/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SAM Software Package License * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Atmel Corporation * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following condition is met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. * * Atmel's name may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ATMEL "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \addtogroup pwm_module Working with PWM * The PWM driver provides the interface to configure and use the PWM * peripheral. * * The PWM macrocell controls square output waveforms of 4 channels. * Characteristics of output waveforms such as period, duty-cycle, * dead-time can be configured.\n * Some of PWM channels can be linked together as synchronous ul_channel and * duty-cycle of synchronous channels can be updated by PDC automaticly. * * Before enabling the channels, they must have been configured first. * The main settings include: * <ul> * <li>Configuration of the clock generator.</li> * <li>Selection of the clock for each ul_channel.</li> * <li>Configuration of output waveform characteristics, such as period, duty-cycle etc.</li> * <li>Configuration for synchronous channels if needed.</li> * - Selection of the synchronous channels. * - Selection of the moment when the WRDY flag and the corresponding PDC * transfer request are set (PTRM and PTRCS in the PWM_SCM register). * - Configuration of the update mode (UPDM in the PWM_SCM register). * - Configuration of the update period (UPR in the PWM_SCUP register). * </ul> * * After the channels is enabled, the user must use respective update registers * to change the wave characteristics to prevent unexpected output waveform. * i.e. PWM_CDTYUPDx register should be used if user want to change duty-cycle * when the ul_channel is enabled. * * For more accurate information, please look at the PWM section of the * Datasheet. * * Related files :\n * \ref pwmc.c\n * \ref pwmc.h.\n */ /*@{*/ /*@}*/ /** * \file * * Implementation of the Pulse Width Modulation Controller (PWM) peripheral. * */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Headers *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "chip.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <assert.h> /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Local functions *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Finds a prescaler/divisor couple to generate the desired frequency * from MCK. * * Returns the value to enter in PWM_CLK or 0 if the configuration cannot be * met. * * \param frequency Desired frequency in Hz. * \param mck Master clock frequency in Hz. */ static uint16_t FindClockConfiguration( uint32_t frequency, uint32_t mck) { uint32_t divisors[11] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024}; uint8_t divisor = 0; uint32_t prescaler; assert(frequency < mck); /* Find prescaler and divisor values */ prescaler = (mck / divisors[divisor]) / frequency; while ((prescaler > 255) && (divisor < 11)) { divisor++; prescaler = (mck / divisors[divisor]) / frequency; } /* Return result */ if ( divisor < 11 ) { // TRACE_DEBUG( "Found divisor=%u and prescaler=%u for freq=%uHz\n\r", divisors[divisor], prescaler, frequency ) ; return prescaler | (divisor << 8) ; } else { return 0 ; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Exported functions *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Configures PWM a ul_channel with the given parameters, basic configure function. * * The PWM controller must have been clocked in the PMC prior to calling this * function. * Beware: this function disables the ul_channel. It waits until disable is effective. * * \param ul_channel Channel number. * \param prescaler Channel prescaler. * \param alignment Channel alignment. * \param polarity Channel polarity. */ void PWMC_ConfigureChannel( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint32_t prescaler, uint32_t alignment, uint32_t polarity ) { pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[0].PWM_CMR = 1; // assert(prescaler < PWM_CMR0_CPRE_MCKB); assert((alignment & (uint32_t)~PWM_CMR_CALG) == 0); assert((polarity & (uint32_t)~PWM_CMR_CPOL) == 0); /* Disable ul_channel (effective at the end of the current period) */ if ((pPwm->PWM_SR & (1 << ul_channel)) != 0) { pPwm->PWM_DIS = 1 << ul_channel; while ((pPwm->PWM_SR & (1 << ul_channel)) != 0); } /* Configure ul_channel */ pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CMR = prescaler | alignment | polarity; } /** * \brief Configures PWM a ul_channel with the given parameters, extend configure function. * * The PWM controller must have been clocked in the PMC prior to calling this * function. * Beware: this function disables the ul_channel. It waits until disable is effective. * * \param ul_channel Channel number. * \param prescaler Channel prescaler. * \param alignment Channel alignment. * \param polarity Channel polarity. * \param countEventSelect Channel counter event selection. * \param DTEnable Channel dead time generator enable. * \param DTHInverte Channel Dead-Time PWMHx output Inverted. * \param DTLInverte Channel Dead-Time PWMHx output Inverted. */ void PWMC_ConfigureChannelExt( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint32_t prescaler, uint32_t alignment, uint32_t polarity, uint32_t countEventSelect, uint32_t DTEnable, uint32_t DTHInverte, uint32_t DTLInverte ) { // assert(prescaler < PWM_CMR0_CPRE_MCKB); assert((alignment & (uint32_t)~PWM_CMR_CALG) == 0); assert((polarity & (uint32_t)~PWM_CMR_CPOL) == 0); assert((countEventSelect & (uint32_t)~PWM_CMR_CES) == 0); assert((DTEnable & (uint32_t)~PWM_CMR_DTE) == 0); assert((DTHInverte & (uint32_t)~PWM_CMR_DTHI) == 0); assert((DTLInverte & (uint32_t)~PWM_CMR_DTLI) == 0); /* Disable ul_channel (effective at the end of the current period) */ if ((pPwm->PWM_SR & (1 << ul_channel)) != 0) { pPwm->PWM_DIS = 1 << ul_channel; while ((pPwm->PWM_SR & (1 << ul_channel)) != 0); } /* Configure ul_channel */ pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CMR = prescaler | alignment | polarity | countEventSelect | DTEnable | DTHInverte | DTLInverte; } /** * \brief Configures PWM clocks A & B to run at the given frequencies. * * This function finds the best MCK divisor and prescaler values automatically. * * \param clka Desired clock A frequency (0 if not used). * \param clkb Desired clock B frequency (0 if not used). * \param mck Master clock frequency. */ void PWMC_ConfigureClocks(uint32_t clka, uint32_t clkb, uint32_t mck) { uint32_t mode = 0; uint32_t result; /* Clock A */ if (clka != 0) { result = FindClockConfiguration(clka, mck); assert( result != 0 ) ; mode |= result; } /* Clock B */ if (clkb != 0) { result = FindClockConfiguration(clkb, mck); assert( result != 0 ) ; mode |= (result << 16); } /* Configure clocks */ // TRACE_DEBUG( "Setting PWM_CLK = 0x%08X\n\r", mode ) ; PWM->PWM_CLK = mode; } /** * \brief Sets the period value used by a PWM ul_channel. * * This function writes directly to the CPRD register if the ul_channel is disabled; * otherwise, it uses the update register CPRDUPD. * * \param ul_channel Channel number. * \param period Period value. */ void PWMC_SetPeriod( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint16_t period) { /* If ul_channel is disabled, write to CPRD */ if ((pPwm->PWM_SR & (1 << ul_channel)) == 0) { pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CPRD = period; } /* Otherwise use update register */ else { pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CPRDUPD = period; } } /** * \brief Sets the duty cycle used by a PWM ul_channel. * This function writes directly to the CDTY register if the ul_channel is disabled; * otherwise it uses the update register CDTYUPD. * Note that the duty cycle must always be inferior or equal to the ul_channel * period. * * \param ul_channel Channel number. * \param duty Duty cycle value. */ void PWMC_SetDutyCycle( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint16_t duty) { assert(duty <= pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CPRD); /* If ul_channel is disabled, write to CDTY */ if ((pPwm->PWM_SR & (1 << ul_channel)) == 0) { pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CDTY = duty; } /* Otherwise use update register */ else { pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CDTYUPD = duty; } } /** * \brief Sets the dead time used by a PWM ul_channel. * This function writes directly to the DT register if the ul_channel is disabled; * otherwise it uses the update register DTUPD. * Note that the dead time must always be inferior or equal to the ul_channel * period. * * \param ul_channel Channel number. * \param timeH Dead time value for PWMHx output. * \param timeL Dead time value for PWMLx output. */ void PWMC_SetDeadTime( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint16_t timeH, uint16_t timeL) { assert(timeH <= pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CPRD); assert(timeL <= pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CPRD); /* If ul_channel is disabled, write to DT */ if ((pPwm->PWM_SR & (1 << ul_channel)) == 0) { pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_DT = timeH | (timeL << 16); } /* Otherwise use update register */ else { pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_DTUPD = timeH | (timeL << 16); } } /** * \brief Configures Syncronous ul_channel with the given parameters. * Beware: At this time, the channels should be disabled. * * \param channels Bitwise OR of Syncronous channels. * \param updateMode Syncronous ul_channel update mode. * \param requestMode PDC transfer request mode. * \param requestComparisonSelect PDC transfer request comparison selection. */ void PWMC_ConfigureSyncChannel( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channels, uint32_t updateMode, uint32_t requestMode, uint32_t requestComparisonSelect ) { pPwm->PWM_SCM = ul_channels | updateMode | requestMode | requestComparisonSelect; } /** * \brief Sets the update period of the synchronous channels. * This function writes directly to the SCUP register if the ul_channel #0 is disabled; * otherwise it uses the update register SCUPUPD. * * \param period update period. */ void PWMC_SetSyncChannelUpdatePeriod( Pwm* pPwm, uint8_t period ) { /* If ul_channel is disabled, write to SCUP */ if ((pPwm->PWM_SR & (1 << 0)) == 0) { pPwm->PWM_SCUP = period; } /* Otherwise use update register */ else { pPwm->PWM_SCUPUPD = period; } } /** * \brief Sets synchronous channels update unlock. * * Note: If the UPDM field is set to 0, writing the UPDULOCK bit to 1 * triggers the update of the period value, the duty-cycle and * the dead-time values of synchronous channels at the beginning * of the next PWM period. If the field UPDM is set to 1 or 2, * writing the UPDULOCK bit to 1 triggers only the update of * the period value and of the dead-time values of synchronous channels. * This bit is automatically reset when the update is done. */ void PWMC_SetSyncChannelUpdateUnlock( Pwm* pPwm ) { pPwm->PWM_SCUC = PWM_SCUC_UPDULOCK; } /** * \brief Enables the given PWM ul_channel. * * This does NOT enable the corresponding pin;this must be done in the user code. * * \param ul_channel Channel number. */ void PWMC_EnableChannel( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel) { pPwm->PWM_ENA = 1 << ul_channel; } /** * \brief Disables the given PWM ul_channel. * * Beware, ul_channel will be effectively disabled at the end of the current period. * Application can check ul_channel is disabled using the following wait loop: * while ((PWM->PWM_SR & (1 << ul_channel)) != 0); * * \param ul_channel Channel number. */ void PWMC_DisableChannel( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel) { pPwm->PWM_DIS = 1 << ul_channel; } /** * \brief Enables the period interrupt for the given PWM ul_channel. * * \param ul_channel Channel number. */ void PWMC_EnableChannelIt( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel) { pPwm->PWM_IER1 = 1 << ul_channel; } /** * \brief Disables the period interrupt for the given PWM ul_channel. * * \param ul_channel Channel number. */ void PWMC_DisableChannelIt( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel) { pPwm->PWM_IDR1 = 1 << ul_channel; } /** * \brief Enables the selected interrupts sources on a PWMC peripheral. * * \param sources1 Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources of PWM_IER1. * \param sources2 Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources of PWM_IER2. */ void PWMC_EnableIt( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t sources1, uint32_t sources2) { pPwm->PWM_IER1 = sources1; pPwm->PWM_IER2 = sources2; } /** * \brief Disables the selected interrupts sources on a PWMC peripheral. * * \param sources1 Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources of PWM_IDR1. * \param sources2 Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources of PWM_IDR2. */ void PWMC_DisableIt( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t sources1, uint32_t sources2) { pPwm->PWM_IDR1 = sources1; pPwm->PWM_IDR2 = sources2; } /** * \brief Sends the contents of buffer through a PWMC peripheral, using the PDC to * take care of the transfer. * * Note: Duty cycle of syncronous channels can update by PDC * when the field UPDM (Update Mode) in the PWM_SCM register is set to 2. * * \param pwmc Pointer to an Pwm instance. * \param pvBuffer Data buffer to send. * \param length Length of the data buffer. */ uint8_t PWMC_WriteBuffer( Pwm *pwmc, void* pvBuffer, uint32_t length) { /* Check if first bank is free */ if (pwmc->PWM_TCR == 0) { pwmc->PWM_TPR = (uint32_t) pvBuffer; pwmc->PWM_TCR = length; pwmc->PWM_PTCR = PERIPH_PTCR_TXTEN; return 1; } /* Check if second bank is free */ else if (pwmc->PWM_TNCR == 0) { pwmc->PWM_TNPR = (uint32_t) pvBuffer; pwmc->PWM_TNCR = length; return 1; } /* No free banks */ return 0; } /** * \brief Set PWM output override value. * * \param value Bitwise OR of output override value. */ void PWMC_SetOverrideValue( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t value) { pPwm->PWM_OOV = value; } /** * \brief Enalbe override output. * * \param value Bitwise OR of output selection. * \param sync 0: enable the output asyncronously, 1: enable it syncronously */ void PWMC_EnableOverrideOutput( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t value, uint32_t sync) { if (sync) { pPwm->PWM_OSSUPD = value; } else { pPwm->PWM_OSS = value; } } /** * \brief Disalbe override output. * * \param value Bitwise OR of output selection. * \param sync 0: enable the output asyncronously, 1: enable it syncronously */ void PWMC_DisableOverrideOutput( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t value, uint32_t sync) { if (sync) { pPwm->PWM_OSCUPD = value; } else { pPwm->PWM_OSC = value; } } /** * \brief Set PWM fault mode. * * \param mode Bitwise OR of fault mode. */ void PWMC_SetFaultMode( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t mode) { pPwm->PWM_FMR = mode; } /** * \brief PWM fault clear. * * \param fault Bitwise OR of fault to clear. */ void PWMC_FaultClear( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t fault) { pPwm->PWM_FCR = fault; } /** * \brief Set PWM fault protection value. * * \param value Bitwise OR of fault protection value. */ void PWMC_SetFaultProtectionValue( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t value) { pPwm->PWM_FPV = value; } /** * \brief Enable PWM fault protection. * * \param value Bitwise OR of FPEx[y]. */ void PWMC_EnableFaultProtection( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t ul_channel, uint32_t ul_value) { /* Fault Protection Enable Register */ uint32_t ul_fault_enable_reg = 0; #if (SAM3XA_SERIES) if (ul_channel < 4) { ul_channel *= 8; ul_fault_enable_reg = pPwm->PWM_FPE1; ul_fault_enable_reg &= ~(0xFF << ul_channel); ul_fault_enable_reg |= (ul_value << ul_channel); pPwm->PWM_FPE1 = ul_fault_enable_reg; } else { ul_channel -= 4; ul_channel *= 8; ul_fault_enable_reg = pPwm->PWM_FPE2; ul_fault_enable_reg &= ~(0xFF << ul_channel); ul_fault_enable_reg |= (ul_value << ul_channel); pPwm->PWM_FPE2 = ul_fault_enable_reg; } #endif #if (SAM3U_SERIES || SAM3S_SERIES || SAM3SD8_SERIES || SAM4S_SERIES) ul_channel *= 8; ul_fault_enable_reg = pPwm->PWM_FPE; ul_fault_enable_reg &= ~(0xFF << ul_channel); ul_fault_enable_reg |= (ul_value << ul_channel); pPwm->PWM_FPE = ul_fault_enable_reg; #endif } /** * \brief Configure comparison unit. * * \param x comparison x index * \param value comparison x value. * \param mode comparison x mode */ void PWMC_ConfigureComparisonUnit( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t x, uint32_t value, uint32_t mode) { assert(x < 8); /* If ul_channel is disabled, write to CMPxM & CMPxV */ if ((pPwm->PWM_SR & (1 << 0)) == 0) { pPwm->PWM_CMP[x].PWM_CMPM = mode; pPwm->PWM_CMP[x].PWM_CMPV = value; } /* Otherwise use update register */ else { pPwm->PWM_CMP[x].PWM_CMPMUPD = mode; pPwm->PWM_CMP[x].PWM_CMPVUPD = value; } } /** * \brief Configure event line mode. * * \param x Line x * \param mode Bitwise OR of line mode selection */ void PWMC_ConfigureEventLineMode( Pwm* pPwm, uint32_t x, uint32_t mode) { assert(x < 2); if (x == 0) { pPwm->PWM_ELMR[0] = mode; } else { if (x == 1) { pPwm->PWM_ELMR[1] = mode; } } }