/* -*- mode: jde; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * TextAreaPainter.java - Paints the text area * Copyright (C) 1999 Slava Pestov * * You may use and modify this package for any purpose. Redistribution is * permitted, in both source and binary form, provided that this notice * remains intact in all source distributions of this package. */ package processing.app.syntax; import processing.app.*; import javax.swing.ToolTipManager; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.JComponent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.print.*; /** * The text area repaint manager. It performs double buffering and paints * lines of text. * @author Slava Pestov * @version $Id$ */ public class TextAreaPainter extends JComponent implements TabExpander, Printable { /** True if inside printing, will handle disabling the highlight */ boolean printing; /** * Creates a new repaint manager. This should be not be called * directly. */ public TextAreaPainter(JEditTextArea textArea, TextAreaDefaults defaults) { this.textArea = textArea; setAutoscrolls(true); setDoubleBuffered(true); setOpaque(true); ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().registerComponent(this); currentLine = new Segment(); currentLineIndex = -1; setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.TEXT_CURSOR)); setFont(defaults.font); setForeground(defaults.fgcolor); setBackground(defaults.bgcolor); blockCaret = defaults.blockCaret; styles = defaults.styles; cols = defaults.cols; rows = defaults.rows; caretColor = defaults.caretColor; selectionColor = defaults.selectionColor; lineHighlightColor = defaults.lineHighlightColor; lineHighlight = defaults.lineHighlight; bracketHighlightColor = defaults.bracketHighlightColor; bracketHighlight = defaults.bracketHighlight; paintInvalid = defaults.paintInvalid; eolMarkerColor = defaults.eolMarkerColor; eolMarkers = defaults.eolMarkers; } /** * Returns if this component can be traversed by pressing the * Tab key. This returns false. */ public final boolean isManagingFocus() { return false; } /** * Returns the syntax styles used to paint colorized text. Entry <i>n</i> * will be used to paint tokens with id = <i>n</i>. * @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.Token */ public final SyntaxStyle[] getStyles() { return styles; } /** * Sets the syntax styles used to paint colorized text. Entry <i>n</i> * will be used to paint tokens with id = <i>n</i>. * @param styles The syntax styles * @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.Token */ public final void setStyles(SyntaxStyle[] styles) { this.styles = styles; repaint(); } /** * Returns the caret color. */ public final Color getCaretColor() { return caretColor; } /** * Sets the caret color. * @param caretColor The caret color */ public final void setCaretColor(Color caretColor) { this.caretColor = caretColor; invalidateSelectedLines(); } /** * Returns the selection color. */ public final Color getSelectionColor() { return selectionColor; } /** * Sets the selection color. * @param selectionColor The selection color */ public final void setSelectionColor(Color selectionColor) { this.selectionColor = selectionColor; invalidateSelectedLines(); } /** * Returns the line highlight color. */ public final Color getLineHighlightColor() { return lineHighlightColor; } /** * Sets the line highlight color. * @param lineHighlightColor The line highlight color */ public final void setLineHighlightColor(Color lineHighlightColor) { this.lineHighlightColor = lineHighlightColor; invalidateSelectedLines(); } /** * Returns true if line highlight is enabled, false otherwise. */ public final boolean isLineHighlightEnabled() { return lineHighlight; } /** * Enables or disables current line highlighting. * @param lineHighlight True if current line highlight * should be enabled, false otherwise */ public final void setLineHighlightEnabled(boolean lineHighlight) { this.lineHighlight = lineHighlight; invalidateSelectedLines(); } /** * Returns the bracket highlight color. */ public final Color getBracketHighlightColor() { return bracketHighlightColor; } /** * Sets the bracket highlight color. * @param bracketHighlightColor The bracket highlight color */ public final void setBracketHighlightColor(Color bracketHighlightColor) { this.bracketHighlightColor = bracketHighlightColor; invalidateLine(textArea.getBracketLine()); } /** * Returns true if bracket highlighting is enabled, false otherwise. * When bracket highlighting is enabled, the bracket matching the * one before the caret (if any) is highlighted. */ public final boolean isBracketHighlightEnabled() { return bracketHighlight; } /** * Enables or disables bracket highlighting. * When bracket highlighting is enabled, the bracket matching the * one before the caret (if any) is highlighted. * @param bracketHighlight True if bracket highlighting should be * enabled, false otherwise */ public final void setBracketHighlightEnabled(boolean bracketHighlight) { this.bracketHighlight = bracketHighlight; invalidateLine(textArea.getBracketLine()); } /** * Returns true if the caret should be drawn as a block, false otherwise. */ public final boolean isBlockCaretEnabled() { return blockCaret; } /** * Sets if the caret should be drawn as a block, false otherwise. * @param blockCaret True if the caret should be drawn as a block, * false otherwise. */ public final void setBlockCaretEnabled(boolean blockCaret) { this.blockCaret = blockCaret; invalidateSelectedLines(); } /** * Returns the EOL marker color. */ public final Color getEOLMarkerColor() { return eolMarkerColor; } /** * Sets the EOL marker color. * @param eolMarkerColor The EOL marker color */ public final void setEOLMarkerColor(Color eolMarkerColor) { this.eolMarkerColor = eolMarkerColor; repaint(); } /** * Returns true if EOL markers are drawn, false otherwise. */ public final boolean getEOLMarkersPainted() { return eolMarkers; } /** * Sets if EOL markers are to be drawn. * @param eolMarkers True if EOL markers should be drawn, false otherwise */ public final void setEOLMarkersPainted(boolean eolMarkers) { this.eolMarkers = eolMarkers; repaint(); } /** * Returns true if invalid lines are painted as red tildes (~), * false otherwise. */ public boolean getInvalidLinesPainted() { return paintInvalid; } /** * Sets if invalid lines are to be painted as red tildes. * @param paintInvalid True if invalid lines should be drawn, false otherwise */ public void setInvalidLinesPainted(boolean paintInvalid) { this.paintInvalid = paintInvalid; } /** * Adds a custom highlight painter. * @param highlight The highlight */ public void addCustomHighlight(Highlight highlight) { highlight.init(textArea,highlights); highlights = highlight; } /** * Highlight interface. */ public interface Highlight { /** * Called after the highlight painter has been added. * @param textArea The text area * @param next The painter this one should delegate to */ void init(JEditTextArea textArea, Highlight next); /** * This should paint the highlight and delgate to the * next highlight painter. * @param gfx The graphics context * @param line The line number * @param y The y co-ordinate of the line */ void paintHighlight(Graphics gfx, int line, int y); /** * Returns the tool tip to display at the specified * location. If this highlighter doesn't know what to * display, it should delegate to the next highlight * painter. * @param evt The mouse event */ String getToolTipText(MouseEvent evt); } /** * Returns the tool tip to display at the specified location. * @param evt The mouse event */ public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent evt) { if(highlights != null) return highlights.getToolTipText(evt); else return null; } /** * Returns the font metrics used by this component. */ public FontMetrics getFontMetrics() { return fm; } /** * Sets the font for this component. This is overridden to update the * cached font metrics and to recalculate which lines are visible. * @param font The font */ public void setFont(Font font) { super.setFont(font); fm = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics(font); textArea.recalculateVisibleLines(); } /** * Repaints the text. * @param g The graphics context */ public void paint(Graphics gfx) { if (Base.isMacOS()) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) gfx; g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF); } tabSize = fm.charWidth(' ') * ((Integer)textArea.getDocument().getProperty(PlainDocument.tabSizeAttribute)).intValue(); Rectangle clipRect = gfx.getClipBounds(); gfx.setColor(getBackground()); gfx.fillRect(clipRect.x,clipRect.y,clipRect.width,clipRect.height); // We don't use yToLine() here because that method doesn't // return lines past the end of the document int height = fm.getHeight(); int firstLine = textArea.getFirstLine(); int firstInvalid = firstLine + clipRect.y / height; // Because the clipRect's height is usually an even multiple // of the font height, we subtract 1 from it, otherwise one // too many lines will always be painted. int lastInvalid = firstLine + (clipRect.y + clipRect.height - 1) / height; try { TokenMarker tokenMarker = textArea.getDocument().getTokenMarker(); int x = textArea.getHorizontalOffset(); for (int line = firstInvalid; line <= lastInvalid; line++) { paintLine(gfx,tokenMarker,line,x); } if (tokenMarker != null && tokenMarker.isNextLineRequested()) { int h = clipRect.y + clipRect.height; repaint(0,h,getWidth(),getHeight() - h); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error repainting line" + " range {" + firstInvalid + "," + lastInvalid + "}:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) { int lineHeight = fm.getHeight(); int linesPerPage = (int) (pageFormat.getImageableHeight() / lineHeight); int lineCount = textArea.getLineCount(); int lastPage = lineCount / linesPerPage; if (pageIndex > lastPage) { return NO_SUCH_PAGE; } else { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g; TokenMarker tokenMarker = textArea.getDocument().getTokenMarker(); int firstLine = pageIndex*linesPerPage; g2d.translate(Math.max(54, pageFormat.getImageableX()), pageFormat.getImageableY() - firstLine*lineHeight); printing = true; for (int line = firstLine; line < firstLine + linesPerPage; line++) { paintLine(g2d, tokenMarker, line, 0); } printing = false; return PAGE_EXISTS; } } /** * Marks a line as needing a repaint. * @param line The line to invalidate */ public final void invalidateLine(int line) { repaint(0,textArea.lineToY(line) + fm.getMaxDescent() + fm.getLeading(), getWidth(),fm.getHeight()); } /** * Marks a range of lines as needing a repaint. * @param firstLine The first line to invalidate * @param lastLine The last line to invalidate */ public final void invalidateLineRange(int firstLine, int lastLine) { repaint(0,textArea.lineToY(firstLine) + fm.getMaxDescent() + fm.getLeading(), getWidth(),(lastLine - firstLine + 1) * fm.getHeight()); } /** * Repaints the lines containing the selection. */ public final void invalidateSelectedLines() { invalidateLineRange(textArea.getSelectionStartLine(), textArea.getSelectionEndLine()); } /** * Implementation of TabExpander interface. Returns next tab stop after * a specified point. * @param x The x co-ordinate * @param tabOffset Ignored * @return The next tab stop after <i>x</i> */ public float nextTabStop(float x, int tabOffset) { int offset = textArea.getHorizontalOffset(); int ntabs = ((int)x - offset) / tabSize; return (ntabs + 1) * tabSize + offset; } /** * Returns the painter's preferred size. */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension dim = new Dimension(); dim.width = fm.charWidth('w') * cols; dim.height = fm.getHeight() * rows; return dim; } /** * Returns the painter's minimum size. */ public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return getPreferredSize(); } // package-private members int currentLineIndex; Token currentLineTokens; Segment currentLine; /** * Accessor used by tools that want to hook in and grab the formatting. */ public int getCurrentLineIndex() { return currentLineIndex; } /** * Accessor used by tools that want to hook in and grab the formatting. */ public void setCurrentLineIndex(int what) { currentLineIndex = what; } /** * Accessor used by tools that want to hook in and grab the formatting. */ public Token getCurrentLineTokens() { return currentLineTokens; } /** * Accessor used by tools that want to hook in and grab the formatting. */ public void setCurrentLineTokens(Token tokens) { currentLineTokens = tokens; } /** * Accessor used by tools that want to hook in and grab the formatting. */ public Segment getCurrentLine() { return currentLine; } // protected members protected JEditTextArea textArea; protected SyntaxStyle[] styles; protected Color caretColor; protected Color selectionColor; protected Color lineHighlightColor; protected Color bracketHighlightColor; protected Color eolMarkerColor; protected boolean blockCaret; protected boolean lineHighlight; protected boolean bracketHighlight; protected boolean paintInvalid; protected boolean eolMarkers; protected int cols; protected int rows; protected int tabSize; protected FontMetrics fm; protected Highlight highlights; protected void paintLine(Graphics gfx, TokenMarker tokenMarker, int line, int x) { Font defaultFont = getFont(); Color defaultColor = getForeground(); currentLineIndex = line; int y = textArea.lineToY(line); if (line < 0 || line >= textArea.getLineCount()) { if (paintInvalid) { paintHighlight(gfx,line,y); styles[Token.INVALID].setGraphicsFlags(gfx,defaultFont); gfx.drawString("~",0,y + fm.getHeight()); } } else if(tokenMarker == null) { paintPlainLine(gfx,line,defaultFont,defaultColor,x,y); } else { paintSyntaxLine(gfx,tokenMarker,line,defaultFont, defaultColor,x,y); } } protected void paintPlainLine(Graphics gfx, int line, Font defaultFont, Color defaultColor, int x, int y) { paintHighlight(gfx,line,y); textArea.getLineText(line,currentLine); gfx.setFont(defaultFont); gfx.setColor(defaultColor); y += fm.getHeight(); x = Utilities.drawTabbedText(currentLine,x,y,gfx,this,0); if (eolMarkers) { gfx.setColor(eolMarkerColor); gfx.drawString(".",x,y); } } protected void paintSyntaxLine(Graphics gfx, TokenMarker tokenMarker, int line, Font defaultFont, Color defaultColor, int x, int y) { textArea.getLineText(currentLineIndex,currentLine); currentLineTokens = tokenMarker.markTokens(currentLine, currentLineIndex); paintHighlight(gfx,line,y); gfx.setFont(defaultFont); gfx.setColor(defaultColor); y += fm.getHeight(); x = SyntaxUtilities.paintSyntaxLine(currentLine, currentLineTokens, styles, this, gfx, x, y); if (eolMarkers) { gfx.setColor(eolMarkerColor); gfx.drawString(".",x,y); } } protected void paintHighlight(Graphics gfx, int line, int y) { if (!printing) { if (line >= textArea.getSelectionStartLine() && line <= textArea.getSelectionEndLine()) paintLineHighlight(gfx,line,y); if (highlights != null) highlights.paintHighlight(gfx,line,y); if (bracketHighlight && line == textArea.getBracketLine()) paintBracketHighlight(gfx,line,y); if (line == textArea.getCaretLine()) paintCaret(gfx,line,y); } } protected void paintLineHighlight(Graphics gfx, int line, int y) { int height = fm.getHeight(); y += fm.getLeading() + fm.getMaxDescent(); int selectionStart = textArea.getSelectionStart(); int selectionEnd = textArea.getSelectionEnd(); if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) { if (lineHighlight) { gfx.setColor(lineHighlightColor); gfx.fillRect(0,y,getWidth(),height); } } else { gfx.setColor(selectionColor); int selectionStartLine = textArea.getSelectionStartLine(); int selectionEndLine = textArea.getSelectionEndLine(); int lineStart = textArea.getLineStartOffset(line); int x1, x2; if (textArea.isSelectionRectangular()) { int lineLen = textArea.getLineLength(line); x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line,Math.min(lineLen, selectionStart - textArea.getLineStartOffset(selectionStartLine))); x2 = textArea._offsetToX(line,Math.min(lineLen, selectionEnd - textArea.getLineStartOffset(selectionEndLine))); if (x1 == x2) x2++; } else if(selectionStartLine == selectionEndLine) { x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionStart - lineStart); x2 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionEnd - lineStart); } else if(line == selectionStartLine) { x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionStart - lineStart); x2 = getWidth(); } else if(line == selectionEndLine) { //x1 = 0; // hack from stendahl to avoid doing weird side selection thing x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, 0); // attempt at getting the gutter too, but doesn't seem to work //x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, -textArea.getHorizontalOffset()); x2 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionEnd - lineStart); } else { //x1 = 0; // hack from stendahl to avoid doing weird side selection thing x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, 0); // attempt at getting the gutter too, but doesn't seem to work //x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, -textArea.getHorizontalOffset()); x2 = getWidth(); } // "inlined" min/max() gfx.fillRect(x1 > x2 ? x2 : x1,y,x1 > x2 ? (x1 - x2) : (x2 - x1),height); } } protected void paintBracketHighlight(Graphics gfx, int line, int y) { int position = textArea.getBracketPosition(); if(position == -1) return; y += fm.getLeading() + fm.getMaxDescent(); int x = textArea._offsetToX(line,position); gfx.setColor(bracketHighlightColor); // Hack!!! Since there is no fast way to get the character // from the bracket matching routine, we use ( since all // brackets probably have the same width anyway gfx.drawRect(x,y,fm.charWidth('(') - 1, fm.getHeight() - 1); } protected void paintCaret(Graphics gfx, int line, int y) { //System.out.println("painting caret " + line + " " + y); if (textArea.isCaretVisible()) { //System.out.println("caret is visible"); int offset = textArea.getCaretPosition() - textArea.getLineStartOffset(line); int caretX = textArea._offsetToX(line, offset); int caretWidth = ((blockCaret || textArea.isOverwriteEnabled()) ? fm.charWidth('w') : 1); y += fm.getLeading() + fm.getMaxDescent(); int height = fm.getHeight(); //System.out.println("caretX, width = " + caretX + " " + caretWidth); gfx.setColor(caretColor); if (textArea.isOverwriteEnabled()) { gfx.fillRect(caretX,y + height - 1, caretWidth,1); } else { // some machines don't like the drawRect for the single // pixel caret.. this caused a lot of hell because on that // minority of machines, the caret wouldn't show up past // the first column. the fix is to use drawLine() in // those cases, as a workaround. if (caretWidth == 1) { gfx.drawLine(caretX, y, caretX, y + height - 1); } else { gfx.drawRect(caretX, y, caretWidth - 1, height - 1); } //gfx.drawRect(caretX, y, caretWidth, height - 1); } } } }