diff --git a/build/fetch.sh b/build/fetch.sh
index 4770f3a3d..d5d512c85 100755
--- a/build/fetch.sh
+++ b/build/fetch.sh
@@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
-curl http://arduino.berlios.de/index.php/Main/Howto -o howto.html
-curl http://arduino.berlios.de/index.php/Reference/HomePage -o index.html
-curl http://arduino.berlios.de/pub/skins/arduino/arduino.css -o arduino.css
-for i in `grep -o "http://arduino.berlios.de/index.php/Reference/[^']*" index.html | sort -u | grep -v '?' | cut -d '/' -f 6`; do curl http://arduino.berlios.de/index.php/Reference/$i -o $i.html; done
-perl -i -pe "s|http://arduino.berlios.de/index.php/Reference/[^?\"']*\?[^'\"]*|#|g" *.html
-perl -i -pe "s|http://arduino.berlios.de/index.php/Reference/([^']*)|\1.html|g" *.html
-perl -i -pe "s|http://arduino.berlios.de/pub/skins/arduino/arduino.css|arduino.css|g" *.html
+# fetch.sh
+# David A. Mellis
+# Script to download reference pages from Arduino website and change links
+# to point to local copies of the pages.  A terrible hack.
+mkdir reference
+cd reference
+curl http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Howto -o howto.html
+curl http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/HomePage -o index.html
+curl http://www.arduino.cc/en/pub/skins/arduino/arduino.css -o arduino.css
+for i in `grep -o "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/[^']*" index.html | sort -u | grep -v '?' | cut -d '/' -f 6`; do curl http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/$i -o $i.html; done
+perl -i -pe "s|http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/[^?\"']*\?[^'\"]*|#|g" *.html
+perl -i -pe "s|http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/([^']*)|\1.html|g" *.html
+perl -i -pe "s|http://www.arduino.cc/en/pub/skins/arduino/arduino.css|arduino.css|g" *.html
 perl -i -pe "s|HomePage.html|index.html|g" *.html
-perl -i -pe "s|/\\?PHPSESSID=[^\"]*|http://arduino.berlios.de/|g" *.html
+perl -i -pe "s|href=\"/\"|href=\"http://www.arduino.cc/\"|g" *.html
+cd ..
+zip -r shared/reference.zip reference
+rm -rf reference
\ No newline at end of file