package; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import static; /** * This represents a single sketch, consisting of one or more files. */ public class Sketch { public static final String DEFAULT_SKETCH_EXTENSION = "ino"; public static final List SKETCH_EXTENSIONS = Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_SKETCH_EXTENSION, "pde"); public static final List OTHER_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = Arrays.asList("c", "cpp", "h", "hh", "hpp", "s"); public static final List EXTENSIONS = Stream.concat(,; /** * main pde file for this sketch. */ private File primaryFile; /** * folder that contains this sketch */ private File folder; /** * data folder location for this sketch (may not exist yet) */ private File dataFolder; /** * Name of sketch, which is the name of main file (without .pde or .java * extension) */ private String name; private List codes = new ArrayList(); private static final Comparator CODE_DOCS_COMPARATOR = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(SketchCode x, SketchCode y) { if (x.isPrimary() && !y.isPrimary()) return -1; if (y.isPrimary() && !x.isPrimary()) return 1; return x.getFileName().compareTo(y.getFileName()); } }; /** * Create a new SketchData object, and looks at the sketch directory * on disk to get populate the list of files in this sketch. * * @param file * The primary file for this sketch. */ Sketch(File file) throws IOException { primaryFile = file; // get the name of the sketch by chopping .pde or .java // off of the main file name String mainFilename = primaryFile.getName(); int suffixLength = getDefaultExtension().length() + 1; name = mainFilename.substring(0, mainFilename.length() - suffixLength); folder = new File(file.getParent()); dataFolder = new File(folder, "data"); codes = listSketchFiles(true); } static public File checkSketchFile(File file) { // check to make sure that this .pde file is // in a folder of the same name String fileName = file.getName(); File parent = file.getParentFile(); String parentName = parent.getName(); String pdeName = parentName + ".pde"; File altPdeFile = new File(parent, pdeName); String inoName = parentName + ".ino"; File altInoFile = new File(parent, inoName); if (pdeName.equals(fileName) || inoName.equals(fileName)) return file; if (altPdeFile.exists()) return altPdeFile; if (altInoFile.exists()) return altInoFile; return null; } /** * Reload the list of files. This checks the sketch directory on disk, * to see if any files were added or removed. This does *not* check * the contents of the files, just their presence. * * @return true when the list of files was changed, false when it was * not. */ public boolean reload() throws IOException { List reloaded = listSketchFiles(false); if (!reloaded.equals(codes)) { codes = reloaded; return true; } return false; } /** * Scan this sketch's directory for files that should be loaded as * part of this sketch. Doesn't modify this SketchData instance, just * returns a filtered and sorted list of File objects ready to be * passed to the SketchCode constructor. * * @param showWarnings * When true, any invalid filenames will show a warning. */ private List listSketchFiles(boolean showWarnings) throws IOException { Set result = new TreeSet<>(CODE_DOCS_COMPARATOR); for (File file : FileUtils.listFiles(folder, false, EXTENSIONS)) { if (BaseNoGui.isSanitaryName(file.getName())) { result.add(new SketchCode(file, file.equals(primaryFile))); } else if (showWarnings) { System.err.println(I18n.format(tr("File name {0} is invalid: ignored"), file.getName())); } } if (result.size() == 0) throw new IOException(tr("No valid code files found")); return new ArrayList<>(result); } /** * Create the data folder if it does not exist already. As a * convenience, it also returns the data folder, since it's likely * about to be used. */ public File prepareDataFolder() { if (!dataFolder.exists()) { dataFolder.mkdirs(); } return dataFolder; } public void save() throws IOException { for (SketchCode code : getCodes()) { if (code.isModified()); } } public int getCodeCount() { return codes.size(); } public SketchCode[] getCodes() { return codes.toArray(new SketchCode[0]); } /** * Returns a file object for the primary .pde of this sketch. */ public File getPrimaryFile() { return primaryFile; } /** * Returns path to the main .pde file for this sketch. */ public String getMainFilePath() { return primaryFile.getAbsolutePath(); //return code[0].file.getAbsolutePath(); } public void addCode(SketchCode sketchCode) { codes.add(sketchCode); Collections.sort(codes, CODE_DOCS_COMPARATOR); } protected void replaceCode(SketchCode newCode) { for (SketchCode code : codes) { if (code.getFileName().equals(newCode.getFileName())) { codes.set(codes.indexOf(code), newCode); return; } } } public SketchCode getCode(int i) { return codes.get(i); } protected void removeCode(SketchCode which) { if (!codes.remove(which)) System.err.println("removeCode: internal error.. could not find code"); } public String getName() { return name; } public File getFolder() { return folder; } public File getDataFolder() { return dataFolder; } /** * Is any of the files in this sketch modified? */ public boolean isModified() { for (SketchCode code : codes) { if (code.isModified()) return true; } return false; } }