/* -*- mode: jde; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* PdePreprocessor - wrapper for default ANTLR-generated parser Part of the Wiring project - http://wiring.org.co Copyright (c) 2004-05 Hernando Barragan Processing version Copyright (c) 2004-05 Ben Fry and Casey Reas Copyright (c) 2001-04 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ANTLR-generated parser and several supporting classes written by Dan Mosedale via funding from the Interaction Institute IVREA. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package processing.app.preproc; import processing.app.*; import processing.core.*; import java.io.*; import antlr.*; import antlr.collections.*; import antlr.collections.impl.*; import com.oroinc.text.regex.*; public class PdePreprocessor { static final int JDK11 = 0; static final int JDK13 = 1; static final int JDK14 = 2; static String defaultImports[][] = new String[3][]; // these ones have the .* at the end, since a class name // might be at the end instead of .* whcih would make trouble // other classes using this can lop of the . and anything after // it to produce a package name consistently. public String extraImports[]; // imports just from the code folder, treated differently // than the others, since the imports are auto-generated. public String codeFolderImports[]; static public final int STATIC = 0; // formerly BEGINNER static public final int ACTIVE = 1; // formerly INTERMEDIATE static public final int JAVA = 2; // formerly ADVANCED // static to make it easier for the antlr preproc to get at it static public int programType = -1; Reader programReader; String buildPath; // used for calling the ASTFactory to get the root node private static final int ROOT_ID = 0; // stores number of built user-defined function prototypes public int prototypeCount = 0; // stores number of included library headers written public int headerCount = 0; /** * These may change in-between (if the prefs panel adds this option) * so grab them here on construction. */ public PdePreprocessor() { /* defaultImports[JDK11] = Base.split(Preferences.get("preproc.imports.jdk11"), ','); defaultImports[JDK13] = Base.split(Preferences.get("preproc.imports.jdk13"), ','); defaultImports[JDK14] = Base.split(Preferences.get("preproc.imports.jdk14"), ','); */ } /** * Used by PdeEmitter.dumpHiddenTokens() */ //public static TokenStreamCopyingHiddenTokenFilter filter; /** * preprocesses a pde file and write out a java file * @param pretty true if should also space out/indent lines * @return the classname of the exported Java */ //public String write(String program, String buildPath, String name, // String extraImports[]) throws java.lang.Exception { public String write(String program, String buildPath, String name, String codeFolderPackages[], Target target) throws java.lang.Exception { // if the program ends with no CR or LF an OutOfMemoryError will happen. // not gonna track down the bug now, so here's a hack for it: // bug filed at http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=5 //if ((program.length() > 0) && //program.charAt(program.length()-1) != '\n') { program += "\n"; //} // if the program ends with an unterminated multiline comment, // an OutOfMemoryError or NullPointerException will happen. // again, not gonna bother tracking this down, but here's a hack. // http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=16 Sketch.scrubComments(program); // this returns the scrubbed version, but more important for this // function, it'll check to see if there are errors with the comments. if (Preferences.getBoolean("preproc.substitute_unicode")) { // check for non-ascii chars (these will be/must be in unicode format) char p[] = program.toCharArray(); int unicodeCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { if (p[i] > 127) unicodeCount++; } // if non-ascii chars are in there, convert to unicode escapes if (unicodeCount != 0) { // add unicodeCount * 5.. replacing each unicode char // with six digit uXXXX sequence (xxxx is in hex) // (except for nbsp chars which will be a replaced with a space) int index = 0; char p2[] = new char[p.length + unicodeCount*5]; for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { if (p[i] < 128) { p2[index++] = p[i]; } else if (p[i] == 160) { // unicode for non-breaking space p2[index++] = ' '; } else { int c = p[i]; p2[index++] = '\\'; p2[index++] = 'u'; char str[] = Integer.toHexString(c).toCharArray(); // add leading zeros, so that the length is 4 //for (int i = 0; i < 4 - str.length; i++) p2[index++] = '0'; for (int m = 0; m < 4 - str.length; m++) p2[index++] = '0'; System.arraycopy(str, 0, p2, index, str.length); index += str.length; } } program = new String(p2, 0, index); } } // if this guy has his own imports, need to remove them // just in case it's not an advanced mode sketch PatternMatcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher(); PatternCompiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler(); //String mess = "^\\s*(import\\s+\\S+\\s*;)"; //String mess = "^\\s*(import\\s+)(\\S+)(\\s*;)"; String mess = "^\\s*(#include\\s+[<\"])(\\S+)([\">]\\s*)"; java.util.Vector imports = new java.util.Vector(); Pattern pattern = null; try { pattern = compiler.compile(mess); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } do { PatternMatcherInput input = new PatternMatcherInput(program); if (!matcher.contains(input, pattern)) break; MatchResult result = matcher.getMatch(); String piece1 = result.group(1).toString(); String piece2 = result.group(2).toString(); // the header file name w/o quotes String piece3 = result.group(3).toString(); String piece = piece1 + piece2 + piece3; int len = piece.length(); //imports.add(piece); imports.add(piece2); int idx = program.indexOf(piece); // just remove altogether? program = program.substring(0, idx) + program.substring(idx + len); //System.out.println("removing " + piece); } while (true); extraImports = new String[imports.size()]; imports.copyInto(extraImports); if (codeFolderPackages != null) { codeFolderImports = new String[codeFolderPackages.length]; for (int i = 0; i < codeFolderPackages.length; i++) { codeFolderImports[i] = codeFolderPackages[i] + ".*"; } } else { codeFolderImports = null; } // do this after the program gets re-combobulated this.programReader = new StringReader(program); this.buildPath = buildPath; // create function prototypes mess = "^(\\w+)\\s+(\\w+)\\s*\\(([^)]*)\\)\\s*{"; pattern = null; try { pattern = compiler.compile(mess); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } PatternMatcherInput input = new PatternMatcherInput(program); MatchResult result; String returntype, functioname, parameterlist, prototype; java.util.LinkedList prototypes = new java.util.LinkedList(); //System.out.println("prototypes:"); while(matcher.contains(input, pattern)){ result = matcher.getMatch(); //System.out.println(result); returntype = result.group(1).toString(); functioname = result.group(2).toString(); parameterlist = result.group(3).toString().replace('\n', ' '); prototype = returntype + " " + functioname + "(" + parameterlist + ");"; if(0 == functioname.compareTo("setup")){ continue; } if(0 == functioname.compareTo("loop")){ continue; } prototypes.add(prototype); //System.out.println(prototype); } // store # of prototypes so that line number reporting can be adjusted prototypeCount = prototypes.size(); // create a lexer with the stream reader, and tell it to handle // hidden tokens (eg whitespace, comments) since we want to pass these // through so that the line numbers when the compiler reports errors // match those that will be highlighted in the PDE IDE // //System.out.println(program); // DAM:WTF? WLexer lexer = new WLexer(programReader); //lexer.setTokenObjectClass("antlr.CommonHiddenStreamToken"); // DAM:WTF? lexer.setTokenObjectClass("processing.app.preproc.CToken"); // DAM:WTF? lexer.initialize(); // create the filter for hidden tokens and specify which tokens to // hide and which to copy to the hidden text // /*filter = new TokenStreamCopyingHiddenTokenFilter(lexer); filter.hide(WParser.CPPComment); filter.hide(WParser.Comment); filter.hide(WParser.Whitespace); filter.copy(WParser.SEMI); filter.copy(WParser.LPAREN); filter.copy(WParser.RPAREN); filter.copy(WParser.LCURLY); filter.copy(WParser.RCURLY); filter.copy(WParser.COMMA); filter.copy(WParser.RBRACK); filter.copy(WParser.LBRACK); filter.copy(WParser.COLON); */ // create a parser and set what sort of AST should be generated // //PdeRecognizer parser = new PdeRecognizer(filter); // DAM:WTF? WParser parser = new WParser(lexer); // use our extended AST class // //parser.setASTNodeClass("antlr.ExtendedCommonASTWithHiddenTokens"); // DAM:WTF? parser.setASTNodeType(TNode.class.getName()); // DAM:WTF? TNode.setTokenVocabulary("processing.app.preproc.WTokenTypes"); // start parsing at the compilationUnit non-terminal // //parser.pdeProgram(); //parser.translationUnit(); // set up the AST for traversal by PdeEmitter // // DAM:WTF? ASTFactory factory = new ASTFactory(); // DAM:WTF? AST parserAST = parser.getAST(); // DAM:WTF? AST rootNode = factory.create(ROOT_ID, "AST ROOT"); // DAM:WTF? rootNode.setFirstChild(parserAST); // unclear if this actually works, but it's worth a shot // //((CommonAST)parserAST).setVerboseStringConversion( // true, parser.getTokenNames()); // (made to use the static version because of jikes 1.22 warning) // DAM:WTF? CommonAST.setVerboseStringConversion(true, parser.getTokenNames()); // if this is an advanced program, the classname is already defined. // // DAM:WTF? if (programType == JAVA) { // DAM:WTF? name = getFirstClassName(parserAST); // DAM:WTF? } // if 'null' was passed in for the name, but this isn't // a 'java' mode class, then there's a problem, so punt. // if (name == null) return null; // output the code // // DAM:WTF? WEmitter emitter = new WEmitter(lexer.getPreprocessorInfoChannel()); File streamFile = new File(buildPath, name + ".cpp"); PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(streamFile)); //writeHeader(stream, extraImports, name); writeHeader(stream, name, prototypes); //added to write the pde code to the cpp file writeProgram(stream, name, program); // DAM:WTF? emitter.setASTNodeType(TNode.class.getName()); // DAM:WTF? emitter.setOut(stream); //emitter.printDeclarations(rootNode); //emitter.print(rootNode); //emitter.translationUnit(parser.getAST()); writeFooter(stream, target); stream.close(); // if desired, serialize the parse tree to an XML file. can // be viewed usefully with Mozilla or IE /* DAM:WTF? if (Preferences.getBoolean("preproc.output_parse_tree")) { stream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("parseTree.xml")); stream.println(""); stream.println(""); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(stream); if (parserAST != null) { ((CommonAST)parserAST).xmlSerialize(writer); } writer.flush(); stream.println(""); writer.close(); } */ return name; } // Write the pde program to the cpp file void writeProgram(PrintStream out, String className, String program) { out.print(program); } /** * Write any required header material (eg imports, class decl stuff) * * @param out PrintStream to write it to. * @param exporting Is this being exported from PDE? * @param name Name of the class being created. */ void writeHeader(PrintStream out, String className, java.util.LinkedList prototypes) throws IOException { out.print("#include \"WProgram.h\"\n"); /* Arduino doesn't automatically use all available libraries. // print library headers LibraryManager libraryManager = new LibraryManager(); String[] headerFiles = libraryManager.getHeaderFiles(); for(int i = 0; i < headerFiles.length; ++i){ out.print("#include \"" + headerFiles[i] + "\"\n"); } // record number of header lines written for error line adjustment headerCount = headerFiles.length; */ // print user defined prototypes while(0 < prototypes.size()){ out.print(prototypes.removeFirst() + "\n"); } // emit emports that are needed for classes from the code folder if (extraImports != null) { for (int i = 0; i < extraImports.length; i++) { out.print("#include \"" + extraImports[i] + "\"\n"); } } if (codeFolderImports != null) { for (int i = 0; i < codeFolderImports.length; i++) { out.print("import " + codeFolderImports[i] + "; "); } } // emit standard imports (read from pde.properties) // for each language level that's being used. /* String jdkVersionStr = Preferences.get("preproc.jdk_version"); int jdkVersion = JDK11; // default if (jdkVersionStr.equals("1.3")) { jdkVersion = JDK13; }; if (jdkVersionStr.equals("1.4")) { jdkVersion = JDK14; }; for (int i = 0; i <= jdkVersion; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < defaultImports[i].length; j++) { out.print("import " + defaultImports[i][j] + ".*; "); } } //boolean opengl = Preferences.get("renderer").equals("opengl"); //if (opengl) { //out.println("import processing.opengl.*; "); //} */ /* if (programType < JAVA) { // open the class definition out.print("public class " + className + " extends "); //if (opengl) { //out.print("PAppletGL"); //} else { out.print("PApplet"); //} out.print(" {"); if (programType == STATIC) { // now that size() and background() can go inside of draw() // actually, use setup(), because when running externally // the applet size needs to be set before the window is drawn, // meaning that after setup() things need to be ducky. //out.print("public void draw() {"); out.print("public void setup() {"); } } */ } /** * Write any necessary closing text. * * @param out PrintStream to write it to. */ void writeFooter(PrintStream out, Target target) throws java.lang.Exception { // Open the file main.cxx and copy its entire contents to the bottom of the // generated sketch .cpp file... String mainFileName = target.getPath() + File.separator + "main.cxx"; FileReader reader = null; reader = new FileReader(mainFileName); LineNumberReader mainfile = new LineNumberReader(reader); String line; while ((line = mainfile.readLine()) != null) { out.print(line + "\n"); } mainfile.close(); } static String advClassName = ""; /** * Find the first CLASS_DEF node in the tree, and return the name of the * class in question. * * XXXdmose right now, we're using a little hack to the grammar to get * this info. In fact, we should be descending the AST passed in. */ String getFirstClassName(AST ast) { String t = advClassName; advClassName = ""; return t; } }