David A. Mellis
Updating version number and including math.h.
2007-09-23 16:06:28 +00:00 |
David A. Mellis
Cleaning up the core (modified version of a patch by Jim Studt): moving pin definitions to program space to save RAM, changing core function arguments (e.g. pinMode(), digitalWrite()) to uint8_t, restoring old SREG after delayMicroseconds() instead of always enabling interrupts, etc.
2007-04-20 23:17:38 +00:00 |
David A. Mellis
Adding Wiring-compatible random(min) and random(min, max) functions (except operating on longs instead of floats).
2006-08-13 09:59:06 +00:00 |
David A. Mellis
wiring.h include avr/io.h and WProgram.h include stdlib.h and string.h
2006-04-14 11:53:56 +00:00 |
David A. Mellis
Adding new C++ Serial lib from Nick/Wiring, but modified to use avrlib's uart.c and uart.h as low-level functions.
2006-03-23 14:16:00 +00:00 |
David A. Mellis
Moved Matrix and Sprite libraries out of arduino/ core directory, as they were too big to link against every sketch.
2006-03-21 10:49:41 +00:00 |
David A. Mellis
Adding preliminary Sprite library.
2006-02-23 12:01:57 +00:00 |
David A. Mellis
Reworked build system: makefiles replaced with in-program logic; core replaced with targets; preproc/ replaced with Wiring's; now prepend "#include "WProgram.h" instead of wiringlite.inc; new entries in preferences.txt; bundled Wiring libs.
2005-09-25 14:11:32 +00:00 |