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synced 2025-02-13 07:54:20 +01:00
Changed the location where the variable `folder` gets updated. The function `getDataFolder()` uses this variable to return the data folder. It was looking for the data folder of the original sketch in the folder of the new created sketch. Furthermore the data folder will now be created if it does not exist yet in the new sketch before copying the files of the original sketch.
379 lines
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379 lines
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package processing.app;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import cc.arduino.files.DeleteFilesOnShutdown;
import processing.app.helpers.FileUtils;
import static processing.app.I18n.tr;
* This represents a single sketch, consisting of one or more files.
public class Sketch {
public static final String DEFAULT_SKETCH_EXTENSION = "ino";
public static final List<String> OLD_SKETCH_EXTENSIONS = Arrays.asList("pde");
public static final List<String> SKETCH_EXTENSIONS = Stream.concat(Stream.of(DEFAULT_SKETCH_EXTENSION), OLD_SKETCH_EXTENSIONS.stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
public static final List<String> OTHER_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = Arrays.asList("c", "cpp", "h", "hh", "hpp", "s");
public static final List<String> EXTENSIONS = Stream.concat(SKETCH_EXTENSIONS.stream(), OTHER_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS.stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
* folder that contains this sketch
private File folder;
private List<SketchFile> files = new ArrayList<>();
private File buildPath;
public static final Comparator<SketchFile> CODE_DOCS_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<SketchFile>() {
public int compare(SketchFile x, SketchFile y) {
if (x.isPrimary() && !y.isPrimary())
return -1;
if (y.isPrimary() && !x.isPrimary())
return 1;
return x.getFileName().compareTo(y.getFileName());
* Create a new SketchData object, and looks at the sketch directory
* on disk to get populate the list of files in this sketch.
* @param file
* Any file inside the sketch directory.
Sketch(File file) throws IOException {
folder = file.getParentFile();
files = listSketchFiles(true);
static public File checkSketchFile(File file) {
// check to make sure that this .pde file is
// in a folder of the same name
String fileName = file.getName();
File parent = file.getParentFile();
String parentName = parent.getName();
String pdeName = parentName + ".pde";
File altPdeFile = new File(parent, pdeName);
String inoName = parentName + ".ino";
File altInoFile = new File(parent, inoName);
if (pdeName.equals(fileName) || inoName.equals(fileName))
return file;
if (altPdeFile.exists())
return altPdeFile;
if (altInoFile.exists())
return altInoFile;
return null;
* Reload the list of files. This checks the sketch directory on disk,
* to see if any files were added or removed. This does *not* check
* the contents of the files, just their presence.
* @return true when the list of files was changed, false when it was
* not.
public boolean reload() throws IOException {
List<SketchFile> reloaded = listSketchFiles(false);
if (!reloaded.equals(files)) {
files = reloaded;
return true;
return false;
* Scan this sketch's directory for files that should be loaded as
* part of this sketch. Doesn't modify this SketchData instance, just
* returns a filtered and sorted list of File objects ready to be
* passed to the SketchFile constructor.
* @param showWarnings
* When true, any invalid filenames will show a warning.
private List<SketchFile> listSketchFiles(boolean showWarnings) throws IOException {
Set<SketchFile> result = new TreeSet<>(CODE_DOCS_COMPARATOR);
for (File file : FileUtils.listFiles(folder, false, EXTENSIONS)) {
if (BaseNoGui.isSanitaryName(FileUtils.splitFilename(file).basename)) {
result.add(new SketchFile(this, file));
} else if (showWarnings) {
System.err.println(I18n.format(tr("File name {0} is invalid: ignored"), file.getName()));
if (result.size() == 0)
throw new IOException(tr("No valid code files found"));
return new ArrayList<>(result);
* Create the data folder if it does not exist already. As a
* convenience, it also returns the data folder, since it's likely
* about to be used.
public File prepareDataFolder() {
File dataFolder = getDataFolder();
if (!dataFolder.exists()) {
return dataFolder;
public void save() throws IOException {
for (SketchFile file : getFiles()) {
if (file.isModified())
public int getCodeCount() {
return files.size();
public SketchFile[] getFiles() {
return files.toArray(new SketchFile[0]);
* Returns a file object for the primary .pde of this sketch.
public SketchFile getPrimaryFile() {
return files.get(0);
* Returns path to the main .pde file for this sketch.
public String getMainFilePath() {
return getPrimaryFile().getFile().getAbsolutePath();
public SketchFile getFile(int i) {
return files.get(i);
* Gets the build path for this sketch. The first time this is called,
* a build path is generated and created and the same path is returned
* on all subsequent calls.
* This takes into account the build.path preference. If it is set,
* that path is always returned, and the directory is *not* deleted on
* shutdown. If the preference is not set, a random pathname in a
* temporary directory is generated, which is automatically deleted on
* shutdown.
public File getBuildPath() throws IOException {
if (buildPath == null) {
if (PreferencesData.get("build.path") != null) {
buildPath = BaseNoGui.absoluteFile(PreferencesData.get("build.path"));
} else {
buildPath = FileUtils.createTempFolder("arduino_build_");
return buildPath;
protected void removeFile(SketchFile which) {
if (!files.remove(which))
System.err.println("removeCode: internal error.. could not find code");
public String getName() {
return folder.getName();
public File getFolder() {
return folder;
public File getDataFolder() {
return new File(folder, "data");
* Is any of the files in this sketch modified?
public boolean isModified() {
for (SketchFile file : files) {
if (file.isModified())
return true;
return false;
* Finds the file with the given filename and returns its index.
* Returns -1 when the file was not found.
public int findFileIndex(File filename) {
int i = 0;
for (SketchFile file : files) {
if (file.getFile().equals(filename))
return i;
return -1;
* Check if renaming/saving this sketch to the given folder would
* cause a problem because: 1. The new folder already exists 2.
* Renaming the primary file would cause a conflict with an existing
* file. If so, an IOEXception is thrown. If not, the name of the new
* primary file is returned.
protected File checkNewFoldername(File newFolder) throws IOException {
String newPrimary = FileUtils.addExtension(newFolder.getName(), DEFAULT_SKETCH_EXTENSION);
// Verify the new folder does not exist yet
if (newFolder.exists()) {
String msg = I18n.format(tr("Sorry, the folder \"{0}\" already exists."), newFolder.getAbsoluteFile());
throw new IOException(msg);
// If the folder is actually renamed (as opposed to moved somewhere
// else), check for conflicts using the new filename, but the
// existing folder name.
if (!newFolder.getName().equals(folder.getName()))
checkNewFilename(new File(folder, newPrimary));
return new File(newFolder, newPrimary);
* Check if renaming or adding a file would cause a problem because
* the file already exists in this sketch. If so, an IOEXception is
* thrown.
* @param newFile
* The filename of the new file, or the new name for an
* existing file.
protected void checkNewFilename(File newFile) throws IOException {
// Verify that the sketch doesn't have a filem with the new name
// already, other than the current primary (index 0)
if (findFileIndex(newFile) >= 0) {
String msg = I18n.format(tr("The sketch already contains a file named \"{0}\""), newFile.getName());
throw new IOException(msg);
* Rename this sketch' folder to the given name. Unlike saveAs(), this
* moves the sketch directory, not leaving anything in the old place.
* This operation does not *save* the sketch, so the files on disk are
* moved, but not modified.
* @param newFolder
* The new folder name for this sketch. The new primary
* file's name will be derived from this.
* @throws IOException
* When a problem occurs. The error message should be
* already translated.
public void renameTo(File newFolder) throws IOException {
// Check intended rename (throws if there is a problem)
File newPrimary = checkNewFoldername(newFolder);
// Rename the sketch folder
if (!getFolder().renameTo(newFolder))
throw new IOException(tr("Failed to rename sketch folder"));
folder = newFolder;
// Tell each file about its new name
for (SketchFile file : files)
file.renamedTo(new File(newFolder, file.getFileName()));
// And finally, rename the primary file
public SketchFile addFile(String newName) throws IOException {
// Check the name will not cause any conflicts
File newFile = new File(folder, newName);
// Add a new sketchFile
SketchFile sketchFile = new SketchFile(this, newFile);
Collections.sort(files, CODE_DOCS_COMPARATOR);
return sketchFile;
* Save this sketch under the new name given. Unlike renameTo(), this
* leaves the existing sketch in place.
* @param newFolder
* The new folder name for this sketch. The new primary
* file's name will be derived from this.
* @throws IOException
* When a problem occurs. The error message should be
* already translated.
public void saveAs(File newFolder) throws IOException {
// Check intented rename (throws if there is a problem)
File newPrimary = checkNewFoldername(newFolder);
// Create the folder
if (!newFolder.mkdirs()) {
String msg = I18n.format(tr("Could not create directory \"{0}\""), newFolder.getAbsolutePath());
throw new IOException(msg);
// Save the files to their new location
for (SketchFile file : files) {
if (file.isPrimary())
file.saveAs(new File(newFolder, file.getFileName()));
// Copy the data folder (this may take a while.. add progress bar?)
if (getDataFolder().exists()) {
File newDataFolder = new File(newFolder, "data");
// Check if data folder exits, if not try to create the data folder
if (!newDataFolder.exists() && !newDataFolder.mkdirs()) {
String msg = I18n.format(tr("Could not create directory \"{0}\""), newFolder.getAbsolutePath());
throw new IOException(msg);
// Copy the data files into the new folder
FileUtils.copy(getDataFolder(), newDataFolder);
// Change folder to the new folder
folder = newFolder;
* Deletes this entire sketch from disk.
void delete() {