David A. Mellis
Updating code for the new folder organization. This version should be able to compile and upload sketches, including libraries, but burning bootloaders won't work.
2007-10-06 14:27:42 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Adding a -lm to the end of the linker command line to fix a bug with sin(), atof(), etc. (Also removing some command line arguments that were ignored because they didn't come at the end of the command line.) Doesn't seem to make the basic LED blink sketch any bigger.
2007-05-04 19:12:07 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Fixed new changes to work with header files and multiple non-extension files in sketches.
2007-01-12 20:28:32 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Incorporated changes by Nicolas Rolland and Don Cross to build the Arduino core as a library (.a), thereby decreasing the size of a compiled sketch by enabling the linker to only link in what's needed.
2007-01-12 18:47:59 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Refactoring Compiler.compile() in preparation for integrating patch to build the core as a library instead of .o files.
2007-01-12 17:26:17 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Adding build.verbose prefence to print compilation command lines.
2006-09-01 10:45:32 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Appled Hans Steiner's patch to search for avr=tools in path on Linux (instead of requiring symlinks to the Arduino tools directory). Added an upload.verbose preference for dumping details of the upload process.
2006-08-27 09:45:28 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Library system working: Import Library menu adds header files to sketch, linking is conditional based on #include's in sketch.
2006-03-26 22:16:55 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Resynced with Processing/Wiring IDE code: improved auto-format, better performance for EditorConsole, etc...
2006-03-26 19:12:53 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Trapping NumberFormatExceptionsgenerated by unusual error messages from the C compiler.
2006-02-25 16:50:29 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Updating to C++, new Mac avr tools, Windows to be updated.
2006-02-24 15:52:58 +00:00
David A. Mellis
svn merge -r 72:HEAD svn+ssh://mellis@svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/arduino/tags/0004 - used Base.java from tags/0004 but changed version back to 0003.
2006-01-12 23:24:12 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Reworked build system: makefiles replaced with in-program logic; core replaced with targets; preproc/ replaced with Wiring's; now prepend "#include "WProgram.h" instead of wiringlite.inc; new entries in preferences.txt; bundled Wiring libs.
2005-09-25 14:11:32 +00:00
David Cuartielles
DojoDave - 20050905
Changes to make the windows version 0001 pre-alpha work
2005-09-05 21:29:26 +00:00
Massimo Banzi
updated Compiler
updated Compiler Editor and Downloader classes
so that now compilation works and error messages are
parsed (altough very crudely)
dist.sh now creates a dmg file on mac os x
2005-08-29 18:36:10 +00:00
David A. Mellis
Initial Arduino IDE based on Processing.
2005-08-25 21:06:28 +00:00