/* Multiple Blinks Demonstrates the use of the Scheduler library for the Arduino Due Hardware required : * LEDs connected to pins 11, 12, and 13 created 8 Oct 2012 by Cristian Maglie Modified by Scott Fitzgerald 19 Oct 2012 This example code is in the public domain http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/MultipleBlinks */ // Include Scheduler since we want to manage multiple tasks. #include <Scheduler.h> int led1 = 13; int led2 = 12; int led3 = 11; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Setup the 3 pins as OUTPUT pinMode(led1, OUTPUT); pinMode(led2, OUTPUT); pinMode(led3, OUTPUT); // Add "loop2" and "loop3" to scheduling. // "loop" is always started by default. Scheduler.startLoop(loop2); Scheduler.startLoop(loop3); } // Task no.1: blink LED with 1 second delay. void loop() { digitalWrite(led1, HIGH); // IMPORTANT: // When multiple tasks are running 'delay' passes control to // other tasks while waiting and guarantees they get executed. delay(1000); digitalWrite(led1, LOW); delay(1000); } // Task no.2: blink LED with 0.1 second delay. void loop2() { digitalWrite(led2, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(led2, LOW); delay(100); } // Task no.3: accept commands from Serial port // '0' turns off LED // '1' turns on LED void loop3() { if (Serial.available()) { char c = Serial.read(); if (c == '0') { digitalWrite(led3, LOW); Serial.println("Led turned off!"); } if (c == '1') { digitalWrite(led3, HIGH); Serial.println("Led turned on!"); } } // IMPORTANT: // We must call 'yield' at a regular basis to pass // control to other tasks. yield(); }