/* This file is part of the GSM3 communications library for Arduino -- Multi-transport communications platform -- Fully asynchronous -- Includes code for the Arduino-Telefonica GSM/GPRS Shield V1 -- Voice calls -- SMS -- TCP/IP connections -- HTTP basic clients This library has been developed by Telefónica Digital - PDI - - Physical Internet Lab, as part as its collaboration with Arduino and the Open Hardware Community. September-December 2012 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA The latest version of this library can always be found at https://github.com/BlueVia/Official-Arduino */ #include <GSM3MobileNetworkProvider.h> #include <GSM3MobileMockupProvider.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <HardwareSerial.h> GSM3MobileMockupProvider::GSM3MobileMockupProvider() { lineStatus=IDLE; msgExample="Hello#World"; msgIndex=0; }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::begin(char* pin) { Serial.println("GSM3MobileMockupProvider::begin()"); return 0; }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::ready() { Serial.println("GSM3MobileMockupProvider::ready()"); return 1; }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::beginSMS(const char* number) { Serial.println("SM3MobileMockupProvider::beginSMS()"); return 0; }; void GSM3MobileMockupProvider::writeSMS(char c) { Serial.print(c); }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::endSMS() { Serial.println("GSM3MobileMockupProvider::endSMS()"); }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::availableSMS() { Serial.println("GSM3MobileMockupProvider::availableSMS()"); return 120; }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::peek() { return (int)'H'; }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::remoteSMSNumber(char* number, int nlength) { if(nlength>=13) strcpy(number, "+34630538546"); return 12; }; void GSM3MobileMockupProvider::flushSMS() { Serial.println("GSM3MobileMockupProvider::flushSMS()"); }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::readSMS() { if(msgExample[msgIndex]==0) { msgIndex=0; return 0; } else { msgIndex++; return msgExample[msgIndex-1]; }; }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::connectTCPClient(const char* server, int port, int id_socket) { Serial.println("GSM3MobileMockupProvider::connectTCPClient()"); Serial.print(server);Serial.print(":");Serial.print(port);Serial.print("-");Serial.println(id_socket); } void GSM3MobileMockupProvider::writeSocket(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size, int id_socket) { int i; for(i=0;i<size;i++) Serial.print(buf[i]); } /* I'm taking this off. We'll reply from the NetworkProvider uint8_t GSM3MobileMockupProvider::getStatus(uint8_t socket) { if((socket>=minSocket())&&(socket<=maxSocket())) return 1; else return 0; }; */ int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::readSocket(uint8_t *buf, size_t size, int idsocket) { int i; int l=strlen(msgExample); for(i=0;(i<size)&&(i<l);i++) buf[i]=msgExample[i]; buf[i]=0; return i; } int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::availableSocket(int idsocket) { return 1; }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::readSocket(int idsocket, bool advance) { char c; if(msgExample[msgIndex]==0) { msgIndex=0; return 0; } else { c=msgExample[msgIndex]; if(advance) msgIndex++; }; return c; }; void GSM3MobileMockupProvider::flushSocket(int idsocket) { while(readSocket(idsocket)); }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::disconnectTCP(int idsocket) { Serial.println("GSM3MobileMockupProvider::disconnectTCP()"); return 1; }; int GSM3MobileMockupProvider::connectTCPServer(int port, char* localIP, int* localIPlength) { Serial.println("GSM3MobileMockupProvider::connectTCPServer()"); if((localIP!=0)&&(*localIPlength>12)) strcpy("", localIP); return 1; }; bool GSM3MobileMockupProvider::getSocketModemStatus(uint8_t s) { // Feeling lazy return true; }