7}, // D7 6
{&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 6}, // E6 7
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 4}, // B4 8
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 5}, // B5 9
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 6}, // B6 10
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 7}, // B7 11
{&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 6}, // D6 12
{&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 7}, // C7 13
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 3}, // B3 14
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 1}, // B1 15
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 2}, // B2 16
{&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 0}, // B0 17
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 7}, // F7 18
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 6}, // F6 19
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 5}, // F5 20
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 4}, // F4 21
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 1}, // F1 22
{&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 0}, // F0 23
#elif defined(__AVR_AT90USB646__) || defined(__AVR_AT90USB1286__)

View File

@ -14,27 +14,32 @@
void SPIClass::begin() {
// Set direction register for SCK and MOSI pin.
// MISO pin automatically overrides to INPUT.
// Set SS to high so a connected chip will be "deselected" by default
digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
// When the SS pin is set as OUTPUT, it can be used as
// a general purpose output port (it doesn't influence
// SPI operations).
pinMode(SCK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MOSI, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(SCK, LOW);
digitalWrite(MOSI, LOW);
digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
// Warning: if the SS pin ever becomes a LOW INPUT then SPI
// automatically switches to Slave, so the data direction of
// Warning: if the SS pin ever becomes a LOW INPUT then SPI
// automatically switches to Slave, so the data direction of
// the SS pin MUST be kept as OUTPUT.
// Set direction register for SCK and MOSI pin.
// MISO pin automatically overrides to INPUT.
// By doing this AFTER enabling SPI, we avoid accidentally
// clocking in a single bit since the lines go directly
// from "input" to SPI control.
// http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=888
pinMode(SCK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MOSI, OUTPUT);
void SPIClass::end() {
SPCR &= ~_BV(SPE);

View File

@ -5,11 +5,20 @@
Receives from software serial, sends to hardware serial.
The circuit:
* RX is digital pin 2 (connect to TX of other device)
* TX is digital pin 3 (connect to RX of other device)
* RX is digital pin 10 (connect to TX of other device)
* TX is digital pin 11 (connect to RX of other device)
Not all pins on the Mega and Mega 2560 support change interrupts,
so only the following can be used for RX:
10, 11, 12, 13, 50, 51, 52, 53, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69
Not all pins on the Leonardo support change interrupts,
so only the following can be used for RX:
8, 9, 10, 11, 14 (MISO), 15 (SCK), 16 (MOSI).
created back in the mists of time
modified 9 Apr 2012
modified 25 May 2012
by Tom Igoe
based on Mikal Hart's example
@ -18,17 +27,17 @@
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3); // RX, TX
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
Serial.println("Goodnight moon!");
// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
@ -43,3 +52,4 @@ void loop() // run over and over
if (Serial.available())

View File

@ -16,8 +16,17 @@
* First serial device's TX attached to digital pin 2, RX to pin 3
* Second serial device's TX attached to digital pin 4, RX to pin 5
Not all pins on the Mega and Mega 2560 support change interrupts,
so only the following can be used for RX:
10, 11, 12, 13, 50, 51, 52, 53, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69
Not all pins on the Leonardo support change interrupts,
so only the following can be used for RX:
8, 9, 10, 11, 14 (MISO), 15 (SCK), 16 (MOSI).
created 18 Apr. 2011
modified 9 Apr 2012
modified 25 May 2012
by Tom Igoe
based on Mikal Hart's twoPortRXExample
@ -26,11 +35,12 @@
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// software serial #1: TX = digital pin 2, RX = digital pin 3
SoftwareSerial portOne(2, 3);
// software serial #1: TX = digital pin 10, RX = digital pin 11
SoftwareSerial portOne(10,11);
// software serial #2: TX = digital pin 4, RX = digital pin 5
SoftwareSerial portTwo(4, 5);
// software serial #2: TX = digital pin 8, RX = digital pin 9
// on the Mega, use other pins instead, since 8 and 9 don't work on the Mega
SoftwareSerial portTwo(8,9);
void setup()

View File

@ -219,6 +219,9 @@ size_t Print::printFloat(double number, uint8_t digits)
size_t n = 0;
if (isnan(number)) return print("nan");
if (isinf(number)) return print("inf");
// Handle negative numbers
if (number < 0.0)

View File

@ -46,7 +46,10 @@ class Print
void clearWriteError() { setWriteError(0); }
virtual size_t write(uint8_t) = 0;
size_t write(const char *str) { return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str)); }
size_t write(const char *str) {
if (str == NULL) return 0;
return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str));
virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
size_t print(const __FlashStringHelper *);

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ public:
virtual int read(void);
virtual void flush(void);
virtual size_t write(uint8_t);
using Print::write; // pull in write(str) and write(buf, size) from Print
operator bool();
extern Serial_ Serial;