// Generate a manpage with: a2x -f manpage manpage.adoc
// or HTML with: a2x -f xhtml manpage.adoc
// This file uses {empty}:: in some places, to allow putting multiple
// paragraphs inside a single label list item. This is a bit ugly and
// non-semantic, but it seems this is the best way to do this. Asciidoc
// also supports putting a plus sign on a line by itself to join two
// paragraphs into a single list item. However, the indentation on the
// second paragraph makes that formatted with a fixed-size font.
// Removing the indentation completely makes the asciidoc source very
// unreadable. Also, for the --board option, there is a a paragraph,
// followed by a list, followed by another paragraph. The + approach can
// only put the latter paragraph into the inner list, not the outer
// one...

:doctype: manpage

arduino - Integrated development environment for Arduino boards

*arduino* ['FILE.ino'...]

*arduino* [*--verify*|*--upload*] [*--board* __package__:__arch__:__board__[:__parameters__]] [*--port* __portname__] [*--pref* __name__=__value__] [*-v*|*--verbose*] [__FILE.ino__]

The 'arduino' integrated development environment allows editing,
compiling and uploading sketches (programs) for Arduino
(and compatible) microcontroller boards.

Normally, running the arduino command starts the IDE, optionally loading
any .ino files specified on the commandline.

Alternatively, if any of the following command line options is given, no graphical
interface will be shown and instead a one-off verify (compile) or upload
will be done. A single .ino file should be given. If the sketch contains
multiple .ino files, any one can be specified on the commandline, but
the entire sketch will be compiled.

When running in a one-off mode, it might be useful to set the
*build.path* preference to allow keeping intermediate build results
between multiple runs and only recompile the files that changed.

Note that on MacOS X, the main executable is
'Arduino.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub' instead of 'arduino'.

*--board* __package__:__arch__:__board__[:__parameters__]::
	Select the board to compile for.

	 * __package__ is the identifier of the vendor (the first
	   level folders inside the 'hardware' directory). Default
	   arduino boards use 'arduino'.
	 * __architecture__ is the architecture of the board (second level folders
	   inside the 'hardware' directory). Default arduino boards use
	   either *arduino:avr* for all AVR-based boards (like Uno, Mega
	   or Leonardo) or *arduino:sam* for 32bit SAM-based boards
	   (like Arduino Due).
	 * __board__ is the actual board to use, as defined in 'boards.txt'
	   contained in the architecture folder selected. For example,
	   *arduino:avr:uno* for the Arduino Uno,
	   *arduino:avr:diecimila* for the Arduino Duemilanove or
	   Diecimila, or *arduino:avr:mega* for the Arduino Mega.
	 * __parameters__ is a comma-separated list of boards specific parameters
	   that are normally shown under submenus of the "Tools" menu. For
	   example *arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega168* to Select the mega168
	   variant of the Arduino Nano board.

	If this option is not passed, the value from the current
	preferences is used (e.g., the last board selected in the IDE).

*--port* __portname__::
	Select the serial port to perform upload of the sketch.
	On linux and MacOS X, this should be the path to a device file (e.g.,
	*/dev/ttyACM0*). On Windows, this should be the name of the serial
	port (e.g., *COM3*).

	If this option is not passed, the value from the current
	preferences is used (e.g., the last port selected in the IDE).

	Enable verbose mode during build. If this option is not given,
	verbose mode during build is *disabled* regardless of the current

	This option is only valid together with *--verify* or

	Enable verbose mode during upload. If this option is not given,
	verbose mode during upload is *disabled* regardless of the current

	This option is only valid together with *--verify* or

*-v, --verbose*::
	Enable verbose mode during build and upload.
	This option has the same effect of using both *--verbose-build*
	and *--verbose-upload*.

	This option is only valid together with *--verify* or

*--preferences-file* __filename__::
	Read and store preferences from the specified __filename__ instead
	of the default one.

*--pref* __name__=__value__::
	Sets the preference __name__ to the given __value__.

	Note that the preferences you set with this option are not
	validated: Invalid names will be set but never used, invalid
	values might lead to an error later on.

	Save any (changed) preferences to *preferences.txt*. In particular
	*--board*, *--port*, *--pref*, *--verbose*, *--verbose-build* and
	*--verbose-upload* may alter the current preferences.

	Build and upload the sketch.

	Build the sketch.

*--get-pref __preference__*::
	Prints the value of the given preference to the standard output
	stream. When the value does not exist, nothing is printed and
	the exit status is set (see EXIT STATUS below).

Arduino keeps a list of preferences, as simple name and value pairs.
Below, a few of them are documented but a lot more are available.

	The path where sketches are (usually) stored. This path can also
	contain some special subdirectories (see FILES below).

	When set to true, the IDE checks for a new version on startup.

	When set to true, use an external editor (the IDE does not allow
	editing and reloads each file before verifying).

	The path to use for building. This is where things like the
	preprocessed .cpp file, compiled .o files and the final .hex
	file go.

	If set, this directory should already exist before running the
	arduino command.

	If this preference is not set (which is normally the case), a
	new temporary build folder is created on every run and deleted
	again when the application is closed.

*0*:: Success
*1*:: Build failed or upload failed
*2*:: Sketch not found
*3*:: Invalid (argument for) commandline option
*4*:: Preference passed to *--get-pref* does not exist

	This file stores the preferences used for the IDE, building and
	uploading sketches.

*My Documents/Arduino/* (Windows)::
*~/Documents/Arduino/* (Mac OS X)::
*~/Arduino/* (Linux)::
	This directory is referred to as the "Sketchbook" and contains
	the user's sketches. The path can be changed through the
	*sketchbook.path* preference.

	Apart from sketches, three special directories can be inside the

		Libraries can be put inside this directory, one library
		per subdirectory.

		Support for third-party hardware can be added through
		this directory.

		External code-processing tools (that can be run through
		the Tools menu of the IDE) can be added here.


Start the Arduino IDE, with two files open:

     arduino /path/to/sketch/sketch.ino /path/to/sketch/extra.ino

Compile and upload a sketch using the last selected board and serial port

     arduino --upload /path/to/sketch/sketch.ino

Compile and upload a sketch to an Arduino Nano, with an Atmega168 CPU,
connected on port '/dev/ttyACM0':

     arduino --board arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega168 --port /dev/ttyACM0 --upload /path/to/sketch/sketch.ino

Compile a sketch, put the build results in the 'build' directory an
re-use any previous build results in that directory.

     arduino --pref build.path=/path/to/sketch/build --verify /path/to/sketch/sketch.ino

Change the selected board and build path and do nothing else.

     arduino --pref build.path=/path/to/sketch/build --board arduino:avr:uno --save-prefs

	Added initial commandline support. This introduced *--verify*,
	*--upload*, *--board*, *--port*, *--verbose* and *-v*.

	Added support for board-specific parameters to *--board*.

	Sketch filenames are now interpreted relative to the current
	directory instead of the location of the arduino command itself.

	Introduced *--pref*, *--preferences-file*, *--verbose-build* and

	Preferences set through --pref are remembered, preferences set
	through *--board*, *--port* or the *--verbose* options are not.

	When running with *--verify* or *--upload*, the full GUI is no
	longer shown. Error messages still use a graphical popup and on
	Windows, the splash screen is still shown.

	Introduced *--save-prefs*.

	*--pref* options are now not saved to the preferences file, just
	like *--board* and *--port*, unless *--save-prefs* is specified.

	A path passed to *--preferences-file*, or set in the
	*build.path*, *preferences.path* or *settings.path* is now
	interpreted relative to the current directory instead of the
	location of the arduino command itself.

Web site: <http://arduino.cc/>

Help on projects and programming: <http://forum.arduino.cc/>

Report bugs: <http://github.com/arduino/Arduino/issues>

IDE and framework development mailing list: <https://groups.google.com/a/arduino.cc/forum/#!forum/developers>