/*! \file uartsw.h \brief Interrupt-driven Software UART Driver. */ //***************************************************************************** // // File Name : 'uartsw.h' // Title : Interrupt-driven Software UART Driver // Author : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2002-2004 // Created : 7/20/2002 // Revised : 4/27/2004 // Version : 0.1 // Target MCU : Atmel AVR Series (intended for the ATmega16 and ATmega32) // Editor Tabs : 4 // // Description : // This uart library emulates the operation of a UART (serial port) using // the AVR's hardware timers, I/O pins, and some software. // // Specifically, this code uses: // -Timer 1 Output Compare A for transmit timing // -Timer 1 Output Compare B for receive timing // -Timer 1 Input Capture for receive triggering // // The above resources cannot be used for other purposes while this software // UART is enabled. The overflow interrupt from Timer1 can still be used for // other timing, but the prescaler for Timer1 must not be changed. // // Serial output from this UART can be routed to any I/O pin. Serial input // for this UART must come from the Timer1 Input Capture (IC1) I/O pin. // These options should be configured by editing your local copy of // "uartswconf.h". // // This code is distributed under the GNU Public License // which can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef UARTSW_H #define UARTSW_H #include "global.h" #include "buffer.h" // include configuration #include "uartswconf.h" // constants/macros/typdefs // functions //! enable and initialize the software uart void uartswInit(void); //! create and initialize the uart buffers void uartswInitBuffers(void); //! turns off software UART void uartswOff(void); //! returns the receive buffer structure cBuffer* uartswGetRxBuffer(void); //! sets the uart baud rate void uartswSetBaudRate(u32 baudrate); //! sends a single byte over the uart void uartswSendByte(u08 data); //! gets a single byte from the uart receive buffer // Function returns TRUE if data was available, FALSE if not. // Actual data is returned in variable pointed to by "data". // example usage: // char myReceivedByte; // uartswReceiveByte( &myReceivedByte ); u08 uartswReceiveByte(u08* rxData); //! internal transmit bit handler void uartswTxBitService(void); //! internal receive bit handler void uartswRxBitService(void); #endif