/* Arduino Starter Kit example Project 12 - Knock Lock This sketch is written to accompany Project 12 in the Arduino Starter Kit Parts required: 1 Megohm resistor 10 kilohm resistor three 220 ohm resistors piezo servo motor push button one red LED one yellow LED one green LED 100 uF capacitor Created 18 September 2012 by Scott Fitzgerald Thanks to Federico Vanzati for improvements http://www.arduino.cc/starterKit This example code is part of the public domain */ // import the library #include // create an instance of the servo library Servo myServo; const int piezo = A0; // pin the piezo is attached to const int switchPin = 2; // pin the switch is attached to const int yellowLed = 3; // pin the yellow LED is attached to const int greenLed = 4; // pin the green LED is attached to const int redLed = 5; // pin the red LED is attached to // variable for the piezo value int knockVal; // variable for the switch value int switchVal; // variables for the high and low limits of the knock value const int quietKnock = 10; const int loudKnock = 100; // variable to indicate if locked or not boolean locked = false; // how many valid knocks you've received int numberOfKnocks = 0; void setup() { // attach the servo to pin 9 myServo.attach(9); // make the LED pins outputs pinMode(yellowLed, OUTPUT); pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT); // set the switch pin as an input pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); // start serial communication for debugging Serial.begin(9600); // turn the green LED on digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH); // move the servo to the unlocked position myServo.write(0); // print status to the serial monitor Serial.println("the box is unlocked!"); } void loop() { // if the box is unlocked if (locked == false) { // read the value of the switch pin switchVal = digitalRead(switchPin); // if the button is pressed, lock the box if (switchVal == HIGH) { // set the locked variable to "true" locked = true; // change the status LEDs digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW); digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH); // move the servo to the locked position myServo.write(90); // print out status Serial.println("the box is locked!"); // wait for the servo to move into position delay (1000); } } // if the box is locked if (locked == true) { // check the value of the piezo knockVal = analogRead(piezo); // if there are not enough valid knocks if (numberOfKnocks < 3 && knockVal > 0) { // check to see if the knock is in range if (checkForKnock(knockVal) == true) { // increment the number of valid knocks numberOfKnocks++; } // print status of knocks Serial.print(3 - numberOfKnocks); Serial.println(" more knocks to go"); } // if there are three knocks if (numberOfKnocks >= 3) { // unlock the box locked = false; // move the servo to the unlocked position myServo.write(0); // wait for it to move delay(20); // change status LEDs digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH); digitalWrite(redLed, LOW); Serial.println("the box is unlocked!"); } } } // this function checks to see if a // detected knock is within max and min range boolean checkForKnock(int value) { // if the value of the knock is greater than // the minimum, and larger than the maximum if (value > quietKnock && value < loudKnock) { // turn the status LED on digitalWrite(yellowLed, HIGH); delay(50); digitalWrite(yellowLed, LOW); // print out the status Serial.print("Valid knock of value "); Serial.println(value); // return true return true; } // if the knock is not within range else { // print status Serial.print("Bad knock value "); Serial.println(value); // return false return false; } }