The current method of reporting upload errors is based on an exoteric combination of exceptions which makes return error code useless
The message() implementation is too avrdude-dependant to allow easy portability since the upload tools are becoming a lot and very different
With this commit we try to avoid exceptions and only use the external uploader's exit code to decide the status bar message.
The message can be:
- the last line containing "error" string (any case) or
- the usual avrdude message parsing (to keep compatibility with translations)
Needs testing with all platform and all supported upload tools
This commit introduces the concept of stateful board list (vs. original stateless) and board serial number.
The board is now an "entity" composed by the triplet port/vid/pid. These informations come from libListSerial "light" function. When the board list changes, it triggers a request for the additional infos to libListSerial. These information contains the serial number of the boards.
These brings a lighter and faster scanning process. Some logic has been introduced to handle a board with the S/N only exposed in the bootloader (like 32u4).
In this case the disappearing port acquires the bootloader's S/N
A menu (under Ports menu) shows the currently connected port info and can be used for bugreporting
Disable Compile/Run buttons as they get press, and reenable only on function exit.
The launched upload process has now a 2minutes timeout before being terminated forcefully.
10 second after pressing "Upload" the button comes pressable again, but this time the previous upload command gets killed explicitely
The error triggered inside ContributioIndexer.mergeContributions()
while trying to remove a platform:
if (platform != null) {
remove() method calls ContributedPlatform.equals() to find the
element to remove but since the parentPackage fields are resolved
*after* merging contributions, the equls() method will fail with
a NullPointerException.
back to the IDE. Instead of having just stdour and stderr, stdout only is
used, but each message has a log level: info, warn, debug, error
Plain stdout/stderr are still used by child processes