#!/bin/sh CLASSPATH=java/lib/rt.jar:lib:lib/build:lib/pde.jar:lib/core.jar:lib/antlr.jar:lib/oro.jar:lib/registry.jar:lib/mrj.jar export CLASSPATH # put the directory where this file lives in the front of the path, because # that directory also contains jikes, which we will need at runtime. # PATH=`pwd`/`dirname $0`:`pwd`/java/bin:${PATH} export PATH # test to see if jikes is operable. i'm a crappy bash scripter # so if someone knows a more elegant way to do this, let me know. # jikes -version 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? == 0 ] then java processing.app.Base else echo echo It appears that the version of Jikes distributed with Processing echo cannot properly run on this system. echo echo Possible solutions: echo echo + If you already have Jikes installed on your system, you may echo just need to remove the version that is included with Processing. echo echo + You probably just need to track down a version of Jikes that will echo work with your distribution. echo echo + You may need to install the rpm/package for compat-libstdc++ echo This is what it takes to get things running on most versions echo of RedHat Linux or Fedora Core. echo echo + If all else fails, or if you just like building stuff yourself, echo you can download the source for Jikes from SourceForge: echo http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=128803 echo And it just takes a simple ./configure and make, followed by echo copying src/jikes to the processing-XXXX folder and you should echo be all set. echo echo If you get stuck, ask questions online from the helpful folks via echo the Processing discussion board: http://processing.org/discourse/ echo echo Good luck! fi