/** * \file * * \brief Controller Area Network (CAN) driver module for SAM. * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The name of Atmel may not be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * 4. This software may only be redistributed and used in connection with an * Atmel microcontroller product. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ATMEL "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE * EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ #ifndef CAN_H_INCLUDED #define CAN_H_INCLUDED #include "compiler.h" /** @cond 0 */ /**INDENT-OFF**/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /**INDENT-ON**/ /** @endcond */ /** Define the Mailbox mask for eight mailboxes. */ #define GLOBAL_MAILBOX_MASK 0x000000ff /** Disable all interrupt mask */ #define CAN_DISABLE_ALL_INTERRUPT_MASK 0xffffffff /** Define the typical baudrate for CAN communication in KHz. */ #define CAN_BPS_1000K 1000 #define CAN_BPS_800K 800 #define CAN_BPS_500K 500 #define CAN_BPS_250K 250 #define CAN_BPS_125K 125 #define CAN_BPS_50K 50 #define CAN_BPS_25K 25 #define CAN_BPS_10K 10 #define CAN_BPS_5K 5 /** Define the mailbox mode. */ #define CAN_MB_DISABLE_MODE 0 #define CAN_MB_RX_MODE 1 #define CAN_MB_RX_OVER_WR_MODE 2 #define CAN_MB_TX_MODE 3 #define CAN_MB_CONSUMER_MODE 4 #define CAN_MB_PRODUCER_MODE 5 /** Define CAN mailbox transfer status code. */ #define CAN_MAILBOX_TRANSFER_OK 0 //! Read from or write into mailbox successfully. #define CAN_MAILBOX_NOT_READY 0x01 //! Receiver is empty or transmitter is busy. #define CAN_MAILBOX_RX_OVER 0x02 //! Message overwriting happens or there're messages lost in different receive modes. #define CAN_MAILBOX_RX_NEED_RD_AGAIN 0x04 //! Application needs to re-read the data register in Receive with Overwrite mode. /** Define the struct for CAN message mailbox. */ typedef struct { uint32_t ul_mb_idx; uint8_t uc_obj_type; //! Mailbox object type, one of the six different objects. uint8_t uc_id_ver; //! 0 stands for standard frame, 1 stands for extended frame. uint8_t uc_length; //! Received data length or transmitted data length. uint8_t uc_tx_prio; //! Mailbox priority, no effect in receive mode. uint32_t ul_status; //! Mailbox status register value. uint32_t ul_id_msk; //! No effect in transmit mode. uint32_t ul_id; //! Received frame ID or the frame ID to be transmitted. uint32_t ul_fid; //! Family ID. uint32_t ul_datal; uint32_t ul_datah; } can_mb_conf_t; /** * \defgroup sam_driver_can_group Controller Area Network (CAN) Driver * * See \ref sam_can_quickstart. * * \par Purpose * * The CAN controller provides all the features required to implement * the serial communication protocol CAN defined by Robert Bosch GmbH, * the CAN specification. This is a driver for configuration, enabling, * disabling and use of the CAN peripheral. * * @{ */ uint32_t can_init(Can *p_can, uint32_t ul_mck, uint32_t ul_baudrate); void can_enable(Can *p_can); void can_disable(Can *p_can); void can_disable_low_power_mode(Can *p_can); void can_enable_low_power_mode(Can *p_can); void can_disable_autobaud_listen_mode(Can *p_can); void can_enable_autobaud_listen_mode(Can *p_can); void can_disable_overload_frame(Can *p_can); void can_enable_overload_frame(Can *p_can); void can_set_timestamp_capture_point(Can *p_can, uint32_t ul_flag); void can_disable_time_triggered_mode(Can *p_can); void can_enable_time_triggered_mode(Can *p_can); void can_disable_timer_freeze(Can *p_can); void can_enable_timer_freeze(Can *p_can); void can_disable_tx_repeat(Can *p_can); void can_enable_tx_repeat(Can *p_can); void can_set_rx_sync_stage(Can *p_can, uint32_t ul_stage); void can_enable_interrupt(Can *p_can, uint32_t dw_mask); void can_disable_interrupt(Can *p_can, uint32_t dw_mask); uint32_t can_get_interrupt_mask(Can *p_can); uint32_t can_get_status(Can *p_can); uint32_t can_get_internal_timer_value(Can *p_can); uint32_t can_get_timestamp_value(Can *p_can); uint8_t can_get_tx_error_cnt(Can *p_can); uint8_t can_get_rx_error_cnt(Can *p_can); void can_reset_internal_timer(Can *p_can); void can_global_send_transfer_cmd(Can *p_can, uint8_t uc_mask); void can_global_send_abort_cmd(Can *p_can, uint8_t uc_mask); void can_mailbox_set_timemark(Can *p_can, uint8_t uc_index, uint16_t us_cnt); uint32_t can_mailbox_get_status(Can *p_can, uint8_t uc_index); void can_mailbox_send_transfer_cmd(Can *p_can, uint8_t uc_index); void can_mailbox_send_abort_cmd(Can *p_can, uint8_t uc_index); void can_mailbox_init(Can *p_can, can_mb_conf_t *p_mailbox); uint32_t can_mailbox_read(Can *p_can, can_mb_conf_t *p_mailbox); uint32_t can_mailbox_write(Can *p_can, can_mb_conf_t *p_mailbox); uint32_t can_mailbox_tx_remote_frame(Can *p_can, can_mb_conf_t *p_mailbox); void can_reset_all_mailbox(Can *p_can); void reset_mailbox_conf(can_mb_conf_t *p_mailbox); /** @} */ /** @cond 0 */ /**INDENT-OFF**/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /**INDENT-ON**/ /** @endcond */ /** * \page sam_can_quickstart Quickstart guide for SAM CAN module. * * This is the quickstart guide for the \ref sam_drivers_can_group "SAM CAN module", * with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the drivers in a * selection of use cases. * * The use cases contain several code fragments. The code fragments in the * steps for setup can be copied into a custom initialization function, while * the steps for usage can be copied into, e.g., the main application function. * * \section can_basic_use_case Basic use case * In this basic use case, as CAN module needs to work in network, two CAN modules * need to be configured. CAN0 mailbox 0 is configured as transmitter, and CAN1 mailbox 0 * is configured as receiver. The communication baudrate is 1Mbit/s. * * \section can_basic_use_case_setup Setup steps * * \subsection can_basic_use_case_setup_prereq Prerequisites * - \ref group_pmc "Power Management Controller driver" * - \ref group_sn65hvd234_transceiver "CAN transceiver driver" * * \subsection can_basic_use_case_setup_code Example code * Add to application initialization: * \code * can_mb_conf_t can0_mailbox; * can_mb_conf_t can1_mailbox; * * pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_CAN0); * pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_CAN1); * * can_init(CAN0, ul_sysclk, CAN_BPS_1000K); * can_init(CAN1, ul_sysclk, CAN_BPS_1000K); * * can_reset_all_mailbox(CAN0); * can_reset_all_mailbox(CAN1); * * can1_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can1_mailbox.uc_obj_type = CAN_MB_RX_MODE; * can1_mailbox.ul_id_msk = CAN_MAM_MIDvA_Msk | CAN_MAM_MIDvB_Msk; * can1_mailbox.ul_id = CAN_MID_MIDvA(0x07); * can_mailbox_init(CAN1, &can1_mailbox); * * can0_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can0_mailbox.uc_obj_type = CAN_MB_TX_MODE; * can0_mailbox.uc_tx_prio = 15; * can0_mailbox.uc_id_ver = 0; * can0_mailbox.ul_id_msk = 0; * can_mailbox_init(CAN0, &can0_mailbox); * * can0_mailbox.ul_id = CAN_MID_MIDvA(0x07); * can0_mailbox.ul_datal = 0x12345678; * can0_mailbox.ul_datah = 0x87654321; * can0_mailbox.uc_length = 8; * can_mailbox_write(CAN0, &can0_mailbox); * \endcode * * \subsection can_basic_use_case_setup_flow Workflow * -# Define the CAN0 and CAN1 Transfer mailbox structure: * - \code * can_mb_conf_t can0_mailbox; * can_mb_conf_t can1_mailbox; * \endcode * -# Enable the module clock for CAN0 and CAN1: * - \code * pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_CAN0); * pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_CAN1); * \endcode * -# Initialize CAN0 and CAN1, baudrate is 1Mb/s: * - \code * can_init(CAN0, ul_sysclk, CAN_BPS_1000K); * can_init(CAN1, ul_sysclk, CAN_BPS_1000K); * \endcode * - \note The CAN transceiver should be configured before initializing the CAN module. * -# Reset all CAN0 and CAN1 mailboxes: * - \code * can_reset_all_mailbox(CAN0); * can_reset_all_mailbox(CAN1); * \endcode * -# Initialize CAN1 mailbox 0 as receiver, frame ID is 0x07: * - \code * can1_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can1_mailbox.uc_obj_type = CAN_MB_RX_MODE; * can1_mailbox.ul_id_msk = CAN_MAM_MIDvA_Msk | CAN_MAM_MIDvB_Msk; * can1_mailbox.ul_id = CAN_MID_MIDvA(0x07); * can_mailbox_init(CAN1, &can1_mailbox); * \endcode * -# Initialize CAN0 mailbox 0 as transmitter, transmit priority is 15: * - \code * can0_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can0_mailbox.uc_obj_type = CAN_MB_TX_MODE; * can0_mailbox.uc_tx_prio = 15; * can0_mailbox.uc_id_ver = 0; * can0_mailbox.ul_id_msk = 0; * can_mailbox_init(CAN0, &can0_mailbox); * \endcode * -# Prepare transmit ID, data and data length in CAN0 mailbox 0: * - \code * can0_mailbox.ul_id = CAN_MID_MIDvA(0x07); * can0_mailbox.ul_datal = 0x12345678; * can0_mailbox.ul_datah = 0x87654321; * can0_mailbox.uc_length = 8; * can_mailbox_write(CAN0, &can0_mailbox); * \endcode * * \section can_basic_use_case_usage Usage steps * * \subsection can_basic_use_case_usage_code Example code * Add to, e.g., main loop in application C-file: * \code * can_global_send_transfer_cmd(CAN0, CAN_TCR_MB0); * * while (!(can_mailbox_get_status(CAN1, 0) & CAN_MSR_MRDY)) { * } * * can_mailbox_read(CAN1, &can1_mailbox); * \endcode * * \subsection can_basic_use_case_usage_flow Workflow * -# Send out data in CAN0 mailbox 0: * - \code can_global_send_transfer_cmd(CAN0, CAN_TCR_MB0); \endcode * -# Wait for CAN1 mailbox 0 to receive the data: * - \code * while (!(can_mailbox_get_status(CAN1, 0) & CAN_MSR_MRDY)) { * } * \endcode * -# Read the received data from CAN1 mailbox 0: * - \code can_mailbox_read(CAN1, &can1_mailbox); \endcode * * \section can_use_cases Advanced use cases * For more advanced use of the CAN driver, see the following use cases: * - \subpage can_use_case_1 : Two CAN modules work in PRODUCER and CONSUMER mode * respectively, use CAN interrupt handler to check whether the communication has been * completed. */ /** * \page can_use_case_1 Use case #1 * * In this use case, CAN0 mailbox 0 works in PRODUCER mode, and CAN1 mailbox 0 * works in CONSUMER mode. While CAN1 mailbox 0 receives a data frame from the bus, * an interrupt is triggered. * * \section can_use_case_1_setup Setup steps * * \subsection can_basic_use_case_setup_prereq Prerequisites * - \ref group_pmc "Power Management Controller driver" * - \ref group_sn65hvd234_transceiver "CAN transceiver driver" * * \subsection can_use_case_1_setup_code Example code * Add to application C-file: * \code * can_mb_conf_t can0_mailbox; * can_mb_conf_t can1_mailbox; * volatile uint32_t g_ul_recv_status = 0; * \endcode * * \code * void CAN1_Handler(void) * { * uint32_t ul_status; * * ul_status = can_mailbox_get_status(CAN1, 0); * if ((ul_status & CAN_MSR_MRDY) == CAN_MSR_MRDY) { * can1_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can1_mailbox.ul_status = ul_status; * can_mailbox_read(CAN1, &can1_mailbox); * g_ul_recv_status = 1; * } * } * \endcode * * \code * pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_CAN0); * pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_CAN1); * * can_init(CAN0, ul_sysclk, CAN_BPS_1000K); * can_init(CAN1, ul_sysclk, CAN_BPS_1000K); * * can_reset_all_mailbox(CAN0); * can_reset_all_mailbox(CAN1); * * can0_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can0_mailbox.uc_obj_type = CAN_MB_PRODUCER_MODE; * can0_mailbox.ul_id_msk = 0; * can0_mailbox.ul_id = CAN_MID_MIDvA(0x0b); * can_mailbox_init(CAN0, &can0_mailbox); * * can0_mailbox.ul_datal = 0x11223344; * can0_mailbox.ul_datah = 0x44332211; * can0_mailbox.uc_length = 8; * can_mailbox_write(CAN0, &can0_mailbox); * * can1_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can1_mailbox.uc_obj_type = CAN_MB_CONSUMER_MODE; * can1_mailbox.uc_tx_prio = 15; * can1_mailbox.ul_id_msk = CAN_MID_MIDvA_Msk | CAN_MID_MIDvB_Msk; * can1_mailbox.ul_id = CAN_MID_MIDvA(0x0b); * can_mailbox_init(CAN1, &can1_mailbox); * * can_enable_interrupt(CAN1, CAN_IER_MB0); * NVIC_EnableIRQ(CAN1_IRQn); * \endcode * * \subsection can_use_case_1_setup_flow Workflow * -# Define the CAN0 and CAN1 Transfer mailbox structure: * - \code * can_mb_conf_t can0_mailbox; * can_mb_conf_t can1_mailbox; * \endcode * -# Define the receive flag that is changed in CAN1 ISR handler: * - \code volatile uint32_t g_ul_recv_status = 0; \endcode * -# Define the CAN1 ISR handler in the application: * - \code void CAN1_Handler(void); \endcode * -# In CAN1_Handler(), get CAN1 mailbox 0 status: * - \code ul_status = can_mailbox_get_status(CAN1, 0); \endcode * -# In CAN1_Handler(), check whether the mailbox 0 has received a data frame: * - \code * if ((ul_status & CAN_MSR_MRDY) == CAN_MSR_MRDY) { * can1_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can1_mailbox.ul_status = ul_status; * can_mailbox_read(CAN1, &can1_mailbox); * g_ul_recv_status = 1; * } * \endcode * -# In CAN1_Handler(), if mailbox 0 is ready, read the received data from CAN1 mailbox 0: * - \code * can1_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can1_mailbox.ul_status = ul_status; * can_mailbox_read(CAN1, &can1_mailbox); * \endcode * -# In CAN1_Handler(), if mailbox 0 is ready, set up the receive flag: * - \code g_ul_recv_status = 1; \endcode * -# Enable the module clock for CAN0 and CAN1: * - \code * pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_CAN0); * pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_CAN1); * \endcode * -# Initialize CAN0 and CAN1, baudrate is 1Mb/s: * - \code * can_init(CAN0, ul_sysclk, CAN_BPS_1000K); * can_init(CAN1, ul_sysclk, CAN_BPS_1000K); * \endcode * - \note The CAN transceiver should be configured before initializing the CAN module. * -# Reset all CAN0 and CAN1 mailboxes: * - \code * can_reset_all_mailbox(CAN0); * can_reset_all_mailbox(CAN1); * \endcode * -# Initialize CAN0 mailbox 0 as PRODUCER: * - \code * can0_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can0_mailbox.uc_obj_type = CAN_MB_PRODUCER_MODE; * can0_mailbox.ul_id_msk = 0; * can0_mailbox.ul_id = CAN_MID_MIDvA(0x0b); * can_mailbox_init(CAN0, &can0_mailbox); * \endcode * -# Prepare the response information when it receives a remote frame: * - \code * can0_mailbox.ul_datal = 0x11223344; * can0_mailbox.ul_datah = 0x44332211; * can0_mailbox.uc_length = 8; * can_mailbox_write(CAN0, &can0_mailbox); * \endcode * -# Initialize CAN1 mailbox 0 as CONSUMER: * - \code * can1_mailbox.ul_mb_idx = 0; * can1_mailbox.uc_obj_type = CAN_MB_CONSUMER_MODE; * can1_mailbox.uc_tx_prio = 15; * can1_mailbox.ul_id_msk = CAN_MID_MIDvA_Msk | CAN_MID_MIDvB_Msk; * can1_mailbox.ul_id = CAN_MID_MIDvA(0x0b); * can_mailbox_init(CAN1, &can1_mailbox); * \endcode * -# Enable the CAN1 mailbox 0 interrupt: * - \code * can_enable_interrupt(CAN1, CAN_IER_MB0); * NVIC_EnableIRQ(CAN1_IRQn); * \endcode * * \section can_use_case_1_usage Usage steps * * \subsection can_use_case_1_usage_code Example code * \code * can_global_send_transfer_cmd(CAN0, CAN_TCR_MB0); * can_global_send_transfer_cmd(CAN1, CAN_TCR_MB0); * * while (!g_ul_recv_status) { * } * \endcode * * \subsection can_use_case_1_usage_flow Workflow * -# Enable CAN0 mailbox 0 to receive remote frame and respond it: * - \code can_global_send_transfer_cmd(CAN0, CAN_TCR_MB0); \endcode * -# Enable CAN1 mailbox 0 to send out a remote frame and then receive data frame from bus: * - \code can_global_send_transfer_cmd(CAN1, CAN_TCR_MB0); \endcode * -# Wait for the communication to be completed. * - \code * while (!g_ul_recv_status) { * } * \endcode */ #endif /* CAN_H_INCLUDED */