/* %atmel_license% */ #ifndef _VARIANT_SAM3S_EK_ #define _VARIANT_SAM3S_EK_ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Headers *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "Arduino.h" #include "common/UART.h" #include "common/USART.h" /** * Libc porting layers */ #if defined ( __GNUC__ ) /* GCC CS3 */ # include <syscalls.h> /** RedHat Newlib minimal stub */ #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Definitions *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef sam3s_ek #define sam3s_ek #endif /** Name of the board */ #define VARIANT_NAME "SAM3S-EK" #define VARIANT_REV_A /* #define VARIANT_REV_B */ /** Frequency of the board main oscillator */ #define VARIANT_MAINOSC 12000000 /** Master clock frequency */ #define VARIANT_MCK 64000000 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pins *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PIN_LED_BLUE (0u) #define PIN_LED_GREEN (1u) #define PIN_LED_RED (2u) #define PIN_LED PIN_LED_BLUE #define PIN_DAC0 (u) static const uint8_t SS = 34 ; static const uint8_t MOSI = 32 ; static const uint8_t MISO = 31 ; static const uint8_t SCK = 33 ; #define PINS_UART (16u) #if defined VARIANT_REV_A # define PIN_TSC_IRQ_WUP_ID (1UL << 3) #elif defined VARIANT_REV_B # define PIN_TSC_IRQ_WUP_ID (1UL << 15) #else #error "No board revision defined" #endif #define BOARD_LCD_PINS PIN_EBI_DATA_BUS, PIN_EBI_NRD, PIN_EBI_NWE, PIN_EBI_NCS1, PIN_EBI_LCD_RS #define BOARD_LCD_BASE 0x61000000 /** Define ILI9325 base address. */ #define BOARD_LCD_RS (1 << 1) /** Define ILI9325 register select signal. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Arduino objects - C++ only *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern UARTClass Serial ; extern UARTClass Serial2 ; extern USARTClass Serial3 ; extern USARTClass Serial4 ; #endif #endif /* _VARIANT_SAM3S_EK_ */