//*	Arduino Test Example Skeleton
//*		(C) 2010 by Rick Anderson
//*		Open source as per standard Arduino code
//*	Oct 16,	2010	<ROA> Started on String Test

#include	"HardwareSerial.h"
#include	<ArduinoTestSuite.h>

void setup()
  int		startMemoryUsage;
  //startMemoryUsage must be set directly before ATS_begin
  startMemoryUsage	=	ATS_GetFreeMemory();
  ATS_begin("Arduino", "Skeleton Test");
   * Test Run Start
   * Test one passes because result is set to true
   * Test two fails becuase result is set to false
   * You can test memory for any set of tests by using the ATS_ReportMemoryUsage test
   * There is also a way to print current memeory for debugging
  ATS_PrintTestStatus("1. Test of true test status", true);
  ATS_PrintTestStatus("2. Test of false test status, this will fail.", false);

   * Test Run End



void loop()
