This keeps the repository root a bit cleaner. Since these files are used
automatically and are not intended to be directly read by users, there
is no point in keeping them in the root (github will pick up these
templates from the root, .github directory or docs directory equally).
The GitHub-hosted runner is a virtual machine hosted by GitHub.
Xvfb on that setup defaults to a virtual screen size of 640x480
(XVFBARGS='-screen 0 640x480x16') which in turn makes the Arduino user
interface tests fail with exceptions like this:
[junit] org.fest.swing.exception.ActionFailedException: The component to click is out of the boundaries of the screen
[junit] at org.fest.swing.exception.ActionFailedException.actionFailure(
[junit] at org.fest.swing.core.RobotEventGenerator.pressMouse(
Setting the xvfb screen size to 1024x768 solves this error.