diff --git a/build/shared/revisions.txt b/build/shared/revisions.txt index 3389df5de..a3248e146 100644 --- a/build/shared/revisions.txt +++ b/build/shared/revisions.txt @@ -23,15 +23,36 @@ ARDUINO 1.6.6 * "Go to line": CTRL+L or Edit > Go to line... will open a dialog where you can type the line number where you want the editor to jump to * Added boards.local.txt support: like platform.local.txt, allows to enrich a boards.txt definition without modifying the original file. Thanks @Wackerbarth * Library to library dependencies: when your sketch imports a library, and that library uses another, the IDE will find out without you having to add a useless #include to your sketch +* Allow per-platform keywords.txt. Thanks @PaulStoffregen +* Allow spaces in IDE install path on Linux. Thanks @matthijskooijman +* Fixed a lot of documentation. Thanks to @per1234 @q2dg +* Fixed parsing for SystemProfiler when scanning for available serial ports on Macosx El Capitan [libraries] * Bridge: YunClient.connected() returns true if there are bytes available for read. Thanks @RobAtticus * Bridge: YunClient.stop() now empties all buffers. Thanks @RobAtticus +* Ethernet: Added missing keywords. Thanks @per1234 +* Ethernet: Fixed DNSClient.inet_aton() function. Thanks @jhorck +* Ethernet: Expose optional DHCP timout parameters to Ethernet:begin(). Thanks @chaveiro +* Wire: Implemented Wire.end() for AVR. +* Wire: Fixed bug with repeated START for AVR. Thanks Nate Williams +* Wire: Resolved timing issues on AVR. See #2173 #1477. +* SD: Change "char *" to "const char *" on methods accepting a string as a parameter. Thanks @Ivan-Perez [core] +* Added new PluggableUSB and HID support. This change introduces a more powerful API for + libraries that wants use advanced features of USB-Device. + Thanks to @obra @NicoHood @matthijskooijman @nospam2000 @weizenspreu * AVR: fixed wrong turnOffPWM() for TIMER0B. Thanks @gonzoveliki +* AVR: added support for AtmegaXXu2. Thanks @NicoHood +* AVR: a bunch of USB Core bug fix. Thanks @NicoHood +* AVR: Expose serial setting from USB-CDC serial port. Thanks @matthijskooijman * ArduinoISP is now compatible with every architecture (not only AVR) and is much more stable. Thanks @PeterVH * Print not aborting on write() failure. Thanks @stickbreaker +* AVR: Faster interrupts patch. Thanks @xxxajk +* AVR: Fixed pulseInLong wrong measurements. +* AVR: Removed a bunch of compiler warnings. Thanks @NicoHood +* Improved variants files for Boards Gemma and Ethernet ARDUINO 1.6.5-r5 - 2015.08.28