mirror of https://github.com/arduino/Arduino.git synced 2025-03-13 10:29:35 +01:00

PreProcessor now replace every single char with a space, without collapsing multiline matches

This commit is contained in:
Federico Fissore 2013-11-18 10:59:51 +01:00
parent 7902fc2591
commit d0758af29a
14 changed files with 1672 additions and 504 deletions

View File

@ -257,9 +257,23 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
// pre-processor directive
p += "|" + "(^\\s*#.*?$)";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(in);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(p, Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(in);
return matcher.replaceAll(" ");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sb);
while (matcher.find()) {
String replacement = composeReplacementString(new StringBuilder(sb.subSequence(matcher.start(), matcher.end())));
sb.replace(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), replacement);
return sb.toString();
private String composeReplacementString(StringBuilder sb) {
for (int i = 0; i < sb.length(); i++) {
if (sb.charAt(i) != '\n') {
sb.setCharAt(i, ' ');
return sb.toString();
@ -388,7 +402,10 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
} else {
// continue blanking this area
p[index++] = ' ';
if (p[index] != '\n') {
p[index] = ' ';
if (!endOfRainbow) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
#define ENABLE_SPP
#define ENABLE_PS3
#define ENABLE_WII
#define ENABLE_ADK
#include "Balanduino.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include <usbhub.h>
#include <adk.h>
#include <Kalman.h>
#include <XBOXRECV.h>
#include <SPP.h>
#ifdef ENABLE_PS3
#include <PS3BT.h>
#include <Wii.h>
Kalman kalman;
#if defined(ENABLE_SPP) || defined(ENABLE_PS3) || defined(ENABLE_WII) || defined(ENABLE_XBOX) || defined(ENABLE_ADK)
#define ENABLE_USB
USB Usb;
ADK adk(&Usb, "TKJ Electronics",
"Android App for Balanduino",
XBOXRECV Xbox(&Usb);
#if defined(ENABLE_SPP) || defined(ENABLE_PS3) || defined(ENABLE_WII)
USBHub Hub(&Usb);
BTD Btd(&Usb);
SPP SerialBT(&Btd, "Balanduino", "0000");
#ifdef ENABLE_PS3
PS3BT PS3(&Btd);
WII Wii(&Btd);
void setup() {
if (!checkInitializationFlags())
pinMode(leftEncoder1, INPUT);
pinMode(leftEncoder2, INPUT);
pinMode(rightEncoder1, INPUT);
pinMode(rightEncoder2, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, leftEncoder, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(1, rightEncoder, CHANGE);
pinMode(leftEnable, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightEnable, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(leftEnable, HIGH);
digitalWrite(rightEnable, HIGH);
sbi(pwmPortDirection, leftPWM);
sbi(leftPortDirection, leftA);
sbi(leftPortDirection, leftB);
sbi(pwmPortDirection, rightPWM);
sbi(rightPortDirection, rightA);
sbi(rightPortDirection, rightB);
TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13) | _BV(CS10);
TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1B1);
setPWM(leftPWM, 0);
setPWM(rightPWM, 0);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
if (Usb.Init() == -1) {
Serial.print(F("OSC did not start"));
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
while (1);
#ifdef ENABLE_PS3
while (i2cRead(0x75, i2cBuffer, 1));
if (i2cBuffer[0] != 0x68) {
Serial.print(F("Error reading sensor"));
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
while (1);
i2cBuffer[0] = 19;
i2cBuffer[1] = 0x00;
i2cBuffer[2] = 0x00;
i2cBuffer[3] = 0x00;
while (i2cWrite(0x19, i2cBuffer, 4, false));
while (i2cWrite(0x6B, 0x09, true));
while (i2cRead(0x3D, i2cBuffer, 4));
accY = ((i2cBuffer[0] << 8) | i2cBuffer[1]);
accZ = ((i2cBuffer[2] << 8) | i2cBuffer[3]);
accAngle = (atan2((double)accY - cfg.accYzero, (double)accZ - cfg.accZzero) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG;
pitch = accAngle;
gyroAngle = accAngle;
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
kalmanTimer = micros();
pidTimer = kalmanTimer;
encoderTimer = kalmanTimer;
imuTimer = millis();
reportTimer = imuTimer;
ledTimer = imuTimer;
blinkTimer = imuTimer;
void loop() {
if (Wii.wiimoteConnected)
while (i2cRead(0x3D, i2cBuffer, 8));
accY = ((i2cBuffer[0] << 8) | i2cBuffer[1]);
accZ = ((i2cBuffer[2] << 8) | i2cBuffer[3]);
gyroX = ((i2cBuffer[6] << 8) | i2cBuffer[7]);
accAngle = (atan2((double)accY - cfg.accYzero, (double)accZ - cfg.accZzero) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG;
uint32_t timer = micros();
if ((accAngle < 90 && pitch > 270) || (accAngle > 270 && pitch < 90)) {
pitch = accAngle;
gyroAngle = accAngle;
} else {
gyroRate = ((double)gyroX - gyroXzero) / 131.0;
double dt = (double)(timer - kalmanTimer) / 1000000.0;
gyroAngle += gyroRate * dt;
if (gyroAngle < 0 || gyroAngle > 360)
gyroAngle = pitch;
pitch = kalman.getAngle(accAngle, gyroRate, dt);
kalmanTimer = timer;
if (Wii.wiimoteConnected)
timer = micros();
if ((layingDown && (pitch < cfg.targetAngle - 10 || pitch > cfg.targetAngle + 10)) || (!layingDown && (pitch < cfg.targetAngle - 45 || pitch > cfg.targetAngle + 45))) {
layingDown = true;
} else {
layingDown = false;
updatePID(cfg.targetAngle, targetOffset, turningOffset, (double)(timer - pidTimer) / 1000000.0);
pidTimer = timer;
timer = micros();
if (timer - encoderTimer >= 100000) {
encoderTimer = timer;
int32_t wheelPosition = getWheelsPosition();
wheelVelocity = wheelPosition - lastWheelPosition;
lastWheelPosition = wheelPosition;
if (abs(wheelVelocity) <= 40 && !stopped) {
targetPosition = wheelPosition;
stopped = true;
if (batteryCounter > 10) {
batteryCounter = 0;
batteryVoltage = (double)analogRead(VBAT) / 63.050847458;
if (batteryVoltage < 10.2 && batteryVoltage > 5)
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
#if defined(ENABLE_TOOLS) || defined(ENABLE_SPP)
#if defined(ENABLE_SPP) || defined(ENABLE_PS3) || defined(ENABLE_WII)
if (Btd.isReady()) {
timer = millis();
if ((Btd.watingForConnection && timer - blinkTimer > 1000) || (!Btd.watingForConnection && timer - blinkTimer > 100)) {
blinkTimer = timer;
ledState = !ledState;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState);
} else if (ledState) {
ledState = !ledState;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState);

View File

@ -1,80 +1,99 @@
Kalman kalman;
USB Usb;
ADK adk(&Usb, ,
XBOXRECV Xbox(&Usb);
USBHub Hub(&Usb);
BTD Btd(&Usb);
SPP SerialBT(&Btd, , );
PS3BT PS3(&Btd);
WII Wii(&Btd);
Kalman kalman;
USB Usb;
ADK adk(&Usb, ,
XBOXRECV Xbox(&Usb);
USBHub Hub(&Usb);
BTD Btd(&Usb);
SPP SerialBT(&Btd, , );
PS3BT PS3(&Btd);
WII Wii(&Btd);
void setup() {
if (!checkInitializationFlags())
pinMode(leftEncoder1, INPUT);
pinMode(leftEncoder2, INPUT);
pinMode(rightEncoder1, INPUT);
@ -82,13 +101,13 @@ void setup() {
attachInterrupt(0, leftEncoder, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(1, rightEncoder, CHANGE);
pinMode(leftEnable, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightEnable, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(leftEnable, HIGH);
digitalWrite(rightEnable, HIGH);
sbi(pwmPortDirection, leftPWM);
sbi(leftPortDirection, leftA);
sbi(leftPortDirection, leftB);
@ -96,82 +115,83 @@ void setup() {
sbi(rightPortDirection, rightA);
sbi(rightPortDirection, rightB);
TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13) | _BV(CS10);
TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13) | _BV(CS10);
TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1B1);
setPWM(leftPWM, 0);
setPWM(leftPWM, 0);
setPWM(rightPWM, 0);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
if (Usb.Init() == -1) {
Serial.print(F( ));
if (Usb.Init() == -1) {
Serial.print(F( ));
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
while (1);
while (1);
while (i2cRead(0x75, i2cBuffer, 1));
if (i2cBuffer[0] != 0x68) {
Serial.print(F( ));
if (i2cBuffer[0] != 0x68) {
Serial.print(F( ));
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
while (1);
while (1);
i2cBuffer[0] = 19;
i2cBuffer[1] = 0x00;
i2cBuffer[2] = 0x00;
i2cBuffer[3] = 0x00;
while (i2cWrite(0x19, i2cBuffer, 4, false));
while (i2cWrite(0x6B, 0x09, true));
i2cBuffer[0] = 19;
i2cBuffer[1] = 0x00;
i2cBuffer[2] = 0x00;
i2cBuffer[3] = 0x00;
while (i2cWrite(0x19, i2cBuffer, 4, false));
while (i2cWrite(0x6B, 0x09, true));
while (i2cRead(0x3D, i2cBuffer, 4));
accY = ((i2cBuffer[0] << 8) | i2cBuffer[1]);
accZ = ((i2cBuffer[2] << 8) | i2cBuffer[3]);
accAngle = (atan2((double)accY - cfg.accYzero, (double)accZ - cfg.accZzero) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG;
pitch = accAngle;
gyroAngle = accAngle;
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
kalmanTimer = micros();
pidTimer = kalmanTimer;
encoderTimer = kalmanTimer;
@ -182,100 +202,102 @@ void setup() {
void loop() {
if (Wii.wiimoteConnected)
if (Wii.wiimoteConnected)
while (i2cRead(0x3D, i2cBuffer, 8));
accY = ((i2cBuffer[0] << 8) | i2cBuffer[1]);
accZ = ((i2cBuffer[2] << 8) | i2cBuffer[3]);
gyroX = ((i2cBuffer[6] << 8) | i2cBuffer[7]);
accAngle = (atan2((double)accY - cfg.accYzero, (double)accZ - cfg.accZzero) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG;
uint32_t timer = micros();
if ((accAngle < 90 && pitch > 270) || (accAngle > 270 && pitch < 90)) {
pitch = accAngle;
gyroAngle = accAngle;
} else {
gyroRate = ((double)gyroX - gyroXzero) / 131.0;
gyroRate = ((double)gyroX - gyroXzero) / 131.0;
double dt = (double)(timer - kalmanTimer) / 1000000.0;
gyroAngle += gyroRate * dt;
gyroAngle += gyroRate * dt;
if (gyroAngle < 0 || gyroAngle > 360)
gyroAngle = pitch;
pitch = kalman.getAngle(accAngle, gyroRate, dt);
gyroAngle = pitch;
pitch = kalman.getAngle(accAngle, gyroRate, dt);
kalmanTimer = timer;
if (Wii.wiimoteConnected)
if (Wii.wiimoteConnected)
timer = micros();
if ((layingDown && (pitch < cfg.targetAngle - 10 || pitch > cfg.targetAngle + 10)) || (!layingDown && (pitch < cfg.targetAngle - 45 || pitch > cfg.targetAngle + 45))) {
layingDown = true;
layingDown = true;
} else {
layingDown = false;
layingDown = false;
updatePID(cfg.targetAngle, targetOffset, turningOffset, (double)(timer - pidTimer) / 1000000.0);
pidTimer = timer;
timer = micros();
if (timer - encoderTimer >= 100000) {
if (timer - encoderTimer >= 100000) {
encoderTimer = timer;
int32_t wheelPosition = getWheelsPosition();
wheelVelocity = wheelPosition - lastWheelPosition;
lastWheelPosition = wheelPosition;
if (abs(wheelVelocity) <= 40 && !stopped) {
if (abs(wheelVelocity) <= 40 && !stopped) {
targetPosition = wheelPosition;
stopped = true;
if (batteryCounter > 10) {
if (batteryCounter > 10) {
batteryCounter = 0;
batteryVoltage = (double)analogRead(VBAT) / 63.050847458;
if (batteryVoltage < 10.2 && batteryVoltage > 5)
batteryVoltage = (double)analogRead(VBAT) / 63.050847458;
if (batteryVoltage < 10.2 && batteryVoltage > 5)
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
if (Btd.isReady()) {
timer = millis();
if ((Btd.watingForConnection && timer - blinkTimer > 1000) || (!Btd.watingForConnection && timer - blinkTimer > 100)) {
blinkTimer = timer;
ledState = !ledState;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState);
} else if (ledState) {
} else if (ledState) {
ledState = !ledState;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#define DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS 104
#define DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR 0
#define DS3231_ALARM1_ADDR 7
#define DS3231_ALARM2_ADDR 11
#define DS3231_CONTROL_ADDR 14
#define DS3231_STATUS_ADDR 15
#define DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR 17
SoftwareSerial GPRS( 7, 8 );
byte buffer[ 64 ];
int count = 0, e = 0, count2 = 0, t = 0, q;
char temp, lastCaller[13] = "blank";
boolean callIncoming = false, done;
byte time[ 7 ];
byte time_A1[ 5 ];
byte time_A2[ 4 ];
byte received[1];
float temperature;
char telescopeNames[6][4];
void setPowerStateTo( int newState )
if( newState != 1 && newState != 0 ) {
Serial.print( "Error: Invalid powerstate. Current powerstate = " );
Serial.print( getPowerState() );
Serial.print( "\n" );
else {
if( newState == getPowerState() ) {
Serial.print( "Powerstate = " );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( " remains unchanged.\n" );
else {
Serial.print( "Powerstate changed from " );
Serial.print( 1 - newState );
Serial.print( " to " );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( "\n" );
delay( 5000 );
int getPowerState()
int ret;
if ( digitalRead(18) == 0 && digitalRead(19) == 0 )
ret = 1;
ret = 0;
return ret;
void powerUpOrDown()
pinMode( 9, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
delay( 1000 );
digitalWrite( 9, HIGH );
delay( 2000 );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
delay( 3000 );
void clearBufferArray()
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
buffer[ i ] = NULL;
void makeMissedCall( char num[] )
int i;
char in[ 18 ] = "ATD";
for( i = 3; i <= 14; i++ )
in[ i ] = num[ i - 3] ;
in[ 15 ] = ';';
in[ 16 ] = '\r';
in[ 17 ] = '\0';
GPRS.write( in );
delay( 10000 );
GPRS.write( "ATH\r\0" );
delay( 1000 );
void sendTextMessage( char number[], char messg[] )
char temp[ 27 ] = "AT + CMGS = \"";
for( q = 0; q < 12; q++ )
temp[ q + 13 ] = number[ q ];
temp[ 25 ] = '\"';
temp[ 26 ] = '\0';
GPRS.println( "AT+CMGF=1\r" );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( temp );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( messg );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( (char) 26 );
delay( 1000 );
void analise(byte incoming[], int length)
e = 0;
done = false;
while( e < length && !done){
temp = char( incoming[e] );
switch( temp ){
case 'R':
if( length > e + 3 && !callIncoming ) {
if(char( incoming[e + 1] ) == 'I'
&& char( incoming[e + 2] ) == 'N'
&& char( incoming[e + 3] ) == 'G'){
callIncoming = true;
done = true;
case '+':
if(char( buffer[ e + 1]) == '2' && length > e + 11 && callIncoming){
for(t = 0; t < 12; t++)
lastCaller[t] = char( buffer[ e + t ]);
lastCaller[12] = '\0';
callIncoming = false;
done = true;
case 'l':
byte decToBcd( byte b )
return ( b / 10 << 4 ) + b % 10;
boolean getBit( byte addr, int pos )
byte temp = getByte( addr );
return boolean( (temp >> pos) & B00000001 );
void setBit( byte addr, int pos, boolean newBit )
boolean oldBit = getBit( addr, pos );
byte temp = received[ 0 ];
if ( oldBit != newBit )
if( newBit )
temp += (B00000001 << pos);
temp -= (B00000001 << pos);
setByte( addr, temp );
byte getByte( byte addr )
byte temp;
if( getBytes( addr, 1) )
temp = received[ 0 ];
else temp = -1;
return temp;
boolean getBytes( byte addr, int amount )
boolean wireWorked = false;
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
Wire.requestFrom( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS, amount );
if( Wire.available() ){
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++){
received[ i ] = Wire.read();
wireWorked = true;
return wireWorked;
void setByte( byte addr, byte newByte )
setBytes( addr, &newByte, 1);
void setBytes( byte addr, byte newBytes[], int amount )
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ )
Wire.write( newBytes[ i ] );
void getTime()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, 7) )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
time[ i ] = received[ i ];
time[ 0 ] = ( ( time[ 0 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 0 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 1 ] = ( ( time[ 1 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 1 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 2 ] = ( ( time[ 2 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 2 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 4 ] = ( ( time[ 4 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 4 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 5 ] = ( ( time[ 5 ] & B00010000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 5 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 6 ] = ( ( time[ 6 ] & B11110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 6 ] & B00001111 );
void setTime( byte newTime[ 7 ] )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
newTime[i] = decToBcd(newTime[i]);
setBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, newTime, 7 );
void getRTCTemperature()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR, 2 ) )
temperature = ( received[ 0 ] & B01111111 );
temperature += ( ( received[ 1 ] >> 6 ) * 0.25 );
void gprsListen()
if( GPRS.available() ) {
while( GPRS.available() ) {
buffer[ count++ ] = GPRS.read();
if ( count == 64 )
Serial.write( buffer, count );
analise( buffer, count );
count = 0;
if (Serial.available())
void printTime()
Serial.print( int( time[ 3 ] ) );
Serial.print( ' ' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 2 ] ) );
Serial.print( ':' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 1 ] ) );
Serial.print( ':' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 0 ] ) );
Serial.print( ' ' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 4 ] ) );
Serial.print( '/' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 5 ] ) );
Serial.print( "/20" );
Serial.print( int( time[ 6 ] ) );
void setup()
GPRS.begin( 9600 );
void loop()

View File

@ -1,68 +1,70 @@
SoftwareSerial GPRS( 7, 8 );
byte buffer[ 64 ];
SoftwareSerial GPRS( 7, 8 );
byte buffer[ 64 ];
int count = 0, e = 0, count2 = 0, t = 0, q;
char temp, lastCaller[13] = ;
char temp, lastCaller[13] = ;
boolean callIncoming = false, done;
byte time[ 7 ];
byte time_A1[ 5 ];
byte time_A2[ 4 ];
byte received[1];
float temperature;
byte time[ 7 ];
byte time_A1[ 5 ];
byte time_A2[ 4 ];
byte received[1];
float temperature;
char telescopeNames[6][4];
void setPowerStateTo( int newState )
if( newState != 1 && newState != 0 ) {
Serial.print( );
if( newState != 1 && newState != 0 ) {
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( getPowerState() );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
else {
if( newState == getPowerState() ) {
Serial.print( );
if( newState == getPowerState() ) {
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
else {
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( 1 - newState );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
delay( 5000 );
delay( 5000 );
int getPowerState()
int getPowerState()
int ret;
if ( digitalRead(18) == 0 && digitalRead(19) == 0 )
if ( digitalRead(18) == 0 && digitalRead(19) == 0 )
ret = 1;
ret = 0;
@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ int getPowerState()
return ret;
void powerUpOrDown()
void powerUpOrDown()
pinMode( 9, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
@ -81,11 +83,11 @@ void powerUpOrDown()
delay( 3000 );
void clearBufferArray()
void clearBufferArray()
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
buffer[ i ] = NULL;
@ -94,227 +96,233 @@ void clearBufferArray()
void makeMissedCall( char num[] )
int i;
char in[ 18 ] = ;
for( i = 3; i <= 14; i++ )
char in[ 18 ] = ;
for( i = 3; i <= 14; i++ )
in[ i ] = num[ i - 3] ;
in[ 15 ] = ;
in[ 15 ] = ;
in[ 16 ] = '\r';
in[ 17 ] = '\0';
GPRS.write( in );
delay( 10000 );
GPRS.write( );
GPRS.write( in );
delay( 10000 );
GPRS.write( );
delay( 1000 );
void sendTextMessage( char number[], char messg[] )
char temp[ 27 ] = ;
for( q = 0; q < 12; q++ )
char temp[ 27 ] = ;
for( q = 0; q < 12; q++ )
temp[ q + 13 ] = number[ q ];
temp[ 25 ] = ;
temp[ 25 ] = ;
temp[ 26 ] = '\0';
GPRS.println( );
GPRS.println( );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( temp );
GPRS.println( temp );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( messg );
GPRS.println( messg );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( (char) 26 );
GPRS.println( (char) 26 );
delay( 1000 );
void analise(byte incoming[], int length)
void analise(byte incoming[], int length)
e = 0;
done = false;
while( e < length && !done){
temp = char( incoming[e] );
switch( temp ){
case :
e = 0;
done = false;
while( e < length && !done){
temp = char( incoming[e] );
switch( temp ){
case :
if( length > e + 3 && !callIncoming ) {
if(char( incoming[e + 1] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 2] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 3] ) == ){
GPRS.write( );
GPRS.write( );
callIncoming = true;
done = true;
if( length > e + 3 && !callIncoming ) {
if(char( incoming[e + 1] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 2] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 3] ) == ){
GPRS.write( );
GPRS.write( );
callIncoming = true;
done = true;
case :
case :
if(char( buffer[ e + 1]) == && length > e + 11 && callIncoming){
for(t = 0; t < 12; t++)
lastCaller[t] = char( buffer[ e + t ]);
if(char( buffer[ e + 1]) == && length > e + 11 && callIncoming){
for(t = 0; t < 12; t++)
lastCaller[t] = char( buffer[ e + t ]);
lastCaller[12] = '\0';
callIncoming = false;
done = true;
callIncoming = false;
done = true;
case :
case :
byte decToBcd( byte b )
byte decToBcd( byte b )
return ( b / 10 << 4 ) + b % 10;
boolean getBit( byte addr, int pos )
boolean getBit( byte addr, int pos )
byte temp = getByte( addr );
return boolean( (temp >> pos) & B00000001 );
void setBit( byte addr, int pos, boolean newBit )
void setBit( byte addr, int pos, boolean newBit )
boolean oldBit = getBit( addr, pos );
byte temp = received[ 0 ];
if ( oldBit != newBit )
boolean oldBit = getBit( addr, pos );
byte temp = received[ 0 ];
if ( oldBit != newBit )
if( newBit )
temp += (B00000001 << pos);
if( newBit )
temp += (B00000001 << pos);
temp -= (B00000001 << pos);
temp -= (B00000001 << pos);
setByte( addr, temp );
setByte( addr, temp );
byte getByte( byte addr )
byte getByte( byte addr )
byte temp;
if( getBytes( addr, 1) )
temp = received[ 0 ];
else temp = -1;
if( getBytes( addr, 1) )
temp = received[ 0 ];
else temp = -1;
return temp;
boolean getBytes( byte addr, int amount )
boolean getBytes( byte addr, int amount )
boolean wireWorked = false;
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
Wire.requestFrom( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS, amount );
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
Wire.requestFrom( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS, amount );
if( Wire.available() ){
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++){
received[ i ] = Wire.read();
received[ i ] = Wire.read();
wireWorked = true;
wireWorked = true;
return wireWorked;
void setByte( byte addr, byte newByte )
void setByte( byte addr, byte newByte )
setBytes( addr, &newByte, 1);
setBytes( addr, &newByte, 1);
void setBytes( byte addr, byte newBytes[], int amount )
void setBytes( byte addr, byte newBytes[], int amount )
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ )
Wire.write( newBytes[ i ] );
Wire.write( newBytes[ i ] );
void getTime()
void getTime()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, 7) )
if( getBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, 7) )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
time[ i ] = received[ i ];
time[ 0 ] = ( ( time[ 0 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 0 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 1 ] = ( ( time[ 1 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 1 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 2 ] = ( ( time[ 2 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 2 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 4 ] = ( ( time[ 4 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 4 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 5 ] = ( ( time[ 5 ] & B00010000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 5 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 6 ] = ( ( time[ 6 ] & B11110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 6 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 0 ] = ( ( time[ 0 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 0 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 1 ] = ( ( time[ 1 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 1 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 2 ] = ( ( time[ 2 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 2 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 4 ] = ( ( time[ 4 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 4 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 5 ] = ( ( time[ 5 ] & B00010000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 5 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 6 ] = ( ( time[ 6 ] & B11110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 6 ] & B00001111 );
void setTime( byte newTime[ 7 ] )
void setTime( byte newTime[ 7 ] )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
newTime[i] = decToBcd(newTime[i]);
setBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, newTime, 7 );
newTime[i] = decToBcd(newTime[i]);
setBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, newTime, 7 );
void getRTCTemperature()
void getRTCTemperature()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR, 2 ) )
if( getBytes( DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR, 2 ) )
temperature = ( received[ 0 ] & B01111111 );
temperature += ( ( received[ 1 ] >> 6 ) * 0.25 );
temperature = ( received[ 0 ] & B01111111 );
temperature += ( ( received[ 1 ] >> 6 ) * 0.25 );
void gprsListen()
if( GPRS.available() ) {
while( GPRS.available() ) {
buffer[ count++ ] = GPRS.read();
if ( count == 64 )
if( GPRS.available() ) {
while( GPRS.available() ) {
buffer[ count++ ] = GPRS.read();
if ( count == 64 )
Serial.write( buffer, count );
Serial.write( buffer, count );
analise( buffer, count );
count = 0;
count = 0;
if (Serial.available())
if (Serial.available())
void printTime()
void printTime()
Serial.print( int( time[ 3 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 2 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 1 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 0 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 4 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 5 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 6 ] ) );
Serial.print( int( time[ 3 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 2 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 1 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 0 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 4 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 5 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 6 ] ) );
void setup()
GPRS.begin( 9600 );
@ -325,6 +333,6 @@ void setup()
void loop()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#include <CapacitiveSensorDue.h>
CapacitiveSensorDue cs_13_8 = CapacitiveSensorDue(13,8);
void setup()
void loop()
long total1 = cs_13_8.read(30);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
CapacitiveSensorDue cs_13_8 = CapacitiveSensorDue(13,8);
void setup()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
const char *foo = "\
hello \
void setup()
void loop()

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
const char *foo = ;
const char *foo =
void setup()
@ -9,4 +11,24 @@ void setup()
void loop()

View File

@ -14,12 +14,18 @@ public class PdePreprocessorTest {
String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("RemoteCallLogger_v1e0.ino").getFile()));
PdePreprocessor pdePreprocessor = new PdePreprocessor();
String actualOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("RemoteCallLogger_v1e0.stripped.ino").getFile()));
String stippedOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedStrippedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("RemoteCallLogger_v1e0.stripped.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);
assertEquals(expectedStrippedOutput, stippedOutput);
String actualCodeWithoutComments = pdePreprocessor.program;
String expectedCodeWithoutComments = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("RemoteCallLogger_v1e0.nocomments.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedCodeWithoutComments, actualCodeWithoutComments);
assertEquals(2, pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().size());
assertEquals("SoftwareSerial.h", pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().get(0));
assertEquals("Wire.h", pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().get(1));
@ -30,12 +36,18 @@ public class PdePreprocessorTest {
String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("IncludeBetweenMultilineComment.ino").getFile()));
PdePreprocessor pdePreprocessor = new PdePreprocessor();
String actualOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("IncludeBetweenMultilineComment.stripped.ino").getFile()));
String stippedOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedStrippedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("IncludeBetweenMultilineComment.stripped.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);
assertEquals(expectedStrippedOutput, stippedOutput);
String actualCodeWithoutComments = pdePreprocessor.program;
String expectedCodeWithoutComments = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("IncludeBetweenMultilineComment.nocomments.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedCodeWithoutComments, actualCodeWithoutComments);
assertEquals(1, pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().size());
assertEquals("CapacitiveSensorDue.h", pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().get(0));
@ -45,12 +57,18 @@ public class PdePreprocessorTest {
String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("Baladuino.ino").getFile()));
PdePreprocessor pdePreprocessor = new PdePreprocessor();
String actualOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("Baladuino.stripped.ino").getFile()));
String stippedOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedStrippedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("Baladuino.stripped.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);
assertEquals(expectedStrippedOutput, stippedOutput);
String actualCodeWithoutComments = pdePreprocessor.program;
String expectedCodeWithoutComments = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("Baladuino.nocomments.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedCodeWithoutComments, actualCodeWithoutComments);
assertEquals(9, pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().size());
assertEquals("Balanduino.h", pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().get(0));
assertEquals("Wire.h", pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().get(1));
@ -68,12 +86,18 @@ public class PdePreprocessorTest {
String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("StringWithCcomment.ino").getFile()));
PdePreprocessor pdePreprocessor = new PdePreprocessor();
String actualOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("StringWithCcomment.stripped.ino").getFile()));
String stippedOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedStrippedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("StringWithCcomment.stripped.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);
assertEquals(expectedStrippedOutput, stippedOutput);
String actualCodeWithoutComments = pdePreprocessor.program;
String expectedCodeWithoutComments = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("StringWithCcomment.nocomments.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedCodeWithoutComments, actualCodeWithoutComments);
assertEquals(0, pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().size());
@ -82,12 +106,18 @@ public class PdePreprocessorTest {
String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("CharWithEscapedDoubleQuote.ino").getFile()));
PdePreprocessor pdePreprocessor = new PdePreprocessor();
String actualOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("CharWithEscapedDoubleQuote.stripped.ino").getFile()));
String stippedOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedStrippedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("CharWithEscapedDoubleQuote.stripped.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);
assertEquals(expectedStrippedOutput, stippedOutput);
String actualCodeWithoutComments = pdePreprocessor.program;
String expectedCodeWithoutComments = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("CharWithEscapedDoubleQuote.nocomments.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedCodeWithoutComments, actualCodeWithoutComments);
assertEquals(2, pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().size());
assertEquals("SoftwareSerial.h", pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().get(0));
assertEquals("Wire.h", pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().get(1));
@ -98,12 +128,18 @@ public class PdePreprocessorTest {
String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("LineContinuations.ino").getFile()));
PdePreprocessor pdePreprocessor = new PdePreprocessor();
String actualOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("LineContinuations.stripped.ino").getFile()));
String stippedOutput = pdePreprocessor.strip(s);
String expectedStrippedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("LineContinuations.stripped.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);
assertEquals(expectedStrippedOutput, stippedOutput);
String actualCodeWithoutComments = pdePreprocessor.program;
String expectedCodeWithoutComments = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("LineContinuations.nocomments.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(expectedCodeWithoutComments, actualCodeWithoutComments);
assertEquals(0, pdePreprocessor.getExtraImports().size());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#define DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS 104
#define DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR 0
#define DS3231_ALARM1_ADDR 7
#define DS3231_ALARM2_ADDR 11
#define DS3231_CONTROL_ADDR 14
#define DS3231_STATUS_ADDR 15
#define DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR 17
SoftwareSerial GPRS( 7, 8 );
byte buffer[ 64 ];
int count = 0, e = 0, count2 = 0, t = 0, q;
char temp, lastCaller[13] = "blank";
boolean callIncoming = false, done;
byte time[ 7 ];
byte time_A1[ 5 ];
byte time_A2[ 4 ];
byte received[1];
float temperature;
char telescopeNames[6][4];
void setPowerStateTo( int newState )
if( newState != 1 && newState != 0 ) {
Serial.print( "Error: Invalid powerstate. Current powerstate = " );
Serial.print( getPowerState() );
Serial.print( "\n" );
else {
if( newState == getPowerState() ) {
Serial.print( "Powerstate = " );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( " remains unchanged.\n" );
else {
Serial.print( "Powerstate changed from " );
Serial.print( 1 - newState );
Serial.print( " to " );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( "\n" );
delay( 5000 );
int getPowerState()
int ret;
if ( digitalRead(18) == 0 && digitalRead(19) == 0 )
ret = 1;
ret = 0;
return ret;
void powerUpOrDown()
pinMode( 9, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
delay( 1000 );
digitalWrite( 9, HIGH );
delay( 2000 );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
delay( 3000 );
void clearBufferArray()
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
buffer[ i ] = NULL;
void makeMissedCall( char num[] )
int i;
char in[ 18 ] = "ATD";
for( i = 3; i <= 14; i++ )
in[ i ] = num[ i - 3] ;
in[ 15 ] = ';';
in[ 16 ] = '\r';
in[ 17 ] = '\0';
GPRS.write( in );
delay( 10000 );
GPRS.write( "ATH\r\0" );
delay( 1000 );
void sendTextMessage( char number[], char messg[] )
char temp[ 27 ] = "AT + CMGS = \"";
for( q = 0; q < 12; q++ )
temp[ q + 13 ] = number[ q ];
temp[ 25 ] = '\"';
temp[ 26 ] = '\0';
GPRS.println( "AT+CMGF=1\r" );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( temp );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( messg );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( (char) 26 );
delay( 1000 );
void analise(byte incoming[], int length)
e = 0;
done = false;
while( e < length && !done){
temp = char( incoming[e] );
switch( temp ){
case 'R':
if( length > e + 3 && !callIncoming ) {
if(char( incoming[e + 1] ) == 'I'
&& char( incoming[e + 2] ) == 'N'
&& char( incoming[e + 3] ) == 'G'){
callIncoming = true;
done = true;
case '+':
if(char( buffer[ e + 1]) == '2' && length > e + 11 && callIncoming){
for(t = 0; t < 12; t++)
lastCaller[t] = char( buffer[ e + t ]);
lastCaller[12] = '\0';
callIncoming = false;
done = true;
case 'l':
byte decToBcd( byte b )
return ( b / 10 << 4 ) + b % 10;
boolean getBit( byte addr, int pos )
byte temp = getByte( addr );
return boolean( (temp >> pos) & B00000001 );
void setBit( byte addr, int pos, boolean newBit )
boolean oldBit = getBit( addr, pos );
byte temp = received[ 0 ];
if ( oldBit != newBit )
if( newBit )
temp += (B00000001 << pos);
temp -= (B00000001 << pos);
setByte( addr, temp );
byte getByte( byte addr )
byte temp;
if( getBytes( addr, 1) )
temp = received[ 0 ];
else temp = -1;
return temp;
boolean getBytes( byte addr, int amount )
boolean wireWorked = false;
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
Wire.requestFrom( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS, amount );
if( Wire.available() ){
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++){
received[ i ] = Wire.read();
wireWorked = true;
return wireWorked;
void setByte( byte addr, byte newByte )
setBytes( addr, &newByte, 1);
void setBytes( byte addr, byte newBytes[], int amount )
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ )
Wire.write( newBytes[ i ] );
void getTime()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, 7) )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
time[ i ] = received[ i ];
time[ 0 ] = ( ( time[ 0 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 0 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 1 ] = ( ( time[ 1 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 1 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 2 ] = ( ( time[ 2 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 2 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 4 ] = ( ( time[ 4 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 4 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 5 ] = ( ( time[ 5 ] & B00010000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 5 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 6 ] = ( ( time[ 6 ] & B11110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 6 ] & B00001111 );
void setTime( byte newTime[ 7 ] )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
newTime[i] = decToBcd(newTime[i]);
setBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, newTime, 7 );
void getRTCTemperature()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR, 2 ) )
temperature = ( received[ 0 ] & B01111111 );
temperature += ( ( received[ 1 ] >> 6 ) * 0.25 );
void gprsListen()
if( GPRS.available() ) {
while( GPRS.available() ) {
buffer[ count++ ] = GPRS.read();
if ( count == 64 )
Serial.write( buffer, count );
analise( buffer, count );
count = 0;
if (Serial.available())
void printTime()
Serial.print( int( time[ 3 ] ) );
Serial.print( ' ' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 2 ] ) );
Serial.print( ':' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 1 ] ) );
Serial.print( ':' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 0 ] ) );
Serial.print( ' ' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 4 ] ) );
Serial.print( '/' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 5 ] ) );
Serial.print( "/20" );
Serial.print( int( time[ 6 ] ) );
void setup()
GPRS.begin( 9600 );
void loop()

View File

@ -1,68 +1,71 @@
SoftwareSerial GPRS( 7, 8 );
byte buffer[ 64 ];
SoftwareSerial GPRS( 7, 8 );
byte buffer[ 64 ];
int count = 0, e = 0, count2 = 0, t = 0, q;
char temp, lastCaller[13] = ;
char temp, lastCaller[13] = ;
boolean callIncoming = false, done;
byte time[ 7 ];
byte time_A1[ 5 ];
byte time_A2[ 4 ];
byte received[1];
float temperature;
byte time[ 7 ];
byte time_A1[ 5 ];
byte time_A2[ 4 ];
byte received[1];
float temperature;
char telescopeNames[6][4];
void setPowerStateTo( int newState )
if( newState != 1 && newState != 0 ) {
Serial.print( );
if( newState != 1 && newState != 0 ) {
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( getPowerState() );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
else {
if( newState == getPowerState() ) {
Serial.print( );
if( newState == getPowerState() ) {
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
else {
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( 1 - newState );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( );
delay( 5000 );
delay( 5000 );
int getPowerState()
int getPowerState()
int ret;
if ( digitalRead(18) == 0 && digitalRead(19) == 0 )
if ( digitalRead(18) == 0 && digitalRead(19) == 0 )
ret = 1;
ret = 0;
@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ int getPowerState()
return ret;
void powerUpOrDown()
void powerUpOrDown()
pinMode( 9, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
@ -81,11 +84,11 @@ void powerUpOrDown()
delay( 3000 );
void clearBufferArray()
void clearBufferArray()
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
buffer[ i ] = NULL;
@ -94,227 +97,233 @@ void clearBufferArray()
void makeMissedCall( char num[] )
int i;
char in[ 18 ] = ;
for( i = 3; i <= 14; i++ )
char in[ 18 ] = ;
for( i = 3; i <= 14; i++ )
in[ i ] = num[ i - 3] ;
in[ 15 ] = ;
in[ 15 ] = ;
in[ 16 ] = '\r';
in[ 17 ] = '\0';
GPRS.write( in );
delay( 10000 );
GPRS.write( );
GPRS.write( in );
delay( 10000 );
GPRS.write( );
delay( 1000 );
void sendTextMessage( char number[], char messg[] )
char temp[ 27 ] = ;
for( q = 0; q < 12; q++ )
char temp[ 27 ] = ;
for( q = 0; q < 12; q++ )
temp[ q + 13 ] = number[ q ];
temp[ 25 ] = ;
temp[ 25 ] = ;
temp[ 26 ] = '\0';
GPRS.println( );
GPRS.println( );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( temp );
GPRS.println( temp );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( messg );
GPRS.println( messg );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( (char) 26 );
GPRS.println( (char) 26 );
delay( 1000 );
void analise(byte incoming[], int length)
void analise(byte incoming[], int length)
e = 0;
done = false;
while( e < length && !done){
temp = char( incoming[e] );
switch( temp ){
case :
e = 0;
done = false;
while( e < length && !done){
temp = char( incoming[e] );
switch( temp ){
case :
if( length > e + 3 && !callIncoming ) {
if(char( incoming[e + 1] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 2] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 3] ) == ){
GPRS.write( );
GPRS.write( );
callIncoming = true;
done = true;
if( length > e + 3 && !callIncoming ) {
if(char( incoming[e + 1] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 2] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 3] ) == ){
GPRS.write( );
GPRS.write( );
callIncoming = true;
done = true;
case :
case :
if(char( buffer[ e + 1]) == && length > e + 11 && callIncoming){
for(t = 0; t < 12; t++)
lastCaller[t] = char( buffer[ e + t ]);
if(char( buffer[ e + 1]) == && length > e + 11 && callIncoming){
for(t = 0; t < 12; t++)
lastCaller[t] = char( buffer[ e + t ]);
lastCaller[12] = '\0';
callIncoming = false;
done = true;
callIncoming = false;
done = true;
case :
case :
byte decToBcd( byte b )
byte decToBcd( byte b )
return ( b / 10 << 4 ) + b % 10;
boolean getBit( byte addr, int pos )
boolean getBit( byte addr, int pos )
byte temp = getByte( addr );
return boolean( (temp >> pos) & B00000001 );
void setBit( byte addr, int pos, boolean newBit )
void setBit( byte addr, int pos, boolean newBit )
boolean oldBit = getBit( addr, pos );
byte temp = received[ 0 ];
if ( oldBit != newBit )
boolean oldBit = getBit( addr, pos );
byte temp = received[ 0 ];
if ( oldBit != newBit )
if( newBit )
temp += (B00000001 << pos);
if( newBit )
temp += (B00000001 << pos);
temp -= (B00000001 << pos);
temp -= (B00000001 << pos);
setByte( addr, temp );
setByte( addr, temp );
byte getByte( byte addr )
byte getByte( byte addr )
byte temp;
if( getBytes( addr, 1) )
temp = received[ 0 ];
else temp = -1;
if( getBytes( addr, 1) )
temp = received[ 0 ];
else temp = -1;
return temp;
boolean getBytes( byte addr, int amount )
boolean getBytes( byte addr, int amount )
boolean wireWorked = false;
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
Wire.requestFrom( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS, amount );
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
Wire.requestFrom( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS, amount );
if( Wire.available() ){
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++){
received[ i ] = Wire.read();
received[ i ] = Wire.read();
wireWorked = true;
wireWorked = true;
return wireWorked;
void setByte( byte addr, byte newByte )
void setByte( byte addr, byte newByte )
setBytes( addr, &newByte, 1);
setBytes( addr, &newByte, 1);
void setBytes( byte addr, byte newBytes[], int amount )
void setBytes( byte addr, byte newBytes[], int amount )
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ )
Wire.write( newBytes[ i ] );
Wire.write( newBytes[ i ] );
void getTime()
void getTime()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, 7) )
if( getBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, 7) )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
time[ i ] = received[ i ];
time[ 0 ] = ( ( time[ 0 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 0 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 1 ] = ( ( time[ 1 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 1 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 2 ] = ( ( time[ 2 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 2 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 4 ] = ( ( time[ 4 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 4 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 5 ] = ( ( time[ 5 ] & B00010000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 5 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 6 ] = ( ( time[ 6 ] & B11110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 6 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 0 ] = ( ( time[ 0 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 0 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 1 ] = ( ( time[ 1 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 1 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 2 ] = ( ( time[ 2 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 2 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 4 ] = ( ( time[ 4 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 4 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 5 ] = ( ( time[ 5 ] & B00010000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 5 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 6 ] = ( ( time[ 6 ] & B11110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 6 ] & B00001111 );
void setTime( byte newTime[ 7 ] )
void setTime( byte newTime[ 7 ] )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
newTime[i] = decToBcd(newTime[i]);
setBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, newTime, 7 );
newTime[i] = decToBcd(newTime[i]);
setBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, newTime, 7 );
void getRTCTemperature()
void getRTCTemperature()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR, 2 ) )
if( getBytes( DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR, 2 ) )
temperature = ( received[ 0 ] & B01111111 );
temperature += ( ( received[ 1 ] >> 6 ) * 0.25 );
temperature = ( received[ 0 ] & B01111111 );
temperature += ( ( received[ 1 ] >> 6 ) * 0.25 );
void gprsListen()
if( GPRS.available() ) {
while( GPRS.available() ) {
buffer[ count++ ] = GPRS.read();
if ( count == 64 )
if( GPRS.available() ) {
while( GPRS.available() ) {
buffer[ count++ ] = GPRS.read();
if ( count == 64 )
Serial.write( buffer, count );
Serial.write( buffer, count );
analise( buffer, count );
count = 0;
count = 0;
if (Serial.available())
if (Serial.available())
void printTime()
void printTime()
Serial.print( int( time[ 3 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 2 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 1 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 0 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 4 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 5 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 6 ] ) );
Serial.print( int( time[ 3 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 2 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 1 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 0 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 4 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 5 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 6 ] ) );
void setup()
GPRS.begin( 9600 );
@ -325,8 +334,8 @@ void setup()
void loop()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
void setup() {
Serial.println("Accept: */*");
Serial.println("Accept: \" */*");
Serial.println("Accept: \\"); // */*");
void loop() {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
void setup() {
Serial.println( );
Serial.println( );
Serial.println( );
Serial.println( );
Serial.println( );
Serial.println( );
void loop() {