Alternatively we can only pass the wIndex to getDescriptor but I suggest to just pass the pointer aka reference of the whole setup.
In guess (havent tested this) that this results in more or less the code size but its a) idential with the other functions and b) we late have more flexibility here.
The Code got a quick SerialKeyboard.ino test
The iterations in the for loop also use unsigned and the setup struct etc as well.
There was no change in HID required since we just init the inherited variables via constructor and the type is never mentioned.
The check for available slot in PluggableUSB is done on the endpoint
and not on the number of plugged modules.
The modulesCount field is no longer useful and it has been removed.
This change allows the compiler to handle callbacks resolution.
Callbacks now must be implemented on the class that extends
PUSBListNode and this is forced by compiler by means of pure
virtual methods.
Also the calls to HID.interface() and HID.endpoint() can now
be simplified to interface() and endpoint() respectively since
the methods are no more static.
The method
int8_t PluggableUSB::addFunction(PUSBListNode *, uint8_t *)
has been changed to
bool PluggableUSB::plug(PUSBListNode *node)
since both EP and Interfaces are now saved directly into node
Print::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) and Print::print(const
__FlashStringHelper *ifsh) would continue calling write(char) after a
failed write(char) this behavior would render returned count unuseable
see arduino/Arduino issue #3614
This makes the CDC "Serial" object on the Leonardo and similar boards
support this recently introduced method as well. The CDC code in the sam
core is not changed.
end() already waited for the buffer to be empty, but then there could
still be two bytes in the hardware registers that still need to be
transmitted (which were dropped or kept in the buffer, depending on the
exact timing).
This changes the wait loop to a call to the flush() function, which
already takes care of really waiting for all bytes to be transmitted,
meaning it is safe to turn off the transmitter.