A dedicated repository for the examples will make it easier for them to be built in to arbitrary development tools. It will make it easier to use them for compilation testing of boards platforms. It provides a dedicated location for issue reports and pull requests that are specific to the examples. It continues the work done by moving the AVR and SAM boards platforms and built-in libraries towards making the arduino/Arduino repository solely a place to host the GUI code of the Arduino IDE.
1. _The_ demonstration code should be complete
2. Search the issues to see if there has been _a_ discussion
3. Each commit should result in _a_ fully functional code
4. one commit per file modified is not _a_ good practice
5. Separate title from _the_ body with a blank line
6. Include _a_ rationale for the change
7. adding unnecessary extra commits to the pull request _,_ you can squash
Arduino decided to make the Arduino Playground read only, so it is no longer possible for people to edit it directly. They will now need to report issues or suggestions for improvement to the arduino/Arduino issue tracker so that someone with edit privileges can make the required changes.
The reference-en repository is now being used to generate the Language Reference pages. The Language Reference translation projects also seem to be progressing.
The previous numbered format of the file made it difficult to determine which sections needed to be read depending on whether an issue report or a pull request was being submitted. This could make the task of reading the file look more daunting than it actually was.