mirror of https://github.com/arduino/Arduino.git synced 2025-03-22 13:19:48 +01:00

Factored out some common build variables

This commit is contained in:
Cristian Maglie 2012-01-13 20:39:48 +01:00
parent 160fa18adb
commit fe001fdaba
2 changed files with 65 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -51,12 +50,7 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
private Sketch sketch;
private String buildPath;
private String toolsPath;
private String corePath;
private String variantPath;
private String primaryClassName;
private String board;
private List<File> objectFiles;
private PreferencesMap prefs;
@ -77,43 +71,34 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
String _primaryClassName, boolean _verbose)
throws RunnerException {
sketch = _sketch;
buildPath = _buildPath;
primaryClassName = _primaryClassName;
verbose = _verbose;
objectFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
PreferencesMap boardPreferences = Base.getBoardPreferences();
TargetPlatform targetPlatform = Base.getTargetPlatform();
PreferencesMap platformPreferences = targetPlatform.getPreferences();
// Merge all the global preference configuration in order of priority
prefs = new PreferencesMap();
for (String k : prefs.keySet()) {
if (prefs.get(k) == null)
prefs.put(k, "");
toolsPath = prefs.get("compiler.path");
if (toolsPath == null) {
toolsPath = Base.getAvrBasePath();
} else {
// Put in the system path in the compiler path if available
MessageFormat compileFormat = new MessageFormat(toolsPath);
String basePath = System.getProperty("user.dir");
if (Base.isMacOS())
basePath += "/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java";
Object[] Args = { basePath };
toolsPath = compileFormat.format(Args);
System.out.println("avrBasePath:new: " + toolsPath);
board = prefs.get("board");
if (board == "")
board = "_UNKNOWN";
prefs.put("build.path", _buildPath);
String idePath = System.getProperty("user.dir");
if (Base.isMacOS())
idePath += "/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java";
prefs.put("ide.path", idePath);
prefs.put("ide.version", "" + Base.REVISION);
if (!prefs.containsKey("compiler.path"))
prefs.put("compiler.path", Base.getAvrBasePath());
// Core folder
String core = prefs.get("build.core");
if (core == null) {
RunnerException re = new RunnerException(
@ -121,42 +106,49 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
throw re;
File coreFolder;
TargetPlatform tp;
if (!core.contains(":")) {
TargetPlatform t = Base.getTargetPlatform();
coreFolder = new File(t.getFolder(), "cores");
coreFolder = new File(coreFolder, core);
tp = targetPlatform;
} else {
String[] split = core.split(":", 2);
TargetPlatform t = Base.getTargetPlatform(split[0], Preferences
coreFolder = new File(t.getFolder(), "cores");
coreFolder = new File(coreFolder, split[1]);
tp = Base.getTargetPlatform(split[0], Preferences.get("target_platform"));
core = split[1];
corePath = coreFolder.getAbsolutePath();
String variant = boardPreferences.get("build.variant");
variantPath = null;
File coreFolder = new File(tp.getFolder(), "cores");
coreFolder = new File(coreFolder, core);
prefs.put("build.core.path", coreFolder.getAbsolutePath());
// System Folder
File systemFolder = targetPlatform.getFolder();
systemFolder = new File(systemFolder, "system");
prefs.put("build.system.path", systemFolder.getAbsolutePath());
// Variant Folder
String variantPath;
String variant = prefs.get("build.variant");
if (variant != null) {
File variantFolder;
TargetPlatform t;
if (!variant.contains(":")) {
TargetPlatform t = Base.getTargetPlatform();
variantFolder = new File(t.getFolder(), "variants");
variantFolder = new File(variantFolder, variant);
t = targetPlatform;
} else {
String[] split = variant.split(":", 2);
TargetPlatform t = Base.getTargetPlatform(split[0], Preferences
t = Base.getTargetPlatform(split[0], Preferences
variantFolder = new File(t.getFolder(), "variants");
variantFolder = new File(variantFolder, split[1]);
variant = split[1];
File variantFolder = new File(t.getFolder(), "variants");
variantFolder = new File(variantFolder, variant);
variantPath = variantFolder.getAbsolutePath();
prefs.put("build.variant.path", variantPath);
} else {
variantPath = null;
prefs.put("build.variant.path", "");
// 0. include paths for core + all libraries
List<String> includePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
if (variantPath != null)
for (File file : sketch.getImportedLibraries())
@ -174,11 +166,11 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
// 3. compile the core, outputting .o files to <buildPath> and then
// collecting them into the core.a library file.
// 4. link it all together into the .elf file
compileLink(corePath, includePaths);
// 5. extract EEPROM data (from EEMEM directive) to .eep file.
@ -316,7 +308,8 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
command = stringList.toArray(new String[stringList.size()]);
if (command.length == 0)
int result = 0;
if (verbose || Preferences.getBoolean("build.verbose")) {
@ -391,6 +384,7 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
// can't use replaceAll() because the path may have characters in it which
// have meaning in a regular expression.
if (!verbose) {
String buildPath = prefs.get("build.path");
while ((i = s.indexOf(buildPath + File.separator)) != -1) {
s = s.substring(0, i) + s.substring(i + (buildPath + File.separator).length());
@ -479,8 +473,6 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
dict.put("includes", includes);
dict.put("source_file", sourceName);
dict.put("object_file", objectName);
dict.put("toolchain_path", toolsPath);
dict.put("core_path", corePath);
try {
String cmd = prefs.get("recipe.S.o.pattern");
@ -500,8 +492,6 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
dict.put("includes", includes);
dict.put("source_file", sourceName);
dict.put("object_file", objectName);
dict.put("toolchain_path", toolsPath);
dict.put("core_path", corePath);
String cmd = prefs.get("recipe.c.o.pattern");
try {
@ -521,8 +511,6 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
dict.put("includes", includes);
dict.put("source_file", sourceName);
dict.put("object_file", objectName);
dict.put("toolchain_path", toolsPath);
dict.put("core_path", corePath);
String cmd = prefs.get("recipe.cpp.o.pattern");
try {
@ -565,6 +553,7 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
// 1. compile the sketch (already in the buildPath)
void compileSketch(List<String> includePaths) throws RunnerException {
String buildPath = prefs.get("build.path");
objectFiles.addAll(compileFiles(buildPath, new File(buildPath), false,
@ -574,7 +563,8 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
void compileLibraries(List<String> includePaths) throws RunnerException {
for (File libraryFolder : sketch.getImportedLibraries()) {
File outputFolder = new File(buildPath, libraryFolder.getName());
String outputPath = prefs.get("build.path");
File outputFolder = new File(outputPath, libraryFolder.getName());
File utilityFolder = new File(libraryFolder, "utility");
// this library can use includes in its utility/ folder
@ -593,23 +583,28 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
// 3. compile the core, outputting .o files to <buildPath> and then
// collecting them into the core.a library file.
void compileCore(String variant)
void compileCore()
throws RunnerException {
String corePath = prefs.get("build.core.path");
String variantPath = prefs.get("build.variant.path");
String buildPath = prefs.get("build.path");
List<String> includePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
includePaths.add(corePath); // include core path only
if (variantPath != null)
if (!variantPath.isEmpty())
List<File> coreObjectFiles = compileFiles(buildPath, new File(corePath),
true, includePaths);
if (!variantPath.isEmpty())
coreObjectFiles.addAll(compileFiles(buildPath, new File(variantPath),
true, includePaths));
for (File file : coreObjectFiles) {
PreferencesMap dict = new PreferencesMap(prefs);
dict.put("toolchain_path", toolsPath);
dict.put("ide_version", "" + Base.REVISION);
dict.put("build_path", buildPath + File.separator);
dict.put("archive_file", "core.a");
dict.put("object_file", file.getAbsolutePath());
@ -625,7 +620,7 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
// 4. link it all together into the .elf file
void compileLink(String corePath, List<String> includePaths)
void compileLink(List<String> includePaths)
throws RunnerException {
// TODO: Make the --relax thing in configuration files.
@ -644,14 +639,10 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
PreferencesMap dict = new PreferencesMap(prefs);
dict.put("compiler.c.elf.flags", dict
.get("compiler.c.elf.flags" + optRelax));
dict.put("toolchain_path", toolsPath);
dict.put("build_path", buildPath + File.separator);
dict.put("archive_file", "core.a");
dict.put("project_name", primaryClassName);
dict.put("object_files", objectFileList);
dict.put("ide_version", "" + Base.REVISION);
dict.put("core_path", corePath);
dict.put("variant_path", variantPath + File.separator);
String[] cmdArray;
try {
@ -666,8 +657,6 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
// 5. extract EEPROM data (from EEMEM directive) to .eep file.
void compileEep(List<String> includePaths) throws RunnerException {
PreferencesMap dict = new PreferencesMap(prefs);
dict.put("toolchain_path", toolsPath);
dict.put("build_path", buildPath + File.separator);
dict.put("project_name", primaryClassName);
dict.put("ide_version", "" + Base.REVISION);
@ -684,8 +673,6 @@ public class Compiler implements MessageConsumer {
// 6. build the .hex file
void compileHex(List<String> includePaths) throws RunnerException {
PreferencesMap dict = new PreferencesMap(prefs);
dict.put("toolchain_path", toolsPath);
dict.put("build_path", buildPath + File.separator);
dict.put("project_name", primaryClassName);
dict.put("ide_version", "" + Base.REVISION);

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Default "compiler.path" is correct, change only if you want to overidde the initial value
compiler.c.flags=-c -g -Os -w -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
compiler.c.elf.flags=-Os -Wl,--gc-sections
@ -26,22 +26,22 @@ compiler.upload.flags=
# --------------------
## Compile c files
recipe.c.o.pattern={toolchain_path}{compiler.c.cmd} {compiler.c.flags} -mmcu={build.mcu} -DF_CPU={build.f_cpu} -D{software}={ide_version} {includes} {source_file} -o {object_file}
recipe.c.o.pattern={compiler.path}{compiler.c.cmd} {compiler.c.flags} -mmcu={build.mcu} -DF_CPU={build.f_cpu} -D{software}={ide.version} {includes} {source_file} -o {object_file}
## Compile c++ files
recipe.cpp.o.pattern={toolchain_path}{compiler.cpp.cmd} {compiler.cpp.flags} -mmcu={build.mcu} -DF_CPU={build.f_cpu} -D{software}={ide_version} {includes} {source_file} -o {object_file}
recipe.cpp.o.pattern={compiler.path}{compiler.cpp.cmd} {compiler.cpp.flags} -mmcu={build.mcu} -DF_CPU={build.f_cpu} -D{software}={ide.version} {includes} {source_file} -o {object_file}
## Create archives
recipe.ar.pattern={toolchain_path}{compiler.ar.cmd} {compiler.ar.flags} {build_path}{archive_file} {object_file}
recipe.ar.pattern={compiler.path}{compiler.ar.cmd} {compiler.ar.flags} {build.path}/{archive_file} {object_file}
## Combine gc-sections, archives, and objects
recipe.c.combine.pattern={toolchain_path}{compiler.c.elf.cmd} {compiler.c.elf.flags} -mmcu={build.mcu} -o {build_path}{project_name}.elf {object_files} {build_path}{archive_file} -L{build_path} -lm
recipe.c.combine.pattern={compiler.path}{compiler.c.elf.cmd} {compiler.c.elf.flags} -mmcu={build.mcu} -o {build.path}/{project_name}.elf {object_files} {build.path}/{archive_file} -L{build.path} -lm
## Create eeprom
recipe.objcopy.eep.pattern={toolchain_path}{compiler.objcopy.cmd} {compiler.objcopy.eep.flags} {build_path}{project_name}.elf {build_path}{project_name}.eep
recipe.objcopy.eep.pattern={compiler.path}{compiler.objcopy.cmd} {compiler.objcopy.eep.flags} {build.path}/{project_name}.elf {build.path}/{project_name}.eep
## Create hex
recipe.objcopy.hex.pattern={toolchain_path}{compiler.elf2hex.cmd} {compiler.elf2hex.flags} {build_path}{project_name}.elf {build_path}{project_name}.hex
recipe.objcopy.hex.pattern={compiler.path}{compiler.elf2hex.cmd} {compiler.elf2hex.flags} {build.path}/{project_name}.elf {build.path}/{project_name}.hex