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587 lines
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Executable File
Library.java - Library System for Wiring
Copyright (c) 2006 Nicholas Zambetti. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package processing.app;
import processing.app.syntax.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.zip.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
* Provides information about and builds a library
public class Library implements MessageConsumer{
private File libFolder;
private File utilityFolder;
private LibraryManager libManager;
RunnerException exception;
static final String BUGS_URL = "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590";
static final String SUPER_BADNESS = "Compiler error, please submit this code to " + BUGS_URL;
* Create a Library
public Library(LibraryManager manager, File folder)
libFolder = folder;
libManager = manager;
utilityFolder = getUtilityFolder();
// for debug output
System.out.println("library: " + getName());
System.out.println("folder: " + getFolder());
System.out.println("utility: " + utilityFolder);
System.out.println("built: " + isBuilt());
System.out.println("buildable: " + isBuildable());
System.out.println("o files: " + getObjectFiles().length);
System.out.println("c files: " + getCSourceFiles().length);
System.out.println("cpp files: " + getCPPSourceFiles().length);
* Directory of library
* @return File object of library's folder
public File getFolder()
return libFolder;
* The name of library
* @return String with library name, derived from folder
* note: this will be eventually taken from xml description file
public String getName()
return libFolder.getName();
* Tests if library is built
* @return True if library has .o files, false otherwise
public boolean isBuilt()
if(getObjectFiles().length >= (getCSourceFiles().length + getCPPSourceFiles().length)){
return true;
return false;
* Tests if library is buildable
* @return True if library has source files, false otherwise
public boolean isBuildable()
if(0 < (getCSourceFiles().length + getCPPSourceFiles().length)){
return true;
return false;
* Tests if library is unbuilt but buildable
* @return True if library has .cpp files but no .o files, false otherwise
public boolean isUnbuiltBuildable()
return true;
return false;
* Scans for library "utility" folder
* @return File object of library's "utility" folder, or null
private File getUtilityFolder()
FileFilter filter = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return true;
return false;
File[] files = libFolder.listFiles(filter);
if(files.length > 0){
return files[0];
return null;
* Finds examples folder
* @return "examples" folder as file object or null
private File getExamplesFolder()
FileFilter filter = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return true;
return false;
File[] files = libFolder.listFiles(filter);
if(files.length > 0){
return files[0];
return null;
* Populates example menu or submenu with files
private void populateWithExamples(File folder, JMenu menu, ActionListener listener) {
FileFilter onlyfolders = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return file.isDirectory();
File[] folders = folder.listFiles(onlyfolders);
File file;
JMenu submenu;
JMenuItem item;
for(int i = 0; i < folders.length; ++i){
file = new File(folders[i], folders[i].getName() + ".pde");
item = new JMenuItem(folders[i].getName());
submenu = new JMenu(folders[i].getName());
populateWithExamples(folders[i], submenu, listener);
* Builds and returns an examples menu
* @return JMenu object with example files, or null if none
public JMenu getExamplesMenu(ActionListener listener) {
JMenu submenu;
File examplesFolder = getExamplesFolder();
if(null != examplesFolder){
submenu = new JMenu("Library-" + getName());
populateWithExamples(examplesFolder, submenu, listener);
return submenu;
return null;
* List of object files for linking
* @return Array of object files as File objects
private File[] getObjectFiles(File folder)
FileFilter onlyObjectFiles = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return (file.getName()).endsWith(".o");
return folder.listFiles(onlyObjectFiles);
public File[] getObjectFiles()
if(null == utilityFolder){
return getObjectFiles(libFolder);
File[] libraryObjects = getObjectFiles(libFolder);
File[] utilityObjects = getObjectFiles(utilityFolder);
File[] objects = new File[libraryObjects.length + utilityObjects.length];
System.arraycopy(libraryObjects, 0, objects, 0, libraryObjects.length);
System.arraycopy(utilityObjects, 0, objects, libraryObjects.length, utilityObjects.length);
return objects;
* List of header source files for inclusion
* @return Array of header source files as File objects
public File[] getHeaderFiles()
FileFilter onlyHFiles = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return (file.getName()).endsWith(".h");
return libFolder.listFiles(onlyHFiles);
* List of library's C source files for compiling
* @return Array of C source files as File objects
private File[] getCSourceFiles(File folder)
FileFilter onlyCFiles = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return (file.getName()).endsWith(".c");
return folder.listFiles(onlyCFiles);
private File[] getCSourceFiles()
if(null == utilityFolder){
return getCSourceFiles(libFolder);
File[] librarySources = getCSourceFiles(libFolder);
File[] utilitySources = getCSourceFiles(utilityFolder);
File[] sources = new File[librarySources.length + utilitySources.length];
System.arraycopy(librarySources, 0, sources, 0, librarySources.length);
System.arraycopy(utilitySources, 0, sources, librarySources.length, utilitySources.length);
return sources;
* List of C++ source files for compiling
* @return Array of C++ source files as File objects
private File[] getCPPSourceFiles(File folder)
FileFilter onlyCPPFiles = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return (file.getName()).endsWith(".cpp");
return folder.listFiles(onlyCPPFiles);
private File[] getCPPSourceFiles()
if(null == utilityFolder){
return getCPPSourceFiles(libFolder);
File[] librarySources = getCPPSourceFiles(libFolder);
File[] utilitySources = getCPPSourceFiles(utilityFolder);
File[] sources = new File[librarySources.length + utilitySources.length];
System.arraycopy(librarySources, 0, sources, 0, librarySources.length);
System.arraycopy(utilitySources, 0, sources, librarySources.length, utilitySources.length);
return sources;
* Attempt to build library
* @return true on successful build, false otherwise
public boolean build() throws RunnerException
// fail if library is not buildable (contains no sources)
return false;
String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator;
String avrBasePath;
if(Base.isMacOS()) {
avrBasePath = new String("tools/avr/bin/");
else if(Base.isLinux()) {
avrBasePath = new String("");
else {
avrBasePath = new String(userdir + "tools/avr/bin/");
String[] baseCompileCommandC = new String[] {
avrBasePath + "avr-gcc",
"-mmcu=" + Preferences.get("build.mcu"),
"-DF_CPU=" + Preferences.get("build.f_cpu"),
"-I" + libManager.getTarget().getPath(),
"-I" + getFolder(),
String[] baseCompileCommandCPP = new String[] {
avrBasePath + "avr-g++",
"-mmcu=" + Preferences.get("build.mcu"),
"-DF_CPU=" + Preferences.get("build.f_cpu"),
"-I" + libManager.getTarget().getPath(),
"-I" + getFolder(),
// use built lib directories in include paths when searching for headers
// this allows libs to use other libs easily
int extraSpots = 2; // two spots for file path and -o portions
utilityFolder = getUtilityFolder(); // refresh status of utility folder
if(null != utilityFolder){
extraSpots = 3; // an extra spot for utility folder as include
String[] libDirs = libManager.getFolderPaths();
String[] compileCommandC = new String[baseCompileCommandC.length + libDirs.length + extraSpots];
String[] compileCommandCPP = new String[baseCompileCommandCPP.length + libDirs.length + extraSpots];
System.arraycopy(baseCompileCommandC, 0, compileCommandC, 0, baseCompileCommandC.length);
System.arraycopy(baseCompileCommandCPP, 0, compileCommandCPP, 0, baseCompileCommandCPP.length);
for (int i = 0; i < libDirs.length; ++i) {
compileCommandC[baseCompileCommandC.length + i] = "-I" + libDirs[i];
compileCommandCPP[baseCompileCommandCPP.length + i] = "-I" + libDirs[i];
// add this library's "utility" folder to inclusion paths
if(null != utilityFolder){
compileCommandC[compileCommandC.length - 3] = "-I" + utilityFolder.getPath();
compileCommandCPP[compileCommandCPP.length - 3] = "-I" + utilityFolder.getPath();
File[] sourcesC = getCSourceFiles();
File[] sourcesCPP = getCPPSourceFiles();
// execute the compiler, and create threads to deal
// with the input and error streams
int result = 0;
try {
String pathSansExtension;
Process process;
boolean compiling = true;
// compile c sources
for(int i = 0; i < sourcesC.length; ++i) {
pathSansExtension = sourcesC[i].getPath();
pathSansExtension = pathSansExtension.substring(0, pathSansExtension.length() - 2); // -2 because ".c"
compileCommandC[compileCommandC.length - 2] = sourcesC[i].getPath();
compileCommandC[compileCommandC.length - 1] = "-o" + pathSansExtension + ".o";
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(compileCommandC);
new MessageSiphon(process.getInputStream(), this);
new MessageSiphon(process.getErrorStream(), this);
// wait for the process to finish. if interrupted
// before waitFor returns, continue waiting
compiling = true;
while (compiling) {
try {
result = process.waitFor();
//System.out.println("result is " + result);
compiling = false;
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) { }
if (exception != null) {
exception.hideStackTrace = true;
throw exception;
if(result != 0){
return false;
// compile c++ sources
for(int i = 0; i < sourcesCPP.length; ++i) {
pathSansExtension = sourcesCPP[i].getPath();
pathSansExtension = pathSansExtension.substring(0, pathSansExtension.length() - 4); // -4 because ".cpp"
compileCommandCPP[compileCommandCPP.length - 2] = sourcesCPP[i].getPath();
compileCommandCPP[compileCommandCPP.length - 1] = "-o" + pathSansExtension + ".o";
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(compileCommandCPP);
new MessageSiphon(process.getInputStream(), this);
new MessageSiphon(process.getErrorStream(), this);
// wait for the process to finish. if interrupted
// before waitFor returns, continue waiting
compiling = true;
while (compiling) {
try {
result = process.waitFor();
//System.out.println("result is " + result);
compiling = false;
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) { }
if (exception != null) {
exception.hideStackTrace = true;
throw exception;
if(result != 0){
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = e.getMessage();
if ((msg != null) && (msg.indexOf("avr-gcc: not found") != -1)) {
Base.showWarning("Compiler error",
"Could not find the compiler.\n" +
"avr-gcc is missing from your PATH,\n" +
"see readme.txt for help.", null);
return false;
} else if ((msg != null) && (msg.indexOf("avr-g++: not found") != -1)) {
Base.showWarning("Compiler error",
"Could not find the compiler.\n" +
"avr-g++ is missing from your PATH,\n" +
"see readme.txt for help.", null);
return false;
} else {
result = -1;
// an error was queued up by message()
if (exception != null) {
throw exception;
if (result != 0 && result != 1 ) {
throw new RunnerException(SUPER_BADNESS);
// success would mean that 'result' is set to zero
return (result == 0); // ? true : false;
* Part of the MessageConsumer interface, this is called
* whenever a piece (usually a line) of error message is spewed
* out from the compiler. The errors are parsed for their contents
* and line number, which is then reported back to Editor.
public void message(String inString) {
// This receives messages as full lines, so a newline needs
// to be added as they're printed to the console.
// always print all compilation output for library writers!
String outString = "";
// shorten file paths so that they are friendlier
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
String substring = libFolder.getPath() + File.separator;
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
while ((end = inString.indexOf(substring, start)) >= 0) {
result.append(inString.substring(start, end));
start = end + substring.length();
outString = result.toString();
// prepare error for throwing
if (inString.indexOf("error") != -1){
exception = new RunnerException("Error building library \"" + getName() + "\"");
* Handles loading of keywords file.
* It is recommended that a # sign be used for comments
* inside keywords.txt.
public void addSyntaxColors(PdeKeywords keywords) {
File keywordsFile = new File(libFolder.getPath() + File.separator + "keywords.txt");
// do not bother if no keywords file to read
// should reprimand negligent library writers?!
if(!keywordsFile.exists() || !keywordsFile.canRead()){
// open file stream in the verbose java way
InputStream input = new FileInputStream(keywordsFile);
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(input);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line = null;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
// skip empty and whitespace lines
if (line.trim().length() == 0){
// skip lines without tabs
if (line.indexOf('\t') == -1){
String pieces[] = Base.split(line, '\t');
if (pieces.length >= 2) {
String keyword = pieces[0].trim();
String coloring = pieces[1].trim();
if (coloring.length() > 0) {
// text will be KEYWORD or LITERAL
boolean isKey = (coloring.charAt(0) == 'K');
// KEYWORD1 -> 0, KEYWORD2 -> 1, etc
int num = coloring.charAt(coloring.length() - 1) - '1';
byte id = (byte)((isKey ? Token.KEYWORD1 : Token.LITERAL1) + num);
//System.out.println("got " + (isKey ? "keyword" : "literal") + (num+1) + " for " + keyword);
PdeKeywords.getKeywordColoring().add(keyword, id);
// close file stream
} catch (Exception e) {
Base.showError("Problem Loading Keywords",
"Could not load or interpret 'keywords.txt' in " + getName() + " library.\n" +
"This must be corrected before distributing.", e);