/* SD - a slightly more friendly wrapper for sdfatlib This library aims to expose a subset of SD card functionality in the form of a higher level "wrapper" object. License: GNU General Public License V3 (Because sdfatlib is licensed with this.) (C) Copyright 2010 SparkFun Electronics */ #include <SD.h> void File::write(uint8_t val) { SD.file.write(val); } void File::write(const char *str) { SD.file.write(str); } void File::write(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { SD.file.write(buf, size); } int File::peek() { char c = SD.file.read(); if (c != -1) SD.file.seekCur(-1); return c; } int File::read() { return SD.file.read(); } int File::available() { return size() - position(); } void File::flush() { SD.file.sync(); } boolean File::seek(uint32_t pos) { return SD.file.seekSet(pos); } uint32_t File::position() { return SD.file.curPosition(); } uint32_t File::size() { return SD.file.fileSize(); } void File::close() { SD.file.close(); } File::operator bool() { return SD.file.isOpen(); }