/* Serial Call and Response Language: Wiring/Arduino This program sends an ASCII A (byte of value 65) on startup and repeats that until it gets some data in. Then it waits for a byte in the serial port, and sends three sensor values whenever it gets a byte in. Thanks to Greg Shakar and Scott Fitzgerald for the improvements The circuit: * potentiometers attached to analog inputs 0 and 1 * pushbutton attached to digital I/O 2 Created 26 Sept. 2005 by Tom Igoe modified 9 Apr 2012 by Tom Igoe and Scott Fitzgerald This example code is in the public domain. http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/SerialCallResponse */ int firstSensor = 0; // first analog sensor int secondSensor = 0; // second analog sensor int thirdSensor = 0; // digital sensor int inByte = 0; // incoming serial byte void setup() { // start serial port at 9600 bps: Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only } pinMode(2, INPUT); // digital sensor is on digital pin 2 establishContact(); // send a byte to establish contact until receiver responds } void loop() { // if we get a valid byte, read analog ins: if (Serial.available() > 0) { // get incoming byte: inByte = Serial.read(); // read first analog input, divide by 4 to make the range 0-255: firstSensor = analogRead(A0)/4; // delay 10ms to let the ADC recover: delay(10); // read second analog input, divide by 4 to make the range 0-255: secondSensor = analogRead(1)/4; // read switch, map it to 0 or 255L thirdSensor = map(digitalRead(2), 0, 1, 0, 255); // send sensor values: Serial.write(firstSensor); Serial.write(secondSensor); Serial.write(thirdSensor); } } void establishContact() { while (Serial.available() <= 0) { Serial.print('A'); // send a capital A delay(300); } } /* Processing sketch to run with this example: // This example code is in the public domain. import processing.serial.*; int bgcolor; // Background color int fgcolor; // Fill color Serial myPort; // The serial port int[] serialInArray = new int[3]; // Where we'll put what we receive int serialCount = 0; // A count of how many bytes we receive int xpos, ypos; // Starting position of the ball boolean firstContact = false; // Whether we've heard from the microcontroller void setup() { size(256, 256); // Stage size noStroke(); // No border on the next thing drawn // Set the starting position of the ball (middle of the stage) xpos = width/2; ypos = height/2; // Print a list of the serial ports, for debugging purposes: println(Serial.list()); // I know that the first port in the serial list on my mac // is always my FTDI adaptor, so I open Serial.list()[0]. // On Windows machines, this generally opens COM1. // Open whatever port is the one you're using. String portName = Serial.list()[0]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); } void draw() { background(bgcolor); fill(fgcolor); // Draw the shape ellipse(xpos, ypos, 20, 20); } void serialEvent(Serial myPort) { // read a byte from the serial port: int inByte = myPort.read(); // if this is the first byte received, and it's an A, // clear the serial buffer and note that you've // had first contact from the microcontroller. // Otherwise, add the incoming byte to the array: if (firstContact == false) { if (inByte == 'A') { myPort.clear(); // clear the serial port buffer firstContact = true; // you've had first contact from the microcontroller myPort.write('A'); // ask for more } } else { // Add the latest byte from the serial port to array: serialInArray[serialCount] = inByte; serialCount++; // If we have 3 bytes: if (serialCount > 2 ) { xpos = serialInArray[0]; ypos = serialInArray[1]; fgcolor = serialInArray[2]; // print the values (for debugging purposes only): println(xpos + "\t" + ypos + "\t" + fgcolor); // Send a capital A to request new sensor readings: myPort.write('A'); // Reset serialCount: serialCount = 0; } } } */ /* Max/MSP version 5 patch to run with this example: ----------begin_max5_patcher---------- 2569.3oc2as0jiZqD9YO+Jzw09PRc75BIAX671TaUop8gy4gLoNmG1YqsjAY rxhAGPLW1T4+dZIAd.aCFeiEuYqXFABQqu9qa0Rp0ec2fgyiegmND8KnOgFL 3utav.8sT2XPd4ACWwdwKjkpq1vU7zTV.e3Hyyj7Wj5665Tbq3LYHWJecM2z tCGh9b9iVyjdKEQAeIg6IMOkRmM1ZDx10UcgRF6LBgmN1Zy6H70se77+38yJ 9DKhijQrU5Ovv6SDrvhmDksRDAedsvRJU8Tw2zUGSfuyl5ZjUckwpa922cm5 mQsDLh3OCx0NXQJODgqENlyhBFNpkvBchFVzfCwZ+vh60DVHm.r3EuZEORtC t7.WISnOvBCe+uwSWGGkxQnGidL5AdjeJhgl+pjifuNRtjiRMUecbhbDhE4i R3LnVTcsRQhnwHzCfXhVDmvChyfZ3EGFmLB8x53Tyq7J7Wn3EPS6IR7B4nrT .n0M+SrvLnYR3xrjHtOZQR7ps+tiMh2+MVx+EzuuTjhz5JDzSy.KAn5Lir5y eR3AhdjtTL7SBB5SpO8VMIBZjfXsPDC2GpCCojIP1L89EFIC45f9o6e3Ce7i n6+YUCmJYIxr0iA4.ZvuxUxwyLgo+ajDUCLR8AizsLfnQn7l.8LbW9SfXIjv qAZdzJ.1P9LIartS5AvqDvArM590I.ayZ1iQyeE8fWrTh9Ug7aA7DVnuFW+c .q9XP7F+.ghHtGnBzJZLtdhsskshK6PLV85BXmZL3cNRlM9XX1VWPlsLQD.n C5m.Mwmje9mUpDOE4RDrT99P9BIPMidBdUAP5AV08ggFdSB6YEWPgoqShg2Q yOeV.OeIa8ZPSNmq32n+C6Efq9m.kETcfimb96Xz+WotkJtYgTrPjvA9Onn2 gE.bNV5WQ2m3mIhh0LmRs0d0lz5UlDiWJGKGs1jXtTixz8lQalvEQBIHVvGM UqlBXJONOqQZi2BvfjosuWrWPiTOngmXo8oatfoZPiZWCnYeq.ZdK4desvWD GXYdBQtmLvk1iCu+wgJ12bdfHBLF.QNyioLGTVCKjJGSFPW8vUYQBySUtKWw 70t0f+bdXr2WQoKy.i.+3miNZJqsqA8czvNgRajxR6aneMQbrF.XkqDMzaFo 6wgmV.YDrNjCWaC.4psvwypAfH6Ef9e7DeVDauPDcePjUcAkUVN4I4.SNx.s gHTMjVJvSJU6ACeq23nGfYlsoKYYT1khiBv6.Ekhq6SVE2zmu3XZiXvO8a0W WiJ+Tslhn0f+YvFRSv296xxBkeY+fS0muf4wq8kqQULXXPhvONRIFUdW0sK9 f.Gvn6cJK45ZDwVumWVFGGNmk7jHULOjWQS.rYVjXE39TJLRDDWQwCEqVmHL VratGOhAswxTuj3vvJMk4IOsmmXB95YgubotsdCupL8lRLmJ1YUteiS2opQ2 hjf4.H4T7+kqT81b0Fw+DGSrPZRyro5Bk7Kssom8jxeuZ8OUa3+6ZDhG6LyA OcR0Wb6oHMnvok4OFcs.VK0+NOHkjCoF5ryrCBot2zPZkwF1cFoJVZy.ZwLS 2YFp0xYsLwvXtXlBOA2..6TK.ukep5FYsgQW2C5R6FzcMChIw5RvXMF+4DV7 TqCBnzSFPsOE.sinq+afR0HPpG03PV+UHm1GFKImLVR9QGKycj1ZnDe6BkMM vDDVMKYDZMCvrXXtMn2gQuifdGE8N6KhgewExAGpx5ldnJs7b1rRmIpUKNmN taHqauXRSqETZfYU5IEy7U0fC6cfAlT137vnwrenQCp0QgFtV8Tzv74FdfQ5 HSGSg+y1dj9uaWWF2pXs1ZIKNht7aScTs1L0LKLcuQ878iEowYIdE58h.dPU 6S97ToHZybo+zaNH2phKE99Um4pFtE9qiAJUt.h9bqzdGsb6zV41s+I231H2 S5WxMts3shPQ5OxM4XjaZuQtUCt1d415FTtw8K4d1wf23aP4lzqvaWq1J2N8 K+fsUtc6W768LL3sgbO46gbmeSnCX1tjT1Sb+u.eFHDwuvjxDw7LoIDrxaex 4uaBM9vCsYFAgwyYg4asylVoRauiTscac2aHwkYmzrpcWyJOsi8NkCb995N8 sLYptT1wYxMRpL8udeCYxzAQjolDBf51BDw4FAQToB.LfJ9DS2MCjju8ylcV rVHwtuAIx3ffP9YyGLoKhY8JpsySabC1u1pWqSS8hM6RrcqTuV2PoyXCo2Y6 xmwbduYKMroMAL1S6aIzXnmesc+PQpT08KtpLBF0xbrXV9pz3t4x9vC5rivT v9xo2kpTPLrQq8Qsydvwjze1js23fJcSmiNWRveuxj0mXga7OsuEl1jTWtlt sIGdqqaiut85SJIixVMmmbHEu1tuIkus6jRnfiaiJ+aJcOoAcusILPWyfbGP 2Os+o7anaianaSlRZc2lX8CKmmZWFFZlySH8OR+EBFJFfKGFbZDF5g190LhX Vzao5wgvnRWZAR4XxF37zsrVnZ10EpnWNn5agnfj3r0HZ8QR2xnGrMAMNA23 .HG+3njuSrHHdZnKBbnCeFgZWr0XSbU4YgEooXqoVWyLZldIym7PAXpsjmvU oMtWXbJe6iRSCCGQMo4MYlgzX03Anh3dyjj8U.EUh3dLXxz7T51oMXxj9FlT 2IOTSMNwUiI2xwvRn6jfnU.Dbea550AH5SYF6TONl1k3H13lPDbu67XVmYyG pX1DvA3Aolut5joTx1Isov5yWzJCIgXMoQim9lsyYtvcDhwzHOPNRwu6kUf+ 9rvc+4JtLI9sjcrlAUaQ2rXfTmlTwXxMi6.8Yr3z7FjuBlFRuYY7q0a.8lY4 L0F7LzLWKqyZ0sx4KTrloLswU6EeUOHeWx02323L+Buhhn0YRz7rEKTmm4m3 IuBFXnUhPv6I2KNxO8nO8iTy4IKeo.sZ5vOhuYNwnlAXTGna0gztokIwrj.X WCLfabXDbmECl9qWMO8Lvw16+cNnry9dWIsNpYKuUl.kpzNa2892p6czPsUj bnsPlbONQhByHUkxwTr5B0d5lRmov51BYcVmBeTbKDIpS2JSUxFwZjIxrtWl tzTehEUwrbLqlH1rP5UKkmgyDplCpKctFLSZQOYKqpCawfmYRR+7oXYuoz4h 6VsQZmzstbZCWvw9z74XN+h1NlSrdkRTmxnqtTW37zoas9IsxgNoakIRakIb 24QpshDoyDI21.Szt0w8V1g0jNmS6TYBa2VGHGAcpXHByvG1jYaJ0INIrNM2 cj7kmjtozYJsaoJuLCuctHXaFDaqHw5GbPqN0klNltCF3WG65uMy4gP6dYhb H9T2RmZ07HNRmD4tzv4KbOAuozkHpxCQzvc7LLZiSBR25jffuBy5IWORw5KE CagO+YWiuFKOA0VOzDY5zRRqtz4Jszqgz5ZjVWqxRqpTWXei6VWyXx0d4nfB +8c+C81VE7B -----------end_max5_patcher----------- */