/* Esplora.cpp - Arduino Esplora board library Written by Enrico Gueli Copyright (c) 2012 Arduino(TM) All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "Esplora.h" _Esplora Esplora; /* * The following constants tell, for each accelerometer * axis, which values are returned when the axis measures * zero acceleration. */ const int ACCEL_ZERO_X = 320; const int ACCEL_ZERO_Y = 330; const int ACCEL_ZERO_Z = 310; const byte MUX_ADDR_PINS[] = { A0, A1, A2, A3 }; const byte MUX_COM_PIN = A4; const int JOYSTICK_DEAD_ZONE = 100; const byte RED_PIN = 5; const byte BLUE_PIN = 9; const byte GREEN_PIN = 10; const byte BUZZER_PIN = 6; // non-multiplexer Esplora pins: // Accelerometer: x-A5, y-A11, z-A6 // External outputs: D3, D11 // Buzzer: D6 // RGB Led: red-D5, green-D10, blue-D9 // Led 13: D13 const byte ACCEL_X_PIN = A5; const byte ACCEL_Y_PIN = A11; const byte ACCEL_Z_PIN = A6; const byte LED_PIN = 13; _Esplora::_Esplora() { for (byte p=0; p<4; p++) { pinMode(MUX_ADDR_PINS[p], OUTPUT); } pinMode(RED_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(GREEN_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(BLUE_PIN, OUTPUT); } unsigned int _Esplora::readChannel(byte channel) { digitalWrite(MUX_ADDR_PINS[0], (channel & 1) ? HIGH : LOW); digitalWrite(MUX_ADDR_PINS[1], (channel & 2) ? HIGH : LOW); digitalWrite(MUX_ADDR_PINS[2], (channel & 4) ? HIGH : LOW); digitalWrite(MUX_ADDR_PINS[3], (channel & 8) ? HIGH : LOW); // workaround to cope with lack of pullup resistor on joystick switch if (channel == CH_JOYSTICK_SW) { pinMode(MUX_COM_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); unsigned int joystickSwitchState = (digitalRead(MUX_COM_PIN) == HIGH) ? 1023 : 0; digitalWrite(MUX_COM_PIN, LOW); return joystickSwitchState; } else return analogRead(MUX_COM_PIN); } boolean _Esplora::joyLowHalf(byte joyCh) { return (readChannel(joyCh) < 512 - JOYSTICK_DEAD_ZONE) ? LOW : HIGH; } boolean _Esplora::joyHighHalf(byte joyCh) { return (readChannel(joyCh) > 512 + JOYSTICK_DEAD_ZONE) ? LOW : HIGH; } boolean _Esplora::readButton(byte ch) { if (ch >= SWITCH_1 && ch <= SWITCH_4) { ch--; } switch(ch) { case JOYSTICK_RIGHT: return joyLowHalf(CH_JOYSTICK_X); case JOYSTICK_LEFT: return joyHighHalf(CH_JOYSTICK_X); case JOYSTICK_UP: return joyLowHalf(CH_JOYSTICK_Y); case JOYSTICK_DOWN: return joyHighHalf(CH_JOYSTICK_Y); } unsigned int val = readChannel(ch); return (val > 512) ? HIGH : LOW; } boolean _Esplora::readJoystickButton() { if (readChannel(CH_JOYSTICK_SW) == 1023) { return HIGH; } else if (readChannel(CH_JOYSTICK_SW) == 0) { return LOW; } } void _Esplora::writeRGB(byte r, byte g, byte b) { writeRed(r); writeGreen(g); writeBlue(b); } #define RGB_FUNC(name, pin, lastVar) \ void _Esplora::write##name(byte val) { \ if (val == lastVar) \ return; \ analogWrite(pin, val); \ lastVar = val; \ delay(5); \ } \ \ byte _Esplora::read##name() { \ return lastVar; \ } RGB_FUNC(Red, RED_PIN, lastRed) RGB_FUNC(Green, GREEN_PIN, lastGreen) RGB_FUNC(Blue, BLUE_PIN, lastBlue) void _Esplora::tone(unsigned int freq) { if (freq > 0) ::tone(BUZZER_PIN, freq); else ::noTone(BUZZER_PIN); } void _Esplora::tone(unsigned int freq, unsigned long duration) { if (freq > 0) ::tone(BUZZER_PIN, freq, duration); else ::noTone(BUZZER_PIN); } void _Esplora::noTone() { ::noTone(BUZZER_PIN); } int _Esplora::readTemperature(const byte scale) { long rawT = readChannel(CH_TEMPERATURE); if (scale == DEGREES_C) { return (int)((rawT * 500 / 1024) - 50); } else if (scale == DEGREES_F) { return (int)((rawT * 450 / 512 ) - 58); } else { return readTemperature(DEGREES_C); } } int _Esplora::readAccelerometer(const byte axis) { switch (axis) { case X_AXIS: return analogRead(ACCEL_X_PIN) - ACCEL_ZERO_X; case Y_AXIS: return analogRead(ACCEL_Y_PIN) - ACCEL_ZERO_Y; case Z_AXIS: return analogRead(ACCEL_Z_PIN) - ACCEL_ZERO_Z; default: return 0; } }