/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2009, Atmel Corporation * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. * * Atmel's name may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ATMEL "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * \file * * Provides the low-level initialization function that called on chip startup. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Headers *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "board.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Local definitions *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Clock settings at 48MHz */ #if (BOARD_MCK == 48000000) #define BOARD_OSCOUNT (CKGR_MOR_MOSCXTST(0x8)) #define BOARD_PLLAR (CKGR_PLLAR_STUCKTO1 \ | CKGR_PLLAR_MULA(0x7) \ | CKGR_PLLAR_PLLACOUNT(0x1) \ | CKGR_PLLAR_DIVA(0x1)) #define BOARD_MCKR (PMC_MCKR_PRES_CLK_2 | PMC_MCKR_CSS_PLLA_CLK) /* Clock settings at 64MHz */ #elif (BOARD_MCK == 64000000) #define BOARD_OSCOUNT (CKGR_MOR_MOSCXTST(0x8)) #define BOARD_PLLAR (CKGR_PLLAR_STUCKTO1 \ | CKGR_PLLAR_MULA(0x0f) \ | CKGR_PLLAR_PLLACOUNT(0x1) \ | CKGR_PLLAR_DIVA(0x3)) #define BOARD_MCKR (PMC_MCKR_PRES_CLK | PMC_MCKR_CSS_PLLA_CLK) #else #error "No settings for current BOARD_MCK." #endif /* Define clock timeout */ #define CLOCK_TIMEOUT 0xFFFFFFFF /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Exported functions *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Performs the low-level initialization of the chip. * This includes EFC and master clock configuration. * It also enable a low level on the pin NRST triggers a user reset. */ extern WEAK void LowLevelInit( void ) { uint32_t dwTimeOut = 0 ; /* Set 3 FWS for Embedded Flash Access @ 64MHz, we are now at 4MHz on Internal FastRC */ EFC->EEFC_FMR = EEFC_FMR_FWS( 3 ) ; /* Initialize main oscillator */ if ( !(PMC->CKGR_MOR & CKGR_MOR_MOSCSEL) ) { PMC->CKGR_MOR = CKGR_MOR_KEY(0x37) | BOARD_OSCOUNT | CKGR_MOR_MOSCRCEN | CKGR_MOR_MOSCXTEN; for ( dwTimeOut = 0 ; !(PMC->PMC_SR & PMC_SR_MOSCXTS) && (dwTimeOut++ < CLOCK_TIMEOUT) ; ) ; } /* Switch to 3-20MHz Xtal oscillator */ PMC->CKGR_MOR = CKGR_MOR_KEY(0x37) | BOARD_OSCOUNT | CKGR_MOR_MOSCRCEN | CKGR_MOR_MOSCXTEN | CKGR_MOR_MOSCSEL; for ( dwTimeOut = 0 ; !(PMC->PMC_SR & PMC_SR_MOSCSELS) && (dwTimeOut++ < CLOCK_TIMEOUT) ; ) ; PMC->PMC_MCKR = (PMC->PMC_MCKR & ~(uint32_t)PMC_MCKR_CSS_Msk) | PMC_MCKR_CSS_MAIN_CLK; for ( dwTimeOut = 0 ; !(PMC->PMC_SR & PMC_SR_MCKRDY) && (dwTimeOut++ < CLOCK_TIMEOUT) ; ) ; /* Initialize PLLA */ PMC->CKGR_PLLAR = BOARD_PLLAR ; for ( dwTimeOut = 0 ; !(PMC->PMC_SR & PMC_SR_LOCKA) && (dwTimeOut++ < CLOCK_TIMEOUT) ; ) ; /* Switch to main clock */ PMC->PMC_MCKR = (BOARD_MCKR & ~PMC_MCKR_CSS_Msk) | PMC_MCKR_CSS_MAIN_CLK; for ( dwTimeOut = 0 ; !(PMC->PMC_SR & PMC_SR_MCKRDY) && (dwTimeOut++ < CLOCK_TIMEOUT) ; ) ; PMC->PMC_MCKR = BOARD_MCKR ; for ( dwTimeOut = 0 ; !(PMC->PMC_SR & PMC_SR_MCKRDY) && (dwTimeOut++ < CLOCK_TIMEOUT) ; ) ; }