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17 KiB

// Squawk Soft-Synthesizer Library for Arduino
// Davey Taylor 2013
// d.taylor@arduino.cc
#include "Squawk.h"
// Period range, used for clamping
#define PERIOD_MIN 28
#define PERIOD_MAX 3424
// Convenience macros
#define LO4(V) ((V) & 0x0F)
#define HI4(V) (((V) & 0xF0) >> 4)
#define MIN(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define FREQ(PERIOD) (tuning_long / (PERIOD))
// SquawkStream class for PROGMEM data
class StreamROM : public SquawkStream {
uint8_t *p_start;
uint8_t *p_cursor;
StreamROM(const uint8_t *p_rom = NULL) { p_start = p_cursor = (uint8_t*)p_rom; }
uint8_t read() { return pgm_read_byte(p_cursor++); }
void seek(size_t offset) { p_cursor = p_start + offset; }
// Oscillator memory
typedef struct {
uint8_t fxp;
uint8_t offset;
uint8_t mode;
} pto_t;
// Deconstructed cell
typedef struct {
uint8_t fxc, fxp, ixp;
} cel_t;
// Effect memory
typedef struct {
int8_t volume;
uint8_t port_speed;
uint16_t port_target;
bool glissando;
pto_t vibr;
pto_t trem;
uint16_t period;
uint8_t param;
} fxm_t;
// Locals
static uint8_t order_count;
static uint8_t order[64];
static uint8_t speed;
static uint8_t tick;
static uint8_t ix_row;
static uint8_t ix_order;
static uint8_t ix_nextrow;
static uint8_t ix_nextorder;
static uint8_t row_delay;
static fxm_t fxm[4];
static cel_t cel[4];
static uint32_t tuning_long;
static uint16_t sample_rate;
static float tuning = 1.0;
static uint16_t tick_rate = 50;
static SquawkStream *stream;
static uint16_t stream_base;
static StreamROM rom;
// Imports
extern intptr_t squawk_register;
extern uint16_t cia;
// Exports
osc_t osc[4];
uint8_t pcm = 128;
// ProTracker period tables
uint16_t period_tbl[84] PROGMEM = {
3424, 3232, 3048, 2880, 2712, 2560, 2416, 2280, 2152, 2032, 1920, 1814,
1712, 1616, 1524, 1440, 1356, 1280, 1208, 1140, 1076, 1016, 960, 907,
856, 808, 762, 720, 678, 640, 604, 570, 538, 508, 480, 453,
428, 404, 381, 360, 339, 320, 302, 285, 269, 254, 240, 226,
214, 202, 190, 180, 170, 160, 151, 143, 135, 127, 120, 113,
107, 101, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 71, 67, 63, 60, 56,
53, 50, 47, 45, 42, 40, 37, 35, 33, 31, 30, 28,
// ProTracker sine table
int8_t sine_tbl[32] PROGMEM = {
0x00, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x25, 0x30, 0x3C, 0x47, 0x51, 0x5A, 0x62, 0x6A, 0x70, 0x76, 0x7A, 0x7D, 0x7F,
0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7D, 0x7A, 0x76, 0x70, 0x6A, 0x62, 0x5A, 0x51, 0x47, 0x3C, 0x30, 0x25, 0x18, 0x0C,
// Squawk object
SquawkSynth Squawk;
// Look up or generate waveform for ProTracker vibrato/tremolo oscillator
static int8_t do_osc(pto_t *p_osc) {
int8_t sample = 0;
int16_t mul;
switch(p_osc->mode & 0x03) {
case 0: // Sine
sample = pgm_read_byte(&sine_tbl[(p_osc->offset) & 0x1F]);
if(p_osc->offset & 0x20) sample = -sample;
case 1: // Square
sample = (p_osc->offset & 0x20) ? 127 : -128;
case 2: // Saw
sample = -(p_osc->offset << 2);
case 3: // Noise (random)
sample = rand();
mul = sample * LO4(p_osc->fxp);
p_osc->offset = (p_osc->offset + HI4(p_osc->fxp));
return mul >> 6;
// Calculates and returns arpeggio period
// Essentially finds period of current note + halftones
static inline uint16_t arpeggio(uint8_t ch, uint8_t halftones) {
uint8_t n;
for(n = 0; n != 47; n++) {
if(fxm[ch].period >= pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[n])) break;
return pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[MIN(n + halftones, 47)]);
// Calculates and returns glissando period
// Essentially snaps a sliding frequency to the closest note
static inline uint16_t glissando(uint8_t ch) {
uint8_t n;
uint16_t period_h, period_l;
for(n = 0; n != 47; n++) {
period_l = pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[n]);
period_h = pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[n + 1]);
if(fxm[ch].period < period_l && fxm[ch].period >= period_h) {
if(period_l - fxm[ch].period <= fxm[ch].period - period_h) {
period_h = period_l;
return period_h;
// Tunes Squawk to a different frequency
void SquawkSynth::tune(float new_tuning) {
tuning = new_tuning;
tuning_long = (long)(((double)3669213184.0 / (double)sample_rate) * (double)tuning);
// Sets tempo
void SquawkSynth::tempo(uint16_t new_tempo) {
tick_rate = new_tempo;
cia = sample_rate / tick_rate; // not atomic?
// Initializes Squawk
// Sets up the selected port, and the sample grinding ISR
void SquawkSynth::begin(uint16_t hz) {
word isr_rr;
sample_rate = hz;
tuning_long = (long)(((double)3669213184.0 / (double)sample_rate) * (double)tuning);
cia = sample_rate / tick_rate;
if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR0A) {
// Squawk uses PWM on OCR0A/PD5(ATMega328/168)/PB7(ATMega32U4)
#ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
DDRB |= 0b10000000; // TODO: FAIL on 32U4
DDRD |= 0b01000000;
TCCR0A = 0b10000011; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
TCCR0B = 0b00000001; // 62500Hz
OCR0A = 0x7F;
} else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR0B) {
// Squawk uses PWM on OCR0B/PC5(ATMega328/168)/PD0(ATMega32U4)
#ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
DDRD |= 0b00000001;
DDRD |= 0b00100000;
#endif // Set timer mode to
TCCR0A = 0b00100011; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
TCCR0B = 0b00000001; // 62500Hz
OCR0B = 0x7F;
#ifdef OCR2A
} else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR2A) {
// Squawk uses PWM on OCR2A/PB3
DDRB |= 0b00001000; // Set timer mode to
TCCR2A = 0b10000011; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
TCCR2B = 0b00000001; // 62500Hz
OCR2A = 0x7F;
#ifdef OCR2B
} else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR2B) {
// Squawk uses PWM on OCR2B/PD3
DDRD |= 0b00001000; // Set timer mode to
TCCR2A = 0b00100011; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
TCCR2B = 0b00000001; // 62500Hz
OCR2B = 0x7F;
#ifdef OCR3AL
} else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR3AL) {
// Squawk uses PWM on OCR3AL/PC6
DDRC |= 0b01000000; // Set timer mode to
TCCR3A = 0b10000001; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
TCCR3B = 0b00001001; // 62500Hz
OCR3AH = 0x00;
OCR3AL = 0x7F;
} else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&SPDR) {
// Squawk uses external DAC via SPI
// TODO: Configure SPI
// TODO: Needs SS toggle in sample grinder
} else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&PORTB) {
// Squawk uses resistor ladder on PORTB
// TODO: Needs shift right in sample grinder
DDRB = 0b11111111;
} else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&PORTC) {
// Squawk uses resistor ladder on PORTC
// TODO: Needs shift right in sample grinder
DDRC = 0b11111111;
// Seed LFSR (needed for noise)
osc[3].freq = 0x2000;
// Set up ISR to run at sample_rate (may not be exact)
isr_rr = F_CPU / sample_rate;
TCCR1A = 0b00000000; // Set timer mode
TCCR1B = 0b00001001;
OCR1AH = isr_rr >> 8; // Set freq
OCR1AL = isr_rr & 0xFF;
// Decrunches a 9 byte row into a useful data
static void decrunch_row() {
uint8_t data;
// Initial decrunch
stream->seek(stream_base + ((order[ix_order] << 6) + ix_row) * 9);
data = stream->read(); cel[0].fxc = data << 0x04;
cel[1].fxc = data & 0xF0;
data = stream->read(); cel[0].fxp = data;
data = stream->read(); cel[1].fxp = data;
data = stream->read(); cel[2].fxc = data << 0x04;
cel[3].fxc = data >> 0x04;
data = stream->read(); cel[2].fxp = data;
data = stream->read(); cel[3].fxp = data;
data = stream->read(); cel[0].ixp = data;
data = stream->read(); cel[1].ixp = data;
data = stream->read(); cel[2].ixp = data;
// Decrunch extended effects
if(cel[0].fxc == 0xE0) { cel[0].fxc |= cel[0].fxp >> 4; cel[0].fxp &= 0x0F; }
if(cel[1].fxc == 0xE0) { cel[1].fxc |= cel[1].fxp >> 4; cel[1].fxp &= 0x0F; }
if(cel[2].fxc == 0xE0) { cel[2].fxc |= cel[2].fxp >> 4; cel[2].fxp &= 0x0F; }
// Decrunch cell 3 ghetto-style
cel[3].ixp = ((cel[3].fxp & 0x80) ? 0x00 : 0x7F) | ((cel[3].fxp & 0x40) ? 0x80 : 0x00);
cel[3].fxp &= 0x3F;
switch(cel[3].fxc) {
case 0x02:
case 0x03: if(cel[3].fxc & 0x01) cel[3].fxp |= 0x40; cel[3].fxp = (cel[3].fxp >> 4) | (cel[3].fxp << 4); cel[3].fxc = 0x70; break;
case 0x01: if(cel[3].fxp & 0x08) cel[3].fxp = (cel[3].fxp & 0x07) << 4; cel[3].fxc = 0xA0; break;
case 0x04: cel[3].fxc = 0xC0; break;
case 0x05: cel[3].fxc = 0xB0; break;
case 0x06: cel[3].fxc = 0xD0; break;
case 0x07: cel[3].fxc = 0xF0; break;
case 0x08: cel[3].fxc = 0xE7; break;
case 0x09: cel[3].fxc = 0xE9; break;
case 0x0A: cel[3].fxc = (cel[3].fxp & 0x08) ? 0xEA : 0xEB; cel[3].fxp &= 0x07; break;
case 0x0B: cel[3].fxc = (cel[3].fxp & 0x10) ? 0xED : 0xEC; cel[3].fxp &= 0x0F; break;
case 0x0C: cel[3].fxc = 0xEE; break;
// Apply generic effect parameter memory
uint8_t ch;
cel_t *p_cel = cel;
fxm_t *p_fxm = fxm;
for(ch = 0; ch != 4; ch++) {
uint8_t fx = p_cel->fxc;
if(fx == 0x10 || fx == 0x20 || fx == 0xE1 || fx == 0xE2 || fx == 0x50 || fx == 0x60 || fx == 0xA0) {
if(p_cel->fxp) {
p_fxm->param = p_cel->fxp;
} else {
p_cel->fxp = p_fxm->param;
p_cel++; p_fxm++;
// Resets playback
static void playroutine_reset() {
memset(fxm, 0, sizeof(fxm));
tick = 0;
ix_row = 0;
ix_order = 0;
ix_nextrow = 0xFF;
ix_nextorder = 0xFF;
row_delay = 0;
speed = 6;
// Start grinding samples
void SquawkSynth::play() {
TIMSK1 = 1 << OCIE1A; // Enable interrupt
// Load a melody stream and start grinding samples
void SquawkSynth::play(SquawkStream *melody) {
uint8_t n;
stream = melody;
n = stream->read();
if(n == 'S') {
// Squawk SD file
stream_base = stream->read() << 8;
stream_base |= stream->read();
stream_base += 6;
} else {
// Squawk ROM array
stream_base = 1;
order_count = stream->read();
if(order_count <= 64) {
stream_base += order_count + 1;
for(n = 0; n < order_count; n++) order[n] = stream->read();
} else {
order_count = 0;
// Load a melody in PROGMEM and start grinding samples
void SquawkSynth::play(const uint8_t *melody) {
rom = StreamROM(melody);
// Pause playback
void SquawkSynth::pause() {
TIMSK1 = 0; // Disable interrupt
// Stop playing, unload melody
void SquawkSynth::stop() {
order_count = 0; // Unload melody
// Progress module by one tick
void squawk_playroutine() {
static bool lockout = false;
if(!order_count) return;
// Protect from re-entry via ISR
if(lockout) {
lockout = true;
// Handle row delay
if(row_delay) {
if(tick == 0) row_delay--;
// Advance tick
if(++tick == speed) tick = 0;
} else {
// Quick pointer access
fxm_t *p_fxm = fxm;
osc_t *p_osc = osc;
cel_t *p_cel = cel;
// Temps
uint8_t ch, fx, fxp;
bool pattern_jump = false;
uint8_t ix_period;
for(ch = 0; ch != 4; ch++) {
uint8_t temp;
// Local register copy
fx = p_cel->fxc;
fxp = p_cel->fxp;
ix_period = p_cel->ixp;
// If first tick
if(tick == (fx == 0xED ? fxp : 0)) {
// Reset volume
if(ix_period & 0x80) p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = 0x20;
if((ix_period & 0x7F) != 0x7F) {
// Reset oscillators (unless continous flag set)
if((p_fxm->vibr.mode & 0x4) == 0x0) p_fxm->vibr.offset = 0;
if((p_fxm->trem.mode & 0x4) == 0x0) p_fxm->trem.offset = 0;
// Cell has note
if(fx == 0x30 || fx == 0x50) {
// Tone-portamento effect setup
p_fxm->port_target = pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[ix_period & 0x7F]);
} else {
// Set required effect memory parameters
p_fxm->period = pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[ix_period & 0x7F]);
// Start note
if(ch != 3) p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
// Effects processed when tick = 0
switch(fx) {
case 0x30: // Portamento
if(fxp) p_fxm->port_speed = fxp;
case 0xB0: // Jump to pattern
ix_nextorder = (fxp >= order_count ? 0x00 : fxp);
ix_nextrow = 0;
pattern_jump = true;
case 0xC0: // Set volume
p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = MIN(fxp, 0x20);
case 0xD0: // Jump to row
if(!pattern_jump) ix_nextorder = ((ix_order + 1) >= order_count ? 0x00 : ix_order + 1);
pattern_jump = true;
ix_nextrow = (fxp > 63 ? 0 : fxp);
case 0xF0: // Set speed, BPM(CIA) not supported
if(fxp <= 0x20) speed = fxp;
case 0x40: // Vibrato
if(fxp) p_fxm->vibr.fxp = fxp;
case 0x70: // Tremolo
if(fxp) p_fxm->trem.fxp = fxp;
case 0xE1: // Fine slide up
if(ch != 3) {
p_fxm->period = MAX(p_fxm->period - fxp, PERIOD_MIN);
p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
case 0xE2: // Fine slide down
if(ch != 3) {
p_fxm->period = MIN(p_fxm->period + fxp, PERIOD_MAX);
p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
case 0xE3: // Glissando control
p_fxm->glissando = (fxp != 0);
case 0xE4: // Set vibrato waveform
p_fxm->vibr.mode = fxp;
case 0xE7: // Set tremolo waveform
p_fxm->trem.mode = fxp;
case 0xEA: // Fine volume slide up
p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = MIN(p_fxm->volume + fxp, 0x20);
case 0xEB: // Fine volume slide down
p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = MAX(p_fxm->volume - fxp, 0);
case 0xEE: // Delay
row_delay = fxp;
} else {
// Effects processed when tick > 0
switch(fx) {
case 0x10: // Slide up
if(ch != 3) {
p_fxm->period = MAX(p_fxm->period - fxp, PERIOD_MIN);
p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
case 0x20: // Slide down
if(ch != 3) {
p_fxm->period = MIN(p_fxm->period + fxp, PERIOD_MAX);
p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
// Just feels... ugly
case 0xE9: // Retrigger note
temp = tick; while(temp >= fxp) temp -= fxp;
if(!temp) {
if(ch == 3) {
p_osc->freq = p_osc->phase = 0x2000;
} else {
p_osc->phase = 0;
case 0xEC: // Note cut
if(fxp == tick) p_osc->vol = 0x00;
default: // Multi-effect processing
// Portamento
if(ch != 3 && (fx == 0x30 || fx == 0x50)) {
if(p_fxm->period < p_fxm->port_target) p_fxm->period = MIN(p_fxm->period + p_fxm->port_speed, p_fxm->port_target);
else p_fxm->period = MAX(p_fxm->period - p_fxm->port_speed, p_fxm->port_target);
if(p_fxm->glissando) p_osc->freq = FREQ(glissando(ch));
else p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
// Volume slide
if(fx == 0x50 || fx == 0x60 || fx == 0xA0) {
if((fxp & 0xF0) == 0) p_fxm->volume -= (LO4(fxp));
if((fxp & 0x0F) == 0) p_fxm->volume += (HI4(fxp));
p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = MAX(MIN(p_fxm->volume, 0x20), 0);
// Normal play and arpeggio
if(fx == 0x00) {
if(ch != 3) {
temp = tick; while(temp > 2) temp -= 2;
if(temp == 0) {
// Reset
p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
} else if(fxp) {
// Arpeggio
p_osc->freq = FREQ(arpeggio(ch, (temp == 1 ? HI4(fxp) : LO4(fxp))));
} else if(fx == 0x40 || fx == 0x60) {
// Vibrato
if(ch != 3) p_osc->freq = FREQ((p_fxm->period + do_osc(&p_fxm->vibr)));
} else if(fx == 0x70) {
int8_t trem = p_fxm->volume + do_osc(&p_fxm->trem);
p_osc->vol = MAX(MIN(trem, 0x20), 0);
// Next channel
p_fxm++; p_cel++; p_osc++;
// Advance tick
if(++tick == speed) tick = 0;
// Advance playback
if(tick == 0) {
if(++ix_row == 64) {
ix_row = 0;
if(++ix_order >= order_count) ix_order = 0;
// Forced order/row
if( ix_nextorder != 0xFF ) {
ix_order = ix_nextorder;
ix_nextorder = 0xFF;
if( ix_nextrow != 0xFF ) {
ix_row = ix_nextrow;
ix_nextrow = 0xFF;
lockout = false;