#ifndef WiFi_Drv_h #define WiFi_Drv_h #include #include "wifi_spi.h" #define KEY_IDX_LEN 1 #define WL_DELAY_START_CONNECTION 5000 #define WL_DELAY_RETRY_START_CONNECTION 1000 class WiFiDrv { private: // settings of requested network static char _networkSsid[WL_NETWORKS_LIST_MAXNUM][WL_SSID_MAX_LENGTH]; // settings of current selected network static char _ssid[WL_SSID_MAX_LENGTH]; static uint8_t _bssid[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH]; static uint8_t _mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH]; static uint8_t _localIp[WL_IPV4_LENGTH]; static uint8_t _subnetMask[WL_IPV4_LENGTH]; static uint8_t _gatewayIp[WL_IPV4_LENGTH]; static void getNetworkData(uint8_t *ip, uint8_t *mask, uint8_t *gwip); public: static void wifiDriverInit(); static uint8_t wifiSetNetwork(char* ssid, uint8_t ssid_len); static uint8_t wifiSetPassphrase(char* ssid, uint8_t ssid_len, const char *passphrase, const uint8_t len); static uint8_t wifiSetKey(char* ssid, uint8_t ssid_len, uint8_t key_idx, const void *key, const uint8_t len); static uint8_t disconnect(); static uint8_t getConnectionStatus(); static uint8_t* getMacAddress(); static void getIpAddress(uint8_t *ip); static void getSubnetMask(uint8_t *ip); static void getGatewayIP(uint8_t *ip); static char* getCurrentSSID(); static uint8_t* getCurrentBSSID(); static int32_t getCurrentRSSI(); static uint8_t getCurrentEncryptionType(); static uint8_t scanNetworks(); static char* getSSIDNetoworks(uint8_t networkItem); static int32_t getRSSINetoworks(uint8_t networkItem); static uint8_t getEncTypeNetowrks(uint8_t networkItem); }; extern WiFiDrv wiFiDrv; #endif