This file is part of the GSM3 communications library for Arduino
-- Multi-transport communications platform
-- Fully asynchronous
-- Includes code for the Arduino-Telefonica GSM/GPRS Shield V1
-- Voice calls
-- SMS
-- TCP/IP connections
-- HTTP basic clients

This library has been developed by Telefónica Digital - PDI -
- Physical Internet Lab, as part as its collaboration with
Arduino and the Open Hardware Community. 

September-December 2012

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

The latest version of this library can always be found at
#ifndef __GSM3_SHIELDV1__
#define __GSM3_SHIELDV1__

#include <GSM3MobileNetworkProvider.h>
#include <GSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.h>
#include <GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider.h>
#include <Arduino.h>

class GSM3ShieldV1 : public GSM3MobileNetworkProvider, public GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider
	// General code, for modem management

		/** Delay inside an interrupt (2 seconds)
		void delayInsideInterrupt2seg(); 
	// Code for SMS Service

		long commandMillis;
		bool commandSent;
		const char* pinConfig;		//PIN.
		char* accessPoint;			//APN.					
		char* userName;				//User.
		char* passw;				//Password.
		const char* remoteID;		//Server.
		char* dataSocket;			//Data socket.
		int local_Port;				//Local Port.
		char* local_IP;				//Local IP.
		int local_IP_Length;		//Local IP length.
		int socketDataSize; 		//Size of socket data to be read.
		int socketDataSizeWritten;  //Number of socket data written in buffer not to overflow the buffer
		int socketsAccepted;		//Status for remote clients accepted of closed.
		/** Constructor **/
		GSM3ShieldV1(bool debug=false);

		/** Manages modem response
			@param from 		Initial byte of buffer
			@param to 			Final byte of buffer
		void manageResponse(byte from, byte to);
		/** Get last command status
			@return returns 0 if last command is still executing, 1 success, >1 error
		int ready(){return GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider::ready();};
		/** Parse modem response
			@param rsp			Returns true if expected response exists
			@param string1		Substring expected in response
			@param string2		Second substring expected in response
			@return true if parsed successful
		bool genericParse_rsp2(bool& rsp, char* string1, char* string2);
		/** Recognize URC
			@param oldTail		
			@return true if successful
		bool recognizeUnsolicitedEvent(byte oldTail);
		/** Receive answer
			@return true if successful
		bool answerReceived();
		/** Receive socket
			@param id_socket	Socket ID
			@return true if successful
		bool socketReceived(int id_socket);
		/** Update active ID sockets
			@param active		Active sockets
			@param ID			Id for update
		void update_activeIDsockets (bool active, int ID);
		/** Assign ID to socket
			@param ID			Id to assign to socket
			@return true if successful
		bool assignIDsocket (int& ID);
		/** Close data socket
			@return true if successful
		bool closedDataSocket(); //Flag closed current data socket. 
		//bool writeIncomingCalls(char* bufferForCallerId) If isn't zero, doesn't wait calls
