/* Copyright (C) 2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved.

This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
the GPL2 ("Copyleft").

Contact information

Circuits At Home, LTD
Web      :  http://www.circuitsathome.com
e-mail   :  support@circuitsathome.com

#include "hidboot.h"

 * \brief Parse HID mouse report.
 * \param hid HID device pointer.
 * \param is_rpt_id True if this is a report ID.
 * \param len Buffer length.
 * \param buf Buffer containing report data.
void MouseReportParser::Parse(HID *hid, bool is_rpt_id, uint32_t len, uint8_t *buf)

	if (prevState.mouseInfo.bmLeftButton == 0 && pmi->bmLeftButton == 1)

	if (prevState.mouseInfo.bmLeftButton == 1 && pmi->bmLeftButton == 0)

	if (prevState.mouseInfo.bmRightButton == 0 && pmi->bmRightButton == 1)

	if (prevState.mouseInfo.bmRightButton == 1 && pmi->bmRightButton == 0)

	if (prevState.mouseInfo.bmMiddleButton == 0 && pmi->bmMiddleButton == 1)

	if (prevState.mouseInfo.bmMiddleButton == 1 && pmi->bmMiddleButton == 0)

	if (prevState.mouseInfo.dX != pmi->dX || prevState.mouseInfo.dY != pmi->dY)

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		prevState.bInfo[i] = buf[i];

 * \brief Parse HID keyboard report.
 * \param hid HID device pointer.
 * \param is_rpt_id True if this is a report ID.
 * \param len Buffer length.
 * \param buf Buffer containing report data.
void KeyboardReportParser::Parse(HID *hid, bool is_rpt_id, uint32_t len, uint8_t *buf)
	// On error - return
	if (buf[2] == 1)

	//KBDINFO	*pki = (KBDINFO*)buf;

	for (uint32_t i = 2; i < 8; ++i)
		bool down = false;
		bool up	  = false;

		for (uint8_t j=2; j<8; j++)
			if (buf[i] == prevState.bInfo[j] && buf[i] != 1)
				down = true;
			if (buf[j] == prevState.bInfo[i] && prevState.bInfo[i] != 1)
				up = true;

		if (!down)
			HandleLockingKeys(hid, buf[i]);
			OnKeyDown(*buf, buf[i]);

		if (!up)
			OnKeyUp(prevState.bInfo[0], prevState.bInfo[i]);

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
		prevState.bInfo[i] = buf[i];

 * \brief Handle keyboard locking keys and manage keyboard leds using USB
 * report.
 * \param hid HID device pointer.
 * \param key Locking key.
 * \return 0 on success, error code otherwise.
uint8_t KeyboardReportParser::HandleLockingKeys(HID *hid, uint8_t key)
	uint8_t old_keys = kbdLockingKeys.bLeds;

	switch (key)
		case KEY_NUM_LOCK:
			kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmNumLock = ~kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmNumLock;
			kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmCapsLock = ~kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmCapsLock;
			kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmScrollLock = ~kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmScrollLock;

	if (old_keys != kbdLockingKeys.bLeds && hid)
		return (hid->SetReport(0, 0/*hid->GetIface()*/, 2, 0, 1, &kbdLockingKeys.bLeds));

	return 0;

const uint8_t KeyboardReportParser::numKeys[] = { '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')' };
const uint8_t KeyboardReportParser::symKeysUp[] = { '_', '+', '{', '}', '|', '~', ':', '"', '~', '<', '>', '?' };
const uint8_t KeyboardReportParser::symKeysLo[] = { '-', '=', '[', ']', '\\', ' ', ';', '\'', '`', ',', '.', '/' };
const uint8_t KeyboardReportParser::padKeys[] = { '/', '*', '-', '+', 0x13 };

 * \brief Manage keyboard OEM to ASCII conversion.
 * \param mod Keyboard modifier.
 * \param key Key value to convert.
 * \return Keyboard corresponding ASCII value on success, 0 otherwise.
uint8_t KeyboardReportParser::OemToAscii(uint8_t mod, uint8_t key)
	uint8_t shift = (mod & 0x22);

	// [a-z]
	if (key > 0x03 && key < 0x1e)
		// Upper case letters
		if ( (kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmCapsLock == 0 && (mod & 2)) ||
			 (kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmCapsLock == 1 && (mod & 2) == 0) )
			return (key - 4 + 'A');

		// Lower case letters
			return (key - 4 + 'a');
	// Numbers
	else if (key > 0x1d && key < 0x27)
		if (shift)
			return (numKeys[key - 0x1e]);
			return (key - 0x1e + '1');
	// Keypad Numbers
	else if (key > 0x58 && key < 0x62)
		if (kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmNumLock == 1)
			return (key - 0x59 + '1');
	else if (key > 0x2c && key < 0x39)
		return ((shift) ? symKeysUp[key-0x2d] : symKeysLo[key-0x2d]);
	else if (key > 0x53 && key < 0x59)
		return padKeys[key - 0x54];
		switch (key)
			case KEY_SPACE:		return (0x20);
			case KEY_ENTER:		return (0x13);
			case KEY_ZERO:		return ((shift) ? ')' : '0');
			case KEY_ZERO2:		return ((kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmNumLock == 1) ? '0' : 0);
			case KEY_PERIOD:	return ((kbdLockingKeys.kbdLeds.bmNumLock == 1) ? '.' : 0);

	return 0;