#FUNCTIONS COLOR #D35400 - ORANGE KEYWORD1 #FUNCTIONS COLOR #D35400 - ORANGE KEYWORD2 #STRUCTURE COLORS #5E6D03 - GREEN KEYWORD3 #VARIABLES COLOR #00979C - BLUE LITERAL1 #ERROR COLOR #A61717 - RED #COMMENTS // COLOR #95A5A6 - LIGHT GREY #COMMENTS /**/ COLOR #434F54 - DARK GREY # GUI - STATUS status.notice.fgcolor = #002325 status.notice.bgcolor = #17A1A5 status.error.fgcolor = #FFFFFF status.error.bgcolor = #E34C00 status.edit.fgcolor = #000000 status.edit.bgcolor = #F1B500 status.font = SansSerif,plain,12 # GUI - TABS # settings for the tabs at the top # (tab images are stored in the lib/theme folder) header.bgcolor = #17A1A5 header.text.selected.color = #005B5B header.text.unselected.color = #007e82 header.text.font = SansSerif,plain,12 # GUI - CONSOLE console.font = Monospaced,plain,11 console.font.macosx = Monaco,plain,10 console.color = #000000 console.output.color = #eeeeee console.error.color = #E34C00 # GUI - BUTTONS buttons.bgcolor = #006468 buttons.status.font = SansSerif,plain,12 buttons.status.color = #ffffff # GUI - LINESTATUS linestatus.color = #ffffff linestatus.bgcolor = #006468 # EDITOR - DETAILS # foreground and background colors editor.fgcolor = #000000 editor.bgcolor = #ffffff # highlight for the current line editor.linehighlight.color=#e2e2e2 # highlight for the current line editor.linehighlight=true # caret blinking and caret color editor.caret.color = #333300 # color to be used for background when 'external editor' enabled editor.external.bgcolor = #c8d2dc # selection color editor.selection.color = #ffcc00 # area that's not in use by the text (replaced with tildes) editor.invalid.style = #7e7e7e,bold # little pooties at the end of lines that show where they finish editor.eolmarkers = false editor.eolmarkers.color = #999999 # bracket/brace highlighting editor.brackethighlight = true editor.brackethighlight.color = #006699 # TEXT - KEYWORDS # FUNCTIONS editor.keyword1.style = #d35400,bold editor.data_type.style = #d35400,bold # METHODS editor.keyword2.style = #D35400,plain editor.function.style = #d35400,plain # STRUCTURES editor.keyword3.style = #5E6D03,plain editor.reserved_word.style = #5E6D03,plain # TEXT - LITERALS # constants & datatypes editor.literal1.style = #006699,plain # p5 built in variables: e.g. mouseX, width, pixels editor.literal2.style = #00979C,plain editor.variable.style = #00979C,plain editor.reserved_word_2.style = #00979C,plain editor.literal_boolean.style = #00979C,plain editor.literal_char.style = #00979C,plain editor.literal_string_double_quote.style = #00979C,plain # http://www.arduino.cc/ editor.url.style = #0000ff,underlined # e.g. + - = / editor.operator.style = #434f54,plain # ?? maybe this is for words followed by a colon # like in case statements or goto editor.label.style = #7e7e7e,bold # TEXT - COMMENTS editor.comment1.style = #434F54,plain editor.comment2.style = #95a5a6,plain # LINE STATUS - editor line number status bar at the bottom of the screen linestatus.font = SansSerif,plain,10 linestatus.height = 20