#ifndef _USART_CLASS_ #define _USART_CLASS_ // USART.cpp need this class to be predefined //class USARTClass ; #include "Arduino.h" class USARTClass : public HardwareSerial { protected: Usart* _pUsart ; IRQn_Type _dwIrq ; uint32_t _dwId ; public: USARTClass( Usart* pUsart, IRQn_Type dwIrq, uint32_t dwId, RingBuffer* pRx_buffer, RingBuffer* pTx_buffer ) ; void begin( const uint32_t dwBaudRate ) ; void end( void ) ; int available( void ) ; int peek( void ) ; int read( void ) ; void flush( void ) ; void write( const uint8_t c ) ; void IrqHandler( void ) ; #if defined __GNUC__ /* GCC CS3 */ using Print::write ; // pull in write(str) and write(buf, size) from Print #elif defined __ICCARM__ /* IAR Ewarm 5.41+ */ virtual void write( const char *str ) ; virtual void write( const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size ) ; #endif }; #endif // _USART_CLASS_