/* Physical Pixel An example of using the Arduino board to receive data from the computer. In this case, the Arduino boards turns on an LED when it receives the character 'H', and turns off the LED when it receives the character 'L'. The data can be sent from the Arduino serial monitor, or another program like Processing (see code below), Flash (via a serial-net proxy), PD, or Max/MSP. The circuit: * LED connected from digital pin 13 to ground created 2006 by David A. Mellis modified 30 Aug 2011 by Tom Igoe and Scott Fitzgerald This example code is in the public domain. http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/PhysicalPixel */ const int ledPin = 13; // the pin that the LED is attached to int incomingByte; // a variable to read incoming serial data into void setup() { // initialize serial communication: Serial.begin(9600); // initialize the LED pin as an output: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // see if there's incoming serial data: if (Serial.available() > 0) { // read the oldest byte in the serial buffer: incomingByte = Serial.read(); // if it's a capital H (ASCII 72), turn on the LED: if (incomingByte == 'H') { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); } // if it's an L (ASCII 76) turn off the LED: if (incomingByte == 'L') { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } } } /* Processing code for this example // mouseover serial // Demonstrates how to send data to the Arduino I/O board, in order to // turn ON a light if the mouse is over a square and turn it off // if the mouse is not. // created 2003-4 // based on examples by Casey Reas and Hernando Barragan // modified 30 Aug 2011 // by Tom Igoe // This example code is in the public domain. import processing.serial.*; float boxX; float boxY; int boxSize = 20; boolean mouseOverBox = false; Serial port; void setup() { size(200, 200); boxX = width/2.0; boxY = height/2.0; rectMode(RADIUS); // List all the available serial ports in the output pane. // You will need to choose the port that the Arduino board is // connected to from this list. The first port in the list is // port #0 and the third port in the list is port #2. println(Serial.list()); // Open the port that the Arduino board is connected to (in this case #0) // Make sure to open the port at the same speed Arduino is using (9600bps) port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); } void draw() { background(0); // Test if the cursor is over the box if (mouseX > boxX-boxSize && mouseX < boxX+boxSize && mouseY > boxY-boxSize && mouseY < boxY+boxSize) { mouseOverBox = true; // draw a line around the box and change its color: stroke(255); fill(153); // send an 'H' to indicate mouse is over square: port.write('H'); } else { // return the box to it's inactive state: stroke(153); fill(153); // send an 'L' to turn the LED off: port.write('L'); mouseOverBox = false; } // Draw the box rect(boxX, boxY, boxSize, boxSize); } */ /* Max/MSP version 5 patch to run with this example: ----------begin_max5_patcher---------- 1672.3oc2ZszaaiCD9ryuBBebQVCQRYao8xhf1cQCPVfBzh8RRQ.sDsM2HSZ HQmlzh9eu7gjsjsEk7y0oWjiHoHm4aluYHGlueUmtiDuPy5B9Cv8fNc99Uc5 XZR2Pm726zcF4knDRlYXciDylQ4xtWa6SReQZZ+iSeMiEQR.ej8BM4A9C7OO kkAlSjQSAYTdbFfvA27o2c6sfO.Doqd6NfXgDHmRUCKkolg4hT06BfbQJGH3 5Qd2e8d.QJIQSow5tzebZ7BFW.FIHow8.2JAQpVIIYByxo9KIMkSjL9D0BRT sbGHZJIkDoZOSMuQT.8YZ5qpgGI3locF4IpQRzq2nDF+odZMIJkRjpEF44M3 A9nWAum7LKFbSOv+PSRXYOvmIhYiYpg.8A2LOUOxPyH+TjPJA+MS9sIzTRRr QP9rXF31IBZAHpVHkHrfaPRHLuUCzoj9GSoQRqIB52y6Z.tu8o4EX+fddfuj +MrXiwPL5+9cXwrOVvkbxLpomazHbQO7EyX7DpzXYgkFdF6algCQpkX4XUlo hA6oa7GWck9w0Gnmy6RXQOoQeCfWwlzsdnHLTq8n9PCHLv7Cxa6PAN3RCKjh ISRVZ+sSl704Tqt0kocE9R8J+P+RJOZ4ysp6gN0vppBbOTEN8qp0YCq5bq47 PUwfA5e766z7NbGMuncw7VgNRSyQhbnPMGrDsGaFSvKM5NcWoIVdZn44.eOi 9DTRUT.7jDQzSTiF4UzXLc7tLGh4T9pwaFQkGUGIiOOkpBSJUwGsBd40krHQ 9XEvwq2V6eLIhV6GuzP7uzzXBmzsXPSRYwBtVLp7s5lKVv6UN2VW7xRtYDbx 7s7wRgHYDI8YVFaTBshkP49R3rYpH3RlUhTQmK5jMadJyF3cYaTNQMGSyhRE IIUlJaOOukdhoOyhnekEKmZlqU3UkLrk7bpPrpztKBVUR1uorLddk6xIOqNt lBOroRrNVFJGLrDxudpET4kzkstNp2lzuUHVMgk5TDZx9GWumnoQTbhXsEtF tzCcM+z0QKXsngCUtTOEIN0SX2iHTTIIz968.Kf.uhfzUCUuAd3UKd.OKt.N HTynxTQyjpQD9jlwEXeKQxfHCBahUge6RprSa2V4m3aYOMyaP6gah2Yf1zbD jVwZVGFZHHxINFxpjr5CiTS9JiZn6e6nTlXQZTAFj6QCppQwzL0AxVtoi6WE QXsANkEGWMEuwNvhmKTnat7A9RqLq6pXuEwY6xM5xRraoTiurj51J1vKLzFs CvM7HI14Mpje6YRxHOSieTsJpvJORjxT1nERK6s7YTN7sr6rylNwf5zMiHI4 meZ4rTYt2PpVettZERbjJ6PjfqN2loPSrUcusH01CegsGEE5467rnCdqT1ES QxtCvFq.cvGz+BaAHXKzRSfP+2Jf.KCvj5ZLJRAhwi+SWHvPyN3vXiaPn6JR 3eoA.0TkFhTvpsDMIrL20nAkCI4EoYfSHAuiPBdmJRyd.IynYYjIzMvjOTKf 3DLvnvRLDLpWeEOYXMfAZqfQ0.qsnlUdmA33t8CNJ7MZEb.u7fiZHLYzDkJp R7CqEVLGN75U+1JXxFUY.xEEBcRCqhOEkz2bENEWnh4pbh0wY25EefbD6EmW UA6Ip8wFLyuFXx+Wrp8m6iff1B86W7bqJO9+mx8er4E3.abCLrYdA16sBuHx vKT6BlpIGQIhL55W7oicf3ayv3ixQCm4aQuY1HZUPQWY+cASx2WZ3f1fICuz vj5R5ZbM1y8gXYN4dIXaYGq4NhQvS5MmcDADy+S.j8CQ78vk7Q7gtPDX3kFh 3NGaAsYBUAO.8N1U4WKycxbQdrWxJdXd10gNIO+hkUMmm.CZwknu7JbNUYUq 0sOsTsI1QudDtjw0t+xZ85wWZd80tMCiiMADNX4UzrcSeK23su87IANqmA7j tiRzoXi2YRh67ldAk79gPmTe3YKuoY0qdEDV3X8xylCJMTN45JIakB7uY8XW uVr3PO8wWwEoTW8lsfraX7ZqzZDDXCRqNkztHsGCYpIDDAOqxDpMVUMKcOrp 942acPvx2NPocMC1wQZ8glRn3myTykVaEUNLoEeJjVaAevA4EAZnsNgkeyO+ 3rEZB7f0DTazDcQTNmdt8aACGi1QOWnMmd+.6YjMHH19OB5gKsMF877x8wsJ hN97JSnSfLUXGUoj6ujWXd6Pk1SAC+Pkogm.tZ.1lX1qL.pe6PE11DPeMMZ2 .P0K+3peBt3NskC -----------end_max5_patcher----------- */