mirror of https://github.com/arduino/Arduino.git synced 2025-03-25 12:55:57 +01:00

116 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File

# Part of the Arduino project
# http://arduino.berlios.de
# this is derived from the processing project
# http://www.processing.org
# This file is subjected to the GPL License
# NOTE: before running this script, you must set CLASSPATH to
# your standard Java classpath, and DIRAVR to the root of your
# avr-gcc installation.
### -- SETUP WORK DIR -------------------------------------------
if test -d work
# needs to make the dir because of packaging goofiness
echo Setting up directories to build under Linux
mkdir -p work/classes/processing/app/preproc
mkdir -p work/classes/processing/app/syntax
mkdir -p work/classes/processing/app/tools
mkdir -p work/lib/build
#mkdir -p work/examples
#need to replace this with the linux native library for RXTX
echo Unzipping reference...
unzip -q -d work ../shared/reference.zip
cp dist/arduino work/
# copy the avr-gcc distribution
#echo Copying tools \(this may take a minute\)...
# for now, require all linux users to install avr-gcc themselves
#cp -pR dist/tools.zip work/
#cd work
#unzip -oq tools.zip
#rm tools.zip
#cd ..
echo Copying shared and core files...
cp -r ../shared/* work
rm -rf work/dist
cp -r ../../targets work/lib
rm work/reference.zip
echo Copying examples...
#unzip -d work/examples ../shared/dist/examples.zip
cp -r ../shared/dist/examples work/
echo Copying dist files...
cp -r dist/lib work/
#cp -r dist/core work/
cp -r dist/bootloader work/
cp -r dist/tools work/
### -- START BUILDING -------------------------------------------
# move to root 'arduino' directory
cd ../..
### -- BUILD GCC ------------------------------------------------
# in the future we will build avr-gcc and tools (if they don't exist)
### -- COPY BOOTLOADER -----------------------------------------
cd bootloader
# don't make the bootloader, since it rarely changes and requires
# installation of make.
# make
cp ATmegaBOOT.hex ../build/linux/work/bootloader
cd ..
### -- BUILD PARSER ---------------------------------------------
cd app
cd preproc
# build classes/grammar for preprocessor
echo Building antlr grammar code...
# first build the default java goop
java -cp ../../build/linux/work/lib/antlr.jar antlr.Tool StdCParser.g
# now build the pde stuff that extends the java classes
java -cp ../../build/linux/work/lib/antlr.jar antlr.Tool -glib StdCParser.g WParser.g
java -cp ../../build/linux/work/lib/antlr.jar antlr.Tool WTreeParser.g
java -cp ../../build/linux/work/lib/antlr.jar antlr.Tool -glib WTreeParser.g WEmitter.g
cd ..
### -- BUILD PDE ------------------------------------------------
echo Building the PDE...
# compile the code as java 1.3, so that the application will run and
# show the user an error, rather than crapping out with some strange
# "class not found" crap
#jikes -classpath ../build/linux/work/classes:../build/linux/work/lib/antlr.jar:../build/linux/work/lib/oro.jar:../build/linux/work/lib/registry.jar:../build/linux/work/lib/RXTXcomm.jar:../build/linux/work/lib/mrj.jar:$CLASSPATH -d ../build/linux/work/classes tools/*.java preproc/*.java syntax/*.java *.java
javac -classpath ../build/linux/work/class:../build/linux/work/lib/antlr.jar:../build/linux/work/lib/oro.jar:../build/linux/work/lib/registry.jar:../build/linux/work/lib/RXTXcomm.jar:../build/linux/work/lib/mrj.jar:$CLASSPATH -d ../build/linux/work/classes tools/*.java preproc/*.java syntax/*java *.java
cd ../build/linux/work/classes
rm -f ../lib/pde.jar
zip -0rq ../lib/pde.jar .
cd ../..
echo Done.