/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SAM Software Package License * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Atmel Corporation * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following condition is met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. * * Atmel's name may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ATMEL "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \addtogroup spi_module Working with SPI * The SPI driver provides the interface to configure and use the SPI * peripheral. * * The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) circuit is a synchronous serial * data link that provides communication with external devices in Master * or Slave Mode. * * To use the SPI, the user has to follow these few steps: * -# Enable the SPI pins required by the application (see pio.h). * -# Configure the SPI using the \ref SPI_Configure(). This enables the * peripheral clock. The mode register is loaded with the given value. * -# Configure all the necessary chip selects with \ref SPI_ConfigureNPCS(). * -# Enable the SPI by calling \ref SPI_Enable(). * -# Send/receive data using \ref SPI_Write() and \ref SPI_Read(). Note that \ref SPI_Read() * must be called after \ref SPI_Write() to retrieve the last value read. * -# Send/receive data using the PDC with the \ref SPI_WriteBuffer() and * \ref SPI_ReadBuffer() functions. * -# Disable the SPI by calling \ref SPI_Disable(). * * For more accurate information, please look at the SPI section of the * Datasheet. * * Related files :\n * \ref spi.c\n * \ref spi.h.\n */ /*@{*/ /*@}*/ /** * \file * * Implementation of Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controller. * */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Headers *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "chip.h" #include <stdint.h> /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Exported functions *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Enables a SPI peripheral. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. */ extern void SPI_Enable( Spi* spi ) { spi->SPI_CR = SPI_CR_SPIEN ; } /** * \brief Disables a SPI peripheral. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. */ extern void SPI_Disable( Spi* spi ) { spi->SPI_CR = SPI_CR_SPIDIS ; } /** * \brief Enables one or more interrupt sources of a SPI peripheral. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * \param sources Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources. */ extern void SPI_EnableIt( Spi* spi, uint32_t dwSources ) { spi->SPI_IER = dwSources ; } /** * \brief Disables one or more interrupt sources of a SPI peripheral. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * \param sources Bitwise OR of selected interrupt sources. */ extern void SPI_DisableIt( Spi* spi, uint32_t dwSources ) { spi->SPI_IDR = dwSources ; } /** * \brief Configures a SPI peripheral as specified. The configuration can be computed * using several macros (see \ref spi_configuration_macros). * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * \param id Peripheral ID of the SPI. * \param configuration Value of the SPI configuration register. */ extern void SPI_Configure( Spi* spi, uint32_t dwId, uint32_t dwConfiguration ) { pmc_enable_periph_clk( dwId ) ; spi->SPI_CR = SPI_CR_SPIDIS ; /* Execute a software reset of the SPI twice */ spi->SPI_CR = SPI_CR_SWRST ; spi->SPI_CR = SPI_CR_SWRST ; spi->SPI_MR = dwConfiguration ; } /** * \brief Configures a chip select of a SPI peripheral. The chip select configuration * is computed using several macros (see \ref spi_configuration_macros). * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * \param npcs Chip select to configure (0, 1, 2 or 3). * \param configuration Desired chip select configuration. */ void SPI_ConfigureNPCS( Spi* spi, uint32_t dwNpcs, uint32_t dwConfiguration ) { spi->SPI_CSR[dwNpcs] = dwConfiguration ; } /** * \brief Get the current status register of the given SPI peripheral. * \note This resets the internal value of the status register, so further * read may yield different values. * \param spi Pointer to a Spi instance. * \return SPI status register. */ extern uint32_t SPI_GetStatus( Spi* spi ) { return spi->SPI_SR ; } /** * \brief Reads and returns the last word of data received by a SPI peripheral. This * method must be called after a successful SPI_Write call. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * * \return readed data. */ extern uint32_t SPI_Read( Spi* spi ) { while ( (spi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_RDRF) == 0 ) ; return spi->SPI_RDR & 0xFFFF ; } /** * \brief Sends data through a SPI peripheral. If the SPI is configured to use a fixed * peripheral select, the npcs value is meaningless. Otherwise, it identifies * the component which shall be addressed. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * \param npcs Chip select of the component to address (0, 1, 2 or 3). * \param data Word of data to send. */ extern void SPI_Write( Spi* spi, uint32_t dwNpcs, uint16_t wData ) { /* Send data */ while ( (spi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_TXEMPTY) == 0 ) ; spi->SPI_TDR = wData | SPI_PCS( dwNpcs ) ; while ( (spi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_TDRE) == 0 ) ; } /** * \brief Check if SPI transfer finish. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * * \return Returns 1 if there is no pending write operation on the SPI; otherwise * returns 0. */ extern uint32_t SPI_IsFinished( Spi* spi ) { return ((spi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_TXEMPTY) != 0) ; } #if (defined _SAM3S_) || (defined _SAM3S8_) || (defined _SAM3N_) /** * \brief Enable Spi PDC transmit * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. */ extern void SPI_PdcEnableTx( Spi* spi ) { spi->SPI_PTCR = SPI_PTCR_TXTEN ; } /** * \brief Disable Spi PDC transmit * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. */ extern void SPI_PdcDisableTx( Spi* spi ) { spi->SPI_PTCR = SPI_PTCR_TXTDIS ; } /** * \brief Enable Spi PDC receive * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. */ extern void SPI_PdcEnableRx( Spi* spi ) { spi->SPI_PTCR = SPI_PTCR_RXTEN ; } /** * \brief Disable Spi PDC receive * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. */ extern void SPI_PdcDisableRx( Spi* spi ) { spi->SPI_PTCR = SPI_PTCR_RXTDIS ; } /** * \brief Set PDC transmit and next transmit buffer address and size. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * \param txBuf PDC transmit buffer address. * \param txCount Length in bytes of the transmit buffer. * \param txNextBuf PDC next transmit buffer address. * \param txNextCount Length in bytes of the next transmit buffer. */ extern void SPI_PdcSetTx( Spi* spi, void* pvTxBuf, uint32_t dwTxCount, void* pvTxNextBuf, uint32_t dwTxNextCount ) { spi->SPI_TPR = (uint32_t)pvTxBuf ; spi->SPI_TCR = dwTxCount ; spi->SPI_TNPR = (uint32_t)pvTxNextBuf ; spi->SPI_TNCR = dwTxNextCount ; } /** * \brief Set PDC receive and next receive buffer address and size. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * \param rxBuf PDC receive buffer address. * \param rxCount Length in bytes of the receive buffer. * \param rxNextBuf PDC next receive buffer address. * \param rxNextCount Length in bytes of the next receive buffer. */ extern void SPI_PdcSetRx( Spi* spi, void* pvRxBuf, uint32_t dwRxCount, void* pvRxNextBuf, uint32_t dwRxNextCount ) { spi->SPI_RPR = (uint32_t)pvRxBuf ; spi->SPI_RCR = dwRxCount ; spi->SPI_RNPR = (uint32_t)pvRxNextBuf ; spi->SPI_RNCR = dwRxNextCount ; } /** * \brief Sends the contents of buffer through a SPI peripheral, using the PDC to * take care of the transfer. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * \param buffer Data buffer to send. * \param length Length of the data buffer. */ extern uint32_t SPI_WriteBuffer( Spi* spi, void* pvBuffer, uint32_t dwLength ) { /* Check if first bank is free */ if ( spi->SPI_TCR == 0 ) { spi->SPI_TPR = (uint32_t)pvBuffer ; spi->SPI_TCR = dwLength ; spi->SPI_PTCR = PERIPH_PTCR_TXTEN ; return 1 ; } /* Check if second bank is free */ else { if ( spi->SPI_TNCR == 0 ) { spi->SPI_TNPR = (uint32_t)pvBuffer ; spi->SPI_TNCR = dwLength ; return 1 ; } } /* No free banks */ return 0 ; } /** * \brief Reads data from a SPI peripheral until the provided buffer is filled. This * method does NOT need to be called after SPI_Write or SPI_WriteBuffer. * * \param spi Pointer to an Spi instance. * \param buffer Data buffer to store incoming bytes. * \param length Length in bytes of the data buffer. */ extern uint32_t SPI_ReadBuffer( Spi* spi, void *pvBuffer, uint32_t dwLength ) { /* Check if the first bank is free */ if ( spi->SPI_RCR == 0 ) { spi->SPI_RPR = (uint32_t)pvBuffer ; spi->SPI_RCR = dwLength ; spi->SPI_PTCR = PERIPH_PTCR_RXTEN ; return 1 ; } /* Check if second bank is free */ else { if ( spi->SPI_RNCR == 0 ) { spi->SPI_RNPR = (uint32_t)pvBuffer ; spi->SPI_RNCR = dwLength ; return 1 ; } } /* No free bank */ return 0 ; } #endif /* (defined _SAM3S_) || (defined _SAM3S8_) || (defined _SAM3N_) */