/* Input Output Demonstrates how to create a sketch that sends and receives all standard spacebrew data types, and a custom data type. Every time data is received it is output to the Serial monitor. Make sure that your Yun is connected to the internet for this example to function properly. The circuit: - No circuit required created 2013 by Julio Terra This example code is in the public domain. More information about Spacebrew is available at: http://spacebrew.cc/ */ #include #include // create a variable of type SpacebrewYun and initialize it with the constructor SpacebrewYun sb = SpacebrewYun("aYun", "Arduino Yun spacebrew test"); // create variables to manage interval between each time we send a string long last = 0; int interval = 2000; int counter = 0; void setup() { // start the serial port Serial.begin(57600); // for debugging, wait until a serial console is connected delay(4000); while (!Serial) { ; } // start-up the bridge Bridge.begin(); // configure the spacebrew object to print status messages to serial sb.verbose(true); // configure the spacebrew publisher and subscriber sb.addPublish("string test", "string"); sb.addPublish("range test", "range"); sb.addPublish("boolean test", "boolean"); sb.addPublish("custom test", "crazy"); sb.addSubscribe("string test", "string"); sb.addSubscribe("range test", "range"); sb.addSubscribe("boolean test", "boolean"); sb.addSubscribe("custom test", "crazy"); // register the string message handler method sb.onRangeMessage(handleRange); sb.onStringMessage(handleString); sb.onBooleanMessage(handleBoolean); sb.onCustomMessage(handleCustom); // connect to cloud spacebrew server at "sandbox.spacebrew.cc" sb.connect("sandbox.spacebrew.cc"); // we give some time to arduino to connect to sandbox, otherwise the first sb.monitor(); call will give an error delay(1000); } void loop() { // monitor spacebrew connection for new data sb.monitor(); // connected to spacebrew then send a string every 2 seconds if ( sb.connected() ) { // check if it is time to send a new message if ( (millis() - last) > interval ) { String test_str_msg = "testing, testing, "; test_str_msg += counter; counter ++; sb.send("string test", test_str_msg); sb.send("range test", 500); sb.send("boolean test", true); sb.send("custom test", "youre loco"); last = millis(); } } delay(1000); } // define handler methods, all standard data type handlers take two appropriate arguments void handleRange (String route, int value) { Serial.print("Range msg "); Serial.print(route); Serial.print(", value "); Serial.println(value); } void handleString (String route, String value) { Serial.print("String msg "); Serial.print(route); Serial.print(", value "); Serial.println(value); } void handleBoolean (String route, boolean value) { Serial.print("Boolen msg "); Serial.print(route); Serial.print(", value "); Serial.println(value ? "true" : "false"); } // custom data type handlers takes three String arguments void handleCustom (String route, String value, String type) { Serial.print("Custom msg "); Serial.print(route); Serial.print(" of type "); Serial.print(type); Serial.print(", value "); Serial.println(value); }