/* Copyright 2009-2011 Oleg Mazurov, Circuits At Home, http://www.circuitsathome.com */ /* MAX3421E register/bit names and bitmasks */ #ifndef _MAX3421Econstants_h_ #define _MAX3421Econstants_h_ /* SPI pins for diffrent Arduinos */ #define MEGA256_IS_ADK // Undefine this if you're using a non-ADK Mega256 // TODO: Check if the 2560 check should use `defined` too. #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || (__AVR_ATmega2560__) #define SCK_PIN 52 #define MISO_PIN 50 #define MOSI_PIN 51 #if defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) && defined(MEGA256_IS_ADK) #define TARGET_MEGA_ADK #define SS_PIN 53 // TODO: Handle this as an internal pin. #else // TODO: Test with Mega + shield combination #define SS_PIN 53 #endif #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) #define SCK_PIN 13 #define MISO_PIN 12 #define MOSI_PIN 11 #define SS_PIN 10 #else #error The currently selected board needs to have its SPI pin definitions added to this file. #endif #if !defined(TARGET_MEGA_ADK) #define MAX_SS SS_PIN #define MAX_INT 9 #define MAX_GPX 8 #define MAX_RESET 7 #else // Because the Arduino Mega ADK board uses "internal" pins (i.e. ones that // are not broken out to headers, are not in `pins_arduino.h` and can't // be used with functions like `pinMode()` & `digitalWrite()`) they need // to be defined by the low-level AVR approach. // These definitions and the code to use them comes from an older version // of the `Max3421e.cpp` file. // TODO: Add these internal pins to `pins_arduino.h` for the Mega ADK so // we can usual the standard Arduino functions & not special-case this? #define INT PE6 #define INT_PORT PORTE #define INT_DDR DDRE #define INT_PIN PINE #define RST PJ2 #define RST_PORT PORTJ #define RST_DDR DDRJ #define RST_PIN PINJ #define GPX PJ3 #define GPX_PORT PORTJ #define GPX_DDR DDRJ #define GPX_PIN PINJ #define MAX_SS SS_PIN // TODO: Handle this as an internal pin. #endif /* "Breakpoint" pins for debugging */ //#define BPNT_0 3 //#define BPNT_1 2 //#define Select_MAX3421E digitalWrite(MAX_SS,LOW) //#define Deselect_MAX3421E digitalWrite(MAX_SS,HIGH) /* */ #define ON true #define OFF false /* VBUS states */ #define SE0 0 #define SE1 1 #define FSHOST 2 #define LSHOST 3 /* MAX3421E command byte format: rrrrr0wa where 'r' is register number */ // // MAX3421E Registers in HOST mode. // #define rRCVFIFO 0x08 //1<<3 #define rSNDFIFO 0x10 //2<<3 #define rSUDFIFO 0x20 //4<<3 #define rRCVBC 0x30 //6<<3 #define rSNDBC 0x38 //7<<3 #define rUSBIRQ 0x68 //13<<3 /* USBIRQ Bits */ #define bmVBUSIRQ 0x40 //b6 #define bmNOVBUSIRQ 0x20 //b5 #define bmOSCOKIRQ 0x01 //b0 #define rUSBIEN 0x70 //14<<3 /* USBIEN Bits */ #define bmVBUSIE 0x40 //b6 #define bmNOVBUSIE 0x20 //b5 #define bmOSCOKIE 0x01 //b0 #define rUSBCTL 0x78 //15<<3 /* USBCTL Bits */ #define bmCHIPRES 0x20 //b5 #define bmPWRDOWN 0x10 //b4 #define rCPUCTL 0x80 //16<<3 /* CPUCTL Bits */ #define bmPUSLEWID1 0x80 //b7 #define bmPULSEWID0 0x40 //b6 #define bmIE 0x01 //b0 #define rPINCTL 0x88 //17<<3 /* PINCTL Bits */ #define bmFDUPSPI 0x10 //b4 #define bmINTLEVEL 0x08 //b3 #define bmPOSINT 0x04 //b2 #define bmGPXB 0x02 //b1 #define bmGPXA 0x01 //b0 // GPX pin selections #define GPX_OPERATE 0x00 #define GPX_VBDET 0x01 #define GPX_BUSACT 0x02 #define GPX_SOF 0x03 #define rREVISION 0x90 //18<<3 #define rIOPINS1 0xa0 //20<<3 /* IOPINS1 Bits */ #define bmGPOUT0 0x01 #define bmGPOUT1 0x02 #define bmGPOUT2 0x04 #define bmGPOUT3 0x08 #define bmGPIN0 0x10 #define bmGPIN1 0x20 #define bmGPIN2 0x40 #define bmGPIN3 0x80 #define rIOPINS2 0xa8 //21<<3 /* IOPINS2 Bits */ #define bmGPOUT4 0x01 #define bmGPOUT5 0x02 #define bmGPOUT6 0x04 #define bmGPOUT7 0x08 #define bmGPIN4 0x10 #define bmGPIN5 0x20 #define bmGPIN6 0x40 #define bmGPIN7 0x80 #define rGPINIRQ 0xb0 //22<<3 /* GPINIRQ Bits */ #define bmGPINIRQ0 0x01 #define bmGPINIRQ1 0x02 #define bmGPINIRQ2 0x04 #define bmGPINIRQ3 0x08 #define bmGPINIRQ4 0x10 #define bmGPINIRQ5 0x20 #define bmGPINIRQ6 0x40 #define bmGPINIRQ7 0x80 #define rGPINIEN 0xb8 //23<<3 /* GPINIEN Bits */ #define bmGPINIEN0 0x01 #define bmGPINIEN1 0x02 #define bmGPINIEN2 0x04 #define bmGPINIEN3 0x08 #define bmGPINIEN4 0x10 #define bmGPINIEN5 0x20 #define bmGPINIEN6 0x40 #define bmGPINIEN7 0x80 #define rGPINPOL 0xc0 //24<<3 /* GPINPOL Bits */ #define bmGPINPOL0 0x01 #define bmGPINPOL1 0x02 #define bmGPINPOL2 0x04 #define bmGPINPOL3 0x08 #define bmGPINPOL4 0x10 #define bmGPINPOL5 0x20 #define bmGPINPOL6 0x40 #define bmGPINPOL7 0x80 #define rHIRQ 0xc8 //25<<3 /* HIRQ Bits */ #define bmBUSEVENTIRQ 0x01 // indicates BUS Reset Done or BUS Resume #define bmRWUIRQ 0x02 #define bmRCVDAVIRQ 0x04 #define bmSNDBAVIRQ 0x08 #define bmSUSDNIRQ 0x10 #define bmCONDETIRQ 0x20 #define bmFRAMEIRQ 0x40 #define bmHXFRDNIRQ 0x80 #define rHIEN 0xd0 //26<<3 /* HIEN Bits */ #define bmBUSEVENTIE 0x01 #define bmRWUIE 0x02 #define bmRCVDAVIE 0x04 #define bmSNDBAVIE 0x08 #define bmSUSDNIE 0x10 #define bmCONDETIE 0x20 #define bmFRAMEIE 0x40 #define bmHXFRDNIE 0x80 #define rMODE 0xd8 //27<<3 /* MODE Bits */ #define bmHOST 0x01 #define bmLOWSPEED 0x02 #define bmHUBPRE 0x04 #define bmSOFKAENAB 0x08 #define bmSEPIRQ 0x10 #define bmDELAYISO 0x20 #define bmDMPULLDN 0x40 #define bmDPPULLDN 0x80 #define rPERADDR 0xe0 //28<<3 #define rHCTL 0xe8 //29<<3 /* HCTL Bits */ #define bmBUSRST 0x01 #define bmFRMRST 0x02 #define bmSAMPLEBUS 0x04 #define bmSIGRSM 0x08 #define bmRCVTOG0 0x10 #define bmRCVTOG1 0x20 #define bmSNDTOG0 0x40 #define bmSNDTOG1 0x80 #define rHXFR 0xf0 //30<<3 /* Host transfer token values for writing the HXFR register (R30) */ /* OR this bit field with the endpoint number in bits 3:0 */ #define tokSETUP 0x10 // HS=0, ISO=0, OUTNIN=0, SETUP=1 #define tokIN 0x00 // HS=0, ISO=0, OUTNIN=0, SETUP=0 #define tokOUT 0x20 // HS=0, ISO=0, OUTNIN=1, SETUP=0 #define tokINHS 0x80 // HS=1, ISO=0, OUTNIN=0, SETUP=0 #define tokOUTHS 0xA0 // HS=1, ISO=0, OUTNIN=1, SETUP=0 #define tokISOIN 0x40 // HS=0, ISO=1, OUTNIN=0, SETUP=0 #define tokISOOUT 0x60 // HS=0, ISO=1, OUTNIN=1, SETUP=0 #define rHRSL 0xf8 //31<<3 /* HRSL Bits */ #define bmRCVTOGRD 0x10 #define bmSNDTOGRD 0x20 #define bmKSTATUS 0x40 #define bmJSTATUS 0x80 #define bmSE0 0x00 //SE0 - disconnect state #define bmSE1 0xc0 //SE1 - illegal state /* Host error result codes, the 4 LSB's in the HRSL register */ #define hrSUCCESS 0x00 #define hrBUSY 0x01 #define hrBADREQ 0x02 #define hrUNDEF 0x03 #define hrNAK 0x04 #define hrSTALL 0x05 #define hrTOGERR 0x06 #define hrWRONGPID 0x07 #define hrBADBC 0x08 #define hrPIDERR 0x09 #define hrPKTERR 0x0A #define hrCRCERR 0x0B #define hrKERR 0x0C #define hrJERR 0x0D #define hrTIMEOUT 0x0E #define hrBABBLE 0x0F #define MODE_FS_HOST (bmDPPULLDN|bmDMPULLDN|bmHOST|bmSOFKAENAB) #define MODE_LS_HOST (bmDPPULLDN|bmDMPULLDN|bmHOST|bmLOWSPEED|bmSOFKAENAB) #endif //_MAX3421Econstants_h_